282 research outputs found

    Assessment of EFL speaking skills in Qatari public secondary Schools: teachers' practices and challenges

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    This thesis aims to conduct a quantitative investigation into the practices and challenges of EFL teachers in assessing their students’ speaking skills. To collect data for this study, all EFL teachers currently working for the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Qatar were invited to participate in an online survey using Google Forms Software. A total of 120 teachers took part in the data collection process by completing the questionnaire. Using SPSS 23 Software, the data was analyzed under five sets of assessment practices and three categories of challenges. Descriptive statistics revealed that EFL teachers were committed to providing enough time for the assessment of students’ EFL speaking skills. In addition, results proved that teachers were careful to differentiate speaking assessment tasks, use a rating scale in scoring students’ performance and provide students with feedback. However, teachers’ challenges in the assessment of EFL speaking skills were mainly related to practicality issues, the lack of relevant training and the students’ low levels of motivation and English proficiency

    GIS and Cultural Mapping for Better TV Programming and Modelling of Coverage Area of Sudan National Television Service (SNTV)

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    Better TV programming, this paper assumes, won‟t be possible without careful integration of the broadcasted material (i.e. programmes) to viewer‟s geographical and cultural elements on either of the national, regional or local levels. The objective of this paper is to explain how GIS and spatial modelling methods and procedures are applied in cultural mapping and database building. The explanation is made within the framework of the geography of television and related terms such as broadcasting, narrowcasting, station profile, viewing levels, Furthermore; common TV programming concepts are coupled to GIS spatial procedures and models. Samples from SNTV programmes scheduled and broadcasted in the period 2005-2012 were used as data to analyze, using GIS, the ability of such programmes to represent and to reflect the cultural geography of the nation. In addition, digital cultural maps and spatial database building for the country are considered as necessary for better TV programming and broadcasting policies. The results which include spatial mapping, buffers, spatial statistics and models show that; SNTV needs to consider GIS and cultural mapping in order to improve the understanding of its coverage/geography i.e. the homeland. In addition, the benefit from other programmes is rather minimized by many unconsidered factors such as; language type and level, optimum times in relation to viewers‟ economic activities, size of viewers and the availability of viewing facilities particularly in rural areas. A GIS spatially-based model for programme designing, scheduling and broadcasting considering the “what”, “when” and “where” elements of TV programming is suggested. Finally, as a recommendation, research and monitoring of viewers opinion and expectations through projects and regular surveys are needed for better feedback and programme updates

    The Incidence of Lymphoma in Children in Gezira State During 2005-2014:A general Population-Based Study

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    Introduction: Lymphomas are the third most often diagnosed malignant neoplasm among children and adolescents. They constitute about 10-15% of childhood malignancies. We aimed to quantify incidence of Lymphomas (HD and NHD) in the Gezira State and their difference with gender and age. Methods: The data was abstracted and classified accordingly to the third revision of the International Classification of Childhood Cancer. Age-standardised rates (ASR) for three 5-year age groups (0–4 years, 5–9 years and 10–14 years) calculated for males and females.  Results: The total number of children diagnosed with lymphoma was 140 patients.     NHL forms 75/140(53%) and HD 65/140(46%). Incidence of NHL was 6.68/million. Males with NHL was 48/75 (64%) with an ASR of 5.71/million and females 27/75(36%) with ASR of 4.04/million and a ratio of 1.7:1. The most common age group of presentation of NHL in males was 5-9 years of age, while in females was from 10-14 years of age. Incidence of HD was 4.22/million. Males constituted about 40/65 (62%) with an ASR of 4.72/million, while females were 25/65(38%) with ASR of 3.72 and males to females ratio of 1.6:1. The common age of presentation of HD in both males and females was 5-9 years of age. In conclusion: The results presented in this study were similar with international results and comparable with them. Implemented analytical studies to clarify the different types of haematological malignancies will help to choose the right treatment and better cure.&nbsp


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    Introduction: Tumoral calcinosis (T.C.) is very rare and generally of unknown aetiology characterized by calcific deposits in the soft tissues. Commonly seen in the second decade of life (reported age range 15 months to 83 years). We are reporting 3 cases of T. C. who were initially diagnosed by FNAC. Two of the 3 cases were female siblings who were referred to us as possible cases of recurrent fibrosarcomas following surgical excision. Case reports:  (1) Two female siblings aged 17 and 14 years  complaining of large swelling in the upper   outer right thigh and the left outer upper thigh around the hip joints respectively. There was no limitation of movement. The masses recurred within a short period after total excision. Neither specimen was subjected to histopathology. Clinical examination showed two masses each approximately 30cm maximum diameter and 10 cm width. In addition the younger sister showed an additional mass 4.5 cm in the outer aspect of her right elbow. (2) 18 months old female child, unrelated to the above two cases, presented with an egg-sized mass in the mid-lateral aspect of her right thigh  cystic and mobile.There is a history of quinine injection in the same area. No positive family history of a similar condition. All three cases showed normocalcaemia and hyperphosphataemia with specks of calcification on x - ray and cysts in ultrasound. FNAC showed structureless gung , calcium granules and inflammatory cells including foreign body type multinucleated giant cells. Histopathology confirmed the diagnosis of T. C. Discussion: Described the three types of T. C. (familial, idiopathic, and that in patients of chronic renal failure on dialysis). The differential diagnoses were also discussed as well as lines of management such as Ca++ supplementation, phosphate restriction, acetazolamide, parathyroidectomy and the treatment of choice is total surgical excision. To our best knowledge this is the first time to report the use of fine needle aspiration cytology in the diagnosis of T. C. in Sudan.&nbsp

    Mixed Lubrication Analysis Of Laser Textured Cylinder Bores

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2007Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2007Bu çalışmanın amacı lazer ile yüzey işlemesine tabi tutulmuş silindir duvarı ile üzerinde öteleme hareketi yapan piston segmanının tribolojik performansını incelemektir. Bu amaçla detaylı bir segman dinamiği modeli oluşturulmuş ve oluşturulan modelin ışığı altında MATLAB dilinde hazırlanan bir kod ile problem çözülmüştür. Problemin çözümünde silindir duvarı ve piston segmanı üzerindeki yüzey pürüzlülüklerini modele katabilmek için akış faktörlerini içeren değiştirilmiş ortalama Reynolds denklemi kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca segman ve silindir duvarı arasındaki aralığın çok düşük olduğu durumlar için yüzey pürüzlülüğü temas kuvveti altprogramı ana koda eklenmiştir ve bu sayede model hem karma hem de hidrodinamik yağlama rejimlerinde çalışır hale getirilmiştir. Yağlama bölgelerindeki yağ filminin kopmasının modellenmesinde ise Reynolds sınır koşulları kullanılmış ve yağ filminin kopma sınırı belirlenmiştir. Lazer ile işleme sonucunda oluşan gözeneklerin silindir üzerinde olmasından ve segmanın silindir önündeki öteleme hareketinden dolayı hareketli bir silindir modeli kurulup her krank açısı için çözüm yapılmıştır. Sonuç olarak konvansiyonel ve lazer ile işlenmiş silindirlerin tribolojik performansları açısından karşılaştırması yapılmıştır. Bundan başka farklı lazer ile yüzey işleme spesifikasyonuna tabi tutulmuş ve farklı şekil ve boyutlardaki gözeneklerin yağlama üzerine etkileri tartışılmıştır.This study aims to investigate the tribological performance of a piston ring which reciprocates in a laser surface textured cylinder bore. For this purpose a detailed ring dynamics model is constructed and the problem is solved with a code which is prepared with MATLAB. In the solution of the problem modified Reynolds equation which contains flow factors is used and therefore the asperities of the ring and the bore are added to the model. Furthermore an asperity contact model is added for very little clearances between the ring and the bore and this makes the model to work in both mixed and hydrodynamic lubrication regimes. The modeling of the rupture of the lubricant film between the clearance of the ring and the bore, Reynolds boundary conditions is used and by the help of this, rupture boundary of the lubricant film is calculated. Thus there are small dimples on the bore which are created with laser surface texturing technique, a floating bore surface is constructed and the solution is done for every crankangle. As a result, a comparison between the tribological performance of conventional and laser surface textured cylinder bores is done. Furthermore a discussion is done about the tribological performance of laser surface textured cylinder bores with different specifications. Moreover surfaces with different dimple shapes are also solved and discussed.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Chemical analysis of wastewater from paint industries in Khartoum state

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    يهدف البحث الي دراسة خواص مياه الصرف الصناعي لمصانع البوهيات في ولاية الخرطوم وفي هذه الدراسة تم تحليل العينات لقياس بعض المعايير لمياه الصرف الصناعي لمصانع البوهيات والتي تتمثل في الخصائص الفيزيايئه والكيميايئه اجريت التحاليل المختبريه والتي تتمثل في قياس كل من رقم الاس الهيدروجيني والعكارة والاملاح الصلبه الذائبه كما انه تم ايضا قياس محتوا المياه علي كل من الامونيوم والنتريت والنترات والفوسفات والزيوت والشحوم بالاضافة الي العناصر الثقيلة وهي الرصاص والكادميوم وايضا تم تحديد كمية الاوكسجين المستهلك حيويا وكيميائيا وكانت هذه التحاليل باستخدام اجهزة الطيف المرئي والامتصاص الزري النتائج المتحصل عليها من هذه التحاليل اشارة الي ان مياه الصرف الصناعي لمصانع البوهيات بولاية الخرطوم لا تحتوي علي معدني الرصاص والكادميوم كمعان الثقيله كما انها اشارة ايضا الي انخفاض كمية الاوكسجين المستهلك في العمليات الحيوية الموجد في هذه المياه بالاضافة الي ذلك كان معدل ايون الهيدروجين في المياه هو 7.3 وهو مقبول حتي في مياه الشرب الا انه وجد انها تحتوي علي معدل عالي من الزيوت والشحو

    An integrative semantic framework for image annotation and retrieval

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    Most public image retrieval engines utilise free-text search mechanisms, which often return inaccurate matches as they in principle rely on statistical analysis of query keyword recurrence in the image annotation or surrounding text. In this paper we present a semantically-enabled image annotation and retrieval engine that relies on methodically structured ontologies for image annotation, thus allowing for more intelligent reasoning about the image content and subsequently obtaining a more accurate set of results and a richer set of alternatives matchmaking the original query. Our semantic retrieval technology is designed to satisfy the requirements of the commercial image collections market in terms of both accuracy and efficiency of the retrieval process. We also present our efforts in further improving the recall of our retrieval technology by deploying an efficient query expansion technique

    Management of Undescended Testis in Gezira National Center for Pediatric Surgery (2009–2011)

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    Background: Undescended Testis (UDT) or Cryptorchidism is the most common genital problem encountered in paediatrics. Untreated UDT/cryptorchidism clearly has deleterious effects on the testis over time. In Gezira National Center for Pediatrics Surgery (GNCPS) UDT\Cryptorchidism had been treated since early 80s. During this period no study was taken to evaluate this condition. Methods:  This is a retro-prospective descriptive study done over a 2 year period from Oct 2009 to Oct 2011 including all patients with UDT operated on in the GNCPS. Patients were evaluated regarding the age at presentation, age at surgery, site of the UDT, location of the testes, investigations done and treatment modality. Results: A total of 232 children underwent orchidopexy for UDT in GNCPS, 81.5% of those patients were older than 2 years. Bilateral cases were 16.8%. Nonpalpable testes found in 36.6% of cases. Dartos pouch fixation was used in 79.8 % of the cases. Conclusion:  the majority of children with UDT presented at an age older than two year which reflect the delay in diagnosis due to lack of adequate neonatal examination. ملخص: خلفية: مرض الخصية المعلقة هو من اكثر الأمراض المتعلقة بالجهاز التناسلي شيوعا لدى الاطفال. عدم انزال الخصية المعلقة له اثار وخيمة على الخصية كلما تقدم الزمن. في مركز الجزيرة القومي لجراحة الاطفال يتم علاج الخصية المعلقة بانتظام منذ اوائل الثمانينات ورغما عن ذلك لم تجرى اي ابحاث لدراسة هذه الحالة. الطريقة والبحث: هذه الدراسة هي دراسة وصفية لاحقة تم اجراؤها خلال عامين ابتداء من اكتوبر 2009 حتى اكتوبر 2011 جميع المرضى الذين تم اجراء عمليات جراحية لهم لإنزال الخصية المعلقة تمت دراستهم من حيث العمر الذي حضر به للمستشفى, العمر الذي اجريت فيه العملية٬ اتجاه الخصية المعلقة ومكانها٬ الفحوصات التى اجريت له والعلاج الذي تلقاه. النتائج: خلال فترة الدراسة 232 طفل تم علاجهم في المركز 81.5% منهم كانت اعمارهم فوق السنتين %16.8  منهم كانت المشكلة بالجانبين و %36.6 منهم لم تكن الخصية محسوسة بالكشف السريري. تم استعمال التثبيت في جراب دارتوس في %79.8 من الحالات. الخلاصة: ان غالبية الحالات تحضر في عمر اكثر من عامين مما ينعكس سلبا على العلاج ويحدث هذا التأخير نتيجة لقلة الكشف على حديثي الولادة. &nbsp

    Polyorchidism: case report and literature review

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    Polyorchidism is a rare congenital anomaly frequently associated with maldescent testis, hernia, and torsion. Reports in the literature show an increased risk of testicular malignancy in the presence of polyorchidism. This entity has characteristic sonographic features and the diagnosis is often made on the basis of sonography. A conservative approach is the treatment of choice in uncomplicated cases. We report a male of 26-years old with 2 testicles in right side diagnosed by ultrasound. A brief history and review of the literature is also presente