399 research outputs found

    Business Processes for the Crowd Computer

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    open7noKucherbaev, Pavel; Tranquillini, Stefano; Daniel, Florian; Casati, Fabio; Marchese, Maurizio; Brambilla, Marco; Fraternali, PieroKucherbaev, Pavel; Tranquillini, Stefano; Daniel, Florian; Casati, Fabio; Marchese, Maurizio; Brambilla, Marco; Fraternali, Pier

    Models and systems for managing sensor and crowd-oriented processes

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    Business process modeling refers to the design of business process models, using business processes languages, to orchestrate the work executed by employees, their interaction with external entities, and work items that are necessary to achieve a predefined goal. Model-driven development allows people, generally called modelers, to design also sophisticated application logic using high-level abstractions. Process modeling is typically connected with business, hence, existing process languages focus principally on the support and orchestration of activities executed by employees, or by external entities like web services. However, there is a wide range of other application logics that are process-driven and that can benefit from high-level abstractions to model low-level details. Our initial research focuses on distributed UIs, which are a distributed type of actors, and then particularly concentrated on Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and crowdsourcing, which are distributed and also autonomous types of actors (they can execute a part of an application logic in an autonomous and isolated fashion). Developing applications in these areas requires a deep knowledge of the field and a non-trivial programming effort; domain experts have to code an orchestrate the logic executed by these actors. Since these applications are highly process-driven, domain experts could take advantage of high-level, process-oriented modeling conventions to design the internal logic of these kinds of applications. However, the intrinsic complexity of these domains and the current state of the art of modeling paradigms make the design and execution of processes for these new actors challenging. In this dissertation we analyze, design, and present modeling formalism and systems for managing processes in these contexts. We tackle the challenges of the three areas with an approach that analyzes and extends existing process modeling languages, to enable the design of the processes, and with an architecture, similar for the three focuses, to support the development and execution of processes. Starting from our initial work on the orchestration of distributed UIs, for which we present a modeling language with a set of modeling constructs specific for the UIs, we then present our contribution to WSNs and crowdsourcing domains, which are: a modeling convention for the development of WSN applications, with high-level modeling constructs that abstract the low-level details of the networks; and a modeling paradigm to design processes that are partially executed by a crowd of people. These languages are all equipped with prototypes that contain a modeling tool to design processes and a runtime environment to support the execution. The impact of this work is not only to the domains we focused on but also to the business process domain as we demonstrate how a process modeling is a flexible and suitable formalism to design processes with very diverging, domain-specific requirements

    La polisemia del significante : Trieb: pulsión-instinto en la obra de Freud

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    En este trabajo se propone indagar la polisemia del significante, a pesar de que esta problemática ya ha sido trabajada, se intenta esclarecer el uso del término “Trieb” tanto en la traducción de López Ballesteros como en la de José Etcheverry dando cuenta así de los cambios de sentido que dicho empleo acarrea. Para ello, se utilizarán los siguientes textos: Diccionario de términos alemanes de Freud de Luiz Alberto Hanns, de Jean Laplanche y Jean-Bertrand Pontalis el Diccionario de Psicoanálisis, Saussure y los fundamentos de la lingüística y diversos textos de las traducciones antes citadas de Freud. Las preguntas que guían el trabajo son ¿Qué consecuencias trae en el lector la lectura de una u otra traducción? ¿Es posible que se malinterprete lo que fundador del psicoanálisis quiso transmitir? ¿Cuál es la concepción que realmente tenía de dicho término? Para responder las preguntas se aborda, primeramente, el concepto de signo, significado y significante trabajado por Saussure desde una perspectiva estructuralista.Eje: PsicoanálisisFacultad de Psicologí

    La polisemia del significante : Trieb: pulsión-instinto en la obra de Freud

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    En este trabajo se propone indagar la polisemia del significante, a pesar de que esta problemática ya ha sido trabajada, se intenta esclarecer el uso del término “Trieb” tanto en la traducción de López Ballesteros como en la de José Etcheverry dando cuenta así de los cambios de sentido que dicho empleo acarrea. Para ello, se utilizarán los siguientes textos: Diccionario de términos alemanes de Freud de Luiz Alberto Hanns, de Jean Laplanche y Jean-Bertrand Pontalis el Diccionario de Psicoanálisis, Saussure y los fundamentos de la lingüística y diversos textos de las traducciones antes citadas de Freud. Las preguntas que guían el trabajo son ¿Qué consecuencias trae en el lector la lectura de una u otra traducción? ¿Es posible que se malinterprete lo que fundador del psicoanálisis quiso transmitir? ¿Cuál es la concepción que realmente tenía de dicho término? Para responder las preguntas se aborda, primeramente, el concepto de signo, significado y significante trabajado por Saussure desde una perspectiva estructuralista.Eje: PsicoanálisisFacultad de Psicologí

    Modeling, enacting, and integrating custom crowdsourcing processes

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    Crowdsourcing (CS) is the outsourcing of a unit of work to a crowd of people via an open call for contributions. Thanks to the availability of online CS platforms, such as Amazon Mechanical Turk or CrowdFlower, the practice has experienced a tremendous growth over the past few years and demonstrated its viability in a variety of fields, such as data collection and analysis or human computation. Yet it is also increasingly struggling with the inherent limitations of these platforms: each platform has its own logic of how to crowdsource work (e.g., marketplace or contest), there is only very little support for structured work (work that requires the coordination of multiple tasks), and it is hard to integrate crowdsourced tasks into stateof-the-art business process management (BPM) or information systems. We attack these three shortcomings by (1) developing a flexible CS platform (we call it Crowd Computer, or CC) that allows one to program custom CS logics for individual and structured tasks, (2) devising a BPMN-based modeling language that allows one to program CC intuitively, (3) equipping the language with a dedicated visual editor, and (4) implementing CC on top of standard BPM technology that can easily be integrated into existing software and processes. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach with a case study on the crowd-based mining of mashup model patterns

    Crowdsourcing Processes: A Survey of Approaches and Opportunities

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    This article makes a case for crowdsourcing approaches that are able to manage crowdsourcing processes - that is, crowdsourcing scenarios that go beyond the mere outsourcing of multiple instances of a micro-task and instead require the coordination of multiple different crowd and machine tasks. It introduces the necessary background and terminology, identifies a set of analysis dimensions, and surveys state-of-the-art tools, highlighting strong and weak aspects and promising future research and development directions

    Process-Based Design and Integration of Wireless Sensor Network Applications

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    Abstract Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks (WSNs) are distributed sensor and actuator networks that monitor and control real-world phenomena, enabling the integration of the physical with the virtual world. They are used in domains like building automation, control systems, remote healthcare, etc., which are all highly process-driven. Today, tools and insights of Business Process Modeling (BPM) are not used to model WSN logic, as BPM focuses mostly on the coordination of people and IT systems and neglects the integration of embedded IT. WSN development still requires significant special-purpose, low-level, and manual coding of process logic. By exploiting similarities between WSN applications and business processes, this work aims to create a holistic system enabling the modeling and execution of executable processes that integrate, coordinate, and control WSNs. Concretely, we present a WSNspecific extension for Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) and a compiler that transforms the extended BPMN models into WSN-specific code to distribute process execution over both a WSN and a standard business process engine. The developed tool-chain allows modeling of an independent control loop for the WSN.

    Distributed orchestration of user interfaces

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    Workflow management systems focus on the coordination of people and work items, service composition approaches on the coordination of service invocations, and, recently, web mashups have started focusing on the integration and coordination of pieces of user interfaces (UIs), e.g., a Google map, inside simple web pages. While these three approaches have evolved in a rather isolated fashion although they can be seen as evolution of the componentization and coordination idea from people to services to UIs in this paper we describe a component-based development paradigm that conciliates the core strengths of these three approaches inside a single model and language. We call this new paradigm distributed UI orchestration, so as to reflect the mashup-like and process-based nature of our target applications. In order to aid developers in implementing UI orchestrations, we equip the described model and language with suitable design, deployment, and runtime instruments, covering the whole life cycle of distributed UI orchestrations. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved