2,882 research outputs found

    Like Mother, Like Daughter

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    My motivation for this piece was to shed light on what it is like growing up with a heritage, knowing it from your experience and family, and yet, having people challenge you your whole life to prove it. No one questions my German, Irish, or Finnish ethnicity, but, since I don’t match the stereotype of a Native American, I am constantly challenged.The image on my painting depicts my twin sister, Indigo, the only one of us five kids to have blonde hair and blue eyes, from my mother’s mother and my father’s mother and father. Having a mother who was not my skin color, raised questions.This is an inevitable part of the multiracial (and also adoption, though this was not my case) experience. I have noticed over the years that even other natives can be prejudiced when it comes to native-only spaces, like pow wows, where there are competitions of different styles of dance. Picking the winner sometimes rests on who looks the best to represent the part, not necessarily based on dance skill


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    Localització: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Arb 491.Forma part del fons personal de Jordi Arbonès.Text mecanoscrit

    D'escriptors - Casa

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    Arbonès, Miller i Nin

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    Henry Miller era l'autor predilecte de Jordi Arbonès, un fet reflectit tant en el nombre com la qualitat de les traduccions que va fer d'aquest autor. Primavera negra, en la versió catalana (1970), va ser el primer llibre de Miller publicat a l'estat espanyol. Les següents traduccions de Miller en català (Tròpic de Càncer 1977, Tròpic de Capricorn 1978) no van rebre el permís del censor fins que les versions castellanes haguessin sortit abans. L'impacte d'aquestes traduccions en el món de les lletres catalanes va ser molt gran, però Arbonès també maldava perquè algunes obres menys conegudes de Miller també veiessin la llum del dia: El temps dels assassins (1975) o El colòs de Maroussi (1987), entre d'altres. Arbonès coneixia a fons l'obra de Miller i la seva traducció més reeixida, segurament, és Sexus (1992), que alguns consideren que és l'obra mestra de Miller. Arbonès també va escriure un assaig interessant sobre Miller (1990) i diversos pròlegs a les obres traduïdes.Henry Miller was Jordi Arbonès's favourite author, a fact reflected in the number and quality of his translations of this author. Arbonès's Catalan version of Black Spring (1970) was the first Miller title to be published in Spain. Later Catalan translations of Miller's key works, the «Tropics» were kept waiting by the censor until Spanish translations had already been published. Arbonès's translations of these books, at all events, created a tremendous impact in the world of Catalan letters. Arbonès also tried to introduce the Catalan reading public to some of Miller's lesser known works such as Time of the Assassins (1975) or The Colossus of Maroussi (1987). Arbonès knew Miller's work extremely well, and his finest translation was almost certainly the Catalan version of Sexus (1992), often considered to be Miller's masterpiece. Arbonès also wrote an interesting essay on Miller (1990) and several prologues to his own translations

    Designing Collaborations Between Community Based Organizations and Schools to Produce Curriculum Models for Service-Learning Programs (Tree Trust)

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    Tree Trust\u27s T.R.E.E.S. for TEENS program is a curriculum-based, school-to-work program, that emphasizes on the environment, and integrates classroom education with community service, service learning, and local resources

    Intrapopulation variation in an Australian population of the North American thrips, Bagnalliella yuccae (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae), a new record from Australia.

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    The genus Bagnalliella Karny is an endemic North American genus of Phlaeothripidae with 7 species associated with the New World plant genus Yucca; 2 Old World species currently placed in the genus are probably not congeneric. The number of sensoria on antennal segments III and IV has been used to distinguish the Bagnalliella species on Yucca, but an invasive population of Bagnalliella yuccae (Hinds) is reported here from Australia, at Brisbane, Queensland, in which the number of sensoria varied between individuals and even between left and right antennae of single individuals. These observations cast considerable doubt on the validity of some of the North American species of Bagnalliella. The Australian population was damaging young leaves of Yucca elephantipes, and indicates the ease with which thrips can be distributed by the horticultural trade

    Junior Recital: Sarah Tree, soprano

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    Enterprising technology

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