106 research outputs found

    Algunos recursos en internet para mejorar la enseñanza de la geografía

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    El gran aumento de información digitalizada, accesible on line, en un mundo globalizado, ha puesto a disposición del profesorado de Geografía y, en general, de Ciencias Sociales una gran cantidad de recursos que pueden ser utilizados en la enseñanza y también en la formación de los docentes. Algunos de estos recursos ya tenían cierta tradición de uso en formato convencional, apareciendo ahora más fácilmente accesibles; otros son nuevos recursos producidos digitalmente. Por ello tiene interés facilitar al profesorado una selección de estos recursos útiles para la enseñanza de la Geografía, organizados en diez grandes secciones temáticas, para un mejor aprovechamiento de los mismosThe great increase in on-line digital information in a global world has made available a great amount of resources that can be used by Geography and, in general, Social Sciences teachers in education and also in teacher training. Some of these resources already had a certain tradition of use in a conventional format but had now become more easily accessible; others are new digitally produced resources. That is why it is interesting to provide teachers a selection of these useful resources for Geography teaching, organized in ten great thematic sections in order to make a better use of them


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    Modelos de gestión del agua y saneamiento en el Perú: una mirada al caso de la Comunitat Minera Olesana en Catalunya

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    En el Perú, durante el periodo 2011-2015 se ha mostrado un significativo crecimiento de la inversión realizada en el sector agua y saneamiento (3.214 millones de soles anuales), sin embargo, sólo el 61% de la población de escasos recursos accede a la red pública de agua; el 42% de la población total accede a agua segura y en general el sector de agua y saneamiento atraviesa por un modelo de gestión colapsado. Por otro lado y de acuerdo a la normativa vigente en el Perú, en el ámbito urbano, las municipalidades son responsables de la prestación de los servicios de agua y saneamiento, y en el ámbito rural es realizado por el gobierno local directamente o indirectamente a través de las organizaciones comunales. Con la finalidad de contribuir en la mejora de la gestión de los recursos hídricos en el Perú, se ha analizado los modelos de gestión de agua y saneamiento en España y Catalunya, con énfasis en la participación ciudadana, el Observatorio del Precio del Agua en Catalunya y los mecanismos de acción social. Finalmente, gracias a la financiación de la Diputación de Barcelona y la cooperación de la GWOPA/UN-Habitat se está llevando a cabo la aplicación de un modelo de gestión en la provincia de Anta, Cusco, tomando como referencia el modelo de la Comunidad Minera Olesana, entidad de carácter social cooperativo, que gestiona el agua en Olesa de Monserrat desde 1868

    La nueva distensión y sus problemas

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    Psychological variables implied in the therapeutic effect of ayahuasca: A contextual approach

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    Ayahuasca is a psychedelic decoction originating from Amazonia. The ayahuasca-induced introspective experience has been shown to have potential benefits in the treatment of several pathologies, to protect mental health and to improve neuropsychological functions and creativity, and boost mindfulness. The underlying psychological processes related to the use of ayahuasca in a psychotherapeutic context are not yet well described in the scientific literature, but there is some evidence to suggest that psychological variables described in psychotherapies could be useful in explaining the therapeutic effects of the brew. In this study we explore the link between ayahuasca use and Decentering, Values and Self, comparing subjects without experience of ayahuasca (n = 41) with subjects with experience (n = 81). Results confirm that ayahuasca users scored higher than non-users in Decentering and Positive self, but not in Valued living, Life fulfillment, Self in social relations, Self in close relations and General self. Scores in Decentering were higher in the more experienced subjects (more than 15 occasions) than in those with less experience (less than 15 occasions). Our results show that psychological process variables may explain the outcomes in ayahuasca psychotherapy. The introduction of these variables is warranted in future ayahuasca therapeutic studie

    Roll up Your Sleeves: Why Is It Important to Highlight Gender in Agriculture?

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    Gender and poverty combine to put a burden on the status of women farm workers. On top of that, women’s contribution in agriculture, albeit important to the overall agricultural chain, is commonly overlooked. This study looked into the time-use of women in agriculture, relative to men in the largest rice producing community in the Philippines. The methodology included key informant interviews of nine women, a survey questionnaire to a total of 159 individuals form the farming household, and a time-motion study of women’s work in raising livestock during a whole day. The data revealed that women are involved in all aspects of the agricultural production although there is a differentiation in the time allocation between the men and female farmers. Women worked 2.6 hours per day on the average compared with 6 hours per day for men. Statistical analysis also showed that women’s work in the home is not lessened even as she devotes more time on the field. Hence, she experiences double burden. More than half of the women (60%) stated that they do not own the land, in contrast to only 29.6% among the men. The study supports that gender matters and males dominate on decisions regarding crop production (usually a man’s decision), usage of money earned from activities, and in the determination of the purpose of livestock. However, women provide labor and take direction. From this perspective perspective, this study highlights the role of women and their contribution to agriculture, ultimately supporting the need for agricultural statistics to include gender and not be gender-blind

    A guerra às drogas na América Latina : onde estão as mulheres?

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    Crimes relacionados à produção, à comercialização e à posse de drogas ilícitas figuram entre os principais motivos que levam mulheres a serem presas na América Latina. Números que atualmente dizem respeito a quantidade de mulheres presas pros crimes relacionados a drogas ilícitas, representaram um dia a totalidade população carcerária feminina na América Latina. Mulheres pobres e marginalizadas que recorrem ao tráfico como alternativa são tratadas como ameaças à segurança do Estado e combatidas como tal. Assim, uma análise que se proponha a abordar a Guerra às Drogas de forma coerente com as experiências de mulheres que ela impacta, não deve se restringir a métodos quantitativos, e sim considerar as vivências e relatos de mulheres reais. Dessa forma, os Estudos Feministas de Relações Internacionais contribuem à análise da Guerra às Drogas com um aporte teórico que não se limita a estruturas binárias de “protetores” e “protegidos”, “feminilidade” e “masculinidade”, “nós” contra “eles”. E assim apresenta discussões que partem do reconhecimento do caráter militarista das políticas características da Guerra às Drogas, para entender de que forma elas impactam as mulheres na América Latina.Crimes related to the production, sale and possession of illicit drugs are among the main reasons that lead women to be arrested in Latin America. Numbers that currently refer to the number of women imprisoned for crimes related to illicit drugs, once represented the entire female prison population in Latin America. Poor and marginalized women who turn to trafficking as an alternative are treated as threats to state security and fought as such. Thus, an analysis that proposes to approach the War on Drugs in a way that is coherent with the experiences of women that it impacts, should not be restricted to quantitative methods, but consider the experiences and reports of real women. In this way, Feminist Studies contribute to the analysis of the War on Drugs with a theoretical contribution that is not limited to binary structures of "protectors" and "protected", "femininity" and "masculinity", "us" versus "them". And so, it presents discussions that start from the recognition of the militaristic character of the characteristic policies of the War on Drugs, to understand how they impact women in Latin America