85 research outputs found

    Imaging the dynamics of magma propagation using radiated seismic intensity.

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    International audienceAt shallow depth beneath the Earth's surface, magma propagates through strongly heterogeneous volcanic material. Inversion of buoyancy and/or solidification have strong impacts on the dynamics of propagation without any change of magma supply. In this paper, we study the spatial and time evolution of magma intrusions using induced seismicity. We propose a new method based on ratio analysis of estimates of radiated seismic intensities recorded at different stations during seismic swarms. By applying this method to the January 2010 Piton de la Fournaise volcano eruption, we image complex dike propagation dynamics which strongly differ from a model of constant velocity dike propagation. We provide a new method to image in real time the dynamics of dike propagation and to infer the position of eruptive fissures

    Wind Speed as a Dominant Source of Periodicities in Reported Emission Rates of Volcanic SO2

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    Volcanoes have been found to display periodicities or cyclic trends in a wide range of phenomena. These include the eruptive activity itself, but also in the time series of geophysical and geochemical monitoring data such as volcanic degassing. Here, we test the existence of periodicities of volcanic degassing at 32 volcanoes using the time series of sulfur dioxide (SO2) emission rates from data of the Network of Volcanic and Atmospheric Change (NOVAC). We use the Lomb-Scargle periodogram to analyze the SO2 data which allows efficient computation of a Fourier-like power spectrum from unevenly sampled data. We were able to calculate False-Alarm Probabilities in 28 of the 32 volcanoes, and we identified significant periodicities in the SO2 emission rates in 17 of the 28 volcanoes. However, we find that most of these periodicities are also present in the plume speeds used to determine SO2 emission rates. Periodicities at about 30–70, ∼120, and ∼180\ua0days were identified at volcanoes located between 16\ub0N and 16\ub0S and are related to intraseasonality and interseasonality in global trade winds and not volcanic in origin. Periodicities between 30 and 70\ua0days in both plume speed and SO2 emission rates are associated to the Madden-Julian Oscillation that is responsible for intraseasonal variability in the tropical atmosphere. Our study highlights the importance of using local wind data for deriving realistic SO2 emissions and the identification of short-term periodicity in volcanic behavior

    Real-time assessment of potential seismic migration within a monitoring network using Red-flag SARA

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    Magma opening new fluid pathways through the crust can generate migrating seismic sources following the trail of the magma. By using Seismic Amplitude Ratio Analysis (SARA), it is possible to detect this seismic migration simply from the amplitudes of continuous data recorded at different stations in a network, without having to do any picking of seismic phases. In this study, we present a modified method – Red-flag SARA, which adapts SARA for real-time monitoring. Red-flag SARA provides a quantitative tool to analyse amplitude ratios between stations in a network and detect temporal changes in these ratios. Since such changes imply seismic source location variations, Red-flag SARA is a handy tool during seismic crises to quickly answer the question of whether seismic activity, and therefore magma, is migrating or not. We tested Red-flag SARA on synthetic data and validated it using real data from two volcanoes – Piton de la Fournaise, Reunion Island, and Gede, Indonesia, for three scenarios: 1) magma migration ending as intrusion, 2) migration leading to eruption and 3) a burst of seismicity with no magma migration

    Periodic sulphur dioxide degassing from the Soufriere Hills Volcano related to deep magma supply

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    Soufrière Hills Volcano produced prodigious quantities of sulphur dioxide (SO2) gas throughout 1995–2013. An unprecedented, detailed record of SO2 flux shows that high SO2 fluxes were sustained through eruptive pauses and for two years after the end of lava extrusion and are decoupled from lava extrusion rates. Lava extrusion rates have exhibited strong 1- to 2-year cyclicity. Wavelet analysis demonstrates periodicities of c. 5 months and c. 2 years within the SO2 time series, as well as the shorter cycles identified previously. The latter period is similar to the wavelength of cycles in lava extrusion, albeit non-systematically offset. The periodicities are consistent with pressure changes accompanying deformation in a coupled magma reservoir system whereby double periodic behaviour may arise from limited connectivity between two reservoirs. During periods of lava extrusion SO2 is released together with the lava (yielding the c. 2 year period), albeit with some offset. In contrast, when magma cannot flow because of its yield strength, SO2 is released independently from lava (yielding the c. 5 month period). Our results have implications for eruption forecasting. It seems likely that, when deep supply of magma ceases, gas fluxes will cease to be periodic

    Anatomy of phreatic eruptions

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    This study investigates phreatic eruptions at two similar volcanoes, Kawah Ijen (Indonesia) and White Island (New Zealand). By carefully processing broadband seismic signals, we reveal seismic signatures and characteristics of these eruptions. At both volcanoes, the phreatic eruptions are initiated by a very-long-period (VLP) seismic event located at shallow depths between 700 and 900 m below the crater region, and may be triggered by excitation of gas trapped behind a ductile magma carapace. The shallow hydrothermal systems respond in different ways. At Kawah Ijen, the stress change induced by VLPs directly triggers an eigenoscillation of the hyperacidic lake. This so-called seiche is characterized by long-lasting, long-period oscillations with frequencies governed by the dimensions of the crater lake. A progressive lateral rupture of a seal below the crater lake and/or fluids migrating toward the surface is seismically recorded ∼ 15 min later as high-frequency bursts superimposed to tilt signals. At White Island, the hydrothermal system later (∼ 25 min) responds by radiating harmonic tremor at a fixed location that could be generated through eddy-shedding. These seismic signals shed light on several aspects of phreatic eruptions, their generation and timeline. They are mostly recorded at periods longer than tens of seconds further emphasizing the need to deploy broadband seismic equipment close to active volcanic activity

    The propagation and seismicity of dyke injection, new experimental evidence

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    To reach the surface, dykes must overcome the inherent tensile strength of the country rock. As they do, they generate swarms of seismic signals, frequently used for forecasting. In this study we pressurize and inject molten acrylic into an encapsulating host rocks of (1) Etna basalt and (2) Comiso limestone, at 30 MPa of confining pressure. Fracture was achieved at 12 MPa for Etna basalt and 7.2 MPa for Comiso limestone. The generation of radial fractures was accompanied by acoustic emissions (AE) at a dominant frequency of 600 kHz. During “magma” movement in the dykes, AE events of approximately 150 kHz dominant frequency were recorded. We interpret our data using AE location and dominant frequency analysis, concluding that the seismicity associated with magma transport in dykes peaks during initial dyke creation but remains significant as long as magma movement continues. These results have important implications for seismic monitoring of active volcanoes

    Global monitoring of volcanic SO2 degassing with unprecedented resolution from TROPOMI onboard Sentinel-5 Precursor

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    Over the last four decades, space-based nadir observations of sulfur dioxide (SO2 ) proved to be a key data source for assessing the environmental impacts of volcanic emissions, for monitoring volcanic activity and early signs of eruptions, and ultimately mitigating related hazards on local populations and aviation. Despite its importance, a detailed picture of global SO 2 daily degassing is difficult to produce, notably for lower-tropospheric plumes, due largely to the limited spatial resolution and coverage or lack of sensitivity and selectivity to SO2 of current (and previous) nadir sensors. We report here the first volcanic SO2 measurements from the hyperspectral TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) launched in October 2017 onboard the ESA’s Sentinel-5 Precursor platform. Using the operational processing algorithm, we explore the benefit of improved spatial resolution to the monitoring of global volcanic degassing. We find that TROPOMI surpasses any space nadir sensor in its ability to detect weak degassing signals and captures day-to-day changes in SO2 emissions. The detection limit of TROPOMI to SO2 emissions is a factor of 4 better than the heritage Aura/Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI). Here we show that TROPOMI SO2 daily observations carry a wealth of information on volcanic activity. Provided with adequate wind speed data, temporally resolved SO2 fluxes can be obtained at hourly time steps or shorter. We anticipate that TROPOMI SO2 data will help to monitor global volcanic daily degassing and better understand volcanic processes and impacts

    Dike propagation through layered rocks

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    International audienceDike penetration through a succession of upper crustal layers with different densities is studied with a new numerical code. For an individual layer to significantly affect dike ascent, its thickness must be of order 1 when scaled to the characteristic length-scale for the inflated nose region that develops below the dike tip. This characteristic length is L* ∝ (μQ)1/6 (G/(1 - ν))1/2 (Δρg)-2/3, where μ and Δρ are the viscosity and buoyancy of magma, G and ν are elastic moduli for the encasing rocks, Q is the magma flow rate and g gravity. For basaltic dikes, L* is ≈1 km, which is of the same order of magnitude as the typical thickness of sedimentary strata and volcanic deposits. In such conditions, dike ascent proceeds irregularly, with large changes of velocity and width at an interface. Scaling laws for the ascent rate and dike width are derived. Penetration through low-density layers is determined by a local buoyancy balance in the inflated nose region of the dike, independently of the total buoyancy of the magma column between source and tip. In such conditions, a dike develops an internal overpressure that may be large enough to generate a horizontally propagating sill. For this to occur, the thickness of the low-density layers must exceed a threshold value, which depends only on the rock strength and on the average negative buoyancy of magma. For basaltic melt, we estimate that this threshold thickness cannot be less than about 700 m and is 2 km on average

    Eruption versus intrusion? Arrest of propagation of constant volume, buoyant, liquid-filled cracks in an elastic, brittle host

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    International audienceWhen a volume of magma is released from a source at depth, one key question is whether or not this will culminate in an eruption or in the emplacement of a shallow intrusion. We address some of the physics behind this question by describing and interpreting laboratory experiments on the propagation of cracks filled with fixed volumes of buoyant liquid in a brittle, elastic host. Experiments were isothermal, and the liquid was incompressible. The cracks propagated vertically because of liquid buoyancy but were then found to come to a halt at a configuration of static mechanical equilibrium, a result that is inconsistent with the prediction of the theory of linear elastic fracture mechanics in two dimensions. We interpret this result as due to a three-dimensional effect. At the curved crack front, horizontal cracking is necessary in order for vertical propagation to take place. As the crack elongates and thins, the former becomes progressively harder and, in the end, impossible to fracture. We present a scaling law for the final length and breadth of cracks as a function of a governing dimensionless parameter, constructed from the liquid volume, the buoyancy, and host fracture toughness. An important implication of this result is that a minimum volume of magma is required for a volcanic eruption to occur for a given depth of magma reservoir