255 research outputs found

    Methods of multicriteria decision analysis within the road projects like an element of the sustainability

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    The present communication is based on the research undertaken by the author and whose principal results are detailed in its thesis entitled « Choice of alternatives of road infrastructures : multicriteria methods » like on the prospects offered by this one. The problems of the choice between various alternatives are permanent and crucial in the projects of systems of transport and road infrastructures. The designer who works out a technical solution must have objective and global methods in order to propose to the decision makers, who are generally a political entity, an optimal alternative. The complexity of the many fields affected by the transport infrastructure as well as the diversity of the various intervening actors directly or indirectly in the study process are as much elements to integrate in this choice. Only methods of multicriteria decision analysis, associated with a dialogue integrated into all the stages of the study process, make it possible to the designer as well as possible to take account of this complexity. The use of such methods also makes it possible to bind the objective aspects of the choices, based in particular on technical evaluation of the performance indicators of the alternatives for each criterion, with its subjective aspects which are the relative consideration of importance of each criterion, also called weighting. These methods of multicriteria decision analysis used in parallel with dialogue methods are clearly at the basis of a study process ensuring the realization of a sustainability road. They indeed make it possible to bind social, by the dialogue of the various actors, economic and environmental dimensions by the consideration of adequate criteria. Moreover, the consideration of the needs for the future generations, by the taking into account of the cycle of life of the infrastructure, is easy to realize. The author carried out an actualization of methodology of the road project process while basing him on the integration of these principles in the procedure. An evaluation of the various methods of multicriteria decision analysis was carried out and tested on a real case in Switzerland. It results the following main clauses from them : The use of the method of partial aggregation Electre III makes it possible to better moderate the judgments and use easy indicators; The honest separation in the stages of the process of the phase of weighting, which is to be realized before the alternatives generation, this one preceding the phase of the evaluation of the criteria; The objective judgment is to be realized by the designer and subjective weighting by the decision makers

    Results of investigations into the groundwater response and productivity of high water use agricultural systems 1990-1997 : 6. Summary of all sites

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    The south-western Woolbelt receives annual rainfall between 500-700 mm with long dry summers and cool wet winters. The dominant land use is grazing of Merino sheep for wool productiion, with smaller areas (5-15%) of cropping. All of the catchments selected were affected by salinity, but the extent and severity varied. In all catchments the location of the major expression of salinity was the valley floor

    Interactions entre les réseaux de la faune et des voies de circulation

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    L’ingĂ©nieur qui dĂ©veloppe les rĂ©seaux d’infrastructure de transports en raison d’une demande croissante en mobilitĂ© (essor de l’économie, population et niveau de vie en augmentation, etc.) doit faire en sorte que ceux-ci soient efficaces, sĂ»rs, Ă©conomiques et respectueux de l’environnement. Cette tĂąche ardue ne peut s’accomplir sans un travail interdisciplinaire faisant notamment intervenir un Ă©cologue pour tout ce qui concerne la protection de la faune. La collaboration « ingĂ©nieur – spĂ©cialiste de la faune » doit dĂ©buter au stade de l’étude de planification du projet, les documents situant les rĂ©seaux Ă©cologiques (corridors et zones-rĂ©servoir) et les milieux protĂ©gĂ©s devant ĂȘtre dans les mains de l’ingĂ©nieur lors du choix du tracĂ© de la voie de circulation. Les impacts d’une infrastructure de transport sur la faune portent atteinte Ă  la capacitĂ© d’accueil du milieu, au taux de mortalitĂ© des espĂšces animales et Ă  la fonctionnalitĂ© du rĂ©seau Ă©cologique. Les solutions passent par l’identification des rĂ©seaux Ă©cologiques existants, l’analyse de la permĂ©abilitĂ© effective de la voie de circulation et l’élaboration d’un concept de rĂ©seau Ă©cologique futur qui doit tenir compte de l’évolution prĂ©visible du paysage et de l’aspect rĂ©gional de la problĂ©matique. Le plan de mesures pour la faune est Ă©laborĂ© conjointement par l’ingĂ©nieur et l’écologue sur la base de ce concept de rĂ©seau Ă©cologique futur. Il doit viser la sĂ©curitĂ© pour les usagers de la voie de circulation, la protection de la faune et un rapport « efficacitĂ©/coĂ»t » Ă©levĂ© pour les mesures projetĂ©es. Ce dernier s’obtient entre autres en amĂ©nageant pour la faune les ouvrages de franchissement non spĂ©cifiques et en intĂ©grant les passages Ă  faune dans le paysage Ă  l’aide d’amĂ©nagements s’étendant au-delĂ  de l’emprise de la voie de circulation. La gestion des mesures pour la faune est une nĂ©cessitĂ© pour garantir leur efficacitĂ© Ă  long terme. Elle doit ĂȘtre planifiĂ©e lors du projet et doit fixer notamment le financement et les intervenants prenant part Ă  l’entretien, Ă  la surveillance et aux contrĂŽles d’efficacitĂ©

    Schwannoma-like pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid

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    Pleomorphic adenoma is the most common benign salivary gland tumour. It can occur in any salivary gland, but is most frequently found in the parotid gland. Chondroid metaplasia is a frequent finding in pleomorphic adenoma. Other forms of metaplasia have been described, but are encountered less frequently. We report a rare case of unusual pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid gland with schwannoma-like feature

    H2AX promotes replication fork degradation and chemosensitivity in BRCA-deficient tumours

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    Histone H2AX plays a key role in DNA damage signalling in the surrounding regions of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). In response to DNA damage, H2AX becomes phosphorylated on serine residue 139 (known as ÎłH2AX), resulting in the recruitment of the DNA repair effectors 53BP1 and BRCA1. Here, by studying resistance to poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitors in BRCA1/2-deficient mammary tumours, we identify a function for ÎłH2AX in orchestrating drug-induced replication fork degradation. Mechanistically, ÎłH2AX-driven replication fork degradation is elicited by suppressing CtIP-mediated fork protection. As a result, H2AX loss restores replication fork stability and increases chemoresistance in BRCA1/2-deficient tumour cells without restoring homology-directed DNA repair, as highlighted by the lack of DNA damage-induced RAD51 foci. Furthermore, in the attempt to discover acquired genetic vulnerabilities, we find that ATM but not ATR inhibition overcomes PARP inhibitor (PARPi) resistance in H2AX-deficient tumours by interfering with CtIP-mediated fork protection. In summary, our results demonstrate a role for H2AX in replication fork biology in BRCA-deficient tumours and establish a function of H2AX separable from its classical role in DNA damage signalling and DSB repair

    Community-driven development for computational biology at Sprints, Hackathons and Codefests

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    Background: Computational biology comprises a wide range of technologies and approaches. Multiple technologies can be combined to create more powerful workflows if the individuals contributing the data or providing tools for its interpretation can find mutual understanding and consensus. Much conversation and joint investigation are required in order to identify and implement the best approaches. Traditionally, scientific conferences feature talks presenting novel technologies or insights, followed up by informal discussions during coffee breaks. In multi-institution collaborations, in order to reach agreement on implementation details or to transfer deeper insights in a technology and practical skills, a representative of one group typically visits the other. However, this does not scale well when the number of technologies or research groups is large. Conferences have responded to this issue by introducing Birds-of-a-Feather (BoF) sessions, which offer an opportunity for individuals with common interests to intensify their interaction. However, parallel BoF sessions often make it hard for participants to join multiple BoFs and find common ground between the different technologies, and BoFs are generally too short to allow time for participants to program together. Results: This report summarises our experience with computational biology Codefests, Hackathons and Sprints, which are interactive developer meetings. They are structured to reduce the limitations of traditional scientific meetings described above by strengthening the interaction among peers and letting the participants determine the schedule and topics. These meetings are commonly run as loosely scheduled "unconferences" (self-organized identification of participants and topics for meetings) over at least two days, with early introductory talks to welcome and organize contributors, followed by intensive collaborative coding sessions. We summarise some prominent achievements of those meetings and describe differences in how these are organised, how their audience is addressed, and their outreach to their respective communities. Conclusions: Hackathons, Codefests and Sprints share a stimulating atmosphere that encourages participants to jointly brainstorm and tackle problems of shared interest in a self-driven proactive environment, as well as providing an opportunity for new participants to get involved in collaborative projects
