4,710 research outputs found

    Meditation – We Killed Kanye: A Manifesto to the Old Kanye Fans

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    Families of spherical surfaces and harmonic maps

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    We study singularities of constant positive Gaussian curvature surfaces and determine the way they bifurcate in generic 1-parameter families of such surfaces. We construct the bifurcations explicitly using loop group methods. Constant Gaussian curvature surfaces correspond to harmonic maps, and we examine the relationship between the two types of maps and their singularities. Finally, we determine which finitely A-determined map-germs from the plane to the plane can be represented by harmonic maps.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figures. Version 2: substantial revision compared with version 1. The results are essentially the same, but some of the arguments are improved or correcte

    Bartók Béla hangszeres magyar népzenegyűjtése és a Bartók-rend hangszeres függelékének feldolgozása, előkészítése kritikai forráskiadásra = Elaboration of Béla Bartók`s Hungarian instrumental folk music-collection and of the supplement of Bartók-system for a critical source-edition

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    Eredmény az alábbi főbb munkák elvégzése után: - a forrásanyag összegyűjtése, az adatok pontosítása, feldolgozása, a Bartók javításai miatt áthúzott kották dallamfolyamatainak megállapítása, a kéziratokról olvasható kották készítése, ha volt fonográffelvétel, azok meghallgatása, a hiányzó lejegyzések pótlása, a támlapok és a gyűjtőfüzetek összehasonlítása (e munka még nem fejeződött be), a hangszeres dallamok vokális dallampárhuzamainak összegyűjtése, a vonatkozó Bartók szakirodalom feldolgozása, a már kiadott dallamok kigyűjtése, a kottagrafikák elkészíttetése, ellenőrzése (némelyik kottáé többszöri fordulóval), összességében a kötet kiadásra előkészítése. Végeredmnény: 200 kotta (majdnem 1000 kottasor) grafikájának elkészíttetése, a téma több részletének konferencia- ill. tanulmány formájú bemutatása, végül a Balassi Kiadóval 2006-ban fölvette a kötetet 2007. évi kiadási tervébe. A kottákkal, jegyzetekkel, fakszimilékkel, fényképekkel, tanulmánnyal stb. kb. 300-350 oldal terjedelműre becsült könyv kiadásának feltétele a kiadó által elnyert pályázat. | Results after the following main works: collecting together the source-material of Bartók and others, defining the material, copying the Bartók's revised and for this nearly illegible handwritings, hearing the phonograpy cylinders and making new transcriptions, comparing the transcriptions on baseshets and in the notices (collecting books), collecting vocal variant to the instrumental melodies, working up the Bartók literature, finishing and revising the notes with notes graphic, alltogether preparing the the book for publishing. Finally: working up the Bartók's instrumental fieldwork and his system have been completed. There are ready 200 notes, nearly 1000 melody-lines on notes-grafique with the newest Finale programm and with corrections. The unknown material has been presentad on conferences and in studies, finally: the Balassi Publishing House (Budapest) has interest for this work and intended publish the book in 2007

    A Product Shape Congruity Measure via Entropy in Shape Scale Space

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    Product shape is one of the factors that trigger preference decisions of customers. Congruity of shape elements and deformation of shape from the prototype are two factors that are found to influence aesthetic response, hence preference. We propose a measure to indirectly quantify congruity of different parts of the shape and the degree to which the parts deviate from a sphere, i.e. our choice of the prototype, without explicitly defining parts and their relations. The basic signals and systems concept that we use is the entropy. Our measure attains its lowest value for a volume enclosed by a sphere. On one hand, deformations from the prototype cause an increase in the measure. On the other hand, as deformations create congruent parts, our measure decreases due to the attained harmony. Our preliminary experimental results are consistent with our expectations.Comment: Proceedings of EUSIPCO 2017 Satellite Workshops, Corresponding Workshop: Creative Design and Advanced Manufacturing: An emerging application area for Signals and System

    Global Trends, Local Contexts: ideological Positions and their Impact on Early Childhood Education Practices in Algeria

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    This thesis explores how ideological positions impact on a group of early childhood educators and managers’ everyday life activities and educational practices. This research was carried out at three different types of childhood reception centres in Algeria. To investigate the complexity of ideologies, this qualitative ethnographic study employed fieldwork observations, including observations of social media, mainly Facebook. It also used various types of interviews, as well as documentary sources and cultural artefacts. The data generation occurred over a three-month period, involving seven main and thirteen peripheral participants. The findings demonstrate paradoxical tendencies. On the one hand, different situations and participants’ accounts positioned them in the ideology of West idealisation. This denotes how they eulogise the West in various ways. My analysis focuses on epistemic, material, and ethical idealisation. The evidence presented in this thesis shows that idealisation of the West has engendered an inferiority complex and a state of subordination to the West. This limits the knowledge production in the non-West in the sense of restricting alternative knowledge practices, serving to strengthen the inefficiency and deficiency of the local early childhood education system. On the other hand, data also indicates participants’ demonisation of the West. Their rejection of certain Western cultural aspects as well as their constructions of gender and secularism as Western products had an impact on the type of content of provision, the arrangement of activities, and their conducts with children. That is translated into an unwelcoming attitude towards Western content along with global forces and stressing the local cultural attributes and religious education. The findings also reveal educators’ simultaneous adherence to both monolingual language use and translanguaging. Such language ideologies, according to the findings, produce ambivalence and generate a zerolingual state which proved to largely shape and inform a variety of communicative practices within the research settings of this study. This thesis accentuates how those ideologies interrelate and enact ties of universality versus authenticity, the local versus the global. Through such linkages, they yield practices that are not the exclusive product of a single ideology. In light of these findings, it is clear from this study that taking ideologies into consideration is fundamental to understand the link between early childhood education practices and the social world. More specifically, their impact on early childhood education practices, and in particular language practices in the specific context of this study, to which scant attention is directed
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