46 research outputs found

    A Turkish password cracker for UNIX based operating systems

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Computer Engineering, Izmir, 2001Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 47-48)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishx, 48 leavesUNIX and UNIX-based operating systems have been widely utilized in local area and wide area network systems that supply application and development chain of users through remote access as well as online connections. Although UNIX operating system has got powerful tools which have secure methods for user authentication, user management and for password storage, weak password choices of the users affect the entire system security negatively. This study aims to crack the password hashes which are encrypted by DES using the method of dictionary attack. The developed application is introduced and compared with the previous utilities. Password encryption, password storage, and the structure which was developed against a possible dictionary attack of UNIX are examined. The good password choosing method for the users and the system administrator are given

    Ortaöğretim Türk Edebiyatı dersi öğretim programı kazanımlarının bilişsel açıdan incelenmesi

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    Ankara : Eğitim Programları ve Ortaöğretim Yüksek Lisans Programı Bilkent Üniversitesi, 2014.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2014.Includes bibliographical references leaves 74-79.This study was conducted by classifying the objectives of the MONE (Ministry of National Education) Secondary Education Turkish Literature Curriculum (2011) using Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. In light of this study, The MONe Secondary Education Turkish Literature teaching program (2011) was examined grad by grad and unit by unit. The classification process started with the objectives of the program being classified and coded using The Microsoft Excel. It was found that the objectives of the MONE Secondary Education Curriculum (2011) included of six levels of cognitive domain, yet it was also included the coverage of the higher order thinking skills are limited.Tahaoğlu, AyşinM.S

    A security and privacy infrastructure for cloud computing using group signatures

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    New software applications are being developed every day by software development groups, ranging from the most professional to smaller amateur ones. The structures of the software development groups are very diverse, and a development environment should satisfy the needs of different kinds of group structure. Considering the advantages of low resource requirement, accessibility through mobile devices with restricted resources, and compatibility with collaborative working environments, Cloud computing is a perfect match for software developers, especially for the groups. However, since Cloud computing operates on insecure Internet, security against malicious third parties is a crucial issue. Files should be kept safe in the Cloud, and should only be accessed by those who have the authorization. Revocation and addition of the group members, and the organization of the access rights should also be performed in an efficient and robust way, fulfilling the needs of different groups. In this thesis, we propose a security and privacy infrastructure for a software development environment running in the Cloud. We propose to solve the security issues using the anonymous credential system, idemix, provided by IBM Research which relies on the Camenisch-Lysyanskaya group signature scheme. Group signatures can provide flexibility in the groups' inner organization and are also helpful for handling the access rights. Moreover, using an anonymous credential system also provides to the group members the ability to keep their anonymity while interacting with Cloud. In this way, we aim to provide an infrastructure to serve the groups with different inner organizations by not compromising their privacy. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed system, we develop a simulation environment using M/D/m/m queues and analyze the proposed system under different scenarios and access control structures. Our results show that the proposed system is an efficient one and can serve up to 1000 concurrent users with response time under one second using four servers

    A comparison between a combination of letrozole and clomiphene citrate versus gonadotropins for ovulation induction in infertile patients with clomiphene citrateresistant polycystic ovary syndrome — a retrospective study

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare a combination treatment with CC plus letrozole versus gonadotropinsin CC-resistant polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) patients with regard to ovulation and clinical pregnancy rate.Material and methods: One hundred sixteen CC-resistant infertile PCOS patients were evaluated retrospectively. The patientswere divided into two groups. Group 1 (n = 73) received CC plus letrozole, and Group 2 (n = 43) received gonadotropins.Results: The ovulation rate in Group 1 was 65/73 (89%), the pregnancy rate was 13/73 (18%), the twin foetuses rate was1/73 (1.3%) and the miscarriage rate was 2/73 (2.7%). In Group 2, the ovulation rate was 41/43 (95%), and the pregnancyrate was 8/43 (19%) the rate of the twin foetuses was 1/43 (2.3%) and the miscarriage rate was 1/43 (2.3%). There was nostatistically significant difference in the ovulation (p = 0.25), pregnancy (p = 0.91), twin foetuses (p = 0.89) and miscarriagep = 0.89) rates between two groups.Conclusions: This new drug combination suggests that it may be a lower cost, lower risk alternative treatment that increasesthe rate of ovulation. Larger randomized clinical trials are needed to provide information on live birth rates of thiscombination

    Konwencjonalna i płynna cytologia – badania porównawcze

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    Objectives: The aim of our study is the comparison of the results of conventional smear (CC) technique and liquidbased cytology (LBC) technique used as cervical cancer screening methods. Material and methods: The results of 47954 patients submitted to smear screening in our gynecology clinic between January 2008 and December 2014 have been studied. The smear results have been divided into two groups CC and LBC according to the technique used. Results: When considering the distribution within CC group, the results were as follows: intraepithelial cell abnormalities 2,0% (n=619), insufficient sample for analysis 2,1% (n=660), Atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US) 1.8% (n=554), Low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LGSIL) 0.1% (n=35), High grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HGSIL) 0.1% (n=16), Atypical squamous cells – cannot exclude HGSIL (ASC-H) 0.029% (n=9), Atypical glandular cells- not other wise specified (AGC-NOS) 0.012% (n=4), squamous carcinoma 0.003% (n=1). When considering the distribution in LBC group, the results were as follows: intraepithelial cell abnormalities2.1% (n=357), insufficient sample for analysis 0.9% (n=144), ASC-US 1.8% (n=296), LGSIL 0.2% (n=38), HGSIL 0.1% (n=8), ASC-H 0.1% (n=10), AGC-NOS 0.017% (n=3), squamous carcinoma 0.011% (n=2). Conclusions: Although the rates of epithelial cell abnormalities are similar for both tests, LSIL results are more frequently observed in LBC technique. In LBC technique, the number of insufficient sample for analysis is quite low compared to CC group and thus constitutes an advantage.  Cel pracy: Celem badania było porównanie wyników konwencjonalnej (CC) i płynnej cytologii (LBC) stosowanej w skriningu raka szyjki macicy. Materiał i metoda: Przeanalizowano wyniki od 47954 pacjentek objętych cytologicznym badaniem skriningowym w naszym oddziale ginekologicznym w okresie od stycznia 2008 do grudnia 2014. Wyniki cytologiczne podzielono na dwie grupy CC i LBC w zależności od techniki pobierania. Wyniki: W grupie CC wyniki przedstawiały się nastepująco: nieprawidłowości komórek śródnabłonkowych 2,0% (n=619), nieodpowiednia próbka do analizy 2,1% (n=660), ASC-US 1.8% (n=554), LGSIL 0.1% (n=35), HGSIL 0.1% (n=16), ASC-H 0.029% (n=9), AGC-NOS 0.012% (n=4), rak płaskonabłonkowy 0.003% (n=1). W grupie LBC wyniki przedstawiały się następująco: nieprawidłowości komórek śródnabłonkowych 2.1% (n=357), nieodpowiednia próbka do analizy 0.9% (n=144), ASC-US 1.8% (n=296), LGSIL 0.2% (n=38), HGSIL 0.1% (n=8), ASC-H 0.1% (n=10), AGC-NOS 0.017% (n=3), rak płaskonabłonkowy 0.011% (n=2). Wnioski: Chociaż odsetek nieprawidłowości komórek śródnabłonkowych jest podobny dla obu testów, wyniki LSIL są częściej obserwowane w technice LBC. W metodzie LBC liczba próbek nieodpowiednich do analizy jest dość niska w porównaniu do grupy CC, stąd jest to jej niewątpliwa zaleta.

    Maternal near-miss patients and maternal mortality cases in a Turkish tertiary referral hospital

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    Objectives: This study aimed to estimate the incidence of maternal near-miss (MNM) morbidity in a tertiary hospital setting in Turkey. Material and methods: In this retrospective study, we concluded 125 MNM patients who delivered between January 2017 and December 2017 and fulfilled the WHO management-based criteria and severe pre-eclamptic and HELLP patients which is the top three highest mortality rates due to pregnancy. Two maternal death cases were also included. The indicators to monitor the quality of obstetric care using MNM patients and maternal deaths were calculated. Demographic characteristics of the patients, the primary diagnoses causing MNM and maternal deaths, clinical and surgical interventions in MNM patients, shock index (SI) value of the patients with obstetric hemorrhage and maternal death cases were evaluated. Results: The MNM ratio was 5.06 patients per 1000 live births. Maternal mortality (MM) ratio was 8.1 maternal deaths per 100 000 live births. SMOR was 5.14 per 1000 live births. The MI was 1.57%, and the MNM/maternal death ratio was 62.4:1. The SI of MNM patients with obstetric hemorrhage was 1.36 ± 0.43, and the SI of the patient who died due to PPH was 1.74. Conclusion: The MNM rates and MM rates in our hospital were higher than high-income countries but were lower than in low- and middle-income countries. Hypertensive disorders and obstetric hemorrhage were the leading conditions related to MNM and MM. However, the MIs for these causes were low, reflecting the good quality of maternal care and well-resourced units. Adopting the MNM concept into the health system and use as an indicator for evaluating maternal health facilities is crucial to prevent MM

    Akciğer kanserinde tanı yöntemleri (70 olgunun değerlendirilmesi)

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    Bu çalışma 39'u sitohistopatolojik olarak verifiye edilmiş diğer 21 'i ise klinik ve radyolojik yöntemler ile teşhis edilen 70 hasta üzerinde yapılmıştır. Hastaların büyük çoğunluğunu sigara tiryakisi erkekler j oluşturmaktadır. Yaş ortalaması 61.7 olan bu hastaların semp tomatolojik ve radyolojik özellikleri literatür ile uyumlu bu lunmuştur. Hastalardaki balgam sitolojisi ile elde edilen pozitif tanı oranları yabancı literatüre göre düşüktür. Bu sonuç has talardan.alınan balgam örneklerinin kalitesindeki düşüklük, hazırlanan preparat sayının az olması ve bu konudaki deneyim lerimizin yetersizliğine bağlı olabilir. Bronkoskopiden hemen sonra alınan balgam sitoloj isileri ile pozitif tanı oranı oldukça yüksektir ve bu yöntem bronkos- kopi öncesi alman balgam sitoloj ileri ve bronkoskopiden 2 sa at sonra alman balgam sitoloj ilerine göre istatistiksel ola rak çok önemli (P<0.01) fark göstermektedir. Bu nedenle ihmal edilmemesi gerektiği kanatine vardık. Tek başına pozitif patolojik tanının en yüksek bulunduğu yöntem bronş lavajıdır. Ancak bu yöntem ile hastaların % ı 44. 2 'sinde pozitif tanı elde edilirken balgam sitolojisi, bronkoskopik biyopsi ve postbronkoskopik balgamların incelen mesiyle tanı oranı % 62. 8' e yükselmektedir. Bu sonuçlara göre aradaki fark istatistiksel olarak çok önemli (P< 0,001) bulun-62 muştur. O halde bu yöntemlerin hepsinin birlikte uygulanması en iyi sidir. Hastaların % 37.1 'inde nörolojik bozukluklar saptandı.. Bu bozukluklar metastaz ve karsinometöz nöromyopati'den oluş maktadır. Bu bulgular akciğer kanserli hastaların ayrıntılı nörolojik incelemeye tabi tutulmaları gereğini göstermektedir. Ultrasonografik inceleme ile 3 hastada karaciğer metas tazı, 4 hastada plörezi, 25 hastada ise akciğer röntgeninde izlenen lezyonların solid karakteri gösterilmiştir. Hastalarımızın % 90 gibi yüksek bir oranda inoperabl bu lunması akciğer kanserinin erken tanısında önemli sorunlarımız olduğunu göstermektedir

    Türkiye'de kişisel verilerin korunması: Mahremiyet risk yönetimine yönelik bir bilgi teknolojileri çerçevesi

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    Privacy has become an important value and right in and of itself where society has recognized the necessity of protecting citizens from its invasion. As a result of the significance of privacy, many disciplines including law, social-psychology, philosophy, economy and technology has approached the notion of privacy in their own areas where information technology used the term personal data protection in order to fulfill the confidentiality, integrity, availability, reliability, quality requirements of data owned by an individual. Previous researches in Turkey analyzed the privacy rights from a public administration and law perspective and technical data protection mechanisms from a computer security perspective. In this study, current situation of data protection in Turkey, technical and non-technical aspects for a secure environment are investigated. An information technology framework is proposed in order to assure an end-to-end privacy during the full life cycle of personal data. The proposed solution is divided into three major domains; government, organizational and data owner domains. Consequently technology which is developed to protect privacy of data against the changing aspects of security concerns is described. Requirements engineering, risk management, incident calculation, compensation modeling, maturity modeling, privacy impact assessment are used in the framework analysis. In this study it is shown that, technology originated threats on privacy can also be avoided by privacy enhancing technologies with a risk management approach. The proposed framework includes the starting point of a national wide privacy protection environment and detailed guidelines for companies, institutions and individuals. Gizlilik ve mahremiyetin kendisi için bir değer ve bir hak olduğu ortaya çıktıkça toplumun kendi halkını koruma ihtiyacı ortaya çıkmıştır. Gizlilik ve mahremiyet öneminin bir sonucu olarak, hukuk, sosyal psikoloji, felsefe, ekonomi ve teknoloji gibi birçok disiplin kendi alanlarındaki bakış açısıyla konuya yaklaşmış, bilişim teknolojisi ise bir bireye ait bilginin gizlilik, bütünlük, erişilebilirlik, güvenilirlik ve kalite ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak için kişisel verilerin korunması terimini kullanmıştır. Türkiye'de önceki araştırmalar mahremiyet haklarını kamu yönetimi ve hukuk perspektif incelerken, veri koruma mekanizmalarını bilgisayar güvenliği perspektifinden incelemiştir. Bu çalışmada Türkiye'deki mevcut veri koruma durumu, güvenli bir ortam sağlamak için teknik ve teknik olmayan yönleri araştırılmıştır. Kişisel bilgilerin tüm yaşam döngüsü boyunca uçtan uca gizliliğinin sağlanması için bir bilgi teknolojileri çerçevesi önerilmiştir. Önerilen çözüm üç ana alana ayrılmıştır; devlet, organizasyon ve veri sahibi. Dolayısıyla güvenlik kaygılarına, bu kaygıların değişen yönlerine ve verinin mahremiyetini korumak için geliştirilen teknoloji incelenmiştir. Çerçevenin analizinde ihtiyaç mühendisliği, risk yönetimi, olayı hesaplama ve tazminat modelleme, kurumsal olgunluk modelleme, mahremiyet etki analizi teknikleri kullanılmıştır. Bu çalışmada, teknoloji kaynaklı mahremiyet tehditlerinin, yine mahremiyet arttırıcı teknolojiler ile risk yönetimi yaklaşımı ile önlenebileceği gösterilmiştir. Önerilen çerçeve, ulusal çapta mahremiyet koruma için bir başlangıç noktası ve şirketler, kurumlar ve bireyler için detaylı kılavuzlar içermektedi

    İçerden öğrenenlerin hisse senedi işlemlerinin getiri performansı :

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    The aim of this master’s thesis is to estimate the return performance of insiders (persons or firms liable for announcing their transactions to the public in accordance with the Capital Markets Board decrees) from their transactions and assess whether outsiders can earn abnormal returns by following reported insider transactions. In the study, Rolling Portfolio Approach has been implemented. As a result of the analysis made, when the purchases and sales of insiders are considered together, it has been observed that they, generally, cannot earn abnormal positive returns from their transactions or that they earn positive abnormal returns in the short periods that follow their transactions. When the returns of the portfolios consisting of stocks of which the insiders are the net purchasers or net sellers are taken into consideration, it has been perceived that the portfolios made up of stocks of which the insiders are net buyers cannot earn daily positive abnormal returns or that they earn daily positive abnormal returns in the short periods following their transactions. In the meantime, net sale portfolios earn statistically significant abnormal negative returns over longer holding periods. On the other hand, it has been perceived that investors replicating insider transactions, in general, cannot earn abnormal returns by employing an investment strategy founded on following the purchases and sales of insiders together. Moreover, it has been observed that an investment strategy based on buying the stocks of which the insiders are the net purchasers does not bring abnormal positive returns or that it can bring abnormal positive returns in the brief periods after the transactions. In contrast, it has been observed that, generally, in the sample period analyzed in the study, by avoiding buying or selling stocks of which the insiders are the net sellers, outsiders can evade daily negative abnormal returns. Findings of this thesis have important implications for the efficiency of the Istanbul Stock Exchange. Results indicate that the Istanbul Stock Exchange is not Semi Strong or Strong Form Efficient.M.B.A. - Master of Business Administratio