35 research outputs found

    Impact de l'introduction des légumineuses dans les systèmes de culture sur les émissions de protoxyde d'azote

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    Dans un objectif d'atténuation du réchauffement climatique, la mise en place de systèmes de culture plus autonomes vis - à - vis des engrais minéraux devient incontournable pour réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES) tout en diminuant le coût de la fertilisation. L'insertion de légumineuses dans ces systèmes semble être un levier prometteur pour y parvenir. Les économies d'azote permises par différents modes d'introduction de légumineuses et leur impact sur les émissions de GES ont été estimés et évalués en quantifiant au préalable les flux d'azote dans les systèmes avec ou sans légumineuses à partir de données issues de dispositifs expérimentaux préexistants, disponibles dans la bibliographie ou acquises dans de nouveaux essais. L'introduction de légumineuses présente régulièrement un impact positif sur la réduction de l'emploi des engrais azotés. Le risque d'augmentation de la lixiviation du nitrate dépend de leur mode d'introduction et de leur place dans les rotations. Enfin, les émissions mesurées en cul tures principales de légumineuses sont généralement très significativement réduites en comparaison des cultures fertilisées, cependant la dégradation des résidus des légumineuses (en culture ou en couverts) peut générer des émissions de N 2 O corrélées à leur impact sur les flux d'azote, variable selon les conditions pédoclimatiques. Ces résultats devraient permettre d'élaborer des recommandations pour mieux prendre en compte les légumineuses dans la conception de systèmes de culture plus autonomes vis - à - vis des engrais azotés de synthèse et moins émetteurs de N 2 0

    Ecoalim: a dataset of environmental impacts of feed ingredients used in french animal production

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    All relevant data have been deposited into Dryad (DOI: 10.5061/dryad.14km1).Feeds contribute highly to environmental impacts of livestock products. Therefore, formulating low-impact feeds requires data on environmental impacts of feed ingredients with consistent perimeters and methodology for life cycle assessment (LCA). We created the ECOALIM dataset of life cycle inventories (LCIs) and associated impacts of feed ingredients used in animal production in France. It provides several perimeters for LCIs (field gate, storage agency gate, plant gate and harbour gate) with homogeneously collected data from French R&D institutes covering the 2005–2012 period. The dataset of environmental impacts is available as a Microsoft® Excel spreadsheet on the ECOALIM website and provides climate change, acidification, eutrophication, non-renewable and total cumulative energy demand, phosphorus demand, and land occupation. LCIs in the ECOALIM dataset are available in the AGRIBALYSE® database in SimaPro® software. The typology performed on the dataset classified the 149 average feed ingredients into categories of low impact (co-products of plant origin and minerals), high impact (feed-use amino acids, fats and vitamins) and intermediate impact (cereals, oilseeds, oil meals and protein crops). Therefore, the ECOALIM dataset can be used by feed manufacturers and LCA practitioners to investigate formulation of low-impact feeds. It also provides data for environmental evaluation of feeds and animal production systems. Included in AGRIBALYSE® database and SimaPro®, the ECOALIM dataset will benefit from their procedures for maintenance and regular updating. Future use can also include environmental labelling of commercial products from livestock production

    Data from: ECOALIM: a dataset of environmental impacts of feed ingredients used in French animal production

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    Feeds contribute highly to environmental impacts of livestock products. Therefore, formulating low-impact feeds requires data on environmental impacts of feed ingredients with consistent perimeters and methodology for life cycle assessment (LCA). We created the ECOALIM dataset of life cycle inventories (LCIs) and associated impacts of feed ingredients used in animal production in France. It provides several perimeters for LCIs (field gate, storage agency gate, plant gate and harbour gate) with homogeneously collected data from French R&D institutes covering the 2005–2012 period. The dataset of environmental impacts is available as a Microsoft® Excel spreadsheet on the ECOALIM website and provides climate change, acidification, eutrophication, non-renewable and total cumulative energy demand, phosphorus demand, and land occupation. LCIs in the ECOALIM dataset are available in the AGRIBALYSE® database in SimaPro® software. The typology performed on the dataset classified the 149 average feed ingredients into categories of low impact (co-products of plant origin and minerals), high impact (feed-use amino acids, fats and vitamins) and intermediate impact (cereals, oilseeds, oil meals and protein crops). Therefore, the ECOALIM dataset can be used by feed manufacturers and LCA practitioners to investigate formulation of low-impact feeds. It also provides data for environmental evaluation of feeds and animal production systems. Included in AGRIBALYSE® database and SimaPro®, the ECOALIM dataset will benefit from their procedures for maintenance and regular updating. Future use can also include environmental labelling of commercial products from livestock production


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    Dataset of Environmental Impacts (LCA) of Feed Ingredients Used in French Animal Production