99 research outputs found

    Tourist business in turbulence

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    The article deals with the factors of turbulence which engulfed the tourism industry with a «whirling flood». The main causes of the impact on the tourist market are: devaluation of the rouble, the bankruptcy of the largest tour operators and Transaero Airlines, the sanctions of the West, the introduction of fingerprinting for Russian tourists, as well as the causes of non-economic nature. In the "new reality" there is an objective need to develop some new management strategies that take into account the likelihood of unexpected fluctuation

    Characteristics of hotel premises in Belgorod city

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    Hotel industry is regarded as one of the factors in the development of tourism and the initial basis for planning the production of the tourist product. It determines the specificity of the development of tourism, being the basis for the production of the tourism product in planning the priorities of the investment policy. The article presents the results of the authors’s research, as well as materials open print and electronic resources. The authors analyzed the state of hotel real estate market of Belgorod, the structure of the number of rooms, hotel occupancy assessed by type of rooms, highlighted promising areas of the hotel business. It should be noted, that the development of domestic tourism, the growth of business and cultural activity in the region will contribute to the further development of tourism infrastructure and, in particular, the hotel industryyesБелгородский государственный университе

    The infrastructure of public catering in the context of tourist city space development

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    To assess the impact of environmental factors on the activities of catering enterprises of the Belgorod region and the quality of customer service, the authors proposed a method using STEP-analysis and SWOT-analysis. The analysis of environmental factors was carried out on the basis of the expert evaluation results conducted in two stage

    Transformation of museum product

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    Today, each museum needs to develop an active strategy of market development, which is preceded by a comprehensive analysis of potential consumers of the museum product, on the basis of which the directions of development will be proposed. The conducted research allowed us to reveal a number of problems which are connected with necessity of transformation of the museum product providing satisfaction of visitor’s requirements and, at the same time, increase in the income of the museu

    Research of Rational Concentration of Oilseed Crops Meals in the Sandy Dough Semi-finished Product

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    The work studies the rational concentration of meals of soya, sunflower and milk thistle in a sandy dough semi-product for improving healthy properties of ready products (biological value, stomach peristalsis, metabolism, saturation with vitamins and mineral substances). Analytic studies were conducted and advantages of using meals in dough products were determined. The chemical composition of meals was determined, and the optimal composition for satisfying the human need that is in ratio 3:4:3 was calculated. The quality of meals was estimated, and their organoleptic parameters were analyzed. The sensor analysis of sandy semi-products of oilseed crops meals was realized. It was established, that adding of the meal composition instead of flour in amount 20 % is an optimal solution for using in a sandy dough semi-product.There was established the influence of meals of oilseed crops on organoleptic parameters of developed sandy semi-products. Advantages and defects of using the aforesaid meals were established. Ways of improving the outlook and consistence of shortcakes were offered. Ways of further studies were established

    Mobile technologies in implementation of programs of internal tourism development

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    Now a days great attention is paid to the programs of the development of domestic tourism, its informational support, the development of new tourist products. But in spite of efforts in this direction, the population of Russia still has not enough information about tourist recreational opportunities of particular regions and in the whole countr

    Spectrum of conditionally pathogenic microflora isolated from the prostate secret in chronic bacterial prostatitis patients

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    The article represents a description for microbiocenosis of isolated prostate secret. The initial samples were taken on the territory of the Irkutsk region from men diagnosed with chronic bacterial prostatitis in the acute stage. 90 % of samples of isolated prostate secret were tested by cultural method revealed 4l representatives of opportunistic pathogenic microflora. Gram-positive microorganisms were found in most samples (86.7 %). Staphylococcus genus representatives formed the majority in isolated samples of conditionally pathogenic microflora (66.7 %). As for gram-negative representatives (which role in chronic bacterial prostatitis is proven by multiple research), E. coli and K. pneumoniae were isolated. In the half of samples, we revealed bacterial associations consisting mostly of two kinds of microorganisms. Staphylococcus epidermidis was isolated in 70 % of such associations


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    The authors performed international comparative analysis of wages of medical personnel. One of reasons for that was to understand if Russian trends in this area comply with global standards. Various methodological approaches served as a basis for obtaining comparative data describing level and dynamics of wages of medical personnel in Russia and in countries with the developed and transitional economies. The authors focused on the fact that while performing international comparisons of wages in healthcare system (not to mention when making contensive conclusions based on comparison results) one should take into account national specifics in labour remuneration mechanisms, specific categories of doctors and nurses, differences in the healthcare system and statistical observation in general. Using statistical information from several international organizations and the Rosstat the authors state that although there are certain similarities in the functions, Russian doctors earn considerably less than their foreign colleagues. However, it should be noted that work week in Russia is shorter than in many foreign countries. The article describes the tendency to widen the gap between wages of general practitioners and specialists. Wages of Russian nurses as well as doctors fall behind those of their colleagues from leading foreign countries. Nevertheless, while performing international comparative analysis it is important to keep in mind that attainment level of Russian medical personnel and the scope of medical services they perform are also lower.Авторами статьи проведен международный сопоставительный анализ заработной платы медицинских работников, одной из целей которого является понимание того, насколько тенденции в оплате труда российского медицинского персонала соответствуют общемировым тенденциям. На основе различных методологических подходов получены сравнительные данные, характеризующие уровень и динамику заработной платы врачей и медицинских сестер в Российской Федерации и в странах с развитой рыночной и переходной экономикой. Обращено внимание на то, что при проведении международных сравнений оплаты труда в здравоохранении (и тем более при формировании содержательных выводов по итогам сопоставлений) необходимо учитывать национальные особенности в механизме оплаты труда, выделении отдельных категорий врачей и медицинских сестер, в организации системы здравоохранения и статистического наблюдения в целом. С использованием статистической информации ряда международных организаций и Росстата констатируется, что при схожести выполняемых функций российские врачи зарабатывают значительно меньше своих коллег. Однако при этом надо учитывать, что продолжительность рабочей недели российского медицинского персонала меньше, чем во многих других странах. В статье констатируется продолжение тенденции на увеличение разрыва между оплатой труда врачей общей практики и врачей более узких специализаций. Заработки российских медицинских сестер, как и российских врачей, отстают от их коллег в ведущих зарубежных странах. Вместе с тем при проведении международного сопоставительного анализа необходимо принимать во внимание, что уровень образования и набор предоставляемых ими медицинских услуг также ниже

    The influence of virtual information spaces on tourism development

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    The desire to meet the requirements of the consumer necessitates the study of the influence of modern information and communication technologies on the development of the tourism industry by operators. The urgency of creating a virtual tourist information system, and developing its structure is required in order to match the innovative processes that involve modern technologies of Virtual and Augmented Realit

    Алюмооксидный носитель для катализатора низкотемпературной изомеризации углеводородов

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    Objectives. Determine the necessary conditions for obtaining a granulated η-Al2O3 carrier, investigate its structural and strength properties, and evaluate its activity for the model n-butane isomerization reaction.Methods. Samples containing bayerite structure aluminum trihydroxide were synthesized by precipitation from aqueous solutions of aluminum nitrate with ammonia under isothermal conditions at a constant pH value. The samples of the granulated carrier were obtained using an extrusion method when the composition of molding pastes was varied by tuning the ratio of bayerite- and η-Al2O3 -containing components and introducing polyvinyl alcohol.Results. The influence of the preparation conditions on the structural and strength properties of the active Al2O3 granules is evaluated. Samples of the aluminum oxide carrier were tested for a model reaction of low-temperature isomerization of n-butane, demonstrating a sufficiently high selectivity and reasonable prospects for use as catalysts for low-temperature isomerization of hydrocarbons.Conclusions. Increasing the content of the polyvinyl alcohol in the molding paste from 0.4 to 1.8 wt % is accompanied by an increase in the predominant sizes of the mesopores in the range of 10–50 nm and pores in the range of 50–80 nm, explaining the high values of all recorded parameters for the process of isomerization of n-butane.Цели. Определение условий получения гранулированного η-Al2O3 -носителя, исследование его структурно-прочностных свойств и оценка активности в модельном процессе изомеризации н-бутана.Методы. Образцы, содержащие тригидроксид алюминия байеритной структуры, синтезированы осаждением из водных растворов нитрата алюминия аммиаком в изотермических условиях при постоянном значении рН. Экструзионным методом получены образцы гранулированного носителя при варьировании состава формовочных паст: соотношения количеств байерит- и η-Al2О3 -содержащих компонентов и введения поливинилового спирта.Результаты. Оценено влияние условий приготовления на структурно-прочностные свойства гранул активного Al2О3. Образцы алюмооксидного носителя испытаны в модельной реакции низкотемпературной изомеризации н-бутана, показана их достаточно высокая селективность и перспективность при получении катализаторов низкотемпературной изомеризации углеводородов.Выводы. Увеличение содержания поливинилового спирта в формовочной пасте от 0.4 до 1.8 масс. % сопровождается смещением преобладающих размеров мезопор в интервале 10–50 нм и пор в интервале 50–80 нм в большую сторону, что объясняет высокие значения всех регистрируемых показателей процесса изомеризации н-бутана