8 research outputs found

    Effect of bariatric surgery on fatty liver disease in obese patients: A prospective one year follow-up study

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    Background. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), often associated with obesity and metabolic syndrome, manifests itself as steatosis, hepatic fibrosis, cirrhosis, or even end-stage liver disease. NAFLD causes inflammation, insulin resistance and cardiovascular complications. The current study aimed to evaluate the beneficial effects of bariatric surgery on biochemical parameters of hepatic functions in obese patients by comparing them before and one-year after the surgery. Methods. A total of 72 morbidly obese patients underwent bariatric surgery between 2016 and 2018. The incidence of diabetes mellitus in this group was 29%, median body weight was 124.5 kg (109.0-140.0) and mean body mass index (BMI) was 44.38 +/- 6.770 kg/m(2). The used surgical procedures included gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, laparoscopic gastric plication, and single anastomosis duodeno-ileal bypass-sleeve gastrectomy. Biochemical parameters including ALT/AST ratio (AAR), NAFLD fibrosis score (NFS), hepatic fibrosis index (FIB-4) and Fatty Liver Index (FLI) were evaluated in all patients at the time of surgery and one year after the intervention. Results. Significant improvement after the intervention was observed in 64 patients. A significant reduction in body weight (P<0.0001), waist circumference (P<0.0001), and body mass index (P<0.0001) were observed. NAFLD liver fibrosis index changed significantly (P<0.0001), suggesting a trend of improvement from advanced fibrosis towards stages 0-2. The FIB-4 fibrosis index indicated significant improvement (P=0.0136). Besides, a significant decline in hepatic steatosis (P<0.0001) was observed after bariatric surgery as compared to the pre-surgery fatty liver conditions. Conclusion. Among the strategies to overcome NAFLD-associated impediments, bariatric surgery can be considered effective in reducing obesity and metabolic co-morbidities.University of Ostrava in The Czech Republi

    Monitoring of European Mink (Mustela lutreola) in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve – Romania, 2003-2011. Current status and setting of goals for the European Mink conservation

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    The European mink (Mustela lutreola L.) is critically endangered. The Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (DDBR) is one of the last refuges of this species. Within the DDBR the European mink is still widespread as indicated by 74 life captures in a number of expeditions between 2003 and 2011. No American mink (Neovison vison), a serious threat to the European mink, were trapped or observed during 2000 and 2011 in the DDBR. Trapping success varied both between years and between trapping areas, but up to know the underlying factors for these patterns are not understood. It may be a combination of generally changing mink densities in the Delta due to food availability or reproduction success and habitat quality as a local factor. In this context we discuss potential limiting factors and outline some aspects for a future management plan of the species

    Textual analysis of corporate sustainability reporting and corporate ESG scores

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    This paper examines the evolution of environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting by analysing a ten-year corpus of annual reports from FTSE 350 companies. Using BERTopic, an advanced topic modelling technique, we identify and subsequently cluster the most important ESG topics, providing significant insights into the reporting landscape. Our findings show how regulatory changes, such as the Non-Financial Reporting Directive, and major events like Covid-19, influence ESG topic prominence. The disclosure of ESG information is primarily determined by regulatory requirements. This is particularly evident in the fact that companies only disclose the diversity on the board, which is mandatory, but not the diversity and inclusion at other levels of the reporting organisation. Furthermore, our study examines the correlation between ESG scores and topic proportions, showing that extensive disclosure on topics like climate risk and stakeholder engagement is positively associated with higher ESG scores, whereas topics like executive remuneration show negative correlations. Our research contributes to the literature by offering a novel methodological approach to ESG analysis and provides insights into the gaps between reporting standards and practices, relevant for standard-setting bodies and regulators

    Štěpení singletu v tenkých vrstvách bis(thienyl)diketopyrrolopyrrolů

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    The singlet fission (SF) process discovered in bis(thienyl)diketopyrrolopyrroles (TDPPs) can boost their potential for photovoltaics (PV). The crystal structures of TDPP analogs carrying n-hexyl, n-butyl, or 2-(adamant-1-yl)ethyl substituents are similar, but contain increasingly slipped stacked neighbor molecules. The observed SF rate constants, k(SF), (7 +/- 4), (9 +/- 3) and (5.6 +/- 1.9) ns(-1) for thin films of the three compounds, respectively, are roughly equal, but the triplet quantum yields vary strongly: (120 +/- 40), (160 +/- 40) and (70 +/- 16), respectively. The recent molecular pair model reproduces the near equality of all three k(SF) at the crystal geometries and identifies all possible pair arrangements in which SF is predicted to be faster, by up to two orders of magnitude. However, it is also clear that the presently non-existent ability to predict the rates of processes competing with SF is pivotal for providing a guide for efforts to optimize the materials for PV.Proces singletového štěpení (SF), objevený u bis(thienyl)diketopyrrolopyrrolů (TDPPs) může posílit jejich potenciál pro fotovoltaiku. Krystalové struktury analog TDPP nesoucí n-hexyl, n-butyl nebo 2-(adamant-1-yl)ethyl skupiny jsou podobné. Pozorovaná rychlostní konstanta singletového štěpení, k(SF), (7+/-4), (9+/-3) a (5,6 +/-1,9) ns-1 pro tenké filmy těchto tří derivátů jsou přibližně rovné, ale tripletové kvantové výtěžky se silně liší: (120+/-40), (160+/- 40), (70+/-16). Nedávný model molekulových párů reprodukuje blízkou rovnost všech tří k(SF) v geometrii krystalu a identifikuje všechna možná uspořádání párů, u nichž se předpokládá, že SF bude asi o 2 řády rychlejší

    Výzkum ekologie a rozšíření‚ návrh managementu populací a záchranných programů zvláště chráněných druhů živočichů:Záchranný program - program péče pro vydru říční (Lutra lutra) v České republice v letech 2006 – 2015

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    Program péče pro vydru říční v ČR je rámcovým materiálem, jehož smyslem je zajištění koncepčního dlouhodobého přístupu k ochraně druhu. Je souborem ochranných, managementových, legislativních a popularizačních opatření zajišťujících péči o tento druh. Časový horizont účinnosti Programu péče je 10 let, ovšem v jeho průběhu budou jednotlivá opatření kontrolována a hodnocena na základě stanovených kritérií a pokud nebudou dostatečně účinná, dojde k jejich revizi. Vydra říční je ohrožený druh, jehož početnost však v posledních letech vzrůstá. V minulosti byla rozšířena po celém území České republiky. Program péče pro vydru by měl pomoci zachovat životaschopnou populaci vydry na našem území, ale na druhé straně by měl napomoci vyřešení konfliktu mezi vydrou a rybáři. Vytvoření pozitivního vztahu rybářů k vydře, případně její tolerance bude pokládáno za naplnění hlavního cíle Programu péče. V takovém případě by bylo zajištěno také dlouhodobé zachování vydry říční na našem území i přes některé její negativní aspekty