19 research outputs found

    Survival Analysis Part I: Basic concepts and first analyses

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    Survival analysis is a collection of statistical procedures for data analysis where the outcome variable of interest is time until an event occurs. Because of censoring - the nonobservation of the event of interest after a period of follow-up - a proportion of the survival times of interest will often be unknown. It is assumed that those patients who are censored have the same survival prospects as those who continue to be followed, that is, the censoring is uninformative. Survival data are generally described and modelled in terms of two related functions, the survivor function and the hazard function. The survivor function represents the probability that an individual survives from the time of origin to some time beyond time t. It directly describes the survival experience of a study cohort, and is usually estimated by the KM method. The logrank test may be used to test for differences between survival curves for groups, such as treatment arms. The hazard function gives the instantaneous potential of having an event at a time, given survival up to that time. It is used primarily as a diagnostic tool or for specifying a mathematical model for survival analysis. In comparing treatments or prognostic groups in terms of survival, it is often necessary to adjust for patient-related factors that could potentially affect the survival time of a patient. Failure to adjust for confounders may result in spurious effects. Multivariate survival analysis, a form of multiple regression, provides a way of doing this adjustment, and is the subject the next paper in this series

    Activity and regulation by growth factors of calmodulin-dependent protein kinase III (elongation factor 2-kinase) in human breast cancer

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    Calmodulin-dependent protein kinase III (CaM kinase III, elongation factor-2 kinase) is a unique member of the Ca2+/CaM-dependent protein kinase family. Activation of CaM kinase III leads to the selective phosphorylation of elongation factor 2 (eEF-2) and transient inhibition of protein synthesis. Recent cloning and sequencing of CaM kinase III revealed that this enzyme represents a new superfamily of protein kinases. The activity of CaM kinase III is selectively activated in proliferating cells; inhibition of the kinase blocked cells in G0/G1-S and decreased viability. To determine the significance of CaM kinase III in breast cancer, we measured the activity of the kinase in human breast cancer cell lines as well as in fresh surgical specimens. The specific activity of CaM kinase III in human breast cancer cell lines was equal to or greater than that seen in a variety of cell lines with similar rates of proliferation. The specific activity of CaM kinase III was markedly increased in human breast tumour specimens compared with that of normal adjacent breast tissue. The activity of this enzyme was regulated by breast cancer mitogens. In serum-deprived MDA-MB-231 cells, the combination of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) stimulated cell proliferation and activated CaM kinase III to activities observed in the presence of 10% serum. Inhibition of enzyme activity blocked cell proliferation induced by growth factors. In MCF-7 cells separated by fluorescence-activated cell sorting, CaM kinase III was increased in S-phase over that of other phases of the cell cycle. In summary, the activity of Ca2+/CaM-dependent protein kinase III is controlled by breast cancer mitogens and appears to be constitutively activated in human breast cancer. These results suggest that CaM kinase III may contribute an important link between growth factor/receptor interactions, protein synthesis and the induction of cellular proliferation in human breast cancer. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Anti-Angiogenic Therapy Induces Integrin-Linked Kinase 1 Up-Regulation in a Mouse Model of Glioblastoma

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    BACKGROUND: In order to improve our understanding of the molecular pathways that mediate tumor proliferation and angiogenesis, and to evaluate the biological response to anti-angiogenic therapy, we analyzed the changes in the protein profile of glioblastoma in response to treatment with recombinant human Platelet Factor 4-DLR mutated protein (PF4-DLR), an inhibitor of angiogenesis. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: U87-derived experimental glioblastomas were grown in the brain of xenografted nude mice, treated with PF4-DLR, and processed for proteomic analysis. More than fifty proteins were differentially expressed in response to PF4-DLR treatment. Among them, integrin-linked kinase 1 (ILK1) signaling pathway was first down-regulated but then up-regulated after treatment for prolonged period. The activity of PF4-DLR can be increased by simultaneously treating mice orthotopically implanted with glioblastomas, with ILK1-specific siRNA. As ILK1 is related to malignant progression and a poor prognosis in various types of tumors, we measured ILK1 expression in human glioblastomas, astrocytomas and oligodendrogliomas, and found that it varied widely; however, a high level of ILK1 expression was correlated to a poor prognosis. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our results suggest that identifying the molecular pathways induced by anti-angiogenic therapies may help the development of combinatorial treatment strategies that increase the therapeutic efficacy of angiogenesis inhibitors by association with specific agents that disrupt signaling in tumor cells

    Prediction and Testing of Biological Networks Underlying Intestinal Cancer

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    Colorectal cancer progresses through an accumulation of somatic mutations, some of which reside in so-called “driver” genes that provide a growth advantage to the tumor. To identify points of intersection between driver gene pathways, we implemented a network analysis framework using protein interactions to predict likely connections – both precedented and novel – between key driver genes in cancer. We applied the framework to find significant connections between two genes, Apc and Cdkn1a (p21), known to be synergistic in tumorigenesis in mouse models. We then assessed the functional coherence of the resulting Apc-Cdkn1a network by engineering in vivo single node perturbations of the network: mouse models mutated individually at Apc (Apc1638N+/−) or Cdkn1a (Cdkn1a−/−), followed by measurements of protein and gene expression changes in intestinal epithelial tissue. We hypothesized that if the predicted network is biologically coherent (functional), then the predicted nodes should associate more specifically with dysregulated genes and proteins than stochastically selected genes and proteins. The predicted Apc-Cdkn1a network was significantly perturbed at the mRNA-level by both single gene knockouts, and the predictions were also strongly supported based on physical proximity and mRNA coexpression of proteomic targets. These results support the functional coherence of the proposed Apc-Cdkn1a network and also demonstrate how network-based predictions can be statistically tested using high-throughput biological data

    The alpha-kinase family: an exceptional branch on the protein kinase tree

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    The alpha-kinase family represents a class of atypical protein kinases that display little sequence similarity to conventional protein kinases. Early studies on myosin heavy chain kinases in Dictyostelium discoideum revealed their unusual propensity to phosphorylate serine and threonine residues in the context of an alpha-helix. Although recent studies show that some members of this family can also phosphorylate residues in non-helical regions, the name alpha-kinase has remained. During evolution, the alpha-kinase domains combined with many different functional subdomains such as von Willebrand factor-like motifs (vWKa) and even cation channels (TRPM6 and TRPM7). As a result, these kinases are implicated in a large variety of cellular processes such as protein translation, Mg2+ homeostasis, intracellular transport, cell migration, adhesion, and proliferation. Here, we review the current state of knowledge on different members of this kinase family and discuss the potential use of alpha-kinases as drug targets in diseases such as cancer

    Translation elongation

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    The synthesis of proteins in eukaryotes is typically divided into four steps, i.e. initiation, elongation, termination and ribosome recycling. This key biological event is tightly regulated by the cell. Under conditions of increased demand or reduced production of cellular energy the cell can downregulate this process. While a tight regulation exists for the rate-limiting initiation step, elongation also appears to be under somewhat strict control. Among key targets of elongation regulation are the eukaryotic elongation factors A1/A2 (eEF1A1/A2) and the eukaryotic elongation factor 2 (eEF2). In addition to being involved in the regulation of protein synthesis, evidence indicates that these factors play a relevant role in the genesis and maintenance of many forms of human cancers. For this reason, elongation factors have been considered as valuable markers for different forms of cancers, as well as attractive candidates for targeted anticancer therapeutic approaches. In this chapter we focus on the description of the factors taking part in the process of elongation, as well as their involvement in cancer. Particular emphasis is put on the description of (1) the physiological role of elongation factors in elongation and in other biological processes; (2) the control of elongation factors by signaling pathways; (3) the involvement of elongation factors in cancer and (4) the anticancer therapeutic approaches based on the targeting of elongation factors