51 research outputs found
This entry lays out a short history of translation research as applied to advertising, outlining four main ‘tiers’ or stages. In the first tier, the focus lies exclusively with the verbal elements of the text. In the second tier, the scope of research broadens so as to embrace non-verbal elements and multimodality. A third, more holistic tier further adds the marketing context of the advertising campaign to the researcher’s perspective. The fourth and final tier reflects critically on the translation of advertising in the light of critical discourse analysis, gender and cultural studies, and postcolonialism. After this analysis of existing studies, a few examples of possible future trends for interdisciplinary research will be outlined. Such trends might lead to tools and perspectives that could prove more useful when looking at the rich complexity of the translation of advertising, provided they are sustained by a systematic collaboration between translation studies and international marketing studies
Identity in a Dish of Pasta: the Role of Food in the Filmic Representation of Italian-Americanness
Food and foodways are one of the main means of ethnic self-identification in the USA, to the point that it overshadows other ethnic signifiers such as religion and sense of community in younger Italian Americans, thus enforcing the stereotypes about Italian-American identity.
The word ‘macaroni’ was used to label Italian-American immigrants, reducing them to pasta-eating figurines, setting them further apart from other ethnic groups and erasing more complex aspects of their own identity. The denigration of Italian foodways was one of the first forms of xenophobia experienced by the Italian-American community, and it was one of the factors contributing to the strengthening of the ties inside the community itself.
After a brief overview on the eating habits of Italian immigrants during the 20th Century, the essay provides an account of the role of food in the representation of Italian-Americans in the American cinema of the 1990s with a keener interest in the movies "Big Night", "The Godfather Part III", "Analyze This" and "Jungle Fever"
Advertising: A Case for Intersemiotic Translation
In the world of the printed page, pictures and graphic layout are generally taken to be mere complements or exemplifications of the verbal part of the text. This is not only against the principles of semiotics, it is against the very rules of communication, as the text is not perceived by the reader as a sum of different dimensions (i.e., verbal, visual, tactile, etc.) but as a whole where all components are connected and interdependent. Thus, splitting a text into its several dimensions is a completely artificial procedure that should be carried out for analytical purposes only, since all components of a text, as well as their interplay and the interplay of the text with its context and co-text, contribute to the construction of meaning. This cannot be ignored by translators and should be made clear to any client who may think that the act of translation is by definition limited to the verbal dimension, and may go as far as submitting texts for translation without providing briefs about the visual elements they will be “complemented” with, or the graphic conventions that will be adopted in the final version. The translation – or localization – of advertisements is a case in point. The visual component plays a prominent role in most forms of advertising, particularly so in magazine ads; developing the pictorial and graphic aspects of a campaign, however these might appear “casual,” is a time-consuming and expensive process. If the translator (or localizer) is responsible for the text resulting from his/her work, then, he/she cannot ignore its visual dimension, and should be prepared to suggest modifications not only to the verbal part of the text, but also to its many other dimensions, in a holistic, intersemiotic perspective. Real-life examples, not only from advertising but also from editorial translation, will be provided to support this argument.Dans le monde de la page imprimée, les images et les éléments graphiques sont généralement considérés comme de simples compléments ou des exemplifications de la partie verbale du texte, ce qui va à l’encontre non seulement des principes fondamentaux de la sémiotique, mais aussi des règles de la communication, puisque le lecteur ne perçoit pas le texte comme une somme d’éléments indépendants (par ex. verbale, visuelle, tactile) mais comme un tout dont les composantes sont intimement liées et interdépendantes. Or, considérer les différentes dimensions du texte isolément relève d’un processus entièrement artificiel qu’il ne convient de mettre en oeuvre qu’aux seules fins d’analyse : les composantes d’un texte ainsi que leurs interactions contribuent toutes, au même titre que les interactions du texte avec le contexte et le cotexte, à la construction du sens de celui-ci. Il s’agit là d’un fait que les traducteurs ne peuvent ignorer et qu’ils se doivent de bien faire comprendre aux clients pour qui, souvent, l’acte traductif se réduit au texte proprement dit (sa dimension verbale) et qui, par conséquent, se bornent à fournir le texte écrit, sans instructions quant à sa dimension visuelle ou aux conventions graphiques à adopter dans la version finale du produit. À cet égard, la traduction publicitaire, ou localisation, constitue un cas intéressant. La composante visuelle joue un rôle de premier plan dans la plupart des publicités, et notamment dans les publicités pour revues. Bien qu’elle puisse paraître « fortuite », la mise au point des éléments graphiques et visuels d’une campagne publicitaire est le fruit d’une recherche à la fois longue et coûteuse. S’il est vrai que le traducteur (le localisateur) est responsable du résultat final de son travail, il doit tenir compte de la dimension visuelle et devrait, dans une perspective intersémiotique, voire holistique, être en mesure de suggérer des modifications relatives non seulement au texte mais à l’ensemble du contexte graphique de celui-ci. Des exemples, puisés dans la vie de tous les jours et empruntés au monde tant de la publicité que de la traduction éditoriale, viseront à soutenir notre thèse
Child Language Brokering in Healthcare Settings
This chapter focuses on non- professional interpreting and translation performed by children
from migrant backgrounds, between healthcare providers who speak the host country’s
language(s), and their own families and/or communities who may lack the necessary
proficiency in these language(s). We will first offer a definition of this type of interpreting
and translation, called Child Language Brokering (henceforth, CLB) in general (Section 1).
We will then review the legal frameworks (Section 2) and the literature on CLB, specifically
within the healthcare sector (Section 3). Finally, before reflecting on future directions, we
will present some of the findings of our own research on CLB in Italy, with special reference
to healthcare (Section 4)
What is child language brokering?. Why does it exist?
This chapter explains why children and adolescents are required to perform linguistic and cultural mediation, for whom they language broker, and in what situations. The chapter's activities will enable students and teachers to: · Understand what child language brokering is and what it entails · Reflect on the difficulty of adjusting to life in another country · Become aware of the challenges that language brokers face, sometimes on a daily basi
Questa voce dell’enciclopedia traccia una breve storia della ricerca sulla traduzione pubblicitaria, dividendola in quattro fasi. Nella prima fase la ricerca si concentra esclusivamente sugli elementi verbali del testo. Nella seconda l’orizzonte si amplia fino a ricomprendere gli elementi non verbali e la multimodalità. Una terza fase, ancora più olistica, aggiunge ai precedenti livelli un’attenzione al contesto di mercato in cui si inserisce la campagna pubblicitaria in esame. La quarta e più recente fase consiste in una riflessione critica sulla traduzione pubblicitaria, improntata all’analisi critica del discorso nonché agli studi di genere, culturali, e postcoloniali. Dopo aver discusso degli studi già esistenti, si delineeranno alcuni filoni di possibile ricerca interdisciplinare che potrebbero produrre strumenti e prospettive più utili per lo studio di un’area di grande complessità come la traduzione pubblicitaria, purché sostenute da una collaborazione più sistematica tra gli studi sulla traduzione e quelli sul marketing internazionale.En esta entrada se presenta una breve historia de la investigación sobre la traducción aplicada a la publicidad, en la que se esbozan cuatro "niveles" o etapas principales. En el primer nivel, la atención se centra exclusivamente en los elementos verbales del texto. En el segundo nivel, el ámbito de la investigación se amplía para abarcar los elementos no verbales y la multimodalidad. Un tercer nivel, más holístico, añade el contexto de marketing de la campaña publicitaria a la perspectiva del investigador. El cuarto y último nivel reflexiona sobre la traducción de la publicidad a la luz del análisis crítico del discurso, los estudios de género, culturales y poscoloniales. Tras este análisis de los enfoques existentes, se esbozarán algunos ejemplos de posibles tendencias futuras para la investigación interdisciplinar. Dichas tendencias ofrecen la posibilidad de dar lugar a herramientas y perspectivas que podrían resultar más útiles a la hora de analizar la rica complejidad de la traducción de la publicidad, siempre y cuando se apoyen en una colaboración sistemática entre los estudios de traducción y los estudios de marketing internacional
Reforegnising the Foreign: The Italian Retranslation of James Joyce's
HTTP://dx.doi.org/10.5007/1980-4237.2012n12p36 Este artigo explora a nocao de re -estrangeirizacao – i.e. a restauracao de uma obra literaria que nao se intentava que se tornasse mainstream (mas que, com o tempo se tornou um classico) a sua estrangeiridade original. Essa nocao e explorada atraves da referencia especifica a nova traducao italiana do Ulysses de James Joyce, voltada a uma cultura receptora que difere nao so geograficamente mas tambem diacronicamente da cultura para a qual o original foi escrito. A traducao italiana sobre a qual nos detemos foi completada recentemente por Enrico Terrinoni, em colaboracao com Carlo Bigazzi, e na epoca da escrita deste artigo e a unica retraducao integral do livro, apos a de Giulio De Angelis (1960). Nosso artigo esta dividido em duas partes: na primeira discutimos a nocao de retraducao e os problemas relacionados a ela. Na segunda apresentamos diversos exemplos especificos de como o potencial estrangeirizador do Ulysses veio a tona uma vez mais na traducao de Terrinoni
Cos'è il Child Language Brokering?. Come mai esiste?
Questo capitolo descrive il motivo per cui ai bambini e agli adolescenti viene richiesto di effettuare mediazioni linguistiche e culturali, per chi devono mediare e in quali situazioni. Le attività in questo capitolo permetteranno agli studenti e agli insegnanti di: · Capire cos'è la pratica del Child Language Brokering e cosa comprende · Riflettere su quanto sia difficile adattarsi alla vita di un altro Paese · Acquisire consapevolezza sulle sfide che i mediatori si trovano ad affrontare spesso quotidianament
Inclusión, diversidad y comunicación entre culturas: Manual para docentes con actividades para realizar en clase con el alumnado de secundaria
Tanto los/as niños/as como los/as adolescentes tienen un papel muy importante en los procesos migratorios porque suelen actuar como enlace entre la familia, la comunidad local y el centro educativo. La escolarización y la inmersión lingüística en la sociedad de acogida puede ayudar a los/as menores a aprender la lengua o lenguas oficiales de su nuevo país más rápido que sus progenitores o que otras personas adultas. Al realizar estas tareas de intermediación lingüística en la escuela, aportan diversidad lingüística a los centros educativos y ponen en práctica las competencias multilingües y multiculturales que forman parte de su día a día. Este manual tiene dos objetivos: a) celebrar el multilingüismo y concienciar sobre los/as jóvenes que llevan a cabo tareas de traducción e interpretación en las escuelas -actividad que también se conoce como «intermediación lingüística por parte de menores»- y b) proporcionar un recurso que contenga información contextual y actividades interactivas destinadas a dotar al profesorado con herramientas para que comprendan mejor qué supone la intermediación lingüística por parte de menores, y puedan así luego transmitir esta información al alumnado
Inclusió, diversitat i comunicació entre cultures. Manual per a docents amb activitats per treballar a classe amb alumnat de secundària
Tant els infants com els adolescents tenen un paper molt important en els processos migratoris perquè acostumen a fer d'enllaç entre família, comunitat local i centre educatiu. L'escolarització i la immersió lingüística a la societat d'acollida poden ajudar els menors a aprendre la llengua o llengües oficials del nou país més ràpid que els seus pares o que altres adults. Quan actuen com a intermediaris lingüístics a l'escola, aporten diversitat lingüística als centres educatius i posen en pràctica les competències multilingües i multiculturals que formen part del seu dia a dia. Aquest manual té dos objectius: a) celebrar el multilingüisme i sensibilitzar sobre les tasques de traducció i interpretació que duen a terme els joves a l'àmbit educatiu -activitat que també es coneix com a «intermediació lingüística per part de menors»- i b) posar a l'abast un recurs amb informació contextual i activitats destinades a oferir al professorat eines per comprendre millor què implica la intermediació lingüística per part de menors, perquè després puguin transmetre aquesta informació a l'alumnat
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