419 research outputs found

    It-teatru bl-ilsien Malti

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    Artiklu maqlub mit-Taljan minn E. S. I. kif deher fil-“Giornale deglie Scambi Nazionali e Internazionale, Affari u Rappresentanza” ta’ Giacinto Tua dwar it-teatru bl-ilsien Malti.N/

    Komunikasi Antarpribadi Pimpinan dan Pegawai dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Kerja di Kantor Desa Dayun Kabupaten Siak

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    A process that will always happen in an institution is a communication process. Through communication process information exchange, ideas and experiences. Communication between leaders and employees must always be honest and built based on trust and open attitude between each other to build spirit dan motivation in work.The purpose of this study to know the openness, empathy, positive behavior, supportive attitude and equality of interpersonal communication of leaders and employees in improving work motivation in the office of Dayun village. This research uses qualitative research method with self disclosure. Subject of research consists of one person leadership, three employees and two people as a supporting informant selected by using purposive sampling technique. This study uses data collection techniques interviews, observation and documentation research.Research results show that (a) openness, leadership and employees always emphasize that every existing and involved line must be open to each other without being covered by each other. (b) empathy, leaders always closer, give attention and feel that is being felt by employees so that employees feel cared for and can improve work motivation. (c) positive behavior, either employees or leaders never arise sespicion. Leaders always apply positive thinking to employees, so that employees can work well and comfortable. (d) supportive attitude, leadership and employees always support each other in any case for the achievement of the goal of providing the best service for community, and (e) equality, the leadership never distinguishes caste any degree between him and his servants. He imposed the same thing to improve work motivation and actieve goals

    Evaluasi Program Pelatihan Kewirausahaan oleh Disnaker Kota Pekanbaru

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    This research analyze about internship training program by Depertment of Labour in Pekanbaru, the purpose of this training have not been accomplished. From this problem, it is necessary to evaluate the implementation of entrepreneurship training program by Department of Labour in Pekanbaru. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the entrepreurial training especially the implementation of the program. This research is based on theory of William N Dunn that explains there are six evaluation criteria, namely effectiveness, efficiency, adequacy, equity, responsiveness and accuracy. This study uses qualitative descriptive method and technique of data collection is done by interview, observation and documentation. This research is based on theory of William N Dunn that explains there are six evaluation criteria, namely effectiveness, efficiency, adequacy, equity, responsiveness and accuracy. This study uses qualitative descriptive method and technique of data collection is done by interview, observation and documentation. Based on the result of interviews, researcher note that entrepreneurship training program by Depertment of Labour Pekanbaru still not reach the purpose of the program. It is ineffective as seen from the imperfect purpose and goal, the program also is inefficient seen from the time and man power needed is still not sufficient, the program also can not satisfy the need of the people, also the distribution of benefits to policy grup still uneven, and is still a lack of responsiveness to the problems that trainee faced, because many trainees are discontent to the program. The goals of the Program is good but still not properly implemented. This regulation must be repaired again to strengthen the basis of the program in the implementation of the program. This could happened because there are factors that affecting it such as, limited funds, limited human resource, and inadequation of facilities and infrastructure Based on the result of interviews, researcher note that entrepreneurship training program by Depertment of Labour Pekanbaru still not reach the purpose of the program. It is ineffective as seen from the imperfect purpose and goal, the program also is inefficient seen from the time and man power needed is still not sufficient, the program also can not satisfy the need of the people, also the distribution of benefits to policy grup still uneven, and is still a lack of responsiveness to the problems that trainee faced, because many trainees are discontent to the program. The goals of the Program is good but still not properly implemented. This regulation must be repaired again to strengthen the basis of the program in the implementation of the program. This could happened because there are factors that affecting it such as, limited funds, limited human resource, and inadequation of facilities and infrastructur

    Pemberian Kompos Ampas Tahu dan Urine Sapi pada Pertumbuhan Bibit Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq)

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    Palm Oil plant (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) is one of the most important crops which is plays an important role for Indonesia as a mainstay for export commodities and commodities that can increase the income of Indonesian society. Nursery activities essentially instrumental in the preparation of plant material (seeds) for planting in the field, so the breeding activities must be managed properly. Provision of compost fertilizer on the media used in oil palm seedlings is expected to add the availability of macro and micro nutrients in the soil, so it can increase the biological soil microbes and earthworms better. To have a good quality seeds, there is ne option through regulatory substances growing plants. The use regulatory substances growing plants on nursery synthetic or naturally aims to enhance the growth of seedlings. One of the regulatory substances growing plants is cow's urine, in addition to relatively easily obtainable also simple to use. Based on these results it can be concluded that the subtances of cow urine and tofu compost generally showed different results is not apparent after a statistical analysis on the parameters except the ratio of canopy and root dry weight of seedlings. Giving cow urine at a concentration of 40% and compost tofu 225 g / plant has not followed the maximum results in all parameters tested

    Analisis Yuridis Tentang Prapenuntutan Dikaitkan Dengan Hak Asasi Manusia Tersangka

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    Alternating behind the prosecution of the case file to the investigator so contrary to the interests of the suspect or the principles of justice are fast, fair, free, simple, and inexpensive. The purpose of this thesis, namely: First, To Can Know In Prapenuntutan Problems Associated With Human Rights of Suspects, Second, To Know Settings Can Prapenuntutan In Criminal Case, Third, Can Knowing Due To Legal Prapenuntutan Against Investigation and Public Prosecution. This research uses normative juridical research method, the research done by first examining the materials library of the law relating to pemasalahan or study of regulations is standard / recorded, whereas the data source used, primary data, secondary data, and data tertiary, data collection techniques in this research with the study of literature or study methods documentary. From the research there are three main issues that can be inferred. First, the problems in prapenuntutan associated with the human rights of suspects, that there are no settings to how many times prapenuntutan can be done. The absence of sanctions for investigators when the case file is not submitted to the public prosecutor. Secondly, setting prapenuntutan in criminal cases, while the settings are: the Code of Criminal Procedure which consists of Article 8, Article 14, Article 109, Article 110, Article 138, Article 139, Explanation of Article 30 of Law No. 16 of 2004 About Kejasaan, Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia Regulation No. PER-036 / A / JA / 09/2011 on Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) General Crimes Case Management. Third, the result of Prapenuntutan Law Against Investigation and Public Prosecution, while the consequence that in the conduct of the police arrest should not be mistaken. The possibility of errors arrest may occur because the arrest was no reason authorized by law, Saran writer, first, should the Criminal Code should provide an explanation of the notion prapenuntutan the second Neither investigators nor prosecutors must be able to resolve the case files as possible in accordance the time limit prescribed by the law, third, So that there is no case files back and forth between the public prosecutor with the investigator, here the necessary firmness of the law enforcement agencies in order to carry out his duties can be as determined by law

    Non-Linear I-V Characteristics of Double Schottky Barriers and Polycrystalline Semiconductors

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    An attempt to determine theoretically the highly non-linear current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of polycrystalline semiconductors, such as ZnO-based varistors, is made from the electrical properties of individual grain boundaries under dc bias. The role played by the fluctuations of double Schottky barrier heights at grain interfaces on driving electrical breakdown phenomena of macroscopic samples is pointed out in terms of a binary mixture model. An alternative trial form for the double Schottky barrier height is introduced to reproduce the breakdown voltage as well as the high non-linear coefficient alpha, where I propto V^{alpha}. ------------- Copies upon request to: [email protected]: CM-ICTP/92/1

    Barriers associated with emergency medical service activation in Italian patients with ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes

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    Abstract Background Many ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome (STEACS) patients fail to activate the Emergency Medical System (EMS), with possible dramatic consequences. Prior studies focusing on barriers to EMS activation include patients with any acute coronary syndrome (ACS) without representation of southern European populations. However, barriers are influenced by the ACS type and by socio-demographic and racial factors. Purpose We aimed to investigate the barriers to EMS call for patients diagnosed for STEACS in Italy. Methods A prospective, single-center, survey-based study, including all the patients treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention for STEACS in a tertiary hospital in northern Italy from 1st June 2018 to 31st May 2020. Results The questionnaire was filled out by 293 patients. The majority of the participants were males (74%), married (70.4%), with a high-school degree (38.4%) and with a median age of 62 years. Chest pain as a possible symptom related to a cardiovascular attack is known by most of the respondents (89%), and left arm pain/shake by 53.7% of them, whilst the other possible signs and symptoms (i.e. dyspnea, asthenia, sweating, nausea, vomiting, dizziness) were unknown to the majority of the participants. Only 191 (65.2%) of the participants activated the EMS after symptoms onset. The main reasons for not calling EMS were the perception that symptoms were not related to an important health problem (45.5%) and that a private vehicle is faster than EMS to reach the hospital (34.7%). The median time to first medical contact was 60 minutes, and it was significantly higher in the patients who did not called EMS compared to those who did (180 [60–420] mins vs 35 [15–120] mins, p<0.001). The patients who called a private doctor after symptoms onset did not called EMS more frequently than those who did not (5.9% vs 8.2%, p=0.3). Moreover, 30% of the patients who did not call the EMS would still act in the same way if a new episode occurred and the main reasons for this were that they think to be faster than EMS (57.1%) and to live close to the hospital (17.9%). Analyzing predictors of EMS activation, only prior history of cardiovascular disease has been demonstrated to be a predictor of calling the EMS in case of symptoms suspected for STEACS. Conclusions Our study, from the southern Europe, showed that a substantial percentage of patients with symptoms suspected for STEACS preferred private vehicle rather than activating the EMS. Our results highlight the need for information campaigns targeted to both the general population and medical doctors, stressing that the EMS is faster than a private vehicle to direct the patient to the right hospital and increasing the awareness of the people on the type of possible heart attack symptoms, which seem to be the most neglected issues by patients who did not call the EMS. Funding Acknowledgement Type of funding sources: None

    A meta-analysis of the validity of the Head-Toes-Knees-Shoulders task in predicting young children's academic performance

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    The present study represents the first meta-analytic synthesis of the utility of a widely used early-childhood self-regulation measure, the Head-Toes-Knees-Shoulders task, in predicting children's academic achievement. A systematic review of the literature yielded 69 studies accessed from peer reviewed journals representing 413 effect sizes and 19,917 children meeting the complete set of inclusion and exclusion criteria. Robust variance analysis demonstrated that the Head-Toes-Knees-Shoulders task was a consistent predictor of children's academic achievement across literacy, oral language, and mathematical outcomes. A moderator analysis indicated that in accordance with prior research, the Head-Toes-Knees-Shoulders task was more strongly associated with children's mathematics performance relative to their performance on language and literacy measures. The results of this meta-analysis suggest that the Head-Toes-Knees-Shoulders task demonstrated statistically significant, positive associations with children's overall academic performance. These associations remained stable across different participant and measurement factors and are comparable to meta-analyses examining the self-regulation and academic association with multiple measures of self-regulation and executive function
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