62,889 research outputs found

    Wave speeds in the corona and the dynamics of mass ejections

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    A disturbance or coronal mass ejection being advected by the solar wind will expand at the fastest local characteristic speed - typically approximately the fast-mode speed. To estimate this characteristic wave speed and the velocity field in the ambient corona, it is necessary to know the magnetic field, temperature, and density. Only the density is known from coronal observations. The temperature, magnetic field, and velocity are not yet directly measured in the outer corona and must be estimated from a model. In this study, it is estimated that the magnetic field, solar wind velocity, and characteristic speeds use the MHD model of coronal expansion between 1 and 5 solar radii (R solar radii) with a dipole magnetic field at the base. This model, for a field strength of about 2 gauss at the base, gives flow speeds at low latitudes (near the heliospheric current sheet) of 250 km/s at 5 R solar radii and, 50 km/s at 2 solar radii, and fast-mode speeds to 400 to 500 km/s everywhere between 2 and 5 solar radii. This suggests that the outer edge of a velocity of mass ejection reported by MacQueen and Fisher (1983) and implies that the acceleration mechanism for coronal mass ejections is other than simple entrainment in the solar wind

    Shock-triggered formation of magnetically-dominated clouds

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    To understand the formation of a magnetically dominated molecular cloud out of an atomic cloud, we follow the dynamical evolution of the cloud with a time-dependent axisymmetric magnetohydrodynamic code. A thermally stable warm atomic cloud is initially in static equilibrium with the surrounding hot ionised gas. A shock propagating through the hot medium interacts with the cloud. As a fast-mode shock propagates through the cloud, the gas behind it becomes thermally unstable. The β\beta value of the gas also becomes much smaller than the initial value of order unity. These conditions are ideal for magnetohydrodynamic waves to produce high-density clumps embedded in a rarefied warm medium. A slow-mode shock follows the fast-mode shock. Behind this shock a dense shell forms, which subsequently fragments. This is a primary region for the formation of massive stars. Our simulations show that only weak and moderate-strength shocks can form cold clouds which have properties typical of giant molecular clouds.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    The Near-Infrared Extinction Law in Regions of High Av

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    We present a spectroscopic study of the shape of the dust-extinction law between 1.0 and 2.2um towards a set of nine ultracompact HII regions with Av > 15 mag. We find some evidence that the reddening curve may tend to flatten at higher extinctions, but just over half of the sample has extinction consistent with or close to the average for the interstellar medium. There is no evidence of extinction curves significantly steeper than the standard law, even where water ice is present. Comparing the results to the predictions of a simple extinction model, we suggest that a standard extinction law implies a robust upper limit to the grain-size distribution at around 0.1 - 0.3um. Flatter curves are most likely due to changes in this upper limit, although the effects of flattening due to unresolved clumpy extinction cannot be ruled out.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    The 2-D magnetohydrostatic configurations leading to flares or quiescent filament eruptions

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    To investigate the cause of flares and quiescent filament eruptions the quasi-static evolution of a magnetohydrostatic (MHS) model was studied. The results lead to a proposal that: the sudden disruption of an active-region filament field configuration and the accompanying flare result from the lack of a neighboring equilibrium state as magnetic shear is increased above the critical value; and a quiescent filament eruption is due to an ideal MHD kink instability of a highly twisted detached flux tube formed by the increase of plasma current flowing along the length of the filament. A numerical solution was developed for the 2-D MHS equation for the self-consistent equilibrium of a filament and overlying coronal magnetic field. Increase of the poloidal current causes increase of magnetic shear. As shear increases past a critical point, there is a discontinuous topological change in the equilibrium configuration. It was proposed that the lack of a neighboring equilibrium triggers a flare. Increase of the axial current results in a detached tube with enough helical twist to be unstable to ideal MHD kink modes. It was proposed that this is the condition for the eruption of a quiescent filament

    Multiparticle States and the Hadron Spectrum on the Lattice

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    The Clebsch-Gordan decomposition is calculated for direct products of the irreducible representations of the cubic space group. These results are used to identify multiparticle states which appear in the hadron spectrum on the lattice. Consideration of the cubic space group indicates how combinations of both zero momentum and non-zero momentum multiparticle states contribute to the spectrum.Comment: v2) Little groups for lattice momenta corrected. Includes a more consistent labeling scheme. (13 pages

    Heterogeneous node responses to multi-type epidemics on networks

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    Having knowledge of the contact network over which an infection is spreading opens the possibility of making individualized predictions for the likelihood of different nodes to become infected. When multiple infective strains attempt to spread simultaneously we may further ask which strain, or strains, are most likely to infect a particular node. In this article we investigate the heterogeneity in likely outcomes for different nodes in two models of multi-type epidemic spreading processes. For models allowing co-infection we derive message-passing equations whose solution captures how the likelihood of a given node receiving a particular infection depends on both the position of the node in the network and the interaction between the infection types. For models of competing epidemics in which co-infection is impossible, a more complicated analysis leads to the simpler result that node vulnerability factorizes into a contribution from the network topology and a contribution from the infection parameters
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