11 research outputs found

    A machine learning-based risk stratification model for ventricular tachycardia and heart failure in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

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    Background: Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence are emerging as important components of precision medicine that enhance diagnosis and risk stratification. Risk stratification tools for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) exist, but they are based on traditional statistical methods. The aim was to develop a novel machine learning risk stratification tool for the prediction of 5-year risk in HCM. The goal was to determine if its predictive accuracy is higher than the accuracy of the state-of-the-art tools. Method: Data from a total of 2302 patients were used. The data were comprised of demographic characteristics, genetic data, clinical investigations, medications, and disease-related events. Four classification models were applied to model the risk level, and their decisions were explained using the SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) method. Unwanted cardiac events were defined as sustained ventricular tachycardia occurrence (VT), heart failure (HF), ICD activation, sudden cardiac death (SCD), cardiac death, and all-cause death. Results: The proposed machine learning approach outperformed the similar existing risk-stratification models for SCD, cardiac death, and all-cause death risk-stratification: it achieved higher AUC by 17%, 9%, and 1%, respectively. The boosted trees achieved the best performing AUC of 0.82. The resulting model most accurately predicts VT, HF, and ICD with AUCs of 0.90, 0.88, and 0.87, respectively. Conclusions: The proposed risk-stratification model demonstrates high accuracy in predicting events in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. The use of a machine-learning risk stratification model may improve patient management, clinical practice, and outcomes in general

    Multimodal automatic assessment of acute pain through facial videos and heart rate signals utilizing transformer-based architectures

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    Accurate and objective pain evaluation is crucial in developing effective pain management protocols, aiming to alleviate distress and prevent patients from experiencing decreased functionality. A multimodal automatic assessment framework for acute pain utilizing video and heart rate signals is introduced in this study. The proposed framework comprises four pivotal modules: the Spatial Module, responsible for extracting embeddings from videos; the Heart Rate Encoder, tasked with mapping heart rate signals into a higher dimensional space; the AugmNet, designed to create learning-based augmentations in the latent space; and the Temporal Module, which utilizes the extracted video and heart rate embeddings for the final assessment. The Spatial-Module undergoes pre-training on a two-stage strategy: first, with a face recognition objective learning universal facial features, and second, with an emotion recognition objective in a multitask learning approach, enabling the extraction of high-quality embeddings for the automatic pain assessment. Experiments with the facial videos and heart rate extracted from electrocardiograms of the BioVid database, along with a direct comparison to 29 studies, demonstrate state-of-the-art performances in unimodal and multimodal settings, maintaining high efficiency. Within the multimodal context, 82.74% and 39.77% accuracy were achieved for the binary and multi-level pain classification task, respectively, utilizing 9.62 million parameters for the entire framework

    In Silico analysis of stent deployment- effect of stent design

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    Coronary artery disease (CAD) remains the leading cause of death in Europe and worldwide. One of the most common pathologic processes involved in CAD is atherosclerosis. Coronary stents are expandable scaffolds that are used to widen the occluded arteries and enable the blood flow restoration. To achieve an adequate delivery and placement of coronary stents different parameters play a significant role. Due to the strain that the stents are exposed to and the forces they should withstand, the stent design is dominant. This study focuses on investigating the effect of the stent design in two finite element models using two stents with difference in the strut thickness. The in silico deployment is performed in a reconstructed patient specific arterial segment. The results are analyzed in terms of stress in the stent and the arterial wall and demonstrate how stent expansion is extensively affected by the scaffold's design

    An in silico trials platform for the evaluation of stent design effect in post-implantation outcomes

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    : Bioresorbable Vascular Scaffolds (BVS), developed to allow drug deliver and mechanical support, followed by complete resorption, have revolutionized atherosclerosis treatment. InSilc is a Cloud platform for in silico clinical trials (ISCT) used in the design, development and evaluation pipeline of stents. The platform integrates beyond the state-of-the-art multi-disciplinary and multiscale models, which predict the scaffold's performance in the short/acute and medium/long term. In this study, a use case scenario of two Bioabsorbable Vascular Stents (BVSs) implanted in the same arterial anatomy is presented, allowing the whole InSilc in silico pipeline to be applied and predict how the different aspects of this intervention affect the success of stenting process

    A Novel Approach to Generate a Virtual Population of Human Coronary Arteries for <italic>In Silico</italic> Clinical Trials of Stent Design

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    Goal: To develop a cardiovascular virtual population using statistical modeling and computational biomechanics. Methods: A clinical data augmentation algorithm is implemented to efficiently generate virtual clinical data using a real clinical dataset. An atherosclerotic plaque growth model is employed to 3D reconstructed coronary arterial segments to generate virtual coronary arterial geometries (geometrical data). Last, the combination of the virtual clinical and geometrical data is achieved using a methodology that allows for the generation of a realistic virtual population which can be used in in silico clinical trials. Results: The results show good agreement between real and virtual clinical data presenting a mean gof 0.1 &#x00B1; 0.08. 400 virtual coronary arteries were generated, while the final virtual population includes 10,000 patients. Conclusions: The virtual arterial geometries are efficiently matched to the generated clinical data, both increasing and complementing the variability of the virtual population

    A computational pipeline for data augmentation towards the improvement of disease classification and risk stratification models: A case study in two clinical domains

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    Virtual population generation is an emerging field in data science with numerous applications in healthcare towards the augmentation of clinical research databases with significant lack of population size. However, the impact of data augmentation on the development of AI (artificial intelligence) models to address clinical unmet needs has not yet been investigated. In this work, we assess whether the aggregation of real with virtual patient data can improve the performance of the existing risk stratification and disease classification models in two rare clinical domains, namely the primary Sjo &amp; uml;gren’s Syndrome (pSS) and the hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), for the first time in the literature. To do so, multivariate approaches, such as, the multivariate normal distribution (MVND), and straightforward ones, such as, the Bayesian networks, the artificial neural networks (ANNs), and the tree ensembles are compared against their performance towards the generation of high-quality virtual data. Both boosting and bagging algorithms, such as, the Gradient boosting trees (XGBoost), the AdaBoost and the Random Forests (RFs) were trained on the augmented data to evaluate the performance improvement for lymphoma classification and HCM risk stratification. Our results revealed the favorable performance of the tree ensemble generators, in both domains, yielding virtual data with goodness-of-fit 0.021 and KL-divergence 0.029 in pSS and 0.029, 0.027 in HCM, respectively. The application of the XGBoost on the augmented data revealed an increase by 10.9% in accuracy, 10.7% in sensitivity, 11.5% in specificity for lymphoma classification and 16.1% in accuracy, 16.9% in sensitivity, 13.7% in specificity in HCM risk stratification

    Disease Progression of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Modeling Using Machine Learning

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    Background: Cardiovascular disorders in general are responsible for 30% of deaths worldwide. Among them, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a genetic cardiac disease that is present in about 1 of 500 young adults and can cause sudden cardiac death (SCD). Objective: Although the current state-of-the-art methods model the risk of SCD for patients, to the best of our knowledge, no methods are available for modeling the patient's clinical status up to 10 years ahead. In this paper, we propose a novel machine learning (ML)-based tool for predicting disease progression for patients diagnosed with HCM in terms of adverse remodeling of the heart during a 10-year period. Methods: The method consisted of 6 predictive regression models that independently predict future values of 6 clinical characteristics: left atrial size, left atrial volume, left ventricular ejection fraction, New York Heart Association functional classification, left ventricular internal diastolic diameter, and left ventricular internal systolic diameter. We supplemented each prediction with the explanation that is generated using the Shapley additive explanation method. Results: The final experiments showed that predictive error is lower on 5 of the 6 constructed models in comparison to experts (on average, by 0.34) or a consortium of experts (on average, by 0.22). The experiments revealed that semisupervised learning and the artificial data from virtual patients help improve predictive accuracies. The best-performing random forest model improved R-2 from 0.3 to 0.6. Conclusions: By engaging medical experts to provide interpretation and validation of the results, we determined the models' favorable performance compared to the performance of experts for 5 of 6 targets

    A machine learning-based risk stratification model for ventricular tachycardia and heart failure in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

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    Background: Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence are emerging as important components of precision medicine that enhance diagnosis and risk stratification. Risk stratification tools for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) exist, but they are based on traditional statistical methods. The aim was to develop a novel machine learning risk stratification tool for the prediction of 5-year risk in HCM. The goal was to determine if its predictive accuracy is higher than the accuracy of the state-of-the-art tools. Method: Data from a total of 2302 patients were used. The data were comprised of demographic characteristics, genetic data, clinical investigations, medications, and disease-related events. Four classification models were applied to model the risk level, and their decisions were explained using the SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) method. Unwanted cardiac events were defined as sustained ventricular tachycardia occurrence (VT), heart failure (HF), ICD activation, sudden cardiac death (SCD), cardiac death, and all-cause death. Results: The proposed machine learning approach outperformed the similar existing risk-stratification models for SCD, cardiac death, and all-cause death risk-stratification: it achieved higher AUC by 17%, 9%, and 1%, respectively. The boosted trees achieved the best performing AUC of 0.82. The resulting model most accurately predicts VT, HF, and ICD with AUCs of 0.90, 0.88, and 0.87, respectively. Conclusions: The proposed risk-stratification model demonstrates high accuracy in predicting events in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. The use of a machine-learning risk stratification model may improve patient management, clinical practice, and outcomes in general