1,674 research outputs found

    Articulating the indignation of the Catalan people: Populist traits in the Candidatura d’Unitat Popular (CUP)

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    Este artículo analiza los rasgos populistas en el discurso político de la Candidatura d’Unitat Popular (CUP), partido independentista de la izquierda radical catalán. Primero, se analiza el éxito de la CUP ubicando al partido en lo que se llamará una competencia de populismos en los años más recientes. En este sentido, el movimiento nacionalista se describe como una catálisis para las ideas populistas en Cataluña. Específicamente, el artículo argumenta que la presencia del partido en el panorama político catalán se deja explicar por la manera en que el nacionalismo catalán se articula como un nacionalismo de rupturas. Esta especie de lenguaje populista también es similar al del partido español Podemos, cuyo impacto sobre el discurso de izquierda pone cierta presión sobre la narrativa anti-capitalista tradicional. En este contexto, se argumenta que la CUP ofrece una alternativa radical que encuentra su fundamento normativo en el pueblo catalán, y que precisamente por el hecho de insistir en la dicotomía izquierda-derecha, hasta cierto punto, ha conseguido asumir el descontento de tantos catalanesThis article analyses populist traits in the political discourse of the Catalan left-wing pro-independence party Candidatura d’Unitat Popular (CUP). First, the article analyses the success of the CUP by placing the party in what is deemed a competition of populisms in recent years in Catalonia. As such, the nationalist movement is described as a catalyst for populist ideas in Catalonia. Specifically, it will be argued that the presence the party has had in the political panorama of Catalonia can be explained by the way in which Catalan nationalism has been expressed as a nationalism of rupture. This kind of populist language is also similar to that of the Spanish party Podemos, whose lasting effect on leftist discourse puts a certain pressure on the traditional anti-capitalist narrative. In this light, the article argues that the CUP offers a radical alternative which finds its normative foundation in the Catalan people, and that precisely by insisting on the leftright dichotomy it has, to a certain extent, been able to absorb the discontent of many Catalan

    Sensory quality of scab-resistant apple cultivars

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    Twenty-two scab-resistant apple cultivars were harvested in autumn 1999 and evaluated for sensory quality the following October, November and December. Multivariate analysis was effective in describing the comblex relationships and variabillity among the numerous attributes used to characterise apple quality. Crispness, mealiness, skin toughness, apple flavour, sweetness, unripe flavour and overripe flavour were informative attributes describing the variation in the sensory quality. Texture attributes, apple flavour and overripe flavour were affected by storage. Extended storage resulted in an increase in mealiness and overripe flavour and a decrease in crispness, juiciness and apple flavour. Many potential scab-resistant cultivars were suitable for consumption in October: 'Dayton', 'Primicia', 'Retina' and 'Realka'; in November: 'Merlijn', 'Saturn', 'Initial', 'Realka', 'Rajka' and 'Rubinola'; and in December: 'Otava', 'Ecolette', 'Rejka', 'Rubinola', 'Delorina', 'Initial' and 'Resista' and 'Topaz'. This study gives a sensory sharacterisation of scab-resistant cultivars as an indicator of suitability for commercial growing and marketing of low-input apple cultivars

    Comfort and Energy Optimizing Control of Thermal Systems

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    Motor Intentionality and the Case of Schneider

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    Analysis of Thickness-Change Induced Local Bending Problems in CFRP-Sandwich Structures

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    Perception and Action:An Analogical Approach

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    EUNAseis:a seismic model for Moho and crustal structure in Europe, Greenland, and the North Atlantic region

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    AbstractWe present a new digital crustal model for Moho depth and crustal structure in Europe, Greenland, Iceland, Svalbard, European Arctic shelf, and the North Atlantic Ocean (72W–62E, 30N–84N). Our compilation is based on digitization of original seismic profiles and Receiver Functions from ca. 650 publications which provides a dense regional data coverage. Exclusion of non-seismic data allows application of the database to potential field modeling. EUNAseis model includes Vp velocity and thickness of five crustal layers, including the sedimentary cover, and Pn velocity. For each parameter we discuss uncertainties associated with theoretical limitations, regional data quality, and interpolation.By analyzing regional trends in crustal structure and links to tectonic evolution illustrated by a new tectonic map, we conclude that: (1) Each tectonic setting shows significant variation in depth to Moho and crustal structure, essentially controlled by the age of latest tectono-thermal processes; (2) Published global averages of crustal parameters are outside of observed ranges for any tectonic setting in Europe; (3) Variation of Vp with depth in the sedimentary cover does not follow commonly accepted trends; (4) The thickness ratio between upper-middle (Vp<6.8km/s) and lower (Vp>6.8km/s) crystalline crust is indicative of crustal origin: oceanic, transitional, platform, or extended crust; (5) Continental rifting generally thins the upper-middle crust significantly without changing Vp. Lower crust experiences less thinning, also without changing Vp, suggesting a complex interplay of magmatic underplating, gabbro-eclogite phase transition and delamination; (6) Crustal structure of the Barents Sea shelf differs from rifted continental crust; and (7) Most of the North Atlantic Ocean north of 55°N has anomalously shallow bathymetry and anomalously thick oceanic crust. A belt of exceptionally thick crust (ca. 30km) of probable oceanic origin on both sides of southern Greenland includes the Greenland–Iceland–Faeroe Ridge in the east and a similar “Baffin Ridge” feature in the west

    Seismic explosion sources on an ice cap – technical considerations

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    Controlled source seismic investigation of crustal structure below ice covers is an emerging technique. We have recently conducted an explosive refraction/wide-angle reflection seismic experiment on the ice cap in east-central Greenland. The data-quality is high for all shot points and a full crustal model can be modelled. A crucial challenge for applying the technique is to control the sources. Here, we present data that describe the efficiency of explosive sources in the ice cover. Analysis of the data shows, that the ice cap traps a significant amount of energy, which is observed as a strong ice wave. The ice cap leads to low transmission of energy into the crust such that charges need be larger than in conventional onshore experiments to obtain reliable seismic signals. The strong reflection coefficient at the base of the ice generates strong multiples which may mask for secondary phases. This effect may be crucial for acquisition of reflection seismic profiles on ice caps. Our experience shows that it is essential to use optimum depth for the charges and to seal the boreholes carefully
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