71 research outputs found


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    Berlin, with its index of innovation, stands on the top of the rank with tra- ditionally-innovated German (Baden-Wurttemberg, Bayern) and non-German (Ile de France, East of England) regions. The location of advanced technologies within the city boundaries shows how important transportation nodes and concentration of research centers are. The traditional factor of innovation has also its importance in localization of new industry in the city. Great external areas today without visible spatial management can be used as location for high-technologies, because of their natural environment-friendly features. Developing an effective transportation system and improving this existing one will work for the city futurę also from this point of view. Berlin’s fight for Europe’s Capital city title can be victorious. It seems that soon it can be too late for other central European cities (especially Capital cities) to reach a comparative level

    Spatial aspects of air transportation liberalization - changes in European airport hierarchy.

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    Liberalization of air transportation opens the European market to low cost carriers. Offering cheep flights to main centres of economic and social development, this group of airlines considerably influences the role of this branch of passenger transportation, making it accessible a wider range of society. Using cheaper airports offering lower costs, these carriers change the airport hierarchy. Local airfields or regional airports become important European transportation nodes. These processes influence some spatial changes. Developing airports need more space for rebuilding terminals and enlarging service centres. Beside this spatial growth of air transportation infrastructure, changes also concern land use in their neighbourhood, because new economic activities appear in the vicinity of these 'new' airports

    Passenger air transportation in Poland during the period of liberalization (2004-2012)

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    As a result of socio-economic changes in the early 1990s, the inhabitants of Poland gained the opportunity of unrestricted movement beyond the country’s borders. However, only with the liberalization of air transportation, brought about by Poland’s entry into the European Union, were Poles given a real option of using an airplane as a feasible means of travel. This was in large part attributed to the introduction of low-fare airlines, which utilize mainly regional airports. The large wave of migration stemming from the opening up of labor markets to the inhabitants of new E U member states served as an additional factor creating additional demand. Owing to the above, since 2004, passenger air transportation in Poland has reached new levels. I n 2013 the number of passengers checked in at Polish airports should exceed 25 million. Although the global economic crisis has hampered all air transportation markets in Europe, Polish airports have exceptionally quickly returned to the path of dynamic growth. I n the immediate future, the direction and dynamics of air transportation growth in Poland will be in large part bound to the fate of Poland’s national air carrier - P L L L O T

    Entrepreneurship of inhabitants vs. economic activity of large and medium enterprises in rural areas of selected historical regions of Poland

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    In the past historical periods, each particular region of Poland was developing - in a sense - as separate organism; some of them were achieving a relative rise in the economic hierarchy, whereas some other were plunging in backwardness. These disparities have remained very distinctive until today, especially between the rural areas of different parts of the country. The aim of this paper is to determine diversifications of economic development level in four selected regions of Poland (Little Poland - pol. Małopolska, West Pomerania, Lower Silesia and the Lublin Region), measured as the localisation range and characteristics of big and medium enterprises in rural areas. Another objective was to observe the relation between localisation and characteristics of those enterprises and the general initiative of local inhabitants. The analyses carried out for this paper have served to create a typology of communes, depending on the number of workplaces in big and medium enterprises in this areas, as well as the general initiative of inhabitants, which then enabled the assessment of economic disparities between rural areas of selected Polish regions


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    Zrównoważony rozwój - wyzwania globalne : podręcznik dla uczestników studiów doktoranckich

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    Autostrady i porty lotnicze w kształtowaniu przestrzeni miejskiej i podmiejskiej

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    Airports and motorways belongs to the large-scale infrastructure. In both cases we can observe dynamie development of such objects in Poland. Author researched their impact on real estate market and local mobility patterns. In both cases it’s possible to identify the areas of negative impact of this group of transport infrastructure. This negative impact reflects on the land prices - but those interactions are spatially selective. In the case of airports, those areas which function under the axis of aireraft movements suffers from high noise level and greater pollution emission. It decreases the ąuality of life and indirectly impacts on real estate market. In the case of motorways we can also find the areas where those negative aspects are morę trouble some than in the others. The settlements which are located nearby the nodes between motorway and local roads may develop fast because they present high level of accessibility to the main urban area and often are separated from negative acoustic climate by the system of acoustic screens. From the other hand settlementsin direct neighborhood to the motorway, but without accessibility to the node, are cut from this kind of positive impact. In this case local society can suffer from limited possibilities of mobility caused by motorway as the corridor in space, hard or even impossible to cross.Lotniska i autostrady należą do infrastruktury wielkoskalowej. W obu przypadkach można zaobserwować dynamiczny rozwój takich obiektów w Polsce. Autor badał ich wpływ na rynek nieruchomości i lokalne wzorce mobilności. W obu przypadkach można wyznaczyć obszary negatywnego wpływu tego rodzaju infrastruktury transportowej. Odzwierciedla to negatywny wpływ na ceny gruntów, jednak te interakcje są przestrzennie zróżnicowane. W przypadku lotnisk obszary, które znajdują się w ramach osi ruchu statków powietrznych, cierpią z powodu wysokiego poziomu hałasu i zwiększonej emisji zanieczyszczeń. To obniża jakość życia mieszkańców tych terenów, a pośrednio wpływa na rynek nieruchomości. W przypadku autostrad możemy znaleźć obszary, w których takie negatywne działania są bardziej uciążliwe niż w innych. Osiedla znajdujące się w pobliżu węzłów autostrad i dróg lokalnych mogą rozwinąć się szybciej, ponieważ reprezentują wysoki poziom dostępności do głównych stref urbanistycznych, a często są oddzielone od negatywnych efektów dźwiękowych przez system ekranów akustycznych. Zarazem jednak osiedla w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie autostrady, ale bez dostępu do węzła, są odcięte od pozytywnego wpływu występowania węzłów komunikacyjnych. W tym przypadku społeczności lokalne mają ograniczone możliwości poruszania się spowodowane przez autostradę jako korytarz w przestrzeni, który jest trudny lub wręcz niemożliwy do przekroczenia

    The football stadium in urban space: locational changes to large-scale football infrastructure

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    This paper shows changes in the location of large-scale sport infrastructure (stadiums) whose major purpose is football. Research was conducted for the adjacent areas of 895 football stadiums with at least 10 000 seats for spectators and covers 47 (out of 55) countries of the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA). Analysis of the developments carried out in the direct neighbourhood of stadiums brought an opportunity to establish both the benefits and potential difficulties arising from creating large stadiums at a greater distance from the central part of a city The paper shows that the average distance between stadiums and urban centres increased for all cities in all size categories. Stadiums built recently (after the year 2000) were constructed on the peripheries of the cities and in their neighbourhoods housing development is rare but large parking spaces have become standard.W artykule omówiono zmiany w przestrzennym rozmieszczeniu dużych obiektów infrastruktury sportowej (stadionów) umożliwiających organizację rozgrywek piłkarskich. Celem pracy jest wskazanie kierunków zmian przestrzennego rozmieszczenia dużych stadionów piłkarskich w miastach oraz identyfikacja cech zagospodarowania ich bezpośredniego sąsiedztwa. Badaniem objęto 895 stadionów piłkarskich, mieszczących przynajmniej 10 tys. widzów oraz ich otoczenie. Uwzględniono stadiony z 47 (na 55) państw należących do Unii Europejskich Związków Piłkarskich (UEFA). Przeprowadzona analiza cech zagospodarowania bezpośredniego sąsiedztwa stadionów dała możliwość określenia zarówno korzyści, jak i potencjalnych trudności wynikających z tworzenia coraz większych obiektów w coraz większej odległości od centralnej części miasta. W pracy wykazano, że w przypadku wszystkich wyróżnionych kategorii wielkościowych miast wzrosła średnia odległość położenia stadionów od centrum. Stadiony budowane współcześnie (powstałe po 2000 r.) wznoszone są na obszarach peryferyjnych miasta, a w sąsiedztwie tych obiektów rzadziej występuje zabudowa mieszkaniowa, zaś standardem stają się duże przestrzenie parkingowe

    Concept of sustainable development towards global challenges

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