10 research outputs found

    Repetitive somatic embryogenesis induced cytological and proteomic changes in embryogenic lines of Pseudotsuga menziesii [Mirb.]

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    Background: To explore poorly understood differences between primary and subsequent somatic embryogenic lines of plants, we induced secondary (2ry) and tertiary (3ry) lines from cotyledonary somatic embryos (SEs) of two Douglas-fir genotypes: SD4 and TD17. The 2ry lines exhibited significantly higher embryogenic potential (SE yields) than the 1ry lines initiated from zygotic embryos (SD4, 2155 vs 477; TD17, 240 vs 29 g(-1) f.w.). Moreover, we observed similar differences in yield between 2ry and 3ry lines of SD4 (2400 vs 3921 g(-1) f.w.). To elucidate reasons for differences in embryogenic potential induced by repetitive somatic embryogenesis we then compared 2ry vs 1ry and 2ry vs 3ry lines at histo-cytological (using LC-MS/MS) and proteomic levels. Results: Repetitive somatic embryogenesis dramatically improved the proliferating lines' cellular organization (genotype SD4's most strongly). Frequencies of singulated, bipolar SEs and compact polyembryogenic centers with elongated suspensors and apparently cleavable embryonal heads increased in 2ry and (even more) 3ry lines. Among 2300-2500 identified proteins, 162 and 228 were classified significantly differentially expressed between 2ry vs 1ry and 3ry vs 2ry lines, respectively, with special emphasis on "Proteolysis" and "Catabolic process" Gene Ontology categories. Strikingly, most of the significant proteins (> 70%) were down-regulated in 2ry relative to 1ry lines, but up-regulated in 3ry relative to 2ry lines, revealing a down-up pattern of expression. GO category enrichment analyses highlighted the opposite adjustments of global protein patterns, particularly for processes involved in chitin catabolism, lignin and L-phenylalanine metabolism, phenylpropanoid biosynthesis, oxidation-reduction, and response to karrikin. Sub-Network Enrichment Analyses highlighted interactions between significant proteins and both plant growth regulators and secondary metabolites after first (especially jasmonic acid, flavonoids) and second (especially salicylic acid, abscisic acid, lignin) embryogenesis cycles. Protein networks established after each induction affected the same "Plant development" and "Defense response" biological processes, but most strongly after the third cycle, which could explain the top embryogenic performance of 3ry lines. Conclusions: This first report of cellular and molecular changes after repetitive somatic embryogenesis in conifers shows that each cycle enhanced the structure and singularization of EMs through modulation of growth regulator pathways, thereby improving the lines' embryogenic status

    Regenerative potential, metabolic profile, and genetic stability of Brachypodium distachyon embryogenic calli as affected by successive subcultures

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    Brachypodium distachyon, a model species for forage grasses and cereal crops, has been used in studies seeking improved biomass production and increased crop yield for biofuel production purposes. Somatic embryogenesis (SE) is the morphogenetic pathway that supports in vitro regeneration of such species. However, there are gaps in terms of studies on the metabolic profile and genetic stability along successive subcultures. The physiological variables and the metabolic profile of embryogenic callus (EC) and embryogenic structures (ES) from successive subcultures (30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240, and 360-day-old subcultures) were analyzed. Canonical discriminant analysis separated EC into three groups: 60, 90, and 120 to 240 days. EC with 60 and 90 days showed the highest regenerative potential. EC grown for 90 days and submitted to SE induction in 2 mg L−1 of kinetin-supplemented medium was the highest ES producer. The metabolite profiles of non-embryogenic callus (NEC), EC, and ES submitted to principal component analysis (PCA) separated into two groups: 30 to 240- and 360-day-old calli. The most abundant metabolites for these groups were malonic acid, tryptophan, asparagine, and erythrose. PCA of ES also separated ages into groups and ranked 60- and 90-day-old calli as the best for use due to their high levels of various metabolites. The key metabolites that distinguished the ES groups were galactinol, oxaloacetate, tryptophan, and valine. In addition, significant secondary metabolites (e.g., caffeoylquinic, cinnamic, and ferulic acids) were important in the EC phase. Ferulic, cinnamic, and phenylacetic acids marked the decreases in the regenerative capacity of ES in B. distachyon. Decreased accumulations of the amino acids aspartic acid, asparagine, tryptophan, and glycine characterized NEC, suggesting that these metabolites are indispensable for the embryogenic competence in B. distachyon. The genetic stability of the regenerated plants was evaluated by flow cytometry, showing that ploidy instability in regenerated plants from B. distachyon calli is not correlated with callus age. Taken together, our data indicated that the loss of regenerative capacity in B. distachyon EC occurs after 120 days of subcultures, demonstrating that the use of EC can be extended to 90 days

    Autophagy and autophagy-related proteins in the immune system

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    Pressure Gradients in Solid Tumors

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    Arenaviruses: Lassa Fever, Lujo Hemorrhagic Fever, Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis, and the South American Hemorrhagic Fevers

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