19 research outputs found

    Конструктивные подходы в создании адаптивной среды для студенческой молодежи с проблемным зрением

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    Introduction. The article deals with a topical issue on the peculiarities of adaptation of students with problematic vision and studying in the inclusive educational space of the university. To develop an individual program of support in the educational space of the university, it is very important to collect and analyze data from the anamnesis of life and an individual program for the rehabilitation and habilitation of a special student. University teachers do not always take into account the ability of these students to master the educational material in a timely manner, since an adapted form of perception is often not provided.Purpose setting. The purpose of the study is to analyze the created inclusive conditions for the adaptation of blind and visually impaired students studying at ZabGU.Methodology and methods of the study. Technique and methodology of research. The basis of the sociological study was interviewing respondents to identify adaptation problems in social, educational and leisure aspects.Results. The results of the adaptive capabilities of students with different levels of visual impairment are described. The obstacles hindering the improvement of the educational process are revealed. Only 46.6 % of those surveyed are fully satisfied with the quality of inclusive education. The forms of interaction and socialization of student youth through active involvement in participation in leisure activities are shown. Participation in integrated student projects allowed students with limited educational needs, in a short time and with minimal losses, to adapt to the intensive regime of student life.Conclusions. Thus, the administration of the university needs to provide for the improvement of systematically organized work on the adaptation and support of students with visual impairment in the educational space, taking into account the existing individual capabilities of all sensory systems, which will be a support in the acquisition and deepening of adaptive, cognitive and communication capabilities.Введение. В статье рассмотрена актуальная проблема особенностей адаптации студентов, имеющих проблемное зрение и обучающихся в инклюзивном образовательном пространстве вуза. Для разработки индивидуальной программы сопровождения в образовательном пространстве вуза важны компетентный сбор и анализ данных из анамнеза жизни и индивидуальной программы реабилитации и абилитации особого студента. Педагоги вуза не всегда учитывают способность своевременного усвоения учебного материала этими студентами, так как адаптированная форма восприятия не предоставляется.Постановка задачи. Цель исследования – анализ созданных инклюзивных условий для адаптации незрячих и слабовидящих студентов, обучающихся в ЗабГУ.Методика и методология исследования. Основой социологического исследования выступает интервьюирование респондентов для выявления адаптационных проблем в социально-бытовых, образовательных и досуговых аспектах. Результаты. Описаны результаты адаптационных возможностей студентов, имеющих разные уровни нарушения зрения. Выявлены препятствия совершенствования образовательного процесса. Определено, что только 46,6 % из числа исследуемых в полной мере удовлетворены качеством инклюзивного обучения. Показаны формы взаимодействия и социализации студенческой молодежи через активное вовлечение к участию в досуговых мероприятиях. Участие в интегрированных студенческих проектах позволяет студентам с ограниченными образовательными потребностями в короткие сроки и с минимальными потерями адаптироваться к интенсивному режиму студенческой жизни.Выводы. Администрации вуза необходимо предусмотреть совершенствование системно организованной работы по адаптации и сопровождению студентов с нарушением зрения в образовательном пространстве с учетом имеющихся индивидуальных возможностей работы всех сенсорных систем, которые будут опорой в приобретении и углублении адаптационных, познавательных и коммуникационных возможностей

    Assessment of the Application of Erythrocytal Diagnosticum (Lyophilizate) in Detecting Tularemia Agent in Natural Foci

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    Tularemia is a zoonotic disease with a wide geographical dissemination, and its causative agent Francisella tularensis can be used as a bioterrorism agent. The aim of the study was to evaluate the use of a set of reagents “Erythrocytic immunoglobulin dry tularemia diagnosticum” (“DET-Ig”) with the help of control test strains and field material from natural tularemia foci. Materials and methods. Using the introduced erythrocyte diagnosticum, we studied the decontaminated cultures of test strains (F. tularensis Miura, F. tularensis 55, F. tularensis Schu, F. tularensis 15 NIIEG, Brucella abortus 544, B. melitensis 16-M, B. suis 1330, and Yersinia enterocolitica 64, Y. enterocolitica 178, Y. enterocolitica 383) and environmental samples suspected of containing F. tularensis. Results and discussion. It has been proven that the developed diagnosticum is specific, sensitive, and easy to use for routine diagnostics of tularemia. In the course of laboratory tests of the experimental series of the DET-Ig reagent kit, the possibility of qualitative determination of the tularemia agent in bacterial cultures, biological material and environmental samples in the reaction of indirect hemagglutination was demonstrated. Comparison of the results of use of erythrocyte diagnosticum in liquid and lyophilized forms showed the advantages of drugs after lyophilization: the possibility of transportation and long-term storage at any temperature conditions in various climatic conditions; the setting of the reaction is possible without the use of special diluents. The guaranteed storage term is set for two years (observation period). The results obtained indicate the prospects of introducing the developed drug into healthcare practice

    Эффективность и безопасность применения цепэгинтерферона альфа 2b в составе двойной (цепэгинтерферон альфа 2b и рибавирин) и тройной (симепревир, цепэгинтерферон альфа 2b и рибавирин) схемы противовирусной терапии у пациентов с хроническим гепатитом С. Опыт реальной клинической практики

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    The objective. To evaluate the efficacy, safety and tolerability of double (cepeginterferon alfa-2b and ribavirin) and triple (simeprevir, cepeginterferon alfa 2b and ribavirin) treatment regimens in chronic hepatitis C patients in everyday clinical practice of the Hepatology Center in Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital in Moscow.Materials and methods. From 2013 to 2015 a total of 289 patients with chronic hepatitis C received antiviral therapy with cepeginterferon alfa 2b. 267 patients received combination of cepeginterferon alfa 2b and ribavirin. 22 patients received triple antiviral therapy with simeprevir, cepeginterferon alfa 2b and ribavirin. Treatment efficacy was assessed by the rate of sustained virologic response on 12/24 week after completion of antiviral therapy (SVR 12/24). In safety analysis all 289 patients were included. All cases of deterioration of the patient’s condition and laboratory abnormalities were registered throughout the treatment period and follow up.Results. 267 patients (74,5%, n=199, with 2/3 genotype, 25,5%, n = 68, with 1 genotype) received cepeginterferon alfa 2b 1,5 µg/kg/week and ribavirin 800-1400 daily (weight based). 22 patients with genotype 1 (the majority of them had advanced fibrosis (F3-F4) underwent triple therapy with simeprevir 150 mg once daily in combination with cepeginterferon alfa 2b 1,5 µg/kg/week and ribavirin 800-1400 mg daily (weight based) for 12 weeks, followed by cepeginterferon alfa 2b/ ribavirin therapy for 12-36 weeks. SVR was observed in 85,6% (n=113) of genotype 2/3 infected patients and in 64,6% (n=31) of genotype 1 infected patients. Among patients with mild or moderate fibrosis SVR rate was 90,7% in genotype 2/3 patients and 75% in genotype 1 patients. 21 patient completed the course of triple therapy. SVR was observed in 71,4% (n=15) of patients. Registered adverse reactions were common for interferon/ribavirin based therapy. In most cases adverse events were moderate and matched grade 1-2 of CTCAE.Conclusion. The present experience confirms the efficacy and safety of double therapy including cepeginterferon alfa 2b and ribavirin in genotype 1 and 2/3 infected patients. The use of this regimen is reasonable in patients who don’t have negative predictive factors of response to interferon-based therapy. In patients with genotype 1 HCV and/or advanced fibrosis (F3-F4) adding of simeprevir to the cepeginterferon alfa/ribavirin combination reduces the duration of treatment, improves the efficacy, while maintaining a good safety profile.Цель: оценить эффективность, безопасность и переносимость применения цепэгинтерферона альфа 2b в составе двойной (цепэгинтерферон альфа 2b и рибавирин) и тройной (симепревир, цепэгинтерферон альфа 2b и рибавирин) схем противовирусной терапии у пациентов с хроническим гепатитом С в реальной клинической практике.Материалы и методы. C 2013 по 2015 г. в Центре по лечению хронических вирусных гепатитов Инфекционной клинической больницы № 1 г. Москвы 289 пациентов с хроническим гепатитом С получали противовирусную терапию (ПВТ) схемами, включавшими цепэгинтерферон альфа 2b. 267 пациентов получали цепэгинтерферон альфа 2b и рибавирин. 22 пациентам была назначена тройная схема ПВТ (симепревир, цепэгинтерферон альфа 2b и рибавирин). Эффективность лечения определялась частотой достижения вирусологического ответа через 12/24 недели после окончания терапии (УВО 12/24). В анализ безопасности включены все пациенты, получавшие цепэгинтерферон альфа 2b (n=289).Результаты. 267 пациентов (74,5% (n=199) пациентов – 2/3 генотип, 25,5% (n=68) пациентов – 1 генотип HCV) получали цепэгинтерферон альфа 2b 1,5 мкг/кг/ нед. и рибавирин 800–1400 мг/сут. 22 пациентам с 1 генотипом (у большинства из них имелся фиброз F3–F4) был назначен симепревир 150 мг/сут, цепэгинтерферон альфа 2b 1,5 мкг/кг/нед, рибавирин 800–1400 мг/сут в течение 12 недель, далее цепэгинтерферон альфа 2b и рибавирин в течение 12/36 недель.При применении двойной схемы ПВТ УВО достигли 85,6% (n=113) пациентов с 2/3 генотипом и 64,6% (n=31) пациентов с 1 генотипом HCV. Среди пациентов с фиброзом F1–F2 УВО зафиксирован у 90,7% пациентов с 2/3 генотипом HCV и у 75% с 1 генотипом HCV. Курс лечения тройной схемой терапии завершил 21 пациент, УВО достигли 71,4% (n=15) пациентов.Зафиксированные нежелательные явления были характерны для применявшихся режимов терапии. В большинстве случаев реакции были незначительно или умеренно выражены.Заключение. Опыт реальной клинической практики показал, что применение двойной схемы ПВТ (цепэгинтерферон альфа 2b и рибавирин) эффективно и безопасно у пациентов как с 1, так и со 2/3 генотипами HCV. Оправдано назначение такой терапии пациентам, не имеющим предикторов неблагоприятного ответа на лечение. Добавление к комбинации цепэгинтерферона альфа 2b и рибавирина симепревира позволяет повысить эффективность терапии и сократить ее длительность при сохранении хорошего профиля безопасности у пациентов с 1 генотипом HCV и более продвинутыми стадиями заболевания

    Mass spectrometry analysis of protein blood extracts of animals with experimental brucellos

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    Aim. The aim of the present research was to study the possibility of direct detection of the causative agent of brucellosis in a biomaterial under experimental conditions via the MALDI-TOF MS method using Mass-Up program resources and a set of packages for open-source statistical software R. Materials and methods. We used laboratory mice infected with the causative agents of Brucellosis (strains B. melitensis 548, B. abortus 544, B. suis 1330) as models. Protein profiling was performed on a MALDI-TOF Microflex «Bruker Daltonics» mass spectrometer. Results. The bioinformatic-statistical approach used for analyzing MALDI-TOF mass spectra allows to carry out a direct detection of Brucella in the biomaterial; besides, it is possible to determinate their species via the identification of a group of biomarkers. Conclusion. It was experimentally confirmed that the protein profiles of the blood extracts of infected animals contain 11 markers, including 6 genus specific for Brucella spp., which can be associated with Brucella infection


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    Aim.Study the possibility to apply time-of-flight mass-spectrometry for detection of causative agent of brucellosis in blood. Materials and methods. Brucella strains: 5 Brucella melitensis and 21 Brucella abortus. Protein profiling in linear mode on MALD1-TOF mass-spectrometer Microflex «Bruker Daltonics». Results. Technique for disinfection and preparation of blood samples was modified and optimized for MALDI-TOF MS analysis. 120 representative protein profiles of sera extract were obtained that contain brucellosis causative agent. A resulting peak-list (super-spectrum) of the studied protein fraction of blood extract of a conditionally healthy human within the studied group was formed and analyzed. Conclusion. A scheme of brucella detection in blood samples by MALDI-TOF MS is proposed, based on detection of a complex of 15 genus-specific fragments. Signals on mass-spectra of extracts of leukocyte fraction of blood, artificially contaminated with brucellosis causative agents are characterized

    The efficacy and safety of double (cepeginterferon alfa-2b and ribavirin) and triple (simeprevir, cepeginterferon alfa 2b and ribavirin) treatment regimens in chronic hepatitis C patients. The experience of everyday clinical practice

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    The objective. To evaluate the efficacy, safety and tolerability of double (cepeginterferon alfa-2b and ribavirin) and triple (simeprevir, cepeginterferon alfa 2b and ribavirin) treatment regimens in chronic hepatitis C patients in everyday clinical practice of the Hepatology Center in Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital in Moscow.Materials and methods. From 2013 to 2015 a total of 289 patients with chronic hepatitis C received antiviral therapy with cepeginterferon alfa 2b. 267 patients received combination of cepeginterferon alfa 2b and ribavirin. 22 patients received triple antiviral therapy with simeprevir, cepeginterferon alfa 2b and ribavirin. Treatment efficacy was assessed by the rate of sustained virologic response on 12/24 week after completion of antiviral therapy (SVR 12/24). In safety analysis all 289 patients were included. All cases of deterioration of the patient’s condition and laboratory abnormalities were registered throughout the treatment period and follow up.Results. 267 patients (74,5%, n=199, with 2/3 genotype, 25,5%, n = 68, with 1 genotype) received cepeginterferon alfa 2b 1,5 µg/kg/week and ribavirin 800-1400 daily (weight based). 22 patients with genotype 1 (the majority of them had advanced fibrosis (F3-F4) underwent triple therapy with simeprevir 150 mg once daily in combination with cepeginterferon alfa 2b 1,5 µg/kg/week and ribavirin 800-1400 mg daily (weight based) for 12 weeks, followed by cepeginterferon alfa 2b/ ribavirin therapy for 12-36 weeks. SVR was observed in 85,6% (n=113) of genotype 2/3 infected patients and in 64,6% (n=31) of genotype 1 infected patients. Among patients with mild or moderate fibrosis SVR rate was 90,7% in genotype 2/3 patients and 75% in genotype 1 patients. 21 patient completed the course of triple therapy. SVR was observed in 71,4% (n=15) of patients. Registered adverse reactions were common for interferon/ribavirin based therapy. In most cases adverse events were moderate and matched grade 1-2 of CTCAE.Conclusion. The present experience confirms the efficacy and safety of double therapy including cepeginterferon alfa 2b and ribavirin in genotype 1 and 2/3 infected patients. The use of this regimen is reasonable in patients who don’t have negative predictive factors of response to interferon-based therapy. In patients with genotype 1 HCV and/or advanced fibrosis (F3-F4) adding of simeprevir to the cepeginterferon alfa/ribavirin combination reduces the duration of treatment, improves the efficacy, while maintaining a good safety profile

    Rare cases of laboratory tests discrepancies in diagnostics of pediatric Burkitt lymphoma/leukemia

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    Introduction. The main features of bone marrow blasts cells in Burkitt lymphoma/leukemia (BL) are L3 morphology, mature immunophenotype of blasts with surface IgM expression, and presence of typical MYC gene rearrangements.The aim of the study was to show discrepancy examples in laboratory signs of BL.Patients and methods. 10 patients (8 boys and 2 girls) aged 1 to 18 years were included in the present study. The inclusion criterion was the identification of discrepancies between flow cytometric, morphological and cytogenetic data.Results. In 2 cases there were no rearrangements of the MYC gene. In 2 patients, the L2 morphological variant went against the presence of typical MYC gene rearrangements. In one case, undifferentiated blasts cells were described by morphology together with presence of surface IgM, and atypical genetics. In 8 patients, there was no expression of surface IgM. Of these, patients with absence of cytomorphological data cytometric and genetic data were controversial.Сonclusion. The cases presented in this study and the cases described in the literature demonstrate the importance of an attentive and comprehensive approach in evaluating the results of laboratory tests in the diagnosis of BL


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    Introduction. Surface immunoglobulin expression is a main immunophenotypic criteria of mature subtype of B-lineage acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Although the majority of such cases represents Burkitt leukemia/lymphoma, it was shown for several times that membrane IgM could be detected in the absence of other mature lymphomas signs.The aim of the study was to evaluate heterogeneity of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) with surface IgM expression and to assess correspondence of BIV EGIL ALL subtype with Burkitt lymphoma (BL) bone marrow dissemination.Materials and methods. Immunophenotypic, cytomorfologic and genetic data of 54 BIV-ALL cases were analyzed.Results. Among the studied patients 39 had BL, while others belonged to B-cell precursor ALL (BCP-ALL). All BL patients and none of BCP-ALL patients carried C-MYC rearrangement while in BCP-ALL group in 8 cases and in any BL cases KMT2A rearrangements were found. None of BCP-ALL children had L3 morphology according to FAB classification.Conclusions. B-lineage ALL with surface IgM expression is rather heterogeneous group of cases including typical BL and rare cases of BCP-ALL even with KMT2A-rearrangements. Combination of all available diagnostic technologies will allow precise split of these two different disease and select the appropriate treatment scheme