320 research outputs found

    Dossier Nuits urbaines

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    Cet article analyse les fonctionnements nocturnes de Manille, à partir de la translation d'activités d'externalisation des services aux entreprises (les centres d'appel en particulier) dans l'agglomération la nuit. Ces centres se sont développés à contretemps des rythmes quotidiens de l'agglomération, au service des Etats-Unis principalement. Ils brouillent ainsi les frontières diurne-nocturne. Cet article montre en quoi la nuit influe sur ces activités, mais aussi comment ce secteur remodèle la ville la nuit. Une première partie analyse les tentatives pour dissocier la nuit de l'activité économique qui s'y déroule ; avant d'étudier comment on a tenté de la domestiquer ; une troisième montre comment, malgré ces tentatives, la nuit reste influente non seulement sur les rythmes et conditions de travail mais aussi sur les représentations associées aux employés de nuit

    Anthropological Joyce: Dubliners, Van Gennep and Liminality

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    This article considers, in a first part, the epistemological congruencebetween Joyce’s writing and the practices of the major anthropologists ofhis time. In a second part, it explores more specifically the twin concepts of “liminality” and “rites of passage”, as elaborated by Arnold Van Gennep at the beginning of the 20th century, arguing that they are embodied in similar ways in Dubliners and, in particular, in “An Encounter”. This comparison sheds light on the role of “magic circles” and “special languages” (Van Gennep) that, together with moments of sacred exposure, interstitial trespassing, linguistic decentering and other forms of liminal experience, are central to Dubliners as well as to Joyce’s later work. Keywords: James Joyce; anthropology; rites of passage; liminality; Dubliners

    La querelle entre Calvin et les libertins

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    Voir les défunts à Jakarta

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    À partir de recherches menées dans le contexte emblématique de la capitale indonésienne, cet article propose de montrer en quoi les fantômes sont révélateurs des rapports entre citadins et leur environnement. Il pose la question de la signification des apparitions de défuntes et défunts, mais aussi, dans un cadre où leur existence est admise de tous, de la manière dont les fantômes modèlent l’espace urbain actuel, en mettant en jeu une urbanité autre. Ils représentent des charnières entre différentes temporalités et formes de mondes (visible et invisible, mort et vie, temps linéaire ou dense, etc.). Partant d’une analyse à plusieurs échelles qui mobilise les apparitions du niveau local jusqu’aux fantômes les plus connus, cet article montre comment ils sont non seulement le reflet de la société jakarta­naise, de son évolution et de ses problèmes, mais aussi comment ils modèlent les espaces, en créant une relation singulière à l’environnement spatio-temporel et (méta ?)physique en ville.Based on field work conducted in the emblematic context of the Indone­sian capital city, this article analyses the role of ghosts in the relationships between city dwellers and their environment. It considers the significance of the apparitions of the deceased and (in a context where nobody questions their reality) the ways in which they shape the present-day urban space of Jakarta, revealing alternative ways of relating to the urban environment and city life. Apparitions can thus be seen as hinges between different times and different worlds (the visible and the invisible, life and death, etc.). Based on observations conducted on different scales, ranging from simple neighbourhood ghosts to the most prominent ones in popular culture, this article shows not only how they give a mirror image of the Jakartanese society, of its evolution and problems, but also how they shape the places where they appear, by creating a specific relationship to the city dwellers’ temporal, spatial and (meta?)physical environment

    A Conversation with Richard Layman

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    Photograph of Richard Layman The Big Book of the Continental Op, book cover Introduction Richard Layman is the world’s foremost scholar on Dashiell Hammett. Among the twenty books he has written or edited are nine on Hammett, including the definitive bibliography (Dashiell Hammett, A Descriptive Bibliography, 1979), Shadow Man, the first full-length biography (1981), Hammett’s Selected Letters (with Julie M. Rivett, Hammett’s granddaughter, as Associate Editor, 2001), Discovering The Maltese..

    Les ombres du polar

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    En analysant deux types d’ombre (shadow et darkness) dans le polar américain des années 1920 à 1960, on propose une double lecture du genre : (1) réactualisation du scénario épique/chamanique du voyage du héros au royaume des ombres ou (2) mise en scène d’une idéologie puritaine de la prédestination. On suggère en fin de compte que le jeu entre ces registres narratifs et philosophiques contrastés a été essentiel pour la formation de l’esthétique et de l’idéologie ambiguës du polar.By focusing on two notions, shadows and darkness, which are both prominent in US hardboiled/noir fiction from the1920s to the 1960s, this article offers two readings of the genre, as (1) the reenactment of an epic/shamanic narrative of incursion into the realm of the dead, or (2) the embodiment of the puritan ideology of predestination. The interplay between these two distinct narrative and philosophical traditions has, I argue, shaped the ambiguous aesthetics and ideology of hardboiled/noir fiction

    La ville du polar américain : images et expérience

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    Les « mean streets » et l’« underworld » : aux sources d’un imaginaire Dans ces rues méchantes (mean streets) un homme doit s’enfoncer, qui n’est pas lui-même méchant, qui est sans peur et sans tache. (Raymond Chandler) Le polar prolonge le roman de chevalerie et le roman d’aventures, ajustant leur horizon à celui du lecteur contemporain : il ramène l’aventure au crime et le monde à la ville. Mais les mean streets de Chandler (puis Scorsese) ont leurs antécédents littéraires : l’expression év..

    Syndrome de détresse respiratoire aiguë secondaire à une infection à Toxocara cati

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    Human toxocarosis is a helminthozoonosis due to the migration of toxocara species larvae throughout the human body. Lung manifestations vary and range from asymptomatic infection to severe disease. Dry cough and chest discomfort are the most common respiratory symptoms. Clinical manifestations include a transient form of Loeffler\u27s syndrome or an eosinophilic pneumonia. We report a case of bilateral pneumonia in an 80 year old caucasian man who developed very rapidly an acute respiratory distress syndrome, with a PaO2/FiO2 ratio of 55, requiring mechanical ventilation and adrenergic support. There was an increased eosinophilia in both blood and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. Positive toxocara serology and the clinical picture confirmed the diagnosis of the "visceral larva migrans" syndrome. Intravenous corticosteroid therapy produced a rapid rise in PaO2/FiO2 before the administration of specific treatment. A few cases of acute pneumonia requiring mechanical ventilation due to toxocara have been published but this is, to our knowledge, is the first reported case of ARDS with multi-organ failure

    Pharmacokinetics of epinephrine in patients with septic shock: modelization and interaction with endogenous neurohormonal status

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    Introduction In septic patients, an unpredictable response to epinephrine may be due to pharmacodynamic factors or to non-linear pharmacokinetics. The purpose of this study was to investigate the pharmacokinetics of epinephrine and its determinants in patients with septic shock. Methods Thirty-eight consecutive adult patients with septic shock were prospectively recruited immediately before epinephrine infusion. A baseline blood sample (C0) was taken to assess endogenous epinephrine, norepinephrine, renin, aldosterone, and plasma cortisol levels before epinephrine infusion. At a fixed cumulative epinephrine dose adjusted to body weight and under steady-state infusion, a second blood sample (C1) was taken to assess epinephrine and norepinephrine concentrations. Data were analyzed using the nonlinear mixed effect modeling software program NONMEM. Results Plasma epinephrine concentrations ranged from 4.4 to 540 nmol/L at steady-state infusion (range 0.1 to 7 mg/hr; 0.026 to 1.67 μg/kg/min). A one-compartment model adequately described the data. Only body weight (BW) and New Simplified Acute Physiologic Score (SAPSII) at intensive care unit admission significantly influenced epinephrine clearance: CL (L/hr) = 127 × (BW/70)0.60 × (SAPS II/50)-0.67. The corresponding half-life was 3.5 minutes. Endogenous norepinephrine plasma concentration significantly decreased during epinephrine infusion (median (range) 8.8 (1 – 56.7) at C0 vs. 4.5 (0.3 – 38.9) nmol/L at C1, P < 0.001). Conclusions Epinephrine pharmacokinetics is linear in septic shock patients, without any saturation at high doses. Basal neurohormonal status does not influence epinephrine pharmacokinetics. Exogenous epinephrine may alter the endogenous norepinephrine metabolism in septic patients
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