373 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study was to use three dimensional kinematics of the barbell to provide the coach with quick feedback for the snatch technique of an elite Taiwanese female weightlifter. Three high speed cameras were used to simultaneously record the barbell movements with film frequency of 200 Hz. The horizontal dispalcement-velocity relationship of the barbell seemed to have varied in a certain range while lifting a 95kg barbell. Based on these results, it was recommended the lifter attempt 95kg for her first attempt in the competition. In conclusion, the barbell kinematics is a quick and easy approach to provide the coach with feedback for the snatch. The information of trajectory and movement characteristics of the barbell could provide the coach and the lifter to assist in improving the lifter’s snatch technique


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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the influences of wearing soft or hard soled shoe on the runner’s stride frequency and striking position variability, while the runner was not aware of the treadmill speed changing by visual or auditory information. The positions of the right ankle markers on the twenty subjects were captured to determine the stride frequency and striking position variability from ten strides at different speeds during six minutes of treadmill running. The results showed that the runner’s stride frequency significantly increased as the treadmill speed increased (


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    Twenty-three subjects wore shoes with hardness of shore 45C and 70C to run on a motor-driven treadmill in this study. During the testing session, the console of the treadmill was covered by a black cloth and each subject must wear an earphone to isolate the external sound, in order to avoid the subject noticing the speed change of the treadmill. The runner was asked to say “Yes” of signal if he was aware of changing of the belt speed. The results showed that wearing the soft soled shoe, the mean correct and wrong responses are 2.3(±1.4) and 4.3(±3.6) times, respectively. With the hard soled shoe, the mean correct and wrong responses are 2.3(±1.2) and 4.8(±3.5) times, respectively. In conclusion, the shoe sole hardness did not affect the bad speed change perception of the subjects during treadmill running

    Coenzyme Q0 from Antrodia cinnamomea

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    We investigated the anticancer effects of Antrodia cinnamomea, a medicinal mushroom from Taiwan, on A549 human lung cancer cells using the ethyl acetate extract from submerged culture filtrates. Our results showed that 2,3-dimethoxy-5-methyl-1,4-benzoquinone (coenzyme Q0; CoQ0) derived from A. cinnamomea submerged culture filtrates has anticancer activity. CoQ0 treatment reduced the viability of A549, HepG2, and SW480 cancer cell lines. Furthermore, CoQ0 induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and apoptosis in A549 cells, which was inhibited by the antioxidant ascorbic acid. To our knowledge, these data demonstrate for the first time that CoQ0 derived from A. cinnamomea submerged culture filtrates exerts its anticancer effect through the induction of ROS-mediated apoptosis in A549 human lung cancer cells

    Gen4Gen: Generative Data Pipeline for Generative Multi-Concept Composition

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    Recent text-to-image diffusion models are able to learn and synthesize images containing novel, personalized concepts (e.g., their own pets or specific items) with just a few examples for training. This paper tackles two interconnected issues within this realm of personalizing text-to-image diffusion models. First, current personalization techniques fail to reliably extend to multiple concepts -- we hypothesize this to be due to the mismatch between complex scenes and simple text descriptions in the pre-training dataset (e.g., LAION). Second, given an image containing multiple personalized concepts, there lacks a holistic metric that evaluates performance on not just the degree of resemblance of personalized concepts, but also whether all concepts are present in the image and whether the image accurately reflects the overall text description. To address these issues, we introduce Gen4Gen, a semi-automated dataset creation pipeline utilizing generative models to combine personalized concepts into complex compositions along with text-descriptions. Using this, we create a dataset called MyCanvas, that can be used to benchmark the task of multi-concept personalization. In addition, we design a comprehensive metric comprising two scores (CP-CLIP and TI-CLIP) for better quantifying the performance of multi-concept, personalized text-to-image diffusion methods. We provide a simple baseline built on top of Custom Diffusion with empirical prompting strategies for future researchers to evaluate on MyCanvas. We show that by improving data quality and prompting strategies, we can significantly increase multi-concept personalized image generation quality, without requiring any modifications to model architecture or training algorithms.Comment: Preprint; Project Page: https://danielchyeh.github.io/Gen4Gen

    Ultrasmall all-optical plasmonic switch and its application to superresolution imaging

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    Because of their exceptional local-field enhancement and ultrasmall mode volume, plasmonic components can integrate photonics and electronics at nanoscale, and active control of plasmons is the key. However, all-optical modulation of plasmonic response with nanometer mode volume and unity modulation depth is still lacking. Here we show that scattering from a plasmonic nanoparticle, whose volume is smaller than 0.001 μm3, can be optically switched off with less than 100 μW power. Over 80% modulation depth is observed, and shows no degradation after repetitive switching. The spectral bandwidth approaches 100 nm. The underlying mechanism is suggested to be photothermal effects, and the effective single-particle nonlinearity reaches nearly 10−9 m2/W, which is to our knowledge the largest record of metallic materials to date. As a novel application, the non-bleaching and unlimitedly switchable scattering is used to enhance optical resolution to λ/5 (λ/9 after deconvolution), with 100-fold less intensity requirement compared to similar superresolution techniques. Our work not only opens up a new field of ultrasmall all-optical control based on scattering from a single nanoparticle, but also facilitates superresolution imaging for long-term observation

    Elective amputation and bionic substitution restore functional hand use after critical soft tissue injuries

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    Critical soft tissue injuries may lead to a non-functional and insensate limb. In these cases standard reconstructive techniques will not suffice to provide a useful outcome, and solutions outside the biological arena must be considered and offered to these patients. We propose a concept which, after all reconstructive options have been exhausted, involves an elective amputation along with a bionic substitution, implementing an actuated prosthetic hand via a structured tech-neuro-rehabilitation program. Here, three patients are presented in whom this concept has been successfully applied after mutilating hand injuries. Clinical tests conducted before, during and after the procedure, evaluating both functional and psychometric parameters, document the benefits of this approach. Additionally, in one of the patients, we show the possibility of implementing a highly functional and natural control of an advanced prosthesis providing both proportional and simultaneous movements of the wrist and hand for completing tasks of daily living with substantially less compensatory movements compared to the traditional systems. It is concluded that the proposed procedure is a viable solution for re-gaining highly functional hand use following critical soft tissue injuries when existing surgical measures fail. Our results are clinically applicable and can be extended to institutions with similar resources

    Entropic Tension in Crowded Membranes

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    Unlike their model membrane counterparts, biological membranes are richly decorated with a heterogeneous assembly of membrane proteins. These proteins are so tightly packed that their excluded area interactions can alter the free energy landscape controlling the conformational transitions suffered by such proteins. For membrane channels, this effect can alter the critical membrane tension at which they undergo a transition from a closed to an open state, and therefore influence protein function \emph{in vivo}. Despite their obvious importance, crowding phenomena in membranes are much less well studied than in the cytoplasm. Using statistical mechanics results for hard disk liquids, we show that crowding induces an entropic tension in the membrane, which influences transitions that alter the projected area and circumference of a membrane protein. As a specific case study in this effect, we consider the impact of crowding on the gating properties of bacterial mechanosensitive membrane channels, which are thought to confer osmoprotection when these cells are subjected to osmotic shock. We find that crowding can alter the gating energies by more than 2  kBT2\;k_BT in physiological conditions, a substantial fraction of the total gating energies in some cases. Given the ubiquity of membrane crowding, the nonspecific nature of excluded volume interactions, and the fact that the function of many membrane proteins involve significant conformational changes, this specific case study highlights a general aspect in the function of membrane proteins.Comment: 20 pages (inclduing supporting information), 4 figures, to appear in PLoS Comp. Bio

    Multiple Lineages of Human Breast Cancer Stem/Progenitor Cells Identified by Profiling with Stem Cell Markers

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    Heterogeneity of cancer stem/progenitor cells that give rise to different forms of cancer has been well demonstrated for leukemia. However, this fundamental concept has yet to be established for solid tumors including breast cancer. In this communication, we analyzed solid tumor cancer stem cell markers in human breast cancer cell lines and primary specimens using flow cytometry. The stem/progenitor cell properties of different marker expressing-cell populations were further assessed by in vitro soft agar colony formation assay and the ability to form tumors in NOD/SCID mice. We found that the expression of stem cell markers varied greatly among breast cancer cell lines. In MDA-MB-231 cells, PROCR and ESA, instead of the widely used breast cancer stem cell markers CD44+/CD24-/low and ALDH, could be used to highly enrich cancer stem/progenitor cell populations which exhibited the ability to self renew and divide asymmetrically. Furthermore, the PROCR+/ESA+ cells expressed epithelial-mesenchymal transition markers. PROCR could also be used to enrich cells with colony forming ability from MB-361 cells. Moreover, consistent with the marker profiling using cell lines, the expression of stem cell markers differed greatly among primary tumors. There was an association between metastasis status and a high prevalence of certain markers including CD44+/CD24−/low, ESA+, CD133+, CXCR4+ and PROCR+ in primary tumor cells. Taken together, these results suggest that similar to leukemia, several stem/progenitor cell-like subpopulations can exist in breast cancer