79 research outputs found

    Utjecaj intenziteta prorjeda na rast azijske bukve (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) u plantažama u Trabzonu na sjeveroistoku Turske

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    In this study, the effects of first thinnings having different intensities in oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) plantation areas were investigated in terms of diameter and height growth of trees. Sample plots were chosen from oriental beech plantation areas which are within the boundaries of Maçka–Yeşiltepe and Vakfıkebir districts of Trabzon province, Turkey. With removing of 0%, 10%, 25% and 40% of basal area in a hectare of stands which are in sapling stage, sample plots were established by applying thinnings which are in four different intensities (control, light, moderate, strong). After the thinning applications, basal areas were calculated by measuring diameters and heights of trees in established sample plots in order to reveal stand growth. The effects of thinnings were revealed related to some stand characteristics (average diameter, basal area, average height, relative diameter increment, etc.) and determined chosen trees. The effect of thinning intensity on average diameter, basal area, and volume values is statistically important in every two plantations. 2-year results showed that thinning increased the diameter increment significantly, and the increase in diameter increment was positively correlated with the thinning intensity in both experiments. Moreover, increments of diameter, height, basal area, and volume were higher in Maçka-Yeşiltepe experiment than in Vakfıkebir experiment. But, the values of moderate and strong thinning intensities applied in Vakfıkebir were close to each other. When all the results are evaluated, application of strong thinning intensity for Yeşiltepe sample plot, the moderate thinning intensity for Vakfıkebir sample plot is seen appropriate by us in terms of both stand development.U ovom su istraživanju proučavani učinci prve prorjede različitih intenziteta u plantažnim područjima azijske bukve (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) vezano za povećanje promjera i visine stabala. Odabrane su primjerne plohe u plantažnim područjima azijske bukve unutar granica okruga Maçka–Yeşiltepe i Vakfıkebir u pokrajini Trabzon, Turska. Primjerne plohe utvrđene su prorjedom u četiri različita intenziteta (kontrolni, slaba, umjereni, jaka), uklanjanjem 0%, 10%, 25% i 40% temeljnice po hektaru sastojine u fazi mladika. Nakon prorjeđivanja, temeljnica je izračunata mjerenjem promjera i visine stabala u utvrđenim primjernim plohama kako bi se utvrdio rast sastojine. Utvrđeni su učinci prorjede povezani s određenim karakteristikama sastojine (prosječni promjer, temeljnica, prosječna visina, relativni debljinski prirast, itd.) i određenim odabranim stablima. Učinak intenziteta prorjede na prosječni promjer, vrijednost temeljnice i volumena pokazao se kao statistički važan u svakoj od dvije plantaže. Dvogodišnji rezultati pokazali su da je prorjeda značajno povećala debljinski prirast, a povećanje debljinskog prirasta je u pozitivnoj korelaciji s intenzitetom prorjede u oba eksperimenta. Štoviše, prirast promjera, visine, temeljnice i volumena bio je veći u eksperimentu u Maçka-Yeşiltepeu nego u eksperimentu u Vakfıkebiru. Međutim, vrijednosti umjerenog i jakog intenziteta prorjede u Vakfıkebiru bile su bliske. Nakon procjene svih rezultata, smatramo da je primjena jakog intenziteta prorjede u primjernoj plohi u Yeşiltepeu i umjerenog intenziteta prorjede u primjernoj plohi u Vakfıkebiru prikladna u smislu razvoja sastojine


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    Eritema diskromikum perstans gövde, ekstremiteler, yüz ve boyunda simetrik dağılım gösteren, asemptomatik ve yavaş ilerleyen kül grisi renginde maküllerle karakterize nadir görülen, benign, kronik ve idiyopatik bir pigmentasyon bozukluğudur. Bu hastalıkta tamamen etkili olan bir tedavi seçeneği henüz mevcut değildir. Birçok tedavi seçeneğinin denendiği görülmüş, ancak klofazimin ve dapson dışındaki tedavilerin büyük çoğunluğunun etkisiz olduğu bildirilmiştir. Burada dapson tedavisine yanıtsız EDP'lu 36 yaşında bir erkek olgu sunulmaktadır Erythema dyschromicum perstans is an uncommon, benign, chronic, idiopathic pigmentary disorder characterized by asymptomatic, slowly progressive, ashy-gray macules over the trunk, extremities, face and neck with symmetrical distribution. No consistently effective treatment is yet available for this disease. Many therapeutic options have been tried, but the majority of them have been ineffective except clofazimine and dapson. Herein, we report a 36-year-old male of EDP who did not response to dapson treatment

    Incomplete ovarian tissue removal in female dogs and cats

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    Incomplete ovariectomy (IO) is the unintentional partial or complete lack of removal of one or both ovaries during an ovariohysterectomy or ovariectomy procedure, and is often referred to as ‘ovarian remnant syndrome’. It usually has a clear clinical presentation, although there are a number of other conditions that may have similar presenting signs. In female cats and dogs these include: non-oestrous mounting behaviour, non-oestrous vulval discharge and, solely in bitches, sexual interest from males and iatrogenic pseudopregnancy. This article considers the causes, presentation, methods of diagnosis and management of IO in bitches and queens

    Intermittent catheterization in patients with traumatic spinal cord injury: Obstacles, worries, level of satisfaction

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    Objectives: The aim of this study is to examine the obstacles in people with traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) face performing intermittent catheterization (IC), also their worries and level of satisfaction. Methods: Two hundred sixty-nine patients performing IC for at least 3 months were asked to fill-out a questionnaire about their opinions on IC. Results: In total, 69.5% of patients performed IC themselves, 10.4% had performed by their mothers, 7.8% by another caregiver and 7.4% by their spouse. For the 72 (26%) patients unable to apply IC, reasons were insufficient hand function (56.1%), being unable to sit appropriately (35.4%) and spasticity (8.5%). In all, 70% of male patients had insufficient hand function, 20% could not sit and 10% had spasticity while 56.3% of female patients could not sit, 37.5% had insufficient hand function and 63% had spasticity. Difference between sexes was found to be statistically significant (P<0.05). Worries patients had when starting IC were fear of being dependent on IC (50.2%), accidentally injuring self (43.8%), embarrassment (43.2%), causing an infection (40.2%), bleeding (32.7%), fear of feeling pain (30.2%) and hygiene (24.7%). More women felt embarrassment; other items were similar in both sexes. In all, 46.9% of patients had urinary incontinence in intervals. Conclusion: In total, 69.5% of patients performed IC themselves. Men's most common obstacle was insufficient hand function while women's was being unable to sit appropriately. Patients' most common worries were being dependent on IC for life. In all, 46.9% had incontinence in intervals; 47.9% said IC improved their life quality; and 97.4% preferred IC over continuous catheterization. © 2014 International Spinal Cord Society All rights reserved

    Dişi Köpeklerde Ovaryohisterektominin Vücut Ağırlığı, Total Kolesterol, Trigliserit, Karaciğer Enzim değerleri ve Glikoz Seviyesi Üzerine Etkisinin Araştırılması

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    Dişi k&ouml;peklerde ovaryohisterektominin metabolizma faaliyetleri &uuml;zerine etkisini araştıran pek &ccedil;ok &ccedil;alışma yapılmış ve kısırlaştırmanın metabolizmayı yavaşlatıcı etkisi ve bunun sonu&ccedil;ları &uuml;zerinde durulmuştur. Sunulan bu &ccedil;alışmada da farklı ırk, yaş ve bakım şartlarındaki dişi k&ouml;peklerde kısırlaştırmanın erken d&ouml;nemde v&uuml;cut ağırlığı ve serum total kolesterol, trigliserit, alkalen fosfataz, alanin aminotransferaz, aspartat aminotransferaz ve glikoz değerleri &uuml;zerine etkisinin araştırılması ama&ccedil;landı. Bu ama&ccedil;la 15 dişi k&ouml;pekte kısırlaştırma operasyonundan hemen &ouml;nce ve operasyon sonrası 3, 6. ve 12. aylarda a&ccedil;lık serum total kolesterol, trigliserit, alkalen fosfataz, alanin aminotransferaz, aspartat aminotransferaz ve glikoz değerleri ile v&uuml;cut ağırlıkları saptandı. Belirtilen d&ouml;nemlere ait v&uuml;cut ağırlıkları istatistiksel olarak değerlendirildiğinde, operasyon &ouml;ncesi ve sonrası 6. ay ile operasyon &ouml;ncesi ve sonrası 12. ay sonu&ccedil;ları arasındaki farklılık istatistiki a&ccedil;ıdan &ouml;nemli bulundu (P&lt;0.05). Serumda bakılan parametrelerin ise kısırlaştırma &ouml;ncesi ve sonrası d&ouml;nemlere ait sonu&ccedil;ları karşılaştırıldığında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir farklılık bulunmadı. Sonu&ccedil; olarak k&ouml;peklerde ovaryohisterektominin erken d&ouml;nemde a&ccedil;lık serum total kolesterol, trigliserit, alanin aminotransferaz, alkalen fosfataz, aspartat aminotransferaz ve glikoz değerleri &uuml;zerine belirgin bir etkisi olmadığı, v&uuml;cut ağırlığını ise postoperatif 6. aydan itibaren artırdığı, uygun beslenme ve egzersiz programları ile ovaryohisterektomi sonrası kilo artışının &ouml;n&uuml;ne ge&ccedil;ilmesi gerektiği kanısına varıldı