25 research outputs found


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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a flutuação populacional e faunística de mosca - das – frutas em pomares instalados no campus do IFC - Rio do Sul - SC. O trabalho foi desenvolvido nos pomares de fruticultura instalados no campus e conduzidos em sistemas de produção agroecológico e/ou convencional. O levantamento populacional foi realizado entre maio de 2017 a junho de 2018, os frutos maduros ou em início de maturação foram adquiridos através de coletas quinzenais. Constatou - se uma maior ocorrência de fêmeas para a espécie do gênero Anastrepha em relação ao número de machos

    Vaccination with a CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell epitopes-based recombinant chimeric protein derived from Leishmania infantum proteins confers protective immunity against visceral leishmaniasis.

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    Vaccination seems to be the best approach to control visceral leishmaniasis (VL). Resistance against infection is based on the development of a Th1 immune response characterized by the production of interferons-? (IFN-?), interleukin-12 (IL-12), granulocyte-macrophage-colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), and tumor necrosis factor-? (TNF-?), among others. A number of antigens have been tested as potential targets against the disease; few of them are able to stimulate human immune cells. In the present study, 1 prediction of MHC class I and II molecules-specific epitopes in the amino acid sequences of 3 Leishmania proteins: 1 hypothetical, prohibitin, and small glutamine-rich tetratricopeptide repeat-containing proteins, was performed using bioinformatics tools, and a T-cell epitopes-based recombinant chimeric protein was constructed, synthetized and purified to be evaluated in invitro and in vivo experiments. The purified protein was tested regarding its immunogenicity in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from healthy subjects and VL patients, as well as to its immunogenicity and protective efficacy in a murine model against Leishmania infantum infection. Results showed a Th1 response based on high IFN-? and low IL-10 levels derived from in chimera-stimulated PBMCs in both healthy subjects and VL patients. In addition, chimera and/or saponin-immunized mice presented significantly lower parasite burden in distinct evaluated organs, when compared to the controls, besides higher levels of IFN-?, IL-2, IL-12, and GM-CSF, and an IgG2a isotype-based humoral response. In addition, the CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell subtypes contributed to IFN-? production in the protected animals. The results showed the immunogenicity in human cells and the protective efficacy against L. infantum in a murine model, and well indicate that this recombinant chimera can be considered as a promising strategy to be used against human disease

    Multidisciplinary approach in breast cancer.

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    Breast cancer is the most common neoplasm among women. Worldwide, there will be about 2.1 million newly diagnosed female breast cancer cases in 2018, accounting for almost 1 in 4 cancer cases among women. The disease is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in the vast majority of the countries. The purpose of this article is to report the positive experience of a multidisciplinary team in the care of women with breast cancer and their family members. Our approach that is part of the Cancer Patient Support Center (CPSC) at the public health (IPSEMG) in Brazil has been developed taking into account a broader concept of health care. We value not only individual dimensions in patient care, but also common ones, we recognize the importance of dealing with non-biological aspects of the disease, such as socioeconomic, political and cultural facets and our service is focused on health promotion rather than merely on curative treatment. Among the advantages of our approach, we highlight the facilitated accessibility to health services, the patient-centered communication and shared decision making, and the strong bonds between health professionals, patients, and family members. As part of CPSC`s activities, we emphasize the services provided by ?Aconchego? (?Warmth?), that is our breast cancer support group at public health in Brazil

    Lycophytes and monilophytes in Rio Preto State Park, Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    We conducted a floristic survey of lycophytes and monilophytes in Rio Preto State Park, located in the municipality of São Gonçalo do Rio Preto, and in the surrounding areas, including the municipality of Felício dos Santos, in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The study area is within the Espinhaço Mountain Range. Collections were made from June 1999 to August 2008, and the specimens were deposited in the Herbarium of the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Were identified 188 taxa (185 species, one subspecies and two varieties), distributed among 20 families and 60 genera. The most representative families were Polypodiaceae, with 35 species; Pteridaceae, with 24 species; Dryopteridaceae, with 23 species; Hymenophyllaceae, with 17 species; and Lycopodiaceae, with 13 species and one variety. The most species-rich genera were Elaphoglossum (n = 19), Asplenium (n = 12), Blechnum (n = 10) and Thelypteris (n = 9). Of the taxa recorded, nine are endangered species. Here we present a taxa checklist for the studied area, data regarding growth habit and vegetation type for each species, as well as comparative analyses between Rio Preto State Park and other areas within the Espinhaço Range and the Atlantic Forest, in terms of species composition

    Response of an endangered tree species from Caatinga to mycorrhization and phosphorus fertilization

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    Schinopsis brasiliensis is an endangered tree species found in the Caatinga biome. It presents a characteristic slow development and difficult propagation, although it has been traditionally exploited in the region. Application of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and phosphorus (P) fertilization may be beneficial to S. brasiliensis development at the seedling stage, which at the same time may help species conservation and the recovery of degraded areas in the Caatinga biome. We assessed the response of S. brasiliensis to AMF inoculation (Claroideoglomus etunicatum and Acaulospora longula) and P fertilization (0, 12, 24, and 48 mg dm−3 addition of P2O5). S. brasiliensis responded positively to both AMF inoculation and P fertilization. At low P concentrations, the inoculated plants showed higher leaf area and enhanced vegetative development, nutrient content and biomass production compared with non-inoculated plants. Conversely, increasing levels of P fertilization decreased the level of mycorrhizal colonization, plant responsiveness to inoculation, and spore production in C. etunicatum. Thus, P concentrations were able to influence the response of S. brasiliensis to mycorrhization and responsiveness to increased mycorrhization with the decrease in P availability. These results showed that mycorrhizal symbiosis plays an essential role in the development of S. brasiliensis

    Impact of the glyphosate-based commercial herbicide, its components and its metabolite AMPA on non-target aquatic organisms

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    Glyphosate (GLY) is the active ingredient of several herbicide formulations widely used to control weeds in agricultural and non-agricultural areas. Due to the intensive use of GLY-based herbicides and their direct application on soils, some of their components, including the active ingredient, may reach the aquatic environment through direct run-off and leaching. The present study assessed the acute toxicity and genotoxicity of the GLY-based formulation Atanor 48 (ATN) and its major constituents GLY, surfactant polyethoxylated tallow amine (POEA), as well as the main metabolite of GLY aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) on non-target aquatic organisms. The toxic effects of these chemicals were evaluated in the fish embryo acute toxicity test with zebrafish (Danio rerio), while genotoxic effects were investigated in the comet assays with cells from zebrafish larvae and rainbow trout gonad-2 (RTG-2). GLY and AMPA caused no acute toxic effect, while ATN and POEA induced significant lethal effects in zebrafish (LC50-96 h 76.50 mg/L and 5.49 mg/L, respectively). All compounds were genotoxic in comet experiments with zebrafish larvae (LOEC 1.7 mg/L for GLY, ATN, AMPA and 0.4 mg/L for POEA). Unlike in vivo, only POEA induced DNA damage in RTG-2 cells (LOEC 1.6 mg/L), suggesting that it is a direct acting genotoxic agent. In summary, these data indicate that the lethal effects on zebrafish early-life stages can be ranked in the following order from most to least toxic: surfactant POEA > formulation ATN > active ingredient GLY approximate to metabolite AMPA. Genotoxic effects were observed in both RTG-2 cells (only POEA) and zebrafish (all test compounds) with the lowest tested concentrations. Therefore, it is important to evaluate different toxicological endpoints as well as use different non-target organisms to predict the hazards of GLY-based formulations and their components and breakdown product to aquatic biota84294101CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE GOIÁS - FAPEGFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP465571/2014-0não temnão temnão te

    Processo catal?tico de determina??o da demanda qu?mica de oxig?nio usando nanopart?culas de ?xidos de ferro magn?ticas

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    Um novo m?todo de determina??o da demanda qu?mica de oxig?nio foi desenvolvido. O m?todo baseia-se no uso de nanopart?culas magn?ticas do tipo "core-shell" de ?xidos e/ou oxidr?xidos de ferro como catalisadores que s?o capazes de ativar a mol?cula de H202 para produzir radicais hidroxila que s?o esp?cies altamente reativas e n?o seletivas capazes de oxidar completamente compostos org?nicos em meio aquoso. O m?todo apresenta v?rias vantagens em rela??o aos existentes, uma vez que n?o utiliza reagentes t?xicos, a rea??o de oxida??o da mat?ria org?nica pode ser realizada a temperatura ambiente e press?o atmosf?rica, n?o utiliza radia??o UV e n?o necessita de potencial externo para que a rea??o ocorra. Trata-se, pois, de um m?todo simples, barato, ambientalmente e energeticamente favor?vel. O limite de detec??o do m?todo foi de 2,00 mg L- 1 de DQO, no entanto foi observado sinal anal?tico para 0,5 mg L- 1 de DQO. O m?todo desenvolvido ? r(...

    Septic Project - experiences in extension for rural sanitation in the basin of the Brumado waterfall (Mariana - MG).

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    O Projeto S?PTICA ? uma iniciativa dos grupos PET de Engenharia Ambiental e Engenharia Civil da UFOP, cujo objetivo ? estudar as condi??es de saneamento na ?rea rural da bacia hidrogr?fica da cachoeira do Brumado e desenvolver a??es de educa??o ambiental junto ? comunidade local, visando fortalecer as discuss?es sobre saneamento na regi?o. Sua metodologia ? dividida em quatro partes: monitoramento da qualidade da ?gua da bacia; diagn?stico das condi??es de saneamento no local; educa??o ambiental voltada para o saneamento; estudo e divulga??o de tecnologias sociais para o tratamento de esgoto. Os resultados apontaram que os corpos d??gua da bacia apresentam ?ndice de qualidade da ?gua (IQA) m?dio, com exce??o de tr?s pontos cr?ticos, localizados no c?rrego ?gua Limpa, em Cafund?o de Baixo e na cachoeira do Brumado. Notou-se que 66% dos moradores n?o t?m acesso a servi?os p?blicos de abastecimento de ?gua e que a maior parte da popula??o despeja seus efluentes diretamente nos c?rregos da regi?o. Quanto ?s a??es de educa??o ambiental e ?s reuni?es com a comunidade, estas foram de extrema import?ncia para dar visibilidade aos problemas socioambientais da bacia e deram base para a mobiliza??o social em prol da resolu??o desses problemas.The S?PTICA Project is an initiative of the PET groups of Environmental Engineering and Civil Engineering of UFOP, whose objective is to study the sanitation conditions in the rural area of the Brumado?s Watelfall hydrographic basin and cultivate environmental education in the local community, aiming to strengthen the discussions about sanitation. Its methodology was divided into four parts: basin water quality monitoring; diagnosis of local sanitation conditions; environmental education focused on sanitation; study and dissemination of social technologies for the wastewater treatment. The results indicated that the rivers of the basin present an average Water Quality Index (IQA), with the exception of three critical points, located in the ?gua Limpa river, Cafund?o de Baixo and in the Brumado Waterfall. It was noted that 66% of the residents don?t have access to public water services and that most of the population dumps their effluents directly in the streams of the region. Moreover, environmental education actions and assembly with the local community were extremely important to give visibility to the socio-environmental problems of the basin and provided a basis for social mobilization in order to solve these problems