148 research outputs found


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    Метою нашої роботи стало визначення оцінки ефективності проведення сурфактантної терапії у доповнення до стандартної лікувальної програми у хворих на інфекції нижніх дихальних шляхів. У дослідження було включено 83 особи хворі на негоспітальну пневмонію (НП) та інфекційне загострення ХОЗЛ (ІЗ ХОЗЛ). Хворих поділили на дві групи відповідно до додавання до лікувальної програми препарату сурфактанту: першу групу склали 49 хворих на НП, другу – 34 хворих з ІЗ ХОЗЛ.

    Structural - Logical Connections of General Engineering Disciplines of Machine-Building Profile

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    В статье разработана методика построения структурно-графических схем логически связанного учебного материала разделов общеинженерных дисциплин машиностроительного профиля «Кинематика» курса «Теоретическая механика» и «Кинематический анализ» курса «Теория механизмов и машин» для исследования структурно-логических связей на основе теории графов. Построена структурно-логическая схема «Кинематика - кинематический анализ», позволяющая проектировать учебный материал в соответствии с поставленными целями и задачами образования.The article develops a method for constructing structural-graphic schemes of logically related educational material of sections of general engineering disciplines of the machine-building profile "Kinematics" of the course "Theoretical Mechanics" and "Kinematic Analysis" of the course "Theory of Mechanisms and Machines" for the study of interdisciplinary connections based on graph theory. A structural-logical scheme "Kinematics - kinematic analysis" has been built, which allows designing educational material in accordance with the goals and objectives of education

    Development of the Logic Structure of the Educational Material Based on the Theory of Graphs

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    В статье разработана методика логического структурирования учебного материала с использованием теории графов, позволяющая увеличить доступность излагаемого материала. Построены две структурно-логических схемы: «Основная задача синтеза зубчатых зацеплений» и «Образование простейшего зубчатого механизма» раздела «Синтез зубчатых зацеплений» дисциплины «Теория механизмов и машин». Выполнен сравнительный анализ представленных структурно-логических формул и подтвержден практически.In the article a methodology developed for the logical structuring of educational material using graph theory, which allows to increase the availability of the material presented. Two structural logical schemes are constructed: «The main task of gear synthesis» and «The formation of the simplest gear mechanism» of the section «Gear coupling synthesis» of the discipline «Mechanisms and machines theory». A comparative analysis of the presented structural logical formulas is made and confirmed practically

    Mathematical Modeling of Didactic Material

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    В статье разработана логическая структура учебного материала в виде графа, являющегося разновидностью математической модели. Представлена логическая схема раздела «Статика» дисциплины «Теоретическая механика» и курс «Сопротивление материалов». Математическое моделирование дидактического материала позволяет исследовать междисциплинарные связи общетехнического цикла дисциплин и перейти к следующему этапу проектирования - дидактическому конструированию учебного процесса.The article developed the logical structure of the educational material in the form of a graph, which is a kind of mathematical model. The logical diagram of the section "Statics" of the discipline "Theoretical Mechanics" and the course "Strength of materials" are presented. Mathematical modeling of didactic material allows us to explore the interdisciplinary connections of the general technical cycle of disciplines and move on to the next design stage - the didactic design of the educational process

    Pathomorphological and pathochemical characteristic of the osteomyelitis focus in patients with diabetic osteoarthropathy (Charcot foot)

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    BACKGROUND: Osteomyelitis in diabetic osteoarthropathy occurs in 65 % of cases, and it is the main cause of non-traumatic amputations. The choice of optimal treatment technologies should be based on understanding the pathogenetic characteristics of this disease.AIM: To study the pathomorphological and pathochemical picture of osteomyelitic focus in patients with diabetic neuroosteoarthropathy.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Object — 20 patients (55.3±9.33 years) with Type 2 diabetes mellitus, diabetic neuroosteoarthropathy, chronic osteomyelitis of the foot bones. The treatment consisted in surgical debridement of the purulent focus with the material collection for pathomorphological and biochemical studies, and in reposition and alignment of bone fragments with the leg and foot fixation using the Ilizarov fixator in order to form bone ankylosis of the compromised joint.RESULTS: Subacute and acute course of chronic osteomyelitis was registered in 80 % of cases. As for the pathohistological changes in bone tissue, the following ones were the most significant: necrosis and the presence of an inflammatory infiltrate of varying severity depending on the phase of the inflammatory process. The articular cartilage structure was broken in all the cases. Activation of osteoclasts was observed in the osteomyelitis focus, especially in the subchondral zone. There was no subchondral bone plate in most cases, or only its fragments remained. Pathohistological examination of the soft tissues associated with the osteomyelitis focus indicated the presence of mirocirculatory and denervation disorders due to necrosis and hyalinosis of a significant part of microvessels against the background of compensatory hypervascularisation and chronic inflammation, narrowing and obliteration of the lumens of feeding arteries, almost complete absence of nerve elements in the tissues or their destructive changes. An increase in the activity of lytic enzymes was revealed in the interstitial environment of the tissues surrounding the osteomyelitis focus (138-fold increase in the activity of acid phosphatase, interstitial osteolytic index was 7.2-fold higher than blood serum index).CONCLUSION: The pathomorphological signs of chronic osteomyelitis subacute and acute processing were observed in most patients. Breaking the articular cartilage structure was accompanied by invasion of vessels, inflammatory infiltrate, and by activation of osteoclasts in the subchondral zone. Destructive changes of vessels and nerves in the soft tissues associated with the osteomyelitis focus can be etiopathogenetic factors of this disease development. The technologies for stopping this process should be based on obligatory debridement of the focus with sequestrnecrectomy, with regular monitoring of the operated segment condition

    Hemostasis disturbance correction using reamberin in patients with abdominal sepsis

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    The aim of our investigation was to estimate the possibility of reamberin usage for correction of hemostasis disturbances in patients with abdominal sepsis. We have analysed results of treatment in 78 patients with abdominal sepsis: 65 patients with standard complex therapy, 13 - standard therapy with addition of reamberin. We could observe differently directed disturbances of thrombocytic and coagulation parts of hemostasis. Reamberin promoted the restoration and stabilization of the equilibrium between the different parts of hemostasis, leading to the favorable outcomes in patients with sepsis.Цель исследования - оценить эффективность использования реамберина для коррекции нарушений гемостаза при абдоминальном сепсисе. Обследовано и пролечено 78 пациентов с абдоминальным сепсисом, из них 65 пациентам проведен стандартный комплекс интенсивной терапии, а у 13 пациентов в комплекс интенсивной терапии был включен реамберин. Абдоминальный сепсис вызывает разнонаправленные нарушения сосудисто-тромбоцитарного и коагуляционного звеньев гемостаза. Реамберин способствует восстановлению и стабилизации равновесия между всеми звеньями системы гемостаза, что оказывает благоприятное влияние на исход септического процесса

    Expression of CCN family of genes in human skin in vivo and alterations by solar-simulated ultraviolet irradiation

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    The CCN family of proteins is involved in diverse biological functions such as cell growth, adhesion, migration, angiogenesis, and regulation of extracellular matrix. We have investigated expression of CCN family genes and alternations induced by solar-simulated ultraviolet irradiation in human skin in vivo. Transcripts of all six CCN genes were expressed in human skin in vivo. CCN5 was most abundantly expressed followed by CCN2>CCN3>CCN1>CCN4>CCN6. Solar-simulated ultraviolet irradiation increased mRNA expression of CCN1 and CCN2. In contrast, mRNA levels of CCN3, CCN4, CCN5, and CCN6, were reduced. Knowledge gained from this study provides the foundation to explore the functional roles of CCN gene products in cutaneous biology and responses to solar ultraviolet irradiation

    11th German Conference on Chemoinformatics (GCC 2015) : Fulda, Germany. 8-10 November 2015.

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    Panta Rhei benchmark dataset: socio-hydrological data of paired events of floods and droughts

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    As the adverse impacts of hydrological extremes increase in many regions of the world, a better understanding of the drivers of changes in risk and impacts is essential for effective flood and drought risk management and climate adaptation. However, there is currently a lack of comprehensive, empirical data about the processes, interactions, and feedbacks in complex human–water systems leading to flood and drought impacts. Here we present a benchmark dataset containing socio-hydrological data of paired events, i.e. two floods or two droughts that occurred in the same area. The 45 paired events occurred in 42 different study areas and cover a wide range of socio-economic and hydro-climatic conditions. The dataset is unique in covering both floods and droughts, in the number of cases assessed and in the quantity of socio-hydrological data. The benchmark dataset comprises (1) detailed review-style reports about the events and key processes between the two events of a pair; (2) the key data table containing variables that assess the indicators which characterize management shortcomings, hazard, exposure, vulnerability, and impacts of all events; and (3) a table of the indicators of change that indicate the differences between the first and second event of a pair. The advantages of the dataset are that it enables comparative analyses across all the paired events based on the indicators of change and allows for detailed context- and location-specific assessments based on the extensive data and reports of the individual study areas. The dataset can be used by the scientific community for exploratory data analyses, e.g. focused on causal links between risk management; changes in hazard, exposure and vulnerability; and flood or drought impacts. The data can also be used for the development, calibration, and validation of sociohydrological models. The dataset is available to the public through the GFZ Data Services (Kreibich et al., 2023, https://doi.org/10.5880/GFZ.4.4.2023.001)

    Сочетанная лучевая терапия у больных раком предстательной железы с поражением семенных пузырьков

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    Background. It seems advisable to investigate the feasibility of radiation therapy combined with hormone therapy to treat locally advanced prostate cancer. Combination of two ways to deliver ionizing radiation doses enables us to elevate a total tumor dose and to reduce radiation exposure to critical organs. However, the feasibility of combinatorial radiation therapy (CRT) in prostate cancer patients with seminal vesicle invasion remains insufficiently investigated. The number of studies focusing on this problem is still extremely small.Objective of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and toxicity of radiation therapy combined with hormone therapy for prostate cancer with seminal vesicle invasion.Materials and methods. From April 2016 to April 2020, 52 patients with prostate cancer (cT3bN0) received CRT at the clinic of the A.F. Tsyb Medical Radiological Research Center. The median patient follow-up was 29.7 months (from 11.9 to 58.4 months). The mean age of patients was 65.7 years. The initial mean level of PSA was 28.7 ng/ml. Fifty (96.2 %) patients were given radiation therapy together with hormone therapy.Results. The tolerability of CRT appeared satisfactory. Grade I acute radiation-induced reactions of the urinary tract occurred in 13 (25 %) patients; grade II ones - in 2 (3.8 %) patients. Grade I acute radiation-induced reactions of the gastrointestinal tract occurred in 11 (21.5 %) patients; grade II ones - in 1 (1.9 %) patient. Grade I late complications of the urinary tract were noted in 4 (7.7 %) patients; grade II ones - in 2 (3.8 %) patients. Grade I late complications of the gastrointestinal tract were noted in 2 (3.8 %) patients; grade II ones - in 3 (5.8 %) patients.The three-year cancer-specific survival rate was 97 %; the overall survival rate was 83 %. Eight (15.4 %) patients showed prostate cancer progression. Five (9.6 %) patients experienced cancer recurrence in the form of distant bone metastases. In 1 (1.9 %) patient, disease recurrence was associated with involvement of regional lymphatic collectors and distant inguinal lymph node metastases. Local recurrence was noted in 1 (1.9 %) patient. One (1.9 %) patient developed loco-regional recurrence with distant metastasis to bones. The three-year recurrence-free survival rate was 75.6 %.Conclusion. Our study demonstrates that CRT is highly effective in prostate cancer (cT3bN0) treatment while having an acceptable level of complications.Введение. Представляется целесообразным изучение возможности проведения сочетанной лучевой терапии (СЛТ) в объеме гормонолучевого лечения рака предстательной железы у больных с местно-распространенными формами заболевания. Сочетание 2 способов подведения дозы ионизирующего излучения позволяет выполнять эскалацию суммарной очаговой дозы в опухоли при уменьшении лучевой нагрузки на критические органы. Количество исследований, посвященных возможности проведения СЛТ у больных раком предстательной железы с инвазией в семенные пузырьки, крайне незначительно.Цель исследования - анализ эффективности и токсичности СЛТ в объеме гормонолучевого лечения рака предстательной железы с инвазией в семенные пузырьки.Материалы и методы. С апреля 2016 г. по апрель 2020 г. в клинике МРНЦ им. А.Ф. Цыба - филиала НМИЦ радиологии 52 больным раком предстательной железы стадии сT3bN0 проведена СЛТ. Медиана периода наблюдения составила 29,7 (11,9-58,4) мес. Средний возраст пациентов - 65,7 года. Средний уровень инициального простатического специфического антигена - 28,7 нг/мл. У 50 (96,2 %) пациентов СЛТ выполнена в объеме гормонолучевого лечения.Результаты. Отмечена удовлетворительная переносимость СЛТ. Острые лучевые реакции I степени тяжести со стороны мочевыводящих путей зарегистрированы у 13 (25 %) больных, II степени - у 2 (3,8 %). Острые лучевые реакции I степени со стороны желудочно-кишечного тракта отмечены у 11 (21,5 %) пациентов, II степени - у 1 (1,9 %). Поздние осложнения I степени со стороны мочевыводящих путей зафиксированы у 4 (7,7 %) больных, II степени -у 2 (3,8 %). Поздние осложнения I степени со стороны желудочно-кишечного тракта отмечены у 2 (3,8 %) больных, II степени - у 3 (5,8 %).Трехлетняя опухолевоспецифическая выживаемость составила 97 %, общая выживаемость - 83 %. Прогрессирование заболевания наблюдали у 8 (15,4 %) пациентов. У 5 (9,6 %) больных рецидив заболевания был представлен отдаленными метастазами (кости), у 1 (1,9 %) больного - поражением регионарных лимфоколлекторов с отдаленными метастазами в паховые лимфатические узлы. У 1 (1,9 %) пациента отмечен локальный рецидив, у 1 (1,9 %) - локорегионарный рецидив с отдаленным метастазированием (кости). Трехлетняя безрецидивная выживаемость составила 75,6 %.Заключение. Результаты проведенного исследования демонстрируют хорошую эффективность СЛТ у больных раком предстательной железы стадии сT3bN0 при приемлемом уровне осложнений