706 research outputs found
P-T evolotion and High-temperature deformation of Precambrian eclogite, Sveconorwegian orogen
The 1.1-0.9 Ga Sveconorwegian orogen is one of several Grenvillian-aged orogenic belts that mark the amalgamation of supercontinent Rodinia. The highest-pressure rocks in the Sveconorwegian orogen are eclogites in the Eastern Segment (SW Sweden). The eclogites occur in a nappe in the high-grade metamorphic level of the Eastern Segment that represents a window into the deepest part of this Precambrian mountain belt. The aim of this thesis is to reconstruct the metamorphic history of the eclogite-bearing nappe by characterizating the deformation associated with exhumation (Paper I) and by reconstructing the P–T evolution (pressure and temperature; papers II and III).Paper I focuses on the deformation structures in the basal shear zone of the eclogite-bearing nappe. These structures developed during exhumation at high-temperature conditions. Top-to-the-east shear and east-directed flow produced intense folding, interpreted as formed by a combination of simple and pure shear. The interplay of shearing, folding, and melt localization lead to localized shear, high-temperature brittle fracturing, and the formation of high-temperature chevron folds in high-strain zones.Paper II retraces the metamorphic evolution of the eclogite-bearing nappe by thermodynamic modelling (THERMOCALC©) and construction of P–T pseudosections for two different types of eclogite. One of the samples gave information on both the prograde and the retrograde paths, and an estimate of peak metamorphic conditions of 850–900 °C and ~18 kbar. The first stage of the prograde path, representing a medium P/T gradient, is recorded in the core of garnet grains. The second part of the prograde path and the retrograde path are both steep. The chemical growth zoning of garnet is preserved which, together with the shape of the P–T path, reflects short residence time at high temperatures.Paper III reports the results of two independent trace element thermometers, which are based on the Zr-contents in rutile and Ti-contents in quartz. The combination of these two methods confirmed the P–T evolution calculated in Paper II. In particular, Ti-in-quartz thermometry are in agreement with the pseudosection estimates at high temperatures, and the minerals appear unaffected by diffusional resetting. A pseudosection model, showing the changes in modal abundance of different phases along the P–T path, demonstrates that rutile grains in the matrix recrystallized from smaller-sized rutile grains, and that this process was simultaneous with the main dehydration reaction in the rock (continuous breakdown of hornblende and formation of clinopyroxene). This study illustrates that Zr-in-rutile and Ti-in-quartz thermometry cannot only robustly constrain a prograde evolution, but when combined with a pseudosection model can also yield information on recrystallization processes. In fact, the combination of these methods provides an unrivalled tool for petrologic interpretation.The data presented in this thesis testifies to westward tectonic burial of continental crust at ~65 km depth and 890 °C at a late stage of the Sveconorwegian orogenesis. The following foreland-directed tectonic exhumation of the eclogite-bearing nappe was associated with partial melting, ductile flow folding and shearing. The character of both prograde and retrograde P–T paths suggests rapid tectonic burial and exhumation consistent with collision at the end of the Sveconorwegian orogeny
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Proust and Speech
This dissertation examines how Marcel Proust presents and uses different speech styles in A la recherche du temps perdu. The narrator of the novel analyzes how almost everyone he encounters speaks and consistently bases his decisions about how to interact with others on his evaluation of their speech mannerisms. I argue that, through the narrator’s observations, Proust emphasizes the role of the socioindexicality of speech, or how the way a person speaks communicates their social identity, in mediating social relations. I begin by presenting the narrator’s comments on how social status is interpreted through the way that people speak. Then I turn in the second chapter to how the narrator’s understanding of what factors determine a person’s speech mannerisms changes over the course of his life. The third chapter argues that the narrator has a sustained interest in how people use speech to perform different identities and shows how his investigation into the reasons these performances succeed or fail informs Proust’s own technique of using different speech styles to create fictional characters in his novel. The last chapter discusses how Proust’s Jewish and gay characters adapt how they speak to avoid or overcome discrimination. In each of these chapters, I show how, in A la recherche, the way social identity is interpreted and performed through speech causes individuals to take on different identities. I argue that, through the narrator’s comments on this phenomenon, Proust demonstrates how it affects the structure of society while also studying the way it can be used to create fictional characters in a novel
Amazefest Summer 2015: Nutrition Education and Body Mass Index (BMI) Assessment
Within the last three decades, the prevalence of obesity in childhood has more than doubled in the United States. Approximately 12.7 million (17%) of children aged 2-19 years are affected by obesity in childhood. This research study was launched in an effort to lessen this country’s overwhelming obesity problem by educating children and teens in Arkadelphia, Arkansas about the importance of eating healthy food and living an active lifestyle. The researchers visited five local summer programs during a seven-week period to determine the weight status of typical Arkadelphia children with ages ranging from three to twelve years old. Three programs served as the treatment group and received weekly education sessions covering topics in nutrition and physical activity. Two groups served as the control group and did not participate in the weekly lessons. At the beginning and end of the seven weeks, the children in both the treatment and control groups were weighed and measured and the pre- and post data was compared. Pre- and post assessment body mass index (BMI) were calculated and results collected in a database under the categories of underweight, healthy weight, overweight, and obese. Data was collected from 141 children. Newsletters containing a summary of the day’s lesson and practical ways to improve lifestyle were sent home with the children in hopes that caregivers would continue the child’s nutrition and physical activity education at home. Prevention is the main goal of this research, as studies have shown that educating students on the importance of nutrition and physical activity prevents weight gain and thus weight gain related health problems. This particular study was conducted to estimate the effectiveness and value of seven weeks of practical nutrition and physical activity-specific education and its role in the prevention of childhood obesity
Vast difference of obesity in American children compared to children worldwide
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the last 30 years, obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents. Since 1980 the percentage of children aged 6-11 years in the United States who were obese increased from 7% in 1980 to 18% in 2012. The purpose of the research was to collate, analyze, and compare body mass index (BMI)-for-age percentile results of children participating in a summer nutrition research program in Arkadelphia, AR, with the BMI-for-age percentiles of children in Arkansas, the United States and worldwide. The BMI-for-age percentiles for each participant in the program during the eight years of the study were compiled by age, gender and ethnicity into one document. Some participants repeated the program multiple years, and their BMI-for-age percentile changes were tracked from year to year. A total of 408 students (189 males and 219 females) ages 3-14 were studied from 2007-2014. Within those gender groups were three ethnicities: Caucasian (220), African American (178), and Hispanic (6), as well as four without ethnicity listed. Summer research BMI-for-age percentile weight status category results were 1% underweight, 62% healthy weight and 37% overweight/obese. Results are similar for Arkansas (2% underweight, 59% healthy weight, and 39% overweight/obese) and the Untied States (4% underweight, 64% healthy weight, and 32% overweight/obese). The numbers vary with worldwide statistics of 15% underweight, 65% healthy weight, and 20% overweight/obese). Results of the children who participated more than one summer in the eight summer research program were: 128 students who had been evaluated returned to the summer program for two (96), three (29), or four years (3). The results showed that 99 participants’ weights remained the same, 14 gained weight, 11 lost weight, and 4 fluctuated between weight loss and weight gain. Abstrac
Le projet GELS (Global Engineers Language Skills)
Le projet GELS (Global Engineers Language Skills) vise à mener une réflexion autour de l'enseignement des langues aux étudiants-ingénieurs et à promouvoir une approche adaptée aux futurs besoins de ceux-ci. Mené conjointement par des enseignants de l'Université de Cambridge (Royaume-Uni), de l'Institut Royal de Technologie (Suède) et de l'Institut Mines Télécom-Didalang (France), ce projet a pour finalité de développer un outil didactique s'appuyant sur le CECRL (Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour les Langues) et destiné aux enseignants de langues des écoles d'ingénieurs à travers toute l'Europe. Il ambitionne d'impliquer des professeurs de différentes langues venant d'un nombre le plus large possible d'établissements européens d'enseignement supérieur spécialisés dans la formation d'ingénieurs.Dans un premier temps, nous orienterons notre propos vers la nature de l'enseignement des Langues sur Objectifs Spécifiques (LOS), terme et acronyme que nous accepterons ici comme équivalents de l'anglais Language for Specific Purposes (LSP). Il sera question de la difficulté de proposer une formation adaptée à des besoins variés de la part d'étudiants dont les différentes origines, spécialisations et degrés d'expertise, mais aussi les futurs débouchés sont synonymes d'une grande hétérogénéité. La provision linguistique offerte dans les écoles d'ingénieurs ne pourra donc être satisfaisante et adaptée qu'à condition d'identifier une série de dénominateurs communs qui se situent au-delà des seules considérations lexicales. Nous insisterons notamment sur l’importance d’intégrer cette approche dès le niveau A1 du CECRL dans les formations proposées.Après cette mise en contexte, nous présenterons le projet GELS pour mieux en saisir toute la dimension européenne, tant du point de vue de l'influence du CECRL, que de la composition de l'équipe engagée sur ce projet et de ses ambitions. Ce projet a pour but d'aboutir à un ensemble de productions mêlant réflexions pédagogiques, applications pratiques et formation professionnelle pour et par des enseignants et des responsables de la formation linguistique en écoles d'ingénieurs.Finalement, bien que le projet ne soit que dans sa phase initiale, certaines réflexions ont déjà émergé des expériences et observations de terrain, des entretiens avec des ingénieurs en activité ainsi que de nos lectures sur le sujet. Nous évoquerons donc quelques pistes pédagogiques à explorer pour les professeurs de LOS auprès d'un public ingénieur, avant d'insister sur l'importance de la compétence interculturelle et de conclure sur le rôle et la place de l'enseignant dans un tel contexte.Nous espérons que notre présentation pourra avoir des répercussions au-delà des écoles d'ingénieurs et amènera à de semblables projets dans d'autres domaines
International audienceSveconorwegian eclogite occur as a nappe within the high-grade metamorphic region in southernSweden, which constitutes a window into the deepest part of this Precambrian mountain belt. Distinctmicrostructural domains (i.e., garnet core, garnet rim, and matrix) in a Fe-Ti-rich eclogite variety containabundant quartz, rutile and zircon.A pseudosection approach was first applied and compared to results from a combination of Zr-in-rutileand Ti-in-quartz. The pressure input used for both thermometers was first deduced for each microstructuraldomain from the pseudosection. For the garnet core, Zr-in-rutile yields temperatures of 700-715°C and Ti-inquartz~ 635°C at 7 kbar. For the garnet rim, temperatures of 760-790°C (Zr-in-rutile) and 740-890°C (Ti-inquartz)at 12-18 kbar were calculated. Matrix rutile recorded temperatures of ~ 810°C, while quartz recordedtemperatures up to ~ 890°C. Additionally, direct combination of Ti content in quartz and Zr content in rutileisopleths (i.e., independent from the pseudosection) yield a prograde path in nearly perfect agreement withthe one deduced from the pseudosection.The pseudosection shows that rutile was produced by continuous breakdown of ilmenite during the earlystages of prograde metamorphism, a reaction that ran to completion at ~ 730°C. Most rutile grains in garnetrim and matrix are interpreted to subsequently form by recrystallization of smaller matrix grains. However,they generally do not record the peak-P temperatures and instead range mostly between 775 and 815°C,interpreted as a result of more efficient recrystallization during a dehydration reaction (progressivereplacement of hornblende by clinopyroxene).This study illustrates that both Zr-in-rutile and Ti-in-quartz thermometry cannot only robustly constrain aprograde evolution, but when combined with a pseudosection model can also yield information onrecrystallization processes. In fact, the combination of these three methods provides an unrivalled tool forpetrologic interpretation.The variation in Ti concentration in quartz is small regardless of crystal size. This P–T path reach veryhigh temperatures (up to 875°C) with a high dP/dT ratio, both during prograde and retrograde histories. Thesteep P–T path, together with preservation of garnet growth zoning, symplectitic textures and the lack ofsignificant Ti diffusion in quartz is consistent with a short residence time at high-temperature, implyingunusual fast burial and exhumation of the eclogite-bearing nappe
Quatre prologues pour Faust
Il s’agissait de prĂ©parer un spectaclequi poserait le problème du hasard,et de l’intervention du public,Ă partir du thème de Faust.Michel Butor Dans une de ses nouvelles, Le Romancier Martin, Marcel AymĂ© raconte l’hisÂtoire d’un Ă©crivain dont les personnages Ă©chappent au contrĂ´le, et qui ne peut plus dĂ©cider des trajectoires de son Ĺ“uvre. Aussi Ă©trange que paraisse le phĂ©Ânomène, nous pourrions nous poser la question suivante: le compositeur maĂ®trise-t-il sa crĂ©ation, ou l’œuvre, protĂ©iforme,..
A socio-ecological barrier to regular migration, regularization and healthcare access for Myanmar irregular migrant workers in Thailand
The Myanmar people have been migrating to Thailand since the 1980s through regular or irregular channels for better livelihood opportunities. Over the past decade, they have significantly contributed to the economic development of both sending and receiving states. Thailand and Myanmar signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to facilitate labour migration in 2003. The agreement aims to ensure that migrant workers have access to regular employment channels in Thailand and improve their employment rights. Under a bilateral agreement, migrant workers employed under the MOU can stay in Thailand for four years. However, they must apply for visa renewals every two years for the next two years.
Since 1992, the Royal Thai Government (RTG) has issued a cabinet resolution to regularize those who have migrated irregularly or have become irregular after migrating to Thailand. It permits irregular migrant workers to purchase health insurance and work legally for one–two years after registration. However, a large amount of available literature suggests that unregistered migrant worker numbers are higher than the registered numbers. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the push factors for migration, barriers to regular channel migration, how and why some migrants become irregular post-regular migration, challenges associated with the regularization system, and difficulties related to accessing healthcare services among Myanmar irregular migrant workers (MIMWs) in Thailand.
This study employed a mixed-method research design. A total of 398 individuals completed the online survey, and 43 individuals from MIMWs and NGO practitioners from migrant healthcare, labour protection, and legal advisors participated in the in-depth interviews. The quantitative data were analysed descriptively, while the qualitative data were analysed thematically using the socio-ecological model, emphasising intrapersonal, interpersonal, institutional, community, and policy factors.
This study found that Myanmar people migrated voluntarily and forcibly due to wage disparities between Thailand and Myanmar, limited employment opportunities, and political and economic instability, particularly after the coup of February 2021. Additionally, officials\u27 corruption, an inadequate monitoring system for implementing an MOU migration recruitment program, long waiting periods, and an absence of bilateral cooperation between Thailand and Myanmar in sanctioning employers and agencies that violate the regulations are significant barriers to regular migration. In addition, the corruption of Thai officials, turning a blind eye to employers who violate labour laws, contributed to several MOU workers\u27 exploitation and irregular employment. On the other hand, the Thai Cabinet resolutions are pro-employers, which means that national interests are placed above the intention to allow irregular migrants to fully legalize themselves, which is the reason for the low registration rates.
Consequently, migrant workers are unable to access and benefit from this policy because of its inconsistent and restrictive nature. Additionally, the significant barriers to accessing healthcare are caused by restrictive policies, exclusions from healthcare services, high costs, discriminatory treatment, and widespread arrests and deportations among irregular migrant populations.
Therefore, sending and receiving states must reform MOU recruitment practices and ensure that existing laws are rigorously enforced to achieve United Nations resolutions on safe and regular migration
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