64 research outputs found

    Polskie i zagraniczne podręczniki do nauczania języka polskiego jako obcego na poziomie średnim

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    Zadanie pt. Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    From the Poznan School of Applied Linguistics to the Cracow School of Comparative Glottodidactics. The past, the present and the future of Polish Glottodidactics

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    To present the emergence and transformation of Polish glottodidactics, the authors refer to the earlier works of Miodunka and Gębal. The former divides the post-war history of teaching PAFL into three periods: 1) the period of applying linguistics to teaching PAFL (1950–1992), 2) the period of the development of Polish glottodidactics (1993–2003), and 3) the period of Polish glottodidactics based on European standards (2004– ). The paper ends with reflections on the emergence and evolution of comparative glottodidactics

    Direct Democracy Institutions in Authoritarian States in Pre-War Europe

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    The aim of the paper is to present direct democracy institutions provided for in the constitutions of authoritarian states in pre-war Europe, or applied in practice by authoritarian states. Such institutions were included in the constitutions created by authoritarian governments in Lithuania (1928), Austria (1934) and Estonia (1937) or used in practice: in Portugal (1933), Greece (1935), Estonia (1936) and Romania (1938). Two authoritarian states included in their constitutions provisions on opinion–giving and law–giving referenda. These were Austria (1934) and Estonia (1937). However, these provisions had never been applied in practice. Seeking the genesis of the phenomenon described in the paper, it is necessary to go back to the start of the 19th century and point to the reign of Napoleon Bonaparte, initially as First Consul and then Emperor of France. The nature of these republican and subsequently imperial plebiscytes was clearly anti-parlamentary and [email protected] WarszawskiBonarek J., Czekalski T., Sprawski S., Turlej S., Historia Grecji, Kraków 2005.Baszkiewicz J., Powszechna historia ustrojów państwowych, wyd. 2, Gdańsk 2001.Demel J., Historia Rumunii, wyd. 2 popr. i uzup., Warszawa 1986.Gembarzewski L., Nowe konstytucje. Konstytucja austriacka, „Biuletyn Urzędniczy” 1934, nr 5-6 i nr 7-8.Gembarzewski L., Nowe konstytucje. Konstytucja Estonii, „Biuletyn Urzędniczy” 1938, nr 7-8.Gembarzewski L., Nowe konstytucje. Konstytucja litewska, „Biuletyn Urzędniczy” 1938, nr 5-6.Gembarzewski L., Nowe konstytucje. Konstytucja Portugalii, „Biuletyn Urzędniczy” 1935, nr 5-6.Hermano Soraiva J., Krótka historia Portugalii, Kraków 2000.Konstytucja Litwy, red. L. Garlicki, Warszawa 2006.Konstytucje Finlandii, Włoch, Niemieckiej Republiki Federalnej i Francji, red. A. Burda, M. Rybicki, Wrocław 1971.Kozeński J., Historia Austrii 1918-1968, Poznań 1970.Makowski J., Nowe konstytucje, Warszawa 1925.Miller A., Nowa konstytucja państwa litewskiego, Warszawa 1930.Ochmański J., Historia Litwy, Warszawa 1982.Oliveira Marques A. de, Historia Portugalii, Warszawa 1987.Romer M., Organizacja władzy politycznej w rozwoju konstytucyjnym Republiki Litewskiej, Wydawnictwa Grup Polskich Porozumień Prawniczych z Zagranicą, Warszawa 1939, zeszyt 4.Tanty M., Bałkany w XX wieku Dzieje polityczne, Warszawa 2003.Uluots J., Rozwój konstytucyjny Estonii ze specjalnym uwzględnieniem roli prezydenta republiki [w:] Państwa bałtyckie, Wydawnictwa Grup Polskich Porozumień Prawniczych z Zagranicą, Warszawa 1939, z. 4.Wereszycki H., Historia Austrii, Wrocław 1986.127-14

    Uticaj bakterijskog inokulanta mlečne kiseline sa dodatkom enzima i gnječenog ječma na kemijski sastav i degradaciju proteina u silaži lucerke

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    In the experiment, forage (dry matter 216.3 g.kg-1) from the 1st cut of alfalfa (Medicago, sativa L.) cv, Radius, mown at the early flowering stage, was ensiled. Alfalfa was ensiled without inoculants; with lactic acid bacteria and enzyme inoculants; with rolled barley; or with rolled barley and lactic acid bacteria and enzyme inoculants. Rolled barley was added in amounts of 50,100, 150 and 200 g.kg-1 of alfalfa forage, The bacterial acid enzyme inoculants (Bactozym) contained cultures of Lacto bacillus casein, Enterococcus faecium M74 and Pediococcus sp. (a total of 1 5 x 109 CPU in Ig of friable preparation) in the powdered part and the cellulase-hemicellulase complex (25000 n cat. in 1ml) and glucose-oxidase (4000 n cat. in 1ml) in the liquid part. The inoculants was used in a water solution in the amount of 10mg bacterial component and 0,2 ml enzymatic component / kg-1 alfalfa forage. The supplement of only rolled barley to alfalfa forage was found to have no significant effect on improving the processes of proteolysis and deamination in this type of silages, compared to alfalfa silages made with bacterial and enzyme inoculants. Significantly lower crude protein and WSC losses in the fermentation process, increased intensity of lactic acid fermentation, the lack of propionic and butyric acid fermentation, and significantly reduced processes of protein degradation were found in alfalfa-rolled barley silages made with the addition of lactic acid bacteria and enzyme inoculants.U ovom ogledu, silirana je stočna hrana (suva materija 216.3 g.kg-1) koja potiče od 1. otkosa lucerke (Medicago, sativa L.) cv, Radius, košene u ranom stadijumu cvetanja. Lucerka je silirana bez inokulanata; sa bakterijama mlečne kiseline i enzimskim inokulantom; sa gnječenim ječmom; ili sa gnječenim ječmom i bakterijom mlečne kiseline i enzimskim inokulantom. Gnječeni ječam je dodavan u količinama od 50, 100, 150 200 g.kg-1 stočne hrane od lucerke. Bakterijski enzimski inokulant (Bactozym) koji je sadržavao sledeće kulture Lacto bacillus casei ,Enterococcus faecium M74 i Pediococcus sp. ( ukupno 15 x IO9 CFU u Ig preparat koji se lako pretvara u prah) u prahu i kompleks celulaza-hemicelulaza (25000 n cat. u l ml) i glukoza-oksidaza (4000 n cat u Iml) u tečnom delu. Inokulant je korišćen u vodenom rastvoru u količini od 10mg bakterijske komponente i 0.2ml enzimske komponente / kg-1 lucerke. Dodavanje samo gnječenog ječma lucerkinom krmivu nije imalo značajnog efekta na poboljšanje procesa proteoloze i deaminacije u ovoj vrsti silaže, u poređenju sa silažama od lucerke koje su pravljene uz pomoć bakterijskih i enzimskih inokulanata. Signifikantno manje sirovog proteina kao i gubici WSC-a u procesu fermentacije, povećan intenzitet fermentacije mlečne kiseline, nedostatak fermentacije propionske i buterne kiseline, i znatno redukovani proces degradacije proteina su pronađeni u silaži od lucerke i gnječenog ječma uz dodatak bakterije mlečne kiseline i enzimskog inokulanta

    Specific character of citations in historiography (using the example of Polish history)

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    The first part of the paper deals with the assessment of international databases in relation to the number of historical publications (representation and relevance in comparison with the model database). The second part is focused on providing answer to the question whether historiography is governed by similar bibliometric rules as exact sciences or whether it has its own specific character. Empirical database for this part of the research constituted the database prepared ad hoc: The Citation Index of the History of Polish Media (CIHPM). Among numerous typically historical features the main focus was put on: linguistic localism, specific character of publishing forms, differences in citing of various sources (contributions and syntheses) and specific character of the authorship (the Lorenz Curve and the Lotka’s Law). Slightly more attention was devoted to the half-life indicator and its role in a diachronic study of a scientific field; also, a new indicator (HL14), depicting distribution of citations younger then half-life was introduced. Additionally, the comparison and correlation of selected parameters for the body of historical science (citations, HL14, the Hirsch Index, number of publications, volume and other) were also conducted

    Medycyna i Społeczeństwo. Materiały konferencyjne

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    Ze wstępu: "Z inicjatywy i pod patronatem Krakowskiej Szkoły Wyższej im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego w Krakowie odbyła się w styczniu 2003 r. konferencja naukowa lekarzy, farmaceutów, biochemików, filozofów, fizjopatologów, farmakologów i klinicystów, których rozważania skupiały się wokół obszernego tematu „MED YCYNAISPOŁECZEŃSTWO Spotkanie otworzył JM Rektor Prof. KSW dr hab. Zbigniew Maciąg. Rektor wyraził podziękowanie wykładowcom i wyraził głęboką nadzieję, że kolejny numer wydawnictwa Szkoły Acta Academiae Modrevianae, złożony z wybranych prac prezentowanych na konferencji, służył będzie społeczeństwu."(...