69 research outputs found

    3D Reconstruction of Buildings with Automatic Facade Refinement

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    A new low-complexity patch-based image super-resolution

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    In this study, a novel single image super-resolution (SR) method, which uses a generated dictionary from pairs of high-resolution (HR) images and their corresponding low-resolution (LR) representations, is proposed. First, HR and LR dictionaries are created by dividing HR and LR images into patches Afterwards, when performing SR, the distance between every patch of the input LR image and those of available LR patches in the LR dictionary are calculated. The minimum distance between the input LR patch and those in the LR dictionary is taken, and its counterpart from the HR dictionary will be passed through an illumination enhancement process resulting in consistency of illumination between neighbour patches. This process is applied to all patches of the LR image. Finally, in order to remove the blocking effect caused by merging the patches, an average of the obtained HR image and the interpolated image is calculated. Furthermore, it is shown that the stabe of dictionaries is reducible to a great degree. The speed of the system is improved by 62.5%. The quantitative and qualitative analyses of the experimental results show the superiority of the proposed technique over the conventional and state-of-the-art methods

    Improved interpolation kernels for super resolution algorithms

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    Super resolution (SR) algorithms are widely used in forensics investigations to enhance the resolution of images captured by surveillance cameras. Such algorithms usually use a common interpolation algorithm to generate an initial guess for the desired high resolution (HR) image. This initial guess is usually tuned through different methods, like learning-based or fusion-based methods, to converge the initial guess towards the desired HR output. In this work, it is shown that SR algorithms can result in better performance if more sophisticated kernels than the simple conventional ones are used for producing the initial guess. The contribution of this work is to introduce such a set of kernels which can be used in the context of SR. The quantitative and qualitative results on many natural, facial and iris images show the superiority of the generated HR images over two state-of-the-art SR algorithms when their original interpolation kernel is replaced by the ones introduced in this work

    Kinect vs. low-cost inertial sensing for gesture recognition

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    In this paper, we investigate efficient recognition of human gestures / movements from multimedia and multimodal data, including the Microsoft Kinect and translational and rotational acceleration and velocity from wearable inertial sensors. We firstly present a system that automatically classifies a large range of activities (17 different gestures) using a random forest decision tree. Our system can achieve near real time recognition by appropriately selecting the sensors that led to the greatest contributing factor for a particular task. Features extracted from multimodal sensor data were used to train and evaluate a customized classifier. This novel technique is capable of successfully classifying various gestures with up to 91 % overall accuracy on a publicly available data set. Secondly we investigate a wide range of different motion capture modalities and compare their results in terms of gesture recognition accuracy using our proposed approach. We conclude that gesture recognition can be effectively performed by considering an approach that overcomes many of the limitations associated with the Kinect and potentially paves the way for low-cost gesture recognition in unconstrained environments

    Egocentric activity monitoring and recovery

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    This paper presents a novel approach for real-time egocentric activity recognition in which component atomic events are characterised in terms of binary relationships between parts of the body and manipulated objects. The key contribution is to summarise, within a histogram, the relationships that hold over a fixed time interval. This histogram is then classified into one of a number of atomic events. The relationships encode both the types of body parts and objects involved (e.g. wrist, hammer) together with a quantised representation of their distance apart and the normalised rate of change in this distance. The quantisation and classifier are both configured in a prior learning phase from training data. An activity is represented by a Markov model over atomic events. We show the application of the method in the prediction of the next atomic event within a manual procedure (e.g. assembling a simple device) and the detection of deviations from an expected procedure. This could be used for example in training operators in the use or servicing of a piece of equipment, or the assembly of a device from components. We evaluate our approach (’Bag-of-Relations’) on two datasets: ‘labelling and packaging bottles’ and ‘hammering nails and driving screws’, and show superior performance to existing Bag-of-Features methods that work with histograms derived from image features [1]. Finally, we show that the combination of data from vision and inertial (IMU) sensors outperforms either modality alone

    Three Dimensional Monocular Human Motion Analysis in End-Effector Space

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    Abstract. In this paper, we present a novel approach to three dimen-sional human motion estimation from monocular video data. We employ a particle filter to perform the motion estimation. The novelty of the method lies in the choice of state space for the particle filter. Using a non-linear inverse kinematics solver allows us to perform the filtering in end-effector space. This effectively reduces the dimensionality of the state space while still allowing for the estimation of a large set of motions. Preliminary experiments with the strategy show good results compared to a full-pose tracker.

    Motion Capture: From Radio Signals to Inertial Signals

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    The study of the motion of individuals allows to gather relevant information on a person status, to be used in several fields (e.g., medical, sport, and entertainment). Over the past decade, the research activity in motion capture has benefited from the progress of portable and mobile sensors, paving the way toward the use of motion capture techniques in mHealth applications (e.g., remote monitoring of patients, and telerehabilitation). Indeed, even if the optical motion capture, which typically relies on a set of fixed cameras and body-worn reflecting markers, is generally perceived as the standard reference approach, other motion capture techniques, such as radio and inertial, are attracting an increasing attention because of their suitability in remote mHealth applications. Moreover, several hybrid approaches have been studied and proposed in order to overcome the limitations of component technologies considered independently. In this chapter, we present an overview of possible integration strategies between radio and inertial motion capture techniques. We start by investigating a radio-based approach, based on the fingerprinting radio localization technique. Then, the previous approach is improved by integrating inertial measurements: namely, accelerometers are used to provide an estimate of the nodes’ pitches. Finally, the radio signals are abandoned in favor of only inertial measurements (obtained through accelerometers, gyroscopes, and magnetometers). The advantages and limitations of all approaches are discussed in a comparative way, characterizing the similarities and differences between the various approaches

    HMM-Based Action Recognition Using Contour Histograms

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