21 research outputs found

    Peripheral desmoplastic ameloblastoma : histopathological and immunohistochemical profile of a case

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    In this study we present a rare case of peripheral desmoplastic ameloblastoma and discuss its clinical features, histopathology, and inmunoshistochemical profile. This article reports a new case of this unusual neoplasm in a 66 year-old woman in which the main complaint was an asymptomatic swelling located in the right body of mandible. Histopathological findings were similar to the two previously reported cases of this tumor. Positive immunohistochemical stain for laminin V and type IV collagen suggests an inductive effect of the epithelium over the stroma while the low index of p53 protein and Ki-67 expression in epithelium and stromal cells, as well as CD138 uniform positive-stain in epithelial cells, support the benign biological behavior of this lesion. Including this new case, currently there are only three reports of this rare neoplasm. Reports of new cases of peripheral desmoplastic ameloblastoma are necessary for a better understanding of the origin and behavior of this particular subtype of ameloblastoma

    Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Heterotheca inuloides and Its Antimicrobial Activity in Catgut Suture Threads

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    Abstract Silver nanoparticles were synthesized through a green method, using Heterotheca inuloides as a bioreducing agent. Moreover, catgut suture threads were decorated with those biogenic silver nanoparticles, and their antibacterial activity versus highly resistant pathogenic microorganisms was evaluated. The principles of green chemistry and nanotechnology allow us to obtain advanced materials, such as suture threads, which can reduce or avoid the prevalence of infectious processes in the medical field. Mexican medicinal plants, such as H. inuloides, represent an adequate alternative for biosynthesis; this plant species is known for its medicinal benefits and its antibacterial activity, and for that reason, it is being used in folk medicine

    Estomatitis aftosa recurrente: Revisión de la literatura.

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    La Estomatitis Aftosa Recurrente, se caracteriza por cuadros recurrentes de úlceras, denominadas úlceras recurrentes o aftas orales, estas úlceras corresponden a uno de los motivos de consulta más comunes en medicina bucal. Su incidencia es del 5 al 25% de la población general, aumentado hasta un 50% o 66% en ciertas poblaciones. Su etiología no es clara, sin embargo, se han identificado factores genéticos predisponentes relacionados con disfunción del sistema inmunológico y una serie de factores desencadenantes. Se clasifica en tres tipos: menor, mayor y herpetiforme. El diagnóstico se realiza en base a la historia clínica del paciente y las características clínicas. Existen diferentes alternativas de tratamiento, que van dirigidas específicamente a aliviar el dolor, contrarrestar la inflación y reducir el tiempo de evolución de las úlceras; esto último con la finalidad de disminuir el riesgo de infección, la mayoría de los tratamientos utilizados son paliativos más no curativos. Por sus características clínicas es importante considerar dentro de los diagnósticos diferenciales, a otras lesiones que se presentan en mucosa bucal en forma de úlceras, entre ellas: úlceras traumáticas, pénfigo vulgar, liquen plano, infección por virus herpes simple y carcinoma oral de células escamosa

    Primary oral melanoma : a histopathological and immunohistochemical study of 22 cases of Latin America

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the histopathological and immunohistochemical characteristics of 22 cases of primary oral melanomas (OM). Study Design: Twenty two cases of primary oral melanoma were analyzed by description of their histopathological features and immunohistochemical study using the antibodies S-100, HMB-45, Melan-A and Ki-67. Results: The mean age was 58 years and 14 cases were female. The main affected sites were the hard palate, followed by the upper gingiva. Microscopically, 15 cases presented level III of invasion, 2 cases were amelanotic and 13 showed a mixed epithelioid and plasmacytoid or spindle cells composition. Some cases showed necrosis, perivascular and perineural invasion. S-100 and HMB-45 were positive in all cases, but 3 cases were negative for Melan-A. The proliferative index with Ki-67 was high, with labeling index ranging from 15.51% to 63% of positive cells. Conclusion: S-100 and HMB-45 are more frequently expressed than Melan-A in primary oral melanomas and these markers are helpful to confirm the diagnosis

    Antimicrobial Activity of Biogenic Silver Nanoparticles from Syzygium aromaticum against the Five Most Common Microorganisms in the Oral Cavity

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    ARTICULO DE ACCESO LIBREAbstract: Syzygium aromaticum (clove) has been used as a dental analgesic, an anesthetic, and a bioreducing and capping agent in the formation of metallic nanoparticles. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial effect in oral microorganisms of biogenic silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) formed with aqueous extract of clove through an ecofriendly method “green synthesis”. The obtained AgNPs were characterized by UV-Vis (ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy), SEM-EDS (scanning electron microscopy–energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy), TEM (transmission electron microscopy), and ζ potential, while its antimicrobial effect was corroborated against oral Grampositive and Gram-negative microorganisms, as well as yeast that is commonly present in the oral cavity. The AgNPs showed absorption at 400–500 nm in the UV-Vis spectrum, had an average size of 4–16 nm as observed by the high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM), and were of a crystalline nature and quasi-spherical form. The antimicrobial susceptibility test showed inhibition zones of 2–4 mm in diameter. Our results suggest that AgNPs synthesized with clove can be used as effective growth inhibitors in several oral microorganisms.S/

    Agreement of the Discrepancy Index Obtained Using Digital and Manual Techniques—A Comparative Study

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    The discrepancy index evaluates the complexity of the initial orthodontic diagnosis. The objective is to compare whether there is a difference in the final discrepancy index score of the American Board of Orthodontics (ABO) when obtained using digital and manual techniques. Fifty-six initial orthodontic records in a digital and physical format were included (28 each) in 2022 at the Center for Research and Advanced Studies in Dentistry. For the digital measurements, iTero and TRIOS 3 intraoral scanners were used, along with Insignia software and cephalometric tracing with Dolphin Imaging software. Manual measurements were obtained in dental casts using the ruler indicated for the previously mentioned discrepancy index, in addition to conventional cephalometric tracing. Student’s t-test did not show statistically significant differences between the digital and manual techniques, with final discrepancy index scores of 24.61 (13.34) and 24.86 (14.14), respectively (p = 0.769). Cohen’s kappa index showed very good agreement between both categorical measure ments (kappa value = 1.00, p = 0.001). The Bland–Altman method demonstrated a good agreement between continuous measurements obtained by both techniques with a bias of 0.2500 (superior limit of agreement =9.0092988, inferior limit of agreement = −8.5092988). Excellent agreement was observed in obtaining the discrepancy index through digital technique (Intraoral scanning and digital records) and manual technique (conventional records)

    Oral squamous cells carcinoma, severity of belated diagnosis: Case report and review of the literature

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    Se presentan los aspectos clínicos, anatomopatológicos e inmunohistoquímica de un caso de COCE diagnosticado tardíamente con desenlace fatal, así como un reporte retrospectivo-descriptivo. Se analizan los datos de la historia clínica, el estudio anatomopatológico y se mide el índice de proliferación celular a través del anticuerpo Ki-67. El resultado de este caso en etapa avanzada de cáncer es la muerte del paciente. Se resalta la importancia de un examen bucal realizado por un profesional con capacidad de identifcar lesiones de forma precoz que pueda contribuir en la disminución de muertes por COCE en México. El carcinoma oral de células escamosas (COCE), que afecta en especial a hombres mayores de 50 años, es causado principalmente por el consumo excesivo de alcohol y tabaco

    Fluoride releasing dental materials used in orthodontics: Literature review

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    BACKGROUND AND AIM: In this manuscript, fluoride releasing dental materials controlling demineralization in fixed orthodontic patients, and the current strategies to prevent white spots were evaluated. METHODS: General literature review was carried out in SciVerse ScienceDirect databases. The search strategy included the terms from Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) created by National Library of Medicine. RESULTS: 44 relevant studies were included and the respective data were extracted. Many studies showed new alternatives for the treatment of white spot lesions by the use of orthodontic appliances. CONCLUSION: Patients receiving fixed orthodontic treatment should be instructed in a proper brushing technique using a fluoride containing toothpaste, and high risk patients should be bonded with fluoride releasing agent. Additionally, it is recommended to apply fluoride varnish periodically during orthodontic treatment. KEYWORDS: Orthodontics; Dental Materials; Fluorides; Tooth Demineralizatio

    Mechanical Properties and Antibacterial Effect on Mono-Strain of Streptococcus mutans of Orthodontic Cements Reinforced with Chlorhexidine-Modified Nanotubes

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    Recently, several studies have introduced nanotechnology into the area of dental materials with the aim of improving their properties. The objective of this study is to determine the antibacterial and mechanical properties of type I glass ionomers reinforced with halloysite nanotubes modified with 2% chlorhexidine at concentrations of 5% and 10% relative to the total weight of the powder used to construct each sample. Regarding antibacterial effect, 200 samples were established and distributed into four experimental groups and six control groups (4 +ve and 2 −ve), with 20 samples each. The mechanical properties were evaluated in 270 samples, assessing microhardness (30 samples), compressive strength (120 samples), and setting time (120 samples). The groups were characterized by scanning electron microscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and the antibacterial activity of the ionomers was evaluated on Streptococcus mutans for 24 h. The control and positive control groups showed no antibacterial effect, while the experimental group with 5% concentration showed a zone of growth inhibition between 11.35 mm and 11.45 mm, and the group with 10% concentration showed a zone of growth inhibition between 12.50 mm and 13.20 mm. Statistical differences were observed between the experimental groups with 5% and 10% nanotubes. Regarding the mechanical properties, microhardness, and setting time, no statistical difference was found when compared with control groups, while compressive strength showed higher significant values, with ionomers modified with 10% concentration of nanotubes resulting in better compressive strength values. The incorporation of nanotubes at concentrations of 5% and 10% effectively inhibited the presence of S. mutans, particularly when the dose–response relationship was taken into account, with the advantage of maintaining and improving their mechanical properties

    Frequency and Distribution of Pulpal Calcifications in Teeth Involved in Jaw Tumors

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    Pulp calcifications are idiopathic mineralized masses associated with irritation, age, trauma, and systemic or genetic diseases. The objective of this work was to examine frequency and distribution of pulp calcifications in teeth involved in jaw tumors, analyzing their relationship with age, sex, location, size, and diagnosis of the lesion in a sample of 21 teeth associated with tumors of the jaws. Imaging analysis included CT scans, periapical X-rays, and orthopantomography of the clinical record; histological analysis included pulp tissue fixed in 10% buffered formalin for 24 h, with hematoxylin and eosin staining, and examined under light microscope. A chi-square test was applied to associate calcifications with all variables. The tumor lesions were from patients aged 17–66 years. Calcifications were observed in 38.1% of cases on image and histologically in 76.2%; 56% were nodular and 68.8% were distributed in chamber and root canal. The male sex presented a higher frequency of pulp calcifications, estimating a statistically significant difference with respect to women (p = 0.004); there was no statistical significance with the other variables. In conclusion, the pulp tissue of teeth affected by maxillary tumors presents a percentage of pulp calcifications similar to the tissue where the periradicular tissue is intact