1,229 research outputs found

    Analysis of Quantitative Trait Loci for Protein Content in Soybean Seeds Using Recombinant Inbred Lines

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    Protein content in the seed is quantitatively inherited and controlled by polygene. The quality of seed protein content has been studied extensively, however, information on its quantity is still limited. In order to analyze the genetic basis of these traits, recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross between Glycine max (L.) Merrill variety Misuzudaizu and variety Moshidou Gong 503 were planted in two environments and evaluated for seed protein content. The broad sense heritability of the traits ranged from 0.74 to 0.79 in our RIL population. Single-factor analysis of variance, interval mapping and composite interval mapping were used to detect significant associations between traits and genetic markers. A total of 10 QTLs, which were significant in at least one environment were identified. Each QTL explained the total phenotypic variation for protein content in the range from 3.4% to 29.7%. Among all the detected QTLs, three of them were detected in both environments. QTLs identified in this study were mapped in the soybean linkage map. The results obtained in our study may serve as a base for analyzing the genetic control of protein content and may eventually enable to change the seed constituents

    Nitrogen Cycling in Indonesian Agriculture Around 1968 to 2008 and Its Environmental Impacts

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    The objectives of this study were to examine the efficiency of nitrogen and its lost to the environment, to estimate its environmental impacts and their mitigation measures. Nitrogen mass-balance models were developed to determine production, efficiency and the nitrogen losses. The results showed the trend of the system, increased the lost and decreased the efficiency of nitrogen fertliser around 1968 dan 2008. The material balance model outputs predicted that around 140 kg N/ha.year in 2008 were lost and entering the environment or ecosystem. The future of Indonesian agriculture will be more intensive and fertiliser application will increase. Fertiliser impacts are decreased of nitrogen efficiency, soil organic matters, macro-elements and organisms, and groundwater contamination and air pollution. It is strongly recommended that the future of Indonesian agricultural development should sustain the production by optimising the input and cut the losses

    The role of 'perceptions of information value' in information security compliance behaviour: a study in Brunei Darussalam's public organisations

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    It has been widely accepted that information is an asset and it needs to be protected. Many types of countermeasures were developed and implemented to ensure continuous protection of information where it is deemed necessary. Unfortunately, in many cases, breaches of security are the result of non-compliance behaviours of users or stakeholders of the system. These non-compliance behaviours increase the vulnerability of such system. Organisations are trying to improve their stakeholders compliance behaviour through different ways for example by providing necessary awareness, education and training and to the extent of providing rewards for healthy behaviours and reprimanding and penalising stakeholders for breaches of security. Despite all these efforts, information security breaches are still on the rise and many types of research have been done to understand this issue. It is postulated that an object is protected if it is appreciated. Appreciation of an object might relate to a value perceived by the owner in association with the object. For the similar reason, this thesis investigates the role of perceptions of information value in the context of its security. It is postulated that perceptions of information value could become an alternative way to understand information security compliance behaviour. Utilising a conceptual framework deduced from current literature to structurally analyse a list of research objectives, empirical evidence of the potential role of information perceived value in promoting better compliance behaviour have indeed been discovered. There is evidence that a perception of information value is developed through a systematic process of value assignment or information value assignment process. These processes are significant to the development of stakeholders intention to behave. The finding of this process has provided a platform for the organisation to understand the casual behind the information security behaviours displayed by stakeholders in the organisation. Further evidence has also suggested that the information value assignment is fuelled or influenced by several factors. These factors have provided a unique opportunity for the organisation to manipulate and nurture to have maximum impact on their information value assignment process, resulting in a possible improved intention to behave, thus, subsequently might affect the actual information security compliance behaviour

    Politik Pangan Berbasis Industri Tepung Komposit

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    Penduduk Indonesia saat ini lebih dari 250 juta jiwa menimbulkan banyak permasalahan pada pangan pokok sehingga perlu mendapatkan perhatian serius. Pangan pokok sumber karbohidrat yang banyak dikonsumsi adalah beras dan terigu. Sebagai sumber karbohidrat penting, terigu bukan produksi lokal yang membawa persoalan ketahanan pangan dan menguras devisa negara. Indonesia memiliki beragam sumber karbohidrat lainnya, baik dari serealia, umbi-umbian, maupun palma yang belum dimanfaatkan. Tujuan tulisan ini adalah untuk mengkaji pentingnya politik pangan berbasis industri tepung komposit dalam rangka mendukung ketahanan pangan nasional. Pertumbuhan industri tepung secara alamiah tidak dapat diharapkan terjadi dengan cepat dan berkontribusi nyata terhadap ketahanan pangan. Produksi dan perdagangan terigu telah menjadi bagian dari sistem pangan, industri, dan ekonomi nasional sehingga pengendalian yang tidak cermat dapat menimbulkan gejolak sosial dan ekonomi. Membiarkan berjalan tanpa kendali dapat menimbulkan kesulitan pangan dimasa mendatang, sebaliknya mengatur secara ketat menimbulkan persoalan sosial dan ekonomi terkait kesempatan kerja. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan kebijakan komprehensif yang mendorong perkembangan industri tepung komposit. Penyelarasan antara pertumbuhan konsumsi tepung dengan pemanfaatan bahan pangan lokal melalui pengembangan tepung komposit perlu diatur dengan kebijakan komprehensif yang kondusif. Kebijakan yang diperlukan meliputi pendampingan, keringanan, dan promosi. Kebijakan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai ditanggung pemerintah dapat dipertimbangkan sebagai salah satu upaya mendorong importir gandum dan industri terigu untuk mengembangkan tepung komposi

    Model Kelembagaan Pengembangan Agrowisata Berbasis Agroindustri Kakao di Kabupaten Pidie Jaya Provinsi Aceh

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    . Kelembagaan memiliki peran utama dalam menentukan keterpaduan dan keberlanjutan pengembangan agrowisata berbasis agroindustri kakao dengan cara mengurangi ketidak teraturan melalui pembentukan suatu struktur yang stabil bagi interaksi manusia yang terlibat didalamnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan model kelembagaan pengembangan agrowisata berbasis agroindustri kakao yang ideal dengan pendekatan sistem menggunakan metode Analitycal Hierarchy Process (AHP). Input data berasal dari panel pakar ahli berjumlah lima orang berlatar belakang akademisi, peneliti, praktisi, dan dinas terkait. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan skenario yang dipilih untuk model kelembagaan agrowisata berbasis agroindustri kakao adalah model lembaga kemitraan. Model lembaga kemitraan diyakini lebih efektif dalam mencapai tujuan utama pengembangan agrowisata berbasis agroindustri yaitu menumbuhkan ekonomi masyarakat lokal berbasis teknologi melalui pengintegrasian USAha yang terpadu dan berkelanjutan. Dalam pencapaian tujuan tersebut juga diperlukan peran aktif dan sinergisitas dari berbagai stake holder yang terlibat seperti pengelola, perguruan tinggi, dinas terkait, kelompok tani serta lembaga keuangan. Disamping itu perlu juga diperhatikan aspek-aspek yang mempengaruhi pengembangan seperti potensi pasar, ketersediaan sumberdaya manusia dan teknologi, kebijakan pemerintah, serta dukungan kelembagaan

    Growth and Morphological Changes as an Early Indication of in Vitro Ploidization of Tectona Grandis

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    Ploidization level estimation can be conducted in several methods, through morphological, growth response, anatomy, cytology, and molecular markers. The simplest and easiest methods are morphological marker and growth response. The study aimed to develop early detection method of polyploidy occurrence in in vitro. Tectona grandis after treated by antimitotic agent colchicine. Nodal segments were immersed at 0, 15, and 30 μM colchicines for 5 days, then cultured for 8 weeks. Observations on plantlet height, number of leaves and morphology were performed at 2, 4, and 6 weeks after planting. Colchicine had high significant effect on the height and significant effect on leaves number. High concentration colchicine inhibited shoot elongation and leaves growth, however it increased morphological changes. The planlets height of 0, 15, and 30 μM of colchicine treatment was 4.14; 3.82; 3.12 cm; while the number of leaves as much as 8.72; 8.4, and 7.5. Colchicine led to increase in morphological changes at the levels 0, 15, 30 μM were 26,60%; 46.66%; and 93.33%. Changes caused by polyploidy differ from media. Changes in polyploidy decreased the height, number of leaves, and induced morphological changes, whereas planting media resulted in vitrification. Response to colchicines in culture of T. grandis plantlet allows the growth and morphology to be a marker for early detection of polyploidization

    Analisis Alternatif Strategi Pengembangan Koperasi Produksi Susu

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    The objective of the research is to analyze the strategic alternative to be implemented in the Bogor development of milk production cooperation. The analysis covered descriptive analysis, Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE), External Factor Evaluation (EFE), Internal-External (IE) matrix analysis, Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threat (SWOT). The results showed that the position of the cooperatives in quadrants V of the Internal-Eksternal (IE) matrix, the strategy of the cooperative should be hold and maintain where a strategy that is widely used in these cells is market penetration and product development. Managerial implication of alternative strategy that can be immplemented in the milk production cooperatives are improve the competitiveness of products, products promotion, promotion activities by socializing the importance of drinking milk, product diversification, improve the quality of milk, strengthening the modal through loan with the financial intitutions, coordinating with the government to get assistance in strengthening the cooperation and breeder, increasing the population of cattle through joint venture, expanding markets, improve production facilities, improve technology, develop the healthy partnership, improve the management of the maintenance of dairy cows

    Dampak Perubahan Efisiensi Di Stasiun Sterilisasi Pabrik Kelapa Sawit Menggunakan Model Input-output Leontief

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    Limbah yang dihasilkan dari pabrik kelapa sawit (PKS) yang merupakan rincian aliran massa pada setiap proses dari input bahan baku berupa tandan buah segar dan kebutuhan air, sampai ke output dan hasil samping dari pabrik kelapa sawit, dapat diketahui dari perhitungan neraca massa. Kuantitas limbah dan Crude Palm Oil (CPO) yang dihasilkan bergantung dari teknologi yang digunakan di PKS. Perubahan teknologi pada satu stasiun akan mempengaruhi stasiun lain di PKS. Stasiun yang paling terpengaruh adalah stasiun sterilisasi. Berdasarkan persamaan konsep dari kesetimbangan neraca massa, penelitian ini menggunakan Model Input-Output Leontief untuk menghitung dampak Perubahan efisiensi pada stasiun sterilisasi pabrik kelapa sawit. Perubahan koefisien teknologi di stasiun sterilisasi dari konvensional (76%) dengan teknologi baru (96%) adalah meningkatnya jumlah output CPO sebesar 23,1% dari 6.236 menjadi 7.677 kg dan output kernel juga meningkat 16,4% dari 2.025 menjadi 2.357 kg. Perubahan teknologi tersebut mengakibatkan pula turunnya jumlah limbah cair sebesar 18,1% dari 20.800 menjadi 17.044 kg, dan meningkatnya jumlah limbah padat sebesar 16,4% dari 12.109 menjadi 14.093 kg
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