64 research outputs found

    Úteis a si e à nação: a criança no processo de transição do sistema de trabalho - Brasil, segunda metade do século XIX

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    A segunda metade do século XIX caracterizou-se, fundamentalmente, pelo declínio da escravidão e, por consequência, pelas discussões acerca das alternativas de trabalho que substituiriam o sistema baseado na mão de obra mancípia. Sobre as formas de substituição da mão de obra cativa, as opiniões dos escravistas eram divergentes: imigrantes ou trabalhador nacional? Para aqueles que apostavam no trabalhador nacional (livres pobres, libertos e ingênuos), seria importante a efetivação de medidas para melhor aproveitamento dessa mão de obra. Entre as medidas estava o desenvolvimento de instituições de ensino que permitissem sua qualificação. Diante desse processo de transformação, as crianças pobres, muitas vezes, descendentes de escravos, eram especialmente interessantes, pois poderiam ser educadas desde cedo para atender às novas expectativas de trabalho. Nosso artigo analisa a criança pobre nos discursos oficiais (Relatórios e Mensagens dos Presidentes de Província; Anais do Congresso Mineiro) e na legislação referentes ao período de 1850-1900. Veremos que, entre as propostas do Estado, estava a de formar/educar a criança desvalida, muitas vezes descendente da escravidão, para o trabalho na lavoura através de instituições educacionais voltadas para a aprendizagem na agricultura e ofícios. Ao final do processo de formação da criança, esperava-se encontrar um trabalhador adequado ao sistema de trabalho que substituiria o trabalho escravo. Nesse sentido, as crianças passam a ser vistas como verdadeiras responsáveis pelo devir; futuros cidadãos sobre os quais recairiam as tarefas de elevação da pátria ao progresso e à modernização.Useful to themselves and to the nation: the child in the transition process of the work system - Minas Gerais, second half of the nineteenth century. The second half of the nineteenth century was fundamentally characterized by the decline of slavery and, consequently, by debates about alternative work that would replace the system based on captive labor. Upos those alternatives, the slavers judgment were divergent: foreign or national worker? For those who chose the national worker (free poors, freedmen and ingênuos), it would be important to implement steps to make better use of this workforce. The development of educational institutes in order to their qualification was one of that steps. On this process, poor children, often descendants of slaves, were especially interesting because they could be educated to fulfill completely new expectations. We propose to analyze the poor child in the official speeches (Reports and Messages of the provincial Presidents, Congress of Minas Gerais Annals) and in the legislation of 1850-1900. The State proposals includes to educate the disadvantaged child, often descendants of slaves, to labor in farming through educational institutes for learning in agriculture and crafts. At the end of the child training, it was expected a suitable worker to the system that would replace slave labor. In this sense, children turn into responsible for to become; future citizens on whom the tasks of homeland raising to progress and modernization would fall. Keywords: Poor childhood; Education for work; Transition to free labor


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    Our intent for this paper consists in a investigation over the interest for the use of children as labourers in the properties of Mariana in the second half of 19th century. Since the decline of mining, Mariana concentrated on food production as its main economic activity, both for subsistence or to supply its own province and export to others. The focused period constitutes a transition from the slavery system to free labor one. At that time, the argumentation about how the transition would be made was incited. One of the alternatives idealized national free labour as a substitute for slave labour. In these circumstances, the little workers could represent a feasible alternative, therefore theyoffered easier subjugation conditions (fatiguing labor journeys, lowermost or no remuneration at all, punishments, etc.), besides a long life perspective. The factors that introduce children into the labor world are associated to orfanhood and survival difficulties, which often forced the children from poor families to face daily toil or even to leave in search of work in strange houses, in order to contribute or even support their own families. We will consult tutelage records, tutelage transfers, criminal suits and the 1872 census.Nosso objetivo, nesse texto, consiste em investigar o interesse pela utilização da criança como mão-de-obra nas propriedades da localidade de Mariana na segunda metade do século XIX. Mariana, desde o declínio da mineração, passou a ter como atividade econômica principal a produção de alimentos, tanto para subsistência quanto para o abastecimento do mercado inter e intraprovincial. O período em foco consiste em um momento de transição do sistema escravista para o sistema livre de trabalho. Naquele momento, acirraram-se as discussões sobre como dar-se-ia a transição. Entre as alternativas em debate, estava aquela que idealizava o emprego da mão-de-obra nacional emsubstituição à escrava. Nesse contexto, as crianças, que poderiam ser educadas desde cedo para o trabalho, eram especialmente interessantes, pois apresentavam maior facilidade de subjugação (jornadas de trabalho estafantes, remuneração ínfima ou inexistente, castigos, etc.), além de perspectiva de vida longa. Os fatores que inserem a criança no mundo do trabalho estão ligados à orfandade e às dificuldades de sobrevivência que, amiúde, resultavam na necessidade de os filhos de famílias pobresenfrentarem a lida diária ou até mesmo partirem para outros domicílios em busca de trabalho, a fim de contribuir ou mesmo manter a subsistência da família. Trabalharemos com registros de tutela, remoções de tutela, processos-crime e o recenseamento de 1872

    Postharvest changes and respiratory pattern of bacuri fruit (Platonia insignis Mart.) at different maturity stages during ambient storage

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    ABSTRACT Bacuri (Platonia insignis, Mart.) is one of the most important among Amazonian fruits. However, little is known about its postharvest physiology, such as maturity stages, changes during ambient storage, and respiratory pattern. Fruits were harvested at three maturity stages based on epicarp colour: dark green, light green, and turning (50% yellow), in order to determine colour modification and respiratory pattern during ambient storage (25.2 0 C, 75.1 % RH). Fruit of all maturity stages showed, after three days of harvest, a non-climacteric respiratory pattern, with turning fruit presenting the highest CO 2 production rate until the fourth storage day (177.63 mg.CO 2 .kg -1 .h -1 ). Yellowing increased throughout storage as related to lightness, chromaticity, and hue angle reductions. Turning fruit can be stored at ambient conditions for up to 10 days without any loss in marketability. KEY WORD

    Clonidine-stimulated growth hormone concentrations (cut-off values) measured by immunochemiluminescent assay (ICMA) in children and adolescents with short stature

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    OBJECTIVES: To establish cut-off values for growth hormone concentrations using clonidine as a secretagogue and an immunochemiluminescent assay as the method of measurement and to analyze the response time as well as the influence of gender, nutritional status and pubertal stage. METHODS: A total of 225 tests were performed in 3 patient groups, categorized as group 1 (normal), group 2 (idiopathic short stature) and group 3 (growth hormone deficiency). Among the 199 disease-free individuals, 138 were prepubertal, and 61 were pubertal. Clonidine (0.1 mg/m2) was orally administered, and the growth hormone level was measured by immunochemiluminescent assay. The growth hormone peak and the difference between the growth hormone peak and the baseline level were then analyzed. Statistical analyses were performed using Student’s t-test or the Mann-Whitney test and Kruskal-Wallis test followed by Dunn’s post hoc test. Cut-off values were determined using a receiver operating characteristic curve. RESULTS: Group 1 and group 2 had no difference in growth hormone peak, gender, body mass index standard deviation score, or pubertal stage. Group 3 exhibited a significantly lower growth hormone peak than the other groups did. The receiver operating characteristic curve demonstrated that growth hormone concentrations ≥ 3.0 ng/mL defined responsiveness to clonidine. In total, 3.02% of individuals in group 1 and group 2 were considered false positive, i.e., these children lacked growth hormone deficiency and had a peak below 3.0 ng/mL. CONCLUSION: Clonidine-stimulated growth hormone concentrations ≥3 ng/mL, as measured by immunochemiluminescent assay, suggest responsiveness to the stimulus regardless of gender, body mass index standard deviation score or pubertal stage

    Escala de autoestima coletiva: Evidências de validade fatorial e consistência interna

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    O objetivo deste artigo foi adaptar para o contexto brasileiro a Escala de Autoestima Coletiva (EAC), reunindo evidências de sua validade fatorial e consistência interna. Realizaram-se dois estudos. No Estudo 1 participaram 497 estudantes universitários, a maioria do sexo masculino (51,5%) com idade média de 21 anos. Estes responderam a EAC e perguntas sociodemográficas. Os resultados apoiaram o modelo original com quatro fatores oblíquos de autoestima, que apresentaram alfas de Cronbach variando de 0,53 (pública) a 0,82 (privada). O Estudo 2 reuniu 391 pessoas da população geral, que responderam a EAC e perguntas sociodemográficas, os quais eram predominantemente do sexo masculino (60,9%) e com idade média de 23 anos. Os resultados corroboraram a adequação da estrutura fatorial anteriormente indicada, cujos fatores apresentaram alfas de Cronbach entre 0,59 (pública) a 0,85 (privada). Concluindo, embora possa ser considerada uma pontuação total desta medida de autoestima coletiva, que apresentou consistência interna satisfatória nos dois estudos (α = 0,80 e 0,84, respectivamente), é possível considerar igualmente seus fatores individuais, conforme propuseram seus autores.This study aimed at adapting the Collective Self-Esteem Scale (CSES) to the Brazilian context, gathering evidence of its factorial validity and reliability. Two studies were carried out. In Study 1, 497 university students participated, most of them males (51.5%), with a mean age of 21 years. They answered the CSES and sociodemographic questions. Results supported the original model with four oblique self-esteem factors, which presented Cronbach’s alphas ranging from 0.53 (public) to 0.82 (private). In Study 2 participants were 391 people from the general population, who answered the CSES and sociodemographic questions, being predominantly male (60.9%), with a mean age of 23 years. Results corroborated the adequacy of the factorial structure previously indicated, whose factors presented Cronbach’s alphas between 0.59 (public) and 0.85 (private). In conclusion, although it can be considered a total score of this measure of collective self-esteem, which presented satisfactory reliability in the two studies (α = 0.80 and 0.84, respectively), it is possible to also consider its specific factors, as proposed by authors of this scale

    Digital fluency and the use of virtual environments: the characterization of nursing students

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    The objective of this study was to characterize the profile of nursing undergraduate students, identify their digital fluency, knowledge, ability and interest in using virtual learning environments. This quantitative, exploratory-descriptive study, was performed with 51 nursing undergraduate students. Data collection was performed using a questionnaire. All 51 subjects (100%) reported having some knowledge in informatics, 26 (49%) of which reported having an intermediate knowledge; 47 (92%) use the Internet everyday; 51 (100%) surf the social networks and have e-mail; 51 (100%) are MSN users; 32 (62.7%) use Skype; 41 (82%) use Chat applications; 33 (64.7%) use discussion forums; 22 (43%) use blogs; 33 (64.7%) frequently use Moodle and 26 (51%) use COL; 45 (88.2 %) reported interest in using virtual learning environments. The students are digitally fluent and show knowledge, ability and significant interest regarding the use of virtual learning environments in their academic studies.Este estudio objetivó caracterizar el perfil de alumnos de enfermería, identificar su fluidez digital, conocimiento, habilidad e interés en uso de ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje. Investigación cuantitativa, exploratorio-descriptiva, realizada con 51 alumnos de Enfermería mediante cuestionario. De los participantes, 51 (100%) afirman tener conocimientos de informática, 26 (49%) refieren nivel intermedio; 47 (92%) utilizan Internet diariamente; 51 (100%) participan en redes sociales y poseen e-mail; 51 (100%) utilizan MSN y 32 (62,7%) Skype; 41 (82%) acceden a Chats; 33 (64,7%) escriben en foros de discusión y 22 (43%) en Blogs; 33 (64,7%) utilizan frecuentemente Moodle y 26 (51%) COL; y la gran mayoría (45, 88,2%) expresaron interés en utilización de ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje. Se consideró a los alumnos con fluidez digital, demostraron conocimientos, habilidad y expreso interés en utilización de ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje en su formación académica.O objetivo do estudo foi caracterizar o perfil de licenciandos de enfermagem, identificar a fluência digital, o conhecimento, a habilidade e o interesse no uso de ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem. Trata-se de uma pesquisa quantitativa, exploratório-descritiva realizada com 51 licenciandos de enfermagem por meio de questionário. Dos participantes do estudo 51 (100%) afirmam ter conhecimento em informática, sendo que 26 (49%) indicam um nível intermediário; 47 (92%) fazem uso diário da Internet; 51 (100%) navegam em redes sociais e possuem e-mail; 51(100%) utilizam MSN e 32 (62,7%) Skype; 41 (82%) acessam Chats, 33 (64,7%) Fóruns de discussão e 22 (43%) Blogs; 33 (64,7%) utilizam frequentemente o Moodle e 26 (51%) o COL; e a grande maioria (45- 88,2%) relatou interesse no uso de ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem. Os alunos foram considerados fluentes digitais e apresentaram conhecimento, habilidade e expressivo interesse no uso de ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem em sua formação acadêmica