105 research outputs found
Hoelder Inequalities and QCD Sum-Rule Bounds on the Masses of Light Quarks
QCD Laplace Sum-Rules must satisfy a fundamental Hoelder inequality if they
are to consistently represent an integrated hadronic spectral function. The
Laplace sum-rules of pion currents is shown to violate this inequality unless
the and quark masses are sufficiently large, placing a lower bound on
, the SU(2)-invariant combination of the light-quark masses.Comment: 3 pages, latex, write-up of talk presented at DPF 200
Extended BRS Symmetry and Gauge Independence in On-Shell Renormalization Schemes
Extended BRS symmetry is used to prove gauge independence of the fermion
renormalization constant in on-shell QED renormalization schemes. A
necessary condition for gauge independence of in on-shell QCD
renormalization schemes is formulated. Satisfying this necessary condition
appears to be problematic at the three-loop level in QCD.Comment: latex2e, 7 pages, 3 embedded eps figur
Lower Bound on the Pion Polarizability from QCD Sum Rules
Making use of QCD sum rules a lower bound is found which relates the
electromagnetic polarizability and mean-square radius of charged pions through the intrinsic polarizability
. We find
that if present constraints on the QCD continuum (duality) threshold are
accepted, this lower bound on the intrinsic polarizability
is incompatible with some previous determinations of and .Comment: 9 pages, RevTeX, 3 figures added as uu-encoded g-zipped tarred eps
files, to appear in Phys. Lett
Constraints on QCD Sum-rules from the H\"older Inequalities
A new technique based on H\"older's integral inequality is applied to QCD
sum-rules to provide fundamental constraints on the sum-rule parameters. These
constraints must be satisfied if the sum-rules are to consistently describe
integrated physical cross-sections, but these constraints do not require any
experimental data and therefore can be applied to any hadronic spectral
function. As an illustration of this technique the Laplace sum-rules of the
light-quark correlation function for the vector and the axial-vector currents
are examined in detail. We find examples of inconsistency between the
inequalities and sum-rule parameters used in some previous analyses of the
vector and axial-vector channels.Comment: 13 pages, RevTeX, 4 figures available upon request, to appear in
Phys. Lett
Instanton Effects on the Role of the Low-Energy Theorem for the Scalar Gluonic Correlation Function
Instanton contributions to the Laplace sum-rules for correlation functions of
scalar gluonic currents are calculated. The role of the constant low-energy
theorem term, whose substantial contribution is unique to the leading Laplace
sum-rule , is shown to be diminished by instanton contributions,
significantly increasing the resulting mass bounds for the ground state of
scalar gluonium and improving compatibility with results from higher-weight
sum-rules.Comment: latex2e, 12 pages, 10 encapsulated postscript figures. Revised
version includes additional analysis, figures, and reference
Pade/renormalization-group improvement of inclusive semileptonic B decay rates
Renormalization Group (RG) and optimized Pade-approximant methods are used to
estimate the three-loop perturbative contributions to the inclusive
semileptonic b \to u and b \to c decay rates. It is noted that the \bar{MS}
scheme works favorably in the b \to u case whereas the pole mass scheme shows
better convergence in the b \to c case. Upon the inclusion of the estimated
three-loop contribution, we find the full perturbative decay rate to be
192\pi^3\Gamma(b\to u\bar\nu_\ell\ell^-)/(G_F^2| V_{ub}|^2) = 2065 \pm 290{\rm
GeV^5} and 192\pi^3\Gamma(b\to c\ell^-\bar\nu_\ell)/(G_F^2|V_{cb}|^2)= 992 \pm
198 {\rm GeV^5}, respectively. The errors are inclusive of theoretical
uncertainties and non-perturbative effects. Ultimately, these perturbative
contributions reduce the theoretical uncertainty in the extraction of the CKM
matrix elements |V_{ub}| and |V_{cb}| from their respective measured inclusive
semileptonic branching ratio(s).Comment: 3 pages, latex using espcrc2.sty. Write-up of talk given at BEACH
2002, UBC, Vancouve
Quark Effects in the Gluon Condensate Contribution to the Scalar Glueball Correlation Function
One-loop quark contributions to the dimension-four gluon condensate term in
the operator product expansion (OPE) of the scalar glueball correlation
function are calculated in the MS-bar scheme in the chiral limit of quark
flavours. The presence of quark effects is shown not to alter the cancellation
of infrared (IR) singularities in the gluon condensate OPE coefficients. The
dimension-four gluonic condensate term represents the leading power corrections
to the scalar glueball correlator and, therein, the one-loop logarithmic
contributions provide the most important condensate contribution to those QCD
sum-rules independent of the low-energy theorem (the subtracted sum-rules).Comment: latex2e, 6 pages, 7 figures embedded in latex fil
Stability of Subsequent-to-Leading-Logarithm Corrections to the Effective Potential for Radiative Electroweak Symmetry Breaking
We demonstrate the stability under subsequent-to-leading logarithm
corrections of the quartic scalar-field coupling constant and the
running Higgs boson mass obtained from the (initially massless) effective
potential for radiatively broken electroweak symmetry in the
single-Higgs-Doublet Standard Model. Such subsequent-to-leading logarithm
contributions are systematically extracted from the renormalization group
equation considered beyond one-loop order. We show to be the dominant
coupling constant of the effective potential for the radiatively broken case of
electroweak symmetry. We demonstrate the stability of and the running
Higgs boson mass through five orders of successively subleading logarithmic
corrections to the scalar-field-theory projection of the effective potential
for which all coupling constants except the dominant coupling constant
are disregarded. We present a full next-to-leading logarithm
potential in the three dominant Standard Model coupling constants
(-quark-Yukawa, , and ) from these coupling constants'
contribution to two loop - and -functions. Finally, we
demonstrate the manifest order-by-order stability of the physical Higgs boson
mass in the 220-231 GeV range. In particular, we obtain a 231 GeV physical
Higgs boson mass inclusive of the -quark-Yukawa and coupling
constants to next-to-leading logarithm order, and inclusive of the smaller
gauge coupling constants to leading logarithm order.Comment: 21 pages, latex2e, 2 eps figures embedded in latex file. Updated
version contains expanded analysis in Section
A Gaussian Sum-Rules Analysis of Scalar Glueballs
Although marginally more complicated than the traditional Laplace sum-rules,
Gaussian sum-rules have the advantage of being able to probe excited and ground
states with similar sensitivity. Gaussian sum-rule analysis techniques are
applied to the problematic scalar glueball channel to determine masses, widths
and relative resonance strengths of low-lying scalar glueball states
contributing to the hadronic spectral function. A feature of our analysis is
the inclusion of instanton contributions to the scalar gluonic correlation
function. Compared with the next-to-leading Gaussian sum-rule, the analysis of
the lowest-weighted sum-rule (which contains a large scale-independent
contribution from the low energy theorem) is shown to be unreliable because of
instability under QCD uncertainties. However, the presence of instanton effects
leads to approximately consistent mass scales in the lowest weighted and
next-lowest weighted sum-rules. The analysis of the next-to-leading sum-rule
demonstrates that a single narrow resonance model does not provide an adequate
description of the hadronic spectral function. Consequently, we consider a wide
variety of phenomenological models which distribute resonance strength over a
broad region---some of which lead to excellent agreement between the
theoretical prediction and phenomenological models. Including QCD
uncertainties, our results indicate that the hadronic contributions to the
spectral function stem from a pair of resonances with masses in the range
0.8--1.6 GeV, with the lighter of the two potentially having a large width.Comment: latex2e, 22 pages, 5 figures. Analysis extended in revised versio
Gaussian Sum-Rules and Prediction of Resonance Properties
Techniques for using Gaussian QCD sum-rules to predict hadronic resonance
properties are developed for single-resonance and two-resonance
phenomenological models, and criteria are developed for determining which of
these models is required for analyzing a particular hadronic channel. The
vector current sum-rule coupled to the meson is shown to be consistent
with a single resonance model, and the Gaussian sum-rule analysis results in an
accurate mass prediction which exhibits excellent agreement between the
theoretical prediction of the Gaussian sum-rule and the phenomenological model.
A two-resonance model is shown to be necessary for the Gaussian sum-rule for
the non-strange quark scalar () currents. The two-resonance Gaussian
sum-rule analysis of the isoscalar and isovector () scalar
mesons exhibits excellent agreement between the theoretical prediction and
phenomenological model. The prediction of the resonance properties of the
scalar mesons in this two-resonance model provides valuable
information for the interpretation of the scalar mesons, including the X(1775).Comment: latex2e, 29 pages, 10 eps figures embedded in latex2e. Revised
version includes additions to reference [28] and correction to equation (56
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