20 research outputs found
O objetivo deste estudo foi diagnosticar o conhecimento da etnia sateré-mawé do Andirá - Barreirinha/Am sobre os crustáceos decápodos, identificando usos e costumes e as terminologias utilizadas para os animais. A região amazônica, devido a diversidade de etnias presentes, é um polo riquíssimo e pouco explorado desse tipo de conhecimento. Os Sateré-Mawé fazem parte de uma etnia indígena que habita a floresta tropical, principalmente, entre os estados do Amazonas e Pará. Integra a família linguística tupi-guarani e, atualmente, nota-se a perda do intercâmbio dos saberes tradicionais por parte das novas gerações. A etnia possui cerca de 8.373 indígenas, 5.510 dos quais falam a língua Sateré-Mawé, 2.992 que leem e 2.980 que a leem e escrevem. Para a obtenção dos dados de interesse, foram realizadas entrevistas com perguntas que tratavam da nomenclatura utilizada para a identificação de camarões e caranguejos, sobre o conhecimento das regiões corporais, do uso dessas espécies como alimento, sobre predação, importância ecológica e sobre os conhecimentos populares relacionados a esses animais. Foram entrevistados 10 indígenas entre adolescentes e adultos. Os resultados obtidos comprovam a existência de um considerável conhecimento dos sateré-mawés sobre os crustáceos decápodos, desde as regiões corporais até aspectos da sua bio-ecologia. Em seu dialeto, são chamados de Pohiã (camarão) e Akát’a (caranguejo). Nota-se, principalmente, nas entrevistas das pessoas com mais idade, que esses crustáceos apresentam crenças relacionadas com curas de enfermidades, sorte e comportamento dos humanos, o que não foi encontrado nas entrevistas dos mais jovens da etnia, nos quais percebe-se uma perda considerável do conhecimento tradicional, desde o dialeto até os usos e costumes. Fato que, provavelmente, está relacionado a inserção das ferramentas tecnológicas dentro da aldeia, muitos não tem mais o habito de pescar e estão perdendo ou já perderam a fluência no dialeto Sateré-Mawé
Relative growth and population dynamics of Macrobrachium iheringi (Decapoda, Palaemonidae)
During the ontogenetic development of crustaceans, the relative growth of some structures may change, especially during the transition from juvenile to adult. This study describes the relative growth of body structures of Macrobrachium iheringi, and provides information on its population dynamics, such as structure, fecundity, and morphological sexual maturity. The sampling of M. iheringi was carried out in “Ribeirão da Hortelã”, in Botucatu (SP, Brazil). The length of the carapace (CL), abdomen (AL), and ischium (IL), merus (ML), carpus (CrL), propodus (PpL), and dactyl (DcL) of the second right pereopod were measured. In addition, the width of the second abdominal pleura (PW) and propodus height (PpH) were included in analyses. The relationships that best demonstrated the changes in the allometric coefficient were CL vs PpL in males and females. The CL, in which males and females reach morphological sexual maturity, was estimated as 13.3 mm and 11.1 mm, respectively. The sex-ratio differed from the expected 1:1 and was skewed towards females. Precipitation and temperature influenced the abundance of different demographic classes. Macrobrachium iheringi has few but large eggs, which is expected since this species has an abbreviated larval development. Based on these results, we conclude that the propodus are good indicators of the size at onset of morphological sexual maturity. In addition, important information was obtained on the biology of M. iheringi, including its life cycle pattern, reproduction and influence of abiotic factors
Assembleia de ermitões nas proximidades de ilhas costeiras do sudeste do Brasil
An assortment of environmental factors may limit the permanence of hermit crabs in the environment, and determination of certain ecological indices can reveal the current conditions of the assemblage. This study evaluated the assemblage of hermit crabs near two islands adjacent to areas with fishing activity. Hermit crabs were collected monthly near Couves and Mar Virado islands on the southeastern coast of Brazil, from January through December 1998. Environmental factors were also recorded monthly. Ecological indices including species richness, diversity, evenness and dominance were calculated. The environmental characteristics differed between the islands, which helps to explain the differences in the composition of hermit crabs between the locations. Hermit crabs were significantly more abundant near Couves Island, where, according to the canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), the environmental parameters varied less. The Monte Carlo test (P < 0.05) confirmed the CCA model, indicating a strong correlation between the species of hermit crabs, bottom and surface water temperatures, and sediment organic-matter content. The presence of ovigerous females throughout the year indicates that these areas are favorable for reproduction. These results indicate that the environmental heterogeneity allows the establishment of different species of hermit crabs, influencing species richness and abundance of individuals in the ecosystem. These conditions favor the establishment of diverse benthic communities near the studied islands.Keywords: Diogenidae, Paguridae, diversity, abundance, multivariate analysis, Dardanus insignis, Loxopagurus loxochelis.Uma variedade de fatores ambientais pode limitar a permanência de ermitões no ambiente, sendo que alguns índices ecológicos podem revelar as condições da assembleia. Este trabalho avalia a assembleia de ermitões em duas ilhas adjacentes a regiões com atividade pesqueira. Os ermitões foram coletados mensalmente nas ilhas das Couves e do Mar Virado, pertencentes ao litoral sudeste brasileiro, no período de janeiro a dezembro de 1998. Fatores ambientais também foram registrados mensalmente. Índices ecológicos como riqueza, diversidade, equidade e dominância foram calculados. As características ambientais foram diferentes entre as ilhas, o que pode explicar as diferenças na composição de espécies entre os locais. A abundância de indivíduos foi significativamente maior na ilha das Couves, a qual apresenta, segundo a análise de correspondência canônica (CCA), menores oscilações em suas variáveis ambientais. O teste de Monte Carlo (P < 0.05) confirmou a robustez da CCA, evidenciando uma forte correspondência entre as espécies de ermitões, temperatura de fundo e superfície e teor de matéria orgânica. A presença de fêmeas ovígeras ao longo do ano também aponta as áreas como propícias à reprodução. Desta maneira, os resultados permitem concluir que a heterogeneidade dos ambientes permite o estabelecimento de diferentes espécies de ermitões, influenciando a riqueza de espécies e a abundância de indivíduos no ecossistema local. Tal condição propicia o estabelecimento de comunidades bentônicas distintas nas ilhas estudadas.Palavras-chave: Diogenidae, Paguridae, diversidade, abundância, análise multivariada, Dardanus insignis, Loxopagurus loxochelis
Estrutura populacional do siri candeia Achelous spinicarpus (Crustacea, Portunoidea) no litoral norte paulista
The swimming crab Achelous spinicarpus is commonly captured as a “by catch” of the shrimp fishery. This study evaluated some aspects of the population structure of A. spinicarpus, such as sex-ratio and size classes’ frequency distribution. A shrimp trawler equipped with double-rig nets was used to capture the swimming crabs at Ubatuba and Caraguatatuba areas, northern coast of São Paulo state, Brazil. A total of 1,057 individuals were collected in Ubatuba, including 598 males (525 juveniles and 73 adults) and 459 females (379 juveniles and 80 adults, including 15 ovigerous crabs). In Caraguatatuba 5,112 individuals were collected, of which 3,138 males (2,638 juveniles and 500 adults) and 1,974 females (1,746 juveniles and 228 adults, including 29 ovigerous crabs). The sex-ratio favors the number of males in both regions, probably because females have the habit of occupying deeper regions. The size classes’ frequency distribution shows polymodality for both sexes, except for males in Ubatuba. This is the result of some age groups among the juveniles, which migrate to shallower areas, being affected by the fishing activity. Adults have the habit of staying in deeper areas characterized by colder waters.Keywords: Brachyura, sex-ratio, Decapoda, bycatch, size distribution.O siri candeia, Achelous spinicarpus, é comumente capturado como “by catch” da pesca camaroeira. Este estudo avaliou alguns aspectos de sua estrutura populacional, como razão sexual e distribuição de frequência em classes de tamanho. Para coletar os siris, foi utilizado um barco de pesca camaroeiro equipado com redes “double rig” nas áreas de Ubatuba e Caraguatatuba, litoral norte do estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Um total de 1.057 indivíduos foi coletado em Ubatuba, incluindo 598 machos (525 juvenis e 73 adultos) e 459 fêmeas (379 juvenis e 80 adultas, incluindo 15 ovígeras). Em Caraguatatuba, 5.112 indivíduos foram coletados, dos quais 3.138 machos (2.638 juvenis e 500 adultos) e 1.974 fêmeas (1.746 juvenis e 228 adultas, incluindo 29 ovígeras). A razão sexual favoreceu o número de machos em ambas as áreas, provavelmente devido ao hábito de as fêmeas ocuparem regiões mais profundas. A distribuição de frequência em classes de tamanho apresentou polimodalidade para ambos os sexos, exceto para machos em Ubatuba. Isso é resultado de alguns grupos etários entre os juvenis, os quais migram para áreas mais rasas, sendo afetados pela atividade pesqueira. Os adultos permanecem em áreas mais profundas, caracterizadas por águas frias.Palavras-chave: Brachyura, razão sexual, Decapoda, by catch, distribuição de tamanho
Modulating factors of the abundance and distribution of Achelous spinimanus (Latreille, 1819) (Decapoda, Portunoidea), a fishery resource, in Southeastern Brazil
This is the first study to examine how different environmental factors may influence the distribution of swimming crab Achelous spinimanus across geographically distant and distinct habitats. We analyzed the influence of bottom water temperature and salinity, sediment texture and organic matter content on the spatiotemporal distribution of A. spinimanus. The crabs were collected from January 1998 until December 1999 by trawling with a shrimp fishing boat outfitted with double-rig nets. The sampling took place in Ubatumirim (UBM), Ubatuba (UBA) and Mar Virado (MV) bays, located in the northern coast of São Paulo State (Brazil). These three bays were chosen as they differed in many physiographic features. We captured 1,911 crabs (UBM = 351; UBA = 1,509; MV = 51), and there were significant differences in abundance between bays and between stations. The distribution of A. spinimanus was primarily associated with sediment features: abundance was higher in stations with sandy sediments classified as gravel, very coarse sand, and intermediate sand. Portunoidea usually burrow in the sediment for protection against predators and to facilitate the capture of fast prey. In addition, the station with the highest abundance of A. spinimanus was also naturally protected from fishing activities, and composed of heterogeneous sediment, in terms of grain size. Hence, the combination of a favorable sediment heterogeneity and protection from fishery activities seemed to be effective modulators of the abundance and distribution of A. spinimanus in these bays
Chromatic alteration in Arenaeus cribrarius (Lamarck) (Crustacea, Portunidae): an indicator of sexual maturity
Some individuals of the species Arenaeus cribrarius (Lamarck, 1818) bear a characteristic pink abdomen, which is notably different from the usual white coloration. The incidence of this chromatic alteration was determined for a single population and its relation with other individual variables were examined. The individuals were monthly collected from May, 1991 to April, 1993, in Ubatuba, São Paulo, with the aid of a shrimp fishery boat provided with double-rig trawling nets. All specimens were sexed, measured (CW = carapace width), distributed in 10-mm size classes and classified according to growth phase (juvenile and adult), molting condition and development stage of gonads. The occurrence of pink-colored morphs was also recorded. From a total of 2,096 collected individuals, only 60 females (nine of those ovigerous) presented a pink-colored abdomen, which represents 2.9% of the whole sample and 5.2% of the females. Almost all of them were intermolt individuals (96.6%) and 63.3% showed mature gonads. According to published data, size at the onset of functional maturity in A. cribrarius females is around 60 mm CW, from which the incidence of pink morphs and ovigerous crabs were recorded. The obtained results suggest that such a chromatic alteration is associated to sexual maturity in these females. This characteristic may enhance the attraction potential for mating, shortly after the puberty molt
Predação de ovócitos de Piaractus mesopotamicus (pacu-caranha) por Macrobrachium amazonicum em condições laboratoriais
The preference of predation on oocytes of Piaractus mesopotamicus, commonly known as 'Pacucaranha', by the prawn Macrobrachium amazonicum, under laboratory conditions, was evaluated regarding to other food items. The prawns were collected with sieves, placed below the underwater vegetation, and maintained in aquarium (12 L each) at a density of 10 individuals/aquarium for acclimatization. Oocytes (O) of P. mesopotamicus were obtained from the disposal of artisanal fishery. Artificial feed (R), fish muscle (M), organic matter accumulated in roots of Salvinia sp. (S) and plant organic matter in decomposition (MV) items were used to compare the preference by M. amazonicum. In all experiments the average of the prawns preying oocytes were higher; significant differences were detected only when comparing O/P and O/M. The preference for oocytes may be due to the presence of yolk, which has a high nutritional value and easy assimilation, in contrast to others items, which resent certain rigidity. This prawn species is exotic on site and the results of this study shows a possible environmental impact on P. mesopotamicus in the region
Morphology of the first larval stage of Macrobrachium brasiliense (Heller, 1868) (Caridea: Palaemonidae)
In this paper, we describe and illustrate the morphology of the first larval stage of the prawn Macrobrachium brasiliense. Two ovigerous females were obtained in a stream environment, which belongs to Paraná River Basin, Southeastern of Brazil, and were maintained in laboratory until the time of hatching. The newly-hatched larva bears very advance morphological features, with benthic habits. They had sessile eyes and all appendages, except for the uropods; however, most of the appendages were not fully formed. The description given here is compared with the first larval stage of Macrobrachium species with abbreviated larval development from other localities
Morphology of the first larval stage of Macrobrachium brasiliense (Heller, 1868) (Caridea: Palaemonidae)
In this paper, we describe and illustrate the morphology of the first larval stage of the prawn Macrobrachium brasiliense. Two ovigerous females were obtained in a stream environment, which belongs to Paraná River Basin, Southeastern of Brazil, and were maintained in laboratory until the time of hatching. The newly-hatched larva bears very advance morphological features, with benthic habits. They had sessile eyes and all appendages, except for the uropods; however, most of the appendages were not fully formed. The description given here is compared with the first larval stage of Macrobrachium species with abbreviated larval development from other localities.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES