362 research outputs found

    Why Did They Leave School? A Self Determination Theory Perspective into Narratives of Finnish Early School Leavers

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    The present study aims to provide insights into the experiences of early school leavers within the Finnish context. We conducted a narrative inquiry among eleven early school leavers who were in prison when they were interviewed. Self Determination Theory (SDT), more specifically the concept of frustration of the three basic psychological needs of competence, relatedness and autonomy, and the tendency of people to move towards more supporting environments, was used as an interpretative tool, along with contextual information. We identified three pathways out of school, differing in the locus of need thwarting circumstances and the availability of access to transfer into a more satisfying environment. Furthermore, the experienced threat of safety was a shared element in the narrative accounts. Additionally, the findings add information about experienced indifference in the case of the participants, which is a new element in theorising the continuum of perceived need satisfaction within the terms of SDT

    Occurrence and Features of Childhood Myocarditis : A Nationwide Study in Finland

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    Background-Epidemiology of myocarditis in childhood is largely unknown. Men are known to have a higher incidence of myocarditis than women in adults aged Methods and Results-Data of all hospital admissions with myocarditis in Finland occurring in patients aged Conclusions-Myocarditis leading to hospital admission is relatively uncommon in children, but occurrence of myocarditis increases with age. There is no sex difference in the risk of myocarditis during the first 6 years of life, but boys have a significantly higher risk at ages 6 to 15 years.Peer reviewe

    Merialueemme vieraslajien seurannan, varhaisvaroitus-järjestelmän (VVJ) ja riskin-arvioinnin kehittäminen

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    Liitteessä 1 Suomessa (Itämeressä) ns. vakiintuneet vieraslajit (useammin kuin kerran havaitut). VISEVARIS-projektin yhteydessä toimineen työryhmän ehdottamat uudet/muutetut suomenkieliset lajinimet lihavoitu. (Työryhmän vetäjänä toimi Erkki Leppäkoski).VISEVARIS-hankkeen tavoitteena oli kehittää rannikkovesiemme vieraslajien seuranta- ja varhaisvaroitusjärjestelmä (VVJ), mihin kuuluu mm. tietoisuuden lisääminen, vieraslajien aikainen havainnointi, tiedonkulun nopea välittäminen haitallisten lajien havaitsemisen jälkeen sekä kansalaisten valistaminen lajien levittämisen estämiseksi. Hankkeessa tutkittiin miltä osin ja miksi nykyseuranta ei pysty havaitsemaan uusia vieraslajeja, etsittiin tehokkaampia menetelmiä vieraslajien havaitsemiseksi ja niiden elinympäristöjen ja alueiden kartoittamiseksi, selvitettiin ja kuvattiin merialueemme keskeiset biologiset seurannat sekä niiden tuottama tieto tavattujen vieraslajien levinneisyydestä ja runsaudesta. Työssä todettiin, etteivät seurannat tavoita suurinta osaa nykyisistäkään vieraslajeista. Havaituista lajeista vain parista saadaan riittävä kuva runsauden ja levinneisyyden suhteen. Matalat rannikkovedet ovat heikoimmin seuratut elinympäristöt. Niiden seurantaa pitäisi lisätä. Hankkeessa tuotettiin ehdotus tehostetun seurannan toteuttamisesta, sen keskittämisestä eri elinympäristöihin sekä velvoiteseurannan toteuttamisesta satamissa. Hanke tuotti nettipohjaisen tunnistus-oppaan suurimmasta osasta Suomen merialueella esiintyvistä ja mahdollisesti tänne saapuvista vieraslajeista helpottamaan niiden havaitsemista ja tunnistamista. Hankkeessa selvitettiin myös vieraslajien riskinarviointiin tarjolla olevia kansainvälisiä työkaluja, joista testattaviksi valittiin makeanveden selkärangattomille kehitetty Fi-ISK ja kaloille käytetty FISK riskinarviointi-työkalu. Niiden avulla saadaan numeerisia arvoja eri lajien haitallisuudelle, mikä auttaa ryhmittelemään vieraslajeja niiden torjunnan kannalta. Kehittämällä työkaluja paremmin murtovesiolosuhteet huomioiviksi riskinarviointeja voidaan toteuttaa Itämeren alueella. Varhais-varoitus- ja informaatiojärjestelmän kehittämiseen tuotetuista osista voidaan rakentaa raamiversio, jonka kehysten sisälle tarvittava lisätieto voidaan helposti koota. Hanke auttaa kehittämään ja monipuolistamaan nykyisiä seurantoja ottamaan huomioon myös vieraslajit. Suomen kansallinen VVJ voi toimia esimerkkinä muille Itämeren maille ja se voi toimia yhteydenpitoväylänä Itämeren valtioiden kesken. Hankkeessa kehitetyllä nettilomakkeella parannetaan vieraslajihavaintojen ilmoittamismahdollisuuksia. Lomakkeen avulla niin tutkijat, konsultit, hallintoviranomaiset kuin kansalaisetkin voivat helposti ilmoittaa havaitsemansa vieraslajit sekä tarkistaa jo tehdyt vieraslajiilmoitukset. Hankkeessa saatuja tuloksia hyödynnetään EU:n meristrategia-direktiivin hyvän tilan indikaattoreita kehitettäessä sekä direktiivin toimeenpanoa tukevien seurantojen kehityksessä. Hankkeen aktiviteettien ansiosta monen vieraslajin havainnot moninkertaistuivat ja levinneisyys osoittautui oletettua laajemmaksi.Maa- ja metsätalousministeri

    Inoculating an agile company with user-centred design: an empirical study

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    We present an empirical study on facilitating the adoption of user-centred design (UCD) in small Agile companies. To this end, we introduced a curated set of qualitative design practices in an Agile organisation, engaging developers in a lightweight series of workshops. Our results suggest that the approach followed enhanced internal communication and promoted a concrete shift towards a more user-centred perspective. However, the presence of a predominant non-Agile customer seems to have limited potential benefits. © The Author(s) 2017

    Agile software development practices in Egypt SMEs : a grounded theory investigation

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    Agile information system development methods have been adopted by most software development organizations due to their proven benefits in terms of flexibility, reliability, and responsiveness. However, companies face significant challenges in adopting these approaches. Specifically, this research investigates challenges faced by software development companies in Egypt while transitioning to Agile. As little previous research is available targeting their concerns, we have conducted a grounded theory investigation. Key problem areas were found including lack of cadence in sprints planning, inadequate use of effort estimation and product quality issues. The developed grounded theory reflects on the key problem areas found with SMEs adopting agile practices and can be used by software development practitioners adopting agile methods in Egypt or similar developing countries as an outline for the common problem areas they are expected to find

    Frontotemporal dementia with the C9ORF72 hexanucleotide repeat expansion: clinical, neuroanatomical and neuropathological features

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    An expanded hexanucleotide repeat in the C9ORF72 gene has recently been identified as a major cause of familial frontotemporal lobar degeneration and motor neuron disease, including cases previously identified as linked to chromosome 9. Here we present a detailed retrospective clinical, neuroimaging and histopathological analysis of a C9ORF72 mutation case series in relation to other forms of genetically determined frontotemporal lobar degeneration ascertained at a specialist centre. Eighteen probands (19 cases in total) were identified, representing 35% of frontotemporal lobar degeneration cases with identified mutations, 36% of cases with clinical evidence of motor neuron disease and 7% of the entire cohort. Thirty-three per cent of these C9ORF72 cases had no identified relevant family history. Families showed wide variation in clinical onset (43–68 years) and duration (1.7–22 years). The most common presenting syndrome (comprising a half of cases) was behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia, however, there was substantial clinical heterogeneity across the C9ORF72 mutation cohort. Sixty per cent of cases developed clinical features consistent with motor neuron disease during the period of follow-up. Anxiety and agitation and memory impairment were prominent features (between a half to two-thirds of cases), and dominant parietal dysfunction was also frequent. Affected individuals showed variable magnetic resonance imaging findings; however, relative to healthy controls, the group as a whole showed extensive thinning of frontal, temporal and parietal cortices, subcortical grey matter atrophy including thalamus and cerebellum and involvement of long intrahemispheric, commissural and corticospinal tracts. The neuroimaging profile of the C9ORF72 expansion was significantly more symmetrical than progranulin mutations with significantly less temporal lobe involvement than microtubule-associated protein tau mutations. Neuropathological examination in six cases with C9ORF72 mutation from the frontotemporal lobar degeneration series identified histomorphological features consistent with either type A or B TAR DNA-binding protein-43 deposition; however, p62-positive (in excess of TAR DNA-binding protein-43 positive) neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions in hippocampus and cerebellum were a consistent feature of these cases, in contrast to the similar frequency of p62 and TAR DNA-binding protein-43 deposition in 53 control cases with frontotemporal lobar degeneration–TAR DNA-binding protein. These findings corroborate the clinical importance of the C9ORF72 mutation in frontotemporal lobar degeneration, delineate phenotypic and neuropathological features that could help to guide genetic testing, and suggest hypotheses for elucidating the neurobiology of a culprit subcortical network