474 research outputs found

    A dynamical system analysis of hybrid metric-Palatini cosmologies

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    The so called f(X)f(X) hybrid metric-Palatini gravity presents a unique viable generalisation of the f(R)f(R) theories within the metric-affine formalism. Here the cosmology of the f(X)f(X) theories is studied using the dynamical system approach. The method consists of formulating the propagation equation in terms of suitable (expansion-normalised) variables as an autonomous system. The fixed points of the system then represent exact cosmological solutions described by power-law or de Sitter expansion. The formalism is applied to two classes of f(X)f(X) models, revealing both standard cosmological fixed points and new accelerating solutions that can be attractors in the phase space. In addition, the fixed point with vanishing expansion rate are considered with special care in order to characterise the stability of Einstein static spaces and bouncing solutions.Comment: 13 page

    Quantum backreaction in evolving FLRW spacetimes

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    Quantum fluctuations of a nonminimally coupled scalar field in D-dimensional homogeneous and isotropic background are calculated within the operator formalism in curved models with time evolutions of the scale factor that allow smooth transitions between contracting and expanding and between decelerating and accelerating regimes. The coincident propagator is derived and used to compute the one-loop backreaction from the scalar field. The inflationary infrared divergences are absent in Bunch-Davies vacuum when taking into account a preceding cosmological era or spatial curvature which can be either positive or negative. It is found that asymptotically, the backreaction energy density in the minimally coupled case grows logarithmically with the scale factor in quasi-de Sitter space, and in a class of models decays in slow-roll inflation and grows as a power-law during super-inflation. The backreaction increases generically in a contracting phase or in the presence of a negative nonminimal coupling. The effects of the coupling and renormalization scale upon the quantum fluctuations together with the novel features due to nontrivial time evolution and spatial curvature are clarified with exact solutions and numerical examples.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figure

    Cosmology of hybrid metric-Palatini f(X)-gravity

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    A new class of modified theories of gravity, consisting of the superposition of the metric Einstein-Hilbert Lagrangian with an f(R)f(\cal R) term constructed \`{a} la Palatini was proposed recently. The dynamically equivalent scalar-tensor representation of the model was also formulated, and it was shown that even if the scalar field is very light, the theory passes the Solar System observational constraints. Therefore the model predicts the existence of a long-range scalar field, modifying the cosmological and galactic dynamics. An explicit model that passes the local tests and leads to cosmic acceleration was also obtained. In the present work, it is shown that the theory can be also formulated in terms of the quantity X≡κ2T+RX\equiv \kappa^2 T+R, where T and R are the traces of the stress-energy and Ricci tensors, respectively. The variable X represents the deviation with respect to the field equation trace of general relativity. The cosmological applications of this hybrid metric-Palatini gravitational theory are also explored, and cosmological solutions coming from the scalar-tensor representation of f(X)-gravity are presented. Criteria to obtain cosmic acceleration are discussed and the field equations are analyzed as a dynamical system. Several classes of dynamical cosmological solutions, depending on the functional form of the effective scalar field potential, describing both accelerating and decelerating Universes are explicitly obtained. Furthermore, the cosmological perturbation equations are derived and applied to uncover the nature of the propagating scalar degree of freedom and the signatures these models predict in the large-scale structure.Comment: 17 pages. V2: 18 pages; minor revision and references added; to appear in JCA

    Wormholes supported by hybrid metric-Palatini gravity

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    Recently, a modified theory of gravity was presented, which consists of the superposition of the metric Einstein-Hilbert Lagrangian with an f(R)f(\cal R) term constructed \`{a} la Palatini. The theory possesses extremely interesting features such as predicting the existence of a long-range scalar field, that explains the late-time cosmic acceleration and passes the local tests, even in the presence of a light scalar field. In this brief report, we consider the possibility that wormholes are supported by this hybrid metric-Palatini gravitational theory. We present here the general conditions for wormhole solutions according to the null energy conditions at the throat and find specific examples. In the first solution, we specify the redshift function, the scalar field and choose the potential that simplifies the modified Klein-Gordon equation. This solution is not asymptotically flat and needs to be matched to a vacuum solution. In the second example, by adequately specifying the metric functions and choosing the scalar field, we find an asymptotically flat spacetime.Comment: 4 pages. V2: 5 pages, discussion added; matches published versio

    The virial theorem and the dark matter problem in hybrid metric-Palatini gravity

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    Hybrid metric-Palatini gravity is a recently proposed theory, consisting of the superposition of the metric Einstein-Hilbert Lagrangian with an f(R)f(\cal R) term constructed \`{a} la Palatini. The theory predicts the existence of a long-range scalar field, which passes the Solar System observational constraints, even if the scalar field is very light, and modifies the cosmological and galactic dynamics. Thus, the theory opens new possibilities to approach, in the same theoretical framework, the problems of both dark energy and dark matter. In this work, we consider the generalized virial theorem in the scalar-tensor representation of the hybrid metric-Palatini gravity. More specifically, taking into account the relativistic collisionless Boltzmann equation, we show that the supplementary geometric terms in the gravitational field equations provide an effective contribution to the gravitational potential energy. We show that the total virial mass is proportional to the effective mass associated with the new terms generated by the effective scalar field, and the baryonic mass. This shows that the geometric origin in the generalized virial theorem may account for the well-known virial theorem mass discrepancy in clusters of galaxies. In addition to this, we also consider astrophysical applications of the model and show that the model predicts that the mass associated to the scalar field and its effects extend beyond the virial radius of the clusters of galaxies. In the context of the galaxy cluster velocity dispersion profiles predicted by the hybrid metric-Palatini model, the generalized virial theorem can be an efficient tool in observationally testing the viability of this class of generalized gravity models.Comment: 11 pages, no figures; minor modifications, accepted for publication In JCA

    Paleolimnological evidence for increased sexual reproduction in chydorids (Chydoridae, Cladocera) under environmental stress

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    To investigate the extent to which anthropogenic perturbations such as eutrophication and trace metal pollution (i.e., environmental stress sensu Odum 1985) influence the reproductive modes of cladoceran populations, we analyzed the abundance of subfossils of the chydorids Alonella nana (Baird, 1850) and Alona affinis (Leydig, 1860) in sediment cores from three Finnish lakes. Reconstruction of lakes\u27 pollutant history and the biological response of chydorids indicate that in two of the lakes the proportion of individuals reproducing sexually increased with environmental stressors. More specifically, A. nana responded to eutrophication in Lake Hamptr?sk with greater production of ephippia, while A. affinis responded to aluminum pollution or acidification in Lake Pieni Majaslampi. In contrast, the reference lake, Lake Iso Lehm?lampi, showed no radical changes in sexual reproduction over the twomillennium long sediment record. We conclude that chydorids may use sexual reproduction as a strategy for overcoming unexpected environmental stresses

    Correlating Pedestrian Flows and Search Engine Queries

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    An important challenge for ubiquitous computing is the development of techniques that can characterize a location vis-a-vis the richness and diversity of urban settings. In this paper we report our work on correlating urban pedestrian flows with Google search queries. Using longitudinal data we show pedestrian flows at particular locations can be correlated with the frequency of Google search terms that are semantically relevant to those locations. Our approach can identify relevant content, media, and advertisements for particular locations.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, 1 tabl

    Palatini formulation of modified gravity with a nonminimal curvature-matter coupling

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    We derive the field equations and the equations of motion for massive test particles in modified theories of gravity with an arbitrary coupling between geometry and matter by using the Palatini formalism. We show that the independent connection can be expressed as the Levi-Civita connection of an auxiliary, matter Lagrangian dependent metric, which is related with the physical metric by means of a conformal transformation. Similarly to the metric case, the field equations impose the non-conservation of the energy-momentum tensor. We derive the explicit form of the equations of motion for massive test particles in the case of a perfect fluid, and the expression of the extra-force is obtained in terms of the matter-geometry coupling functions and of their derivatives. Generally, the motion is non-geodesic, and the extra force is orthogonal to the four-velocity.Comment: 7 pages, no figures; v2, revised and corrected version; new Section adde
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