1,729 research outputs found
Muusika mĂŒstika: kas emotsionaalne nauding vĂ”i ravimeetod?
Eesti Arst 2016; 95(11):749â75
2008 â Tartu Ălikooli arstiteaduskonna tĂ€ienduskeskuse 45. tegevusaasta
2008. aastal tĂ€itub 45 aastat ajast, mil alustati pidevat arstide tĂ€ienduskoolitust Eestis. 1963. aastal loodi TRĂ arstide ja proviisorite tĂ€iendusfakulteet, mille baasil kujunes hĂ€sti toimiv ja kĂ€ttesaadav erialane tĂ€iendusĂ”ppe sĂŒsteem arstidele. See on jÀÀnud Eesti keskseks koolitusvĂ”imaluseks tĂ€naseni.
Eesti Arst 2007; 86 (12): 917â92
Epiphytic diatoms of the Tisza River, Kisköre reservoir and some oxbows of the Tisza River after the cyanide and heavy metal pollution in 2000
The Tisza River is a large tributary of the Danube River. The largest reservoir of the river is the Kisköre reservoir, and there are furthermore a great number of oxbows in the vicinity of the river. In February and early spring 2000 serious amounts of cyanide and heavy metal pollution were spilled into the Tisza River. The Kisköre Reservoir of the Tisza was less polluted than the river itself. However, the four oxbows investigated were flooded by the Tisza River in April 2000. Epiphytic diatom samples were taken in February and October 2000 along the Tisza River, in November and December 2000 at the Kisköre Reservoir and in May and July 1996, October 2000 and June 2001 at the four Tisza oxbows. The aims of this study were to obtain preliminary data about the species composition of the attached diatoms of these waters, to evaluate the impact of the pollution on epiphytic diatoms and to evaluate the natural protection value of these waters. Epiphyton of the Tisza River was dominated by Achnanthidium minutissimum, Amphora pediculus, Cocconeis placentula, Diatoma moniliformis in February and by Achnanthidium minutissimum and several Nitzschia spp. in October. A number of teratological frustules were observed. In the Kisköre reservoir, Amphora pediculus, Cocconeis pediculus, C. placentula, Cyclotella meneghiniana, Gomphonema angustum, Nitzschia dissipata were dominant. In 1996 Staurosira, Staurosirella and Navicula species dominated in the oxbows, whereas in 2000 Aulacoseira distans, Achanthidium minutissimum and Nitzschia spp. became dominant. Based on results from the literature, we are of the opinion that the characteristic Achnanthidium minutissimum - Nitzschia spp. dominance of the Tisza River and the oxbows is partly due to the heavy metal pollution. A number of endangered species, two new elements for the Hungarian diatom flora - Navicula austrocollegarum and Navicula streckerae - and two probably invasive species, Diadesmis confervacea and Didymosphenia geminata were found
Kommentaar artikli âMe ei tea, kas enamik ravimeetodeid toimib, ja veel vĂ€hem teame, kas need pĂ”hjustavad kahju, on vĂ€idetud uues uuringusâ kohta
Eesti Arst 2022; 101(9):521â52
Arstide tÀienduskoolitus 2007. aastal. Mida uut?
Tartu Ălikooli arstiteaduskonna tĂ€ienduskeskus jĂ€tkab tĂ€ienduskursusi kĂŒll pĂ”hiliselt traditsioonilises formaadis ĂŒle Eesti, aga ka uudsete Ă”ppevormidena, sealhulgas Interneti-pĂ”histe e-kursustena. 2007. aastast koordineerib tĂ€ienduskeskus ka Salzburgi kliinilistel tĂ€iendusseminaridel osalemist.
Eesti Arst 2007; 86 (1): 59-6
Adsorption at various interfaces has attracted the attention of many scientists. This article discusses gas-solid
and vapour-solid adsorption in CMK-1 and Norit SX22 using nitrogen, water and benzene as adsorbates. For
comparison, MCM-48 used as template in synthesizing CMK-1 was also utilized as adsorbent. Results showed that
the shape of nitrogen isotherm for CMK-1 is categorized as Type IV shape, whereas activated carbon (Norit SX2)
has Type I shape with a hysteresis loop at PlpD > 0.5, which is a H4 type of hysteresis. The shafJ.eof nitrogen
isotherm for MCM-48 is categorized as Type IV shape with small hysteresis loop observed at PIFP above 0.45,
indicating that the larger pores are filled at high PIFP,which is typical of an H3 hysteresis loop The amount of
nitrogen adsorbed in activated carbon at the high relative pressure is considerably smaller than that in CMK-1. The
hydrophobicity feature of CMK-1 is the same as activated carbon (Norit SX2), but slightly different to the template
MCM-48. The affinity of CMK-1 to benzene is considerably higher than activated carbon, suggesting the promising
future of CMK-1to be used as a selective adsorbent for the removal of organic compoundsfrom water environment.
Keywords: Adsorption, water, benzene, CMK-1,activated carb
Public employment services in the Department of Labour
Employment and unemployment levels and trends are crucial in assisting any government to track the performance of its economy and measure the level of success of its macroeconomic strategies. Studies conducted by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) have placed South Africa amongst the countries that have the highest levels of unemployment in the world and reports by Statistics South Africa indicate an increase in unemployment levels every year. The Department of Labourâs (DoL) mandate is driven by the overall Government Service Delivery Outcome, which talks about improving the quality and accessibility of labour market services to contribute to decent employment through inclusive growth. This research study was prompted by the fact that the South African Government, in its pursuit to fight unemployment through the DoL, has established Public Employment Services (PES). This is âProgramme 3â of the Department of Labour. The primary function of the Public Employment Services directorate in the DoL is to register unemployed and under-employed employment seekers with the aim of integrating them into the labour market. The service equips the employment seekers registered on the DoL Employment Services of South Africa data base with employment counselling and matches them with opportunities brought to the DoL by employers. The aim of the research was to investigate the role of Public Employment Services programmes at the DoL in alleviating unemployment by guiding employment seekers registered on the departmentâs employment services of South Africa (ESSA) database to secure employment. The research adopted an interpretivist paradigm as it aimed to investigate the reality and understand it within its context. It uncovered the context of the reality associated with the research by closely perusing data from three regional offices in the Gauteng Provincial Office with specific reference to the City of Tshwane. The study utilised document analysis and a desktop review of existing secondary data relating to the implementation of PES in the DoL. This included relevant and available information in the form of books, academic journals, policy documents, legislation, annual performance reports, strategic plans, media reports, minutes of PES branch meetings and PES Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). The study uncovered a number of challenges that prevented PES programmes from fully achieving their intended goal of alleviating unemployment, particularly in the study area of Tshwane. These include information and communications technology (ICT) challenges, human resource limitations, non-alignment with legislation, non-uniformity in following the SOPs, lack of commitment by the DoL to market the service in order to attract employers to use it to source employees. The research revealed that PES has the potential to alleviate unemployment. The DoL needs to focus on the system and on devising strategies to fix the ICT as a top priority, as most of the challenges noted in PES stem from the poor performance of the system
COVID-19-infektsioon ja nĂ€rvisĂŒsteem
Eesti Arst 2021; 100(2):116â117
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