70 research outputs found

    Transcriptional reactivation of the FMR1 Gene. A possible approach to the treatment of the fragile X syndrome

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    Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is the most common cause of inherited intellectual disability, caused by CGG expansion over 200 repeats (full mutation, FM) at the 5′ untranslated region (UTR) of the fragile X mental retardation 1 (FMR1) gene and subsequent DNA methylation of the promoter region, accompanied by additional epigenetic histone modifications that result in a block of transcription and absence of the fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP). The lack of FMRP, involved in multiple aspects of mRNA metabolism in the brain, is thought to be the direct cause of the FXS phenotype. Restoration of FMR1 transcription and FMRP production can be obtained in vitro by treating FXS lymphoblastoid cell lines with the demethylating agent 5-azadeoxycytidine, demonstrating that DNA methylation is key to FMR1 inactivation. This concept is strengthened by the existence of rare male carriers of a FM, who are unable to methylate the FMR1 promoter. These individuals produce limited amounts of FMRP and are of normal intelligence. Their inability to methylate the FMR1 promoter, whose cause is not yet fully elucidated, rescues them from manifesting the FXS. These observations demonstrate that a therapeutic approach to FXS based on the pharmacological reactivation of the FMR1 gene is conceptually tenable and worthy of being further pursued

    The mTOR kinase inhibitor rapamycin enhances the expression and release of pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin 6 modulating the activation of human microglial cells

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    Emerging evidence suggests the potential use of rapamycin in treatment of several neurological disorders. The drug readily crosses the blood brain barrier and may exert direct immunomodulatory effects within the brain. Microglia are the main innate immune cells of the brain, thus critically involved in the initiation and development of inflammatory processes at this level. However, there are conflicting data from rodent studies about the pharmacological effects of rapamycin on microglial inflammatory responses. Considering that rodent microglia display relevant biochemical and harmacological differences compared to human microglia, in the present study we studied the effects of rapamycin in an experimental model of human microglia, the human microglial clone 3 (HMC3) cell line. Rapamycin was tested in the nM range both under basal conditions and in cells activated with a pro-nflammatory cytokine cocktail, consisting in a mixture of interferon-γ and interleukin-1β (II). The drug significantly increased II stimulatory effect on interleukin-6 (IL-6) expression and release in the HMC3 cells, while reducing the production of free oxygen radicals (ROS) both under basal conditions and in cells activated with II. Consistently with its known molecular mechanism of action, rapamycin reduced the extent of activation of the so-called ‘mechanistic’ target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) kinase and the total amount of intracellular proteins. In contrast to rodent cells, rapamycin did not alter human microglial cell viability nor inhibited cell proliferation. Moreover, rapamycin did not exert any significant effect on the morphology of the HMC3 cells. All together these data suggest that the inhibition of mTORC1 in human microglia by rapamycin results in complex immunomodulatory effects, including a significant increase in the expression and release of the pro-inflammatory IL-6


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    Remifentanil is a potent ultra-short acting μ-opioid analgesic drug, frequently used in anaesthesia due to its favorable pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic profile. It may be associated with the occurrence of hyperalgesia. Preclinical studies suggest a potential role of microglia, although the molecular mechanisms have not been fully elucidated. Considering the role of microglia in brain inflammation and the relevant differences among species, the effects of remifentanil were studied on the human microglial C20 cells. The drug was tested at clinically relevant concentrations under basal and inflammatory conditions. In the C20 cells, the expression and secretion of interleukin 6, interleukin 8 and the monocyte chemotactic protein 1 were rapidly induced by a mixture of pro-inflammatory cytokines. This stimulatory effect was sustained up to 24 h. Remifentanil did not exert any toxic effect nor modify the production of these inflammatory mediators, thus suggesting the lack of direct immune modulatory actions on human microglia

    Genome-wide methylation analysis demonstrates that 5-aza-2-deoxycytidine treatment does not cause random DNA demethylation in fragile X syndrome cells

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    Background: Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is caused by CGG expansion over 200 repeats at the 5\u2032 UTR of the FMR1 gene and subsequent DNA methylation of both the expanded sequence and the CpGs of the promoter region. This epigenetic change causes transcriptional silencing of the gene. We have previously demonstrated that 5-aza-2-deoxycytidine (5-azadC) treatment of FXS lymphoblastoid cell lines reactivates the FMR1 gene, concomitant with CpG sites demethylation, increased acetylation of histones H3 and H4 and methylation of lysine 4 on histone 3. Results: In order to check the specificity of the 5-azadC-induced DNA demethylation, now we performed bisulphite sequencing of the entire methylation boundary upstream the FMR1 promoter region, which is preserved in control wild-type cells. We did not observe any modification of the methylation boundary after treatment. Furthermore, methylation analysis by MS-MLPA of PWS/AS and BWS/SRS loci demonstrated that 5-azadC treatment has no demethylating effect on these regions. Genome-wide methylation analysis through Infinium 450K (Illumina) showed no significant enrichment of specific GO terms in differentially methylated regions after 5-azadC treatment. We also observed that reactivation of FMR1 transcription lasts up to a month after a 7-day treatment and that maximum levels of transcription are reached at 10-15 days after last administration of 5-azadC. Conclusions: Taken together, these data demonstrate that the demethylating effect of 5-azadC on genomic DNA is not random, but rather restricted to specific regions, if not exclusively to the FMR1 promoter. Moreover, we showed that 5-azadC has a long-lasting reactivating effect on the mutant FMR1 gene

    Prevalence of spinocellulart ataxia type 2 mutation among ittalian Parkinsonian patients

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    We evaluated the prevalence of the SCA2 mutation among 224 Italian patients affected by typical Parkinsonism, including 145 sporadic and 79 familial forms. Pink1, Parkin, and LRRK2 gene mutations had been excluded previously. Molecular testing for the CAG expansion at the SCA 2 locus was performed on leukocyte DNA. Cloning and sequencing of the expanded allele was performed in patients positive for the SCA2 expansion. A 38 CAG expansion was detected in 1 of 79 families studied. The proband, a male age 67, and his sister, age 69, were both affected by a benign form of L-dopa–responsive Parkinsonism not associated with cerebellar signs. The inheritance was autosomal dominant. The CAG expansion was stable through meiotic transmission: sequence analysis showed that the CAG stretch was interrupted by 3 CAA. Our study shows that CAG expansion at the SCA 2 locus may represent a genetic cause of familial L-dopa–responsive Parkinsonism among Italian patients. The stability of the pathological CAG expansion detected in this family was related to the presence of CAA interruptions. These findings, together with literature data, suggest that the molecular intrinsic structure of the expanded allele may modulate the phenotypic expression of the SCA2 mutatio

    CGG Repeat-Induced FMR1 Silencing Depends on the Expansion Size in Human iPSCs and Neurons Carrying Unmethylated Full Mutations

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    In fragile X syndrome (FXS), CGG repeat expansion greater than 200 triplets is believed to trigger FMR1 gene silencing and disease etiology. However, FXS siblings have been identified with more than 200 CGGs, termed unmethylated full mutation (UFM) carriers, without gene silencing and disease symptoms. Here, we show that hypomethylation of the FMR1 promoter is maintained in induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) derived from two UFM individuals. However, a subset of iPSC clones with large CGG expansions carries silenced FMR1. Furthermore, we demonstrate de novo silencing upon expansion of the CGG repeat size. FMR1 does not undergo silencing during neuronal differentiation of UFM iPSCs, and expression of large unmethylated CGG repeats has phenotypic consequences resulting in neurodegenerative features. Our data suggest that UFM individuals do not lack the cell-intrinsic ability to silence FMR1 and that inter-individual variability in the CGG repeat size required for silencing exists in the FXS population

    Tumorigenic Potential of Olfactory Bulb-Derived Human Adult Neural Stem Cells Associates with Activation of TERT and NOTCH1

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    BACKGROUND: Multipotent neural stem cells (NSCs) have been isolated from neurogenic regions of the adult brain. Reportedly, these cells can be expanded in vitro under prolonged mitogen stimulation without propensity to transform. However, the constitutive activation of the cellular machinery required to bypass apoptosis and senescence places these cells at risk for malignant transformation. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using serum-free medium supplemented with epidermal growth factor (EGF) and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), we established clonally derived NS/progenitor cell (NS/PC) cultures from the olfactory bulb (OB) of five adult patients. The NS/PC cultures obtained from one OB specimen lost growth factor dependence and neuronal differentiation at early passage. These cells developed glioblastoma tumors upon xenografting in immunosuppressed mice. The remaining NS/PC cultures were propagated either as floating neurospheres or as adherent monolayers with maintenance of growth factor dependence and multipotentiality at late passage. These cells were engrafted onto the CNS of immunosuppressed rodents. Overall, the grafted NS/PCs homed in the host parenchyma showing ramified morphology and neuronal marker expression. However, a group of animals transplanted with NS/PCs obtained from an adherent culture developed fast growing tumors histologically resembling neuroesthesioblastoma. Cytogenetic and molecular analyses showed that the NS/PC undergo chromosomal changes with repeated in vitro passages under mitogen stimulation, and that up-regulation of hTERT and NOTCH1 associates with in vivo tumorigenicity. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Using culturing techniques described in current literature, NS/PCs arise from the OB of adult patients which in vivo either integrate in the CNS parenchyma showing neuron-like features or initiate tumor formation. Extensive xenografting studies on each human derived NS cell line appear mandatory before any use of these cells in the clinical setting

    Mechanisms of the FMR1 Repeat Instability: How Does the CGG Sequence Expand?

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    A dynamic mutation in exon 1 of the FMR1 gene causes Fragile X-related Disorders (FXDs), due to the expansion of an unstable CGG repeat sequence. Based on the CGG sequence size, two types of FMR1 alleles are possible: “premutation” (PM, with 56-200 CGGs) and “full mutation” (FM, with >200 triplets). Premutated females are at risk of transmitting a FM allele that, when methylated, epigenetically silences FMR1 and causes Fragile X syndrome (FXS), a very common form of inherited intellectual disability (ID). Expansions events of the CGG sequence are predominant over contractions and are responsible for meiotic and mitotic instability. The CGG repeat usually includes one or more AGG interspersed triplets that influence allele stability and the risk of transmitting FM to children through maternal meiosis. A unique mechanism responsible for repeat instability has not been identified, but several processes are under investigations using cellular and animal models. The formation of unusual secondary DNA structures at the expanded repeats are likely to occur and contribute to the CGG expansion. This review will focus on the current knowledge about CGG repeat instability addressing the CGG sequence expands
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