
Wave speeds in the corona and the dynamics of mass ejections


A disturbance or coronal mass ejection being advected by the solar wind will expand at the fastest local characteristic speed - typically approximately the fast-mode speed. To estimate this characteristic wave speed and the velocity field in the ambient corona, it is necessary to know the magnetic field, temperature, and density. Only the density is known from coronal observations. The temperature, magnetic field, and velocity are not yet directly measured in the outer corona and must be estimated from a model. In this study, it is estimated that the magnetic field, solar wind velocity, and characteristic speeds use the MHD model of coronal expansion between 1 and 5 solar radii (R solar radii) with a dipole magnetic field at the base. This model, for a field strength of about 2 gauss at the base, gives flow speeds at low latitudes (near the heliospheric current sheet) of 250 km/s at 5 R solar radii and, 50 km/s at 2 solar radii, and fast-mode speeds to 400 to 500 km/s everywhere between 2 and 5 solar radii. This suggests that the outer edge of a velocity of mass ejection reported by MacQueen and Fisher (1983) and implies that the acceleration mechanism for coronal mass ejections is other than simple entrainment in the solar wind

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