22 research outputs found

    Tutorial multimèdia per al desenvolupament de treballs de fi de grau en Informació i Documentació

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    La pàgina web i els materials creats formen part del projecte d'Innovació Educativa: Tutorial multimèdia per al desenvolupament de treballs de fi de grau en Informació i Documentació.The preparation and defense of the Degree Final Project is one of the major developments derived from the process of building the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). This work reflects all learning acquired by students in previous years of the corresponding degree, where students face the process of autonomous knowledge generation and the difficulties of practical or applied work. This document reports on the development of an interactive multimedia tutorial, adapted to the educational objectives and competencies of a specific target audience. We developed this guide at the University of Valencia (Spain) by means of the following steps: a) identification of the contents to be included in the tutorial and design of learning materials, b) technical development and implementation of web materials (www.uv.es/innopfg) and c) evaluation of both materials developed and learning processes. We have prepared the following learning materials: didactic units that describe the characteristics, structure and content that must be included in each of the sections that make up the final project work; list of relevant resources of use in making an approach "state of art" and to facilitate academic writing (such as databases or reference management software); tests for students to verify the adequacy of the texts, which have been prepared according to the rules and characteristics of the final project work; and, finally, a video as an example where an oral presentation and defense of the project is shown. Exelearning software was used for the development of materials.La preparació i defensa d’un Treball de Fi de Grau constitueix una de les principals novetats derivades del procés de construcció de l’Espai Europeu d’Educació Superior (EEES). En aquest treball queden reflectides totes les habilitats adquirides pels estudiants en els anys previs a la finalització del Grau, atès que els estudiants han d’enfrontar-se en el mateix al procés de generació autònoma de coneixement i a les dificultats que comporta un treball de tipus pràctic. El present document recull l’experiència del desenvolupament d’un tutorial multimèdia per a guiar el procés de realització del treball de fi de Grau, adaptat als objectius d’aprenentatge i a l’adquisició de competències dels alumnes destinataris. El treball s’ha desenvolupat en les següents fases: a) determinació dels continguts que havien de ser inclosos en el tutorial i disseny dels objectes d’aprenentatge; b) desenvolupament tècnic i implementació dels materials mitjançant un tutorial accessible a través de l’adreça web (www.uv.es/innopfg); i c) avaluació dels materials desenvolupats i dels processos d’aprenentatge. S’han desenvolupat els següents objectes d’aprenentatge: unitats didàctiques que descriuen les característiques, estructura i continguts que s’han d’incloure en cadascuna de les seccions que conformen el treball de fi de Grau; llistat de recursos que poden resultar d’interès per a realitzar una aproximació a “l’estat del art” i que poden resultar d’utilitat per a la creació del text escrit (com ara bases de dades i programes gestors de bibliografia); tests per a que els alumnes puguen verificar l’adequació dels textos que han preparat en relació amb la normativa i les característiques dels treballs de fi de Grau; i finalment, un video que recrea l’exposició oral i la defensa d’un treball de fi de Grau. El programa ExeLearning fou emprat per al desenvolupament dels materials i del propi tutorial

    Efectividad del programa SolSano en los hábitos, conocimientos y actitudes en materia de fotoprotección de los universitarios

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    Antecedentes y objetivo El proyecto SolSano es un proyecto educativo escolar que se realiza en Aragón desde el año 2000 y que ha demostrado promover hábitos de protección solar y aumentar conocimientos en los niños a corto plazo. El objetivo de este estudio es valorar la efectividad del programa SolSano a largo plazo. Sujetos y métodos Estudio analítico observacional de cohortes retrospectivo realizado en alumnos de la Universidad de Zaragoza durante el curso 2015-2016. El instrumento de valoración fue un cuestionario validado y adaptado para nuestro objetivo al que accedían a través de Internet. Se realizó una descripción univariante, así como un análisis bivariante y multivariante para estudiar las diferencias entre los participantes que habían estudiado Educación Primaria en un centro escolar donde se realizaba SolSano o no. Resultados Trescientos veinticuatro estudiantes universitarios participaron. La edad media fue 22, 9 años, un 78% de respuestas procedieron de mujeres. El 44% había acudido a un centro donde se realizó el programa SolSano. El 50, 5% de los estudiantes habían sufrido 1 o 2 quemaduras solares el verano anterior. Solo se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en algunos aspectos entre los que asistieron a centros educativos donde se desarrolló el programa SolSano y los que asistieron a otros centros. Conclusión Es el primer estudio para valorar la efectividad de un programa educativo escolar en materia de fotoprotección a largo plazo (15 años). La falta de continuidad del programa en la adolescencia y la existencia de campañas de fotoprotección fuera de la escuela son posibles causas de la ausencia de diferencias en nuestra muestra

    Estimativa dos coeficientes específicos de mortalidade infantil segundo peso ao nascer no município de São Paulo (Brasil)

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    Foi estimada a distribuição do peso ao nascer da coorte dos recém-nascidos que deu origem aos óbitos infantis estudados pela Investigação Interamericana de Mortalidade na Infância no projeto de São Paulo (1968-70) e determinados os riscos de óbito associados a cada intervalo de peso de nascimento. Assim, foram apurados coeficientes de mortalidade infantil de 305,5, 50,2 e 34,4 para recém-nascidos de baixo peso, peso deficiente e peso superior a 3.000 g. A comparação destes coeficientes com os registrados na área americana incluída na investigação citada (Califórnia), revelou excesso de mortalidade, particularmente notável não para os recém-nascidos de baixo peso, mas para os recém-nascidos de peso superior a 3.000 g. O ajuste da mortalidade de São Paulo (Brasil) à distribuição do peso ao nascer observada na Califórnia foi capaz de explicar 15% do excesso da mortalidade infantil e 21% do excesso da mortalidade neonatal de São Paulo.By means of the birth-rate distribution found to exist during the Inter-American Investigation of Mortality in Childhood in S. Paulo (1968-70) the infant death rate association with each birth-weight interval was estimated. The infant mortality rates were 305.5, 50.2 and 34.4 respectively for low birth-weight, deficient weight and weight above 3,000 grams. Compared with the rates found in California, USA, by the same Investigation, the infant mortality rates in S. Paulo are higher, particularly for mortality associated with birth-weight of above 3,000 grams. The adjustment of infant mortality rates in S. Paulo according to the birth-weight distribution found in California led to the conclusion that, at that period, only 15% of the excess of the infant mortality of S. Paulo could be attributed exclusively to birth-weight. In the case of neonatal mortality, 21% of the mortality excess in S. Paulo could be attributed to birth-weight

    RICORS2040 : The need for collaborative research in chronic kidney disease

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a silent and poorly known killer. The current concept of CKD is relatively young and uptake by the public, physicians and health authorities is not widespread. Physicians still confuse CKD with chronic kidney insufficiency or failure. For the wider public and health authorities, CKD evokes kidney replacement therapy (KRT). In Spain, the prevalence of KRT is 0.13%. Thus health authorities may consider CKD a non-issue: very few persons eventually need KRT and, for those in whom kidneys fail, the problem is 'solved' by dialysis or kidney transplantation. However, KRT is the tip of the iceberg in the burden of CKD. The main burden of CKD is accelerated ageing and premature death. The cut-off points for kidney function and kidney damage indexes that define CKD also mark an increased risk for all-cause premature death. CKD is the most prevalent risk factor for lethal coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and the factor that most increases the risk of death in COVID-19, after old age. Men and women undergoing KRT still have an annual mortality that is 10- to 100-fold higher than similar-age peers, and life expectancy is shortened by ~40 years for young persons on dialysis and by 15 years for young persons with a functioning kidney graft. CKD is expected to become the fifth greatest global cause of death by 2040 and the second greatest cause of death in Spain before the end of the century, a time when one in four Spaniards will have CKD. However, by 2022, CKD will become the only top-15 global predicted cause of death that is not supported by a dedicated well-funded Centres for Biomedical Research (CIBER) network structure in Spain. Realizing the underestimation of the CKD burden of disease by health authorities, the Decade of the Kidney initiative for 2020-2030 was launched by the American Association of Kidney Patients and the European Kidney Health Alliance. Leading Spanish kidney researchers grouped in the kidney collaborative research network Red de Investigación Renal have now applied for the Redes de Investigación Cooperativa Orientadas a Resultados en Salud (RICORS) call for collaborative research in Spain with the support of the Spanish Society of Nephrology, Federación Nacional de Asociaciones para la Lucha Contra las Enfermedades del Riñón and ONT: RICORS2040 aims to prevent the dire predictions for the global 2040 burden of CKD from becoming true

    T2-weighted MRI-derived textural features reflect prostate cancer aggressiveness: preliminary results

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    Item does not contain fulltextPURPOSE: To evaluate the diagnostic relevance of T2-weighted (T2W) MRI-derived textural features relative to quantitative physiological parameters derived from diffusion-weighted (DW) and dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) MRI in Gleason score (GS) 3+4 and 4+3 prostate cancers. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 3T multiparametric-MRI was performed on 23 prostate cancer patients prior to prostatectomy. Textural features [angular second moment (ASM), contrast, correlation, entropy], apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), and DCE pharmacokinetic parameters (Ktrans and Ve) were calculated from index tumours delineated on the T2W, DW, and DCE images, respectively. The association between the textural features and prostatectomy GS and the MRI-derived parameters, and the utility of the parameters in differentiating between GS 3+4 and 4+3 prostate cancers were assessed statistically. RESULTS: ASM and entropy correlated significantly (p < 0.05) with both GS and median ADC. Contrast correlated moderately with median ADC. The textural features correlated insignificantly with Ktrans and Ve. GS 4+3 cancers had significantly lower ASM and higher entropy than 3+4 cancers, but insignificant differences in median ADC, Ktrans, and Ve. The combined texture-MRI parameters yielded higher classification accuracy (91%) than the individual parameter sets. CONCLUSION: T2W MRI-derived textural features could serve as potential diagnostic markers, sensitive to the pathological differences in prostate cancers. KEY POINTS: * T2W MRI-derived textural features correlate significantly with Gleason score and ADC. * T2W MRI-derived textural features differentiate Gleason score 3+4 from 4+3 cancers. * T2W image textural features could augment tumour characterization

    Ultrasound diagnosis of Terson syndrome as an indicator of extreme severity in neurocritical care patients

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    Introduction: Terson syndrome (TS) is defined as any intraocular haemorrhage identified in patients with acute intracranial pathology. TS appears to be associated with clinical severity in patients with subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH), but the association is yet to be defined in patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI) and intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH). This study aimed to evaluate the diagnostic performance of ocular ultrasound (OU) and its usefulness in clinical practice. Material and methods: We performed an observational, prospective, single-centre study of neurocritical care patients. We analysed cases and controls, defined according to indirect ophthalmoscopy (IO) and OU findings. We determined the diagnostic characteristics of OU. A multivariate analysis was performed to identify clinically relevant associations. Results: The sample included 91 patients diagnosed with ICH (41.76%), SAH (29.67%), and TBI (28.57%). TS was identified by OU in 8 patients (8.79%) and by IO in 24 (24.37%). The adjusted mortality rate in patients with TS showed an odds ratio (OR) of 4.15 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.52-11.33). All patients with TS detected by OU presented Glasgow Coma Scale scores < 9, with an elevated risk of needing decompressive craniectomy (OR: 9.84; 95% CI, 1.64-59). OU presented an overall sensitivity of 30.43%, specificity of 98.53%, and diagnostic accuracy of 81.32%. For the detection of vitreous haemorrhage, sensitivity and specificity were 87.5% and 98.5%, respectively. Conclusions: OU diagnosis of TS identifies extremely critical patients, who may require the highest level of care; TS is an independent risk factor for in-hospital mortality. Resumen: Introducción: Se denomina Síndrome de Terson (ST) a cualquier tipo de hemorragia intraocular (HIO), identificada en pacientes con patología aguda intracraneal. El ST parece estar relacionado con la gravedad clínica en la hemorragia subaracnoidea (HSA), pero en pacientes con trauma craneoencefálico (TCE) y hemorragia intracerebral (HIC), su asociación está por definir. Diseñamos este estudio para evaluar el rendimiento de la ecografía ocular (EO) y su utilidad en la práctica clínica. Materiales y métodos: Realizamos un estudio observacional prospectivo, unicéntrico en pacientes neurocríticos. Analizamos los casos con respecto a los controles, identificados con oftalmoscopia indirecta (OI), y por EO. Determinamos las características diagnósticas de la EO. Hicimos un análisis multivariante para determinar asociaciones clínicamente relevantes. Resultados: Se incluyeron 91 pacientes con diagnósticos de HIC (41,76%), HSA (29,67%) y TCE (28,57%). El ST fue identificado por EO en ocho pacientes (8,79%) y en 24 pacientes (24,37%) por OI. La mortalidad ajustada para los pacientes con ST tuvo una OR 4,15 con IC 95% (1,52-11,33). Todos los pacientes con ST identificados por EO presentaron una escala de coma de Glasgow <9 y tuvieron un riesgo elevado de precisar craniectomía descompresiva, una OR 9,84 (1,64-59). La EO alcanzó una sensibilidad global de 30,43%, una especificidad del 98,53%, con una precisión diagnóstica de 81,32. Para la detección de la hemorragia vítrea, una sensibilidad y especificidad del 87,5%, y 98,5% respectivamente. Conclusiones: El ST diagnosticado por EO discrimina pacientes neurocríticos de extrema gravedad que pueden requerir el máximo escalón terapéutico y es un factor independiente de mortalidad intrahospitalaria