3,526 research outputs found

    Flux Lattice Melting and the onset of H_c2 fluctuations

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    The flux lattice melting temperature in optimally doped YBCO has been shown to be very close to that of the onset of fluctuations around H_{c2}(T). Here, we present a theoretical argument in support of the idea that this occurs because the increased strength of the fluctuations as a function of magnetic field pushes away the first order flux lattice melting transition. The argument is based on hydrodynamic considerations (the Hansen-Verlet freezing criterion). It is not specific to high-temperature superconductors and can be generalized to other systems.Comment: 2 pages, 1 embedded figure, LT22 proceedings, Physica

    Renormalization Group Study of the Intrinsic Finite Size Effect in 2D Superconductors

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    Vortices in a thin-film superconductor interact logarithmically out to a distance on the order of the two-dimensional (2D) magnetic penetration depth λ⊥\lambda_\perp, at which point the interaction approaches a constant. Thus, because of the finite λ⊥\lambda_\perp, the system exhibits what amounts to an {\it intrinsic} finite size effect. It is not described by the 2D Coulomb gas but rather by the 2D Yukawa gas (2DYG). To study the critical behavior of the 2DYG, we map the 2DYG to the massive sine-Gordon model and then perform a renormalization group study to derive the recursion relations and to verify that λ⊥\lambda_\perp is a relevant parameter. We solve the recursion relations to study important physical quantities for this system including the renormalized stiffness constant and the correlation length. We also address the effect of current on this system to explain why finite size effects are not more prevalent in experiments given that the 2D magnetic penetration depth is a relevant parameter.Comment: 8 pages inRevTex, 5 embedded EPS figure

    Rippling Waters

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    Comparing Computing Platforms for Deep Learning on a Humanoid Robot

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    The goal of this study is to test two different computing platforms with respect to their suitability for running deep networks as part of a humanoid robot software system. One of the platforms is the CPU-centered Intel NUC7i7BNH and the other is a NVIDIA Jetson TX2 system that puts more emphasis on GPU processing. The experiments addressed a number of benchmarking tasks including pedestrian detection using deep neural networks. Some of the results were unexpected but demonstrate that platforms exhibit both advantages and disadvantages when taking computational performance and electrical power requirements of such a system into account.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Love Me Lots And Love Me All The Time : Song

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    Salute The Flag : March and Two Step

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    Sons Of America : America Needs You

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    Clinical and educational impact of pharmacogenomics testing: a case series from the INGENIOUS trial

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    Pharmacogenomic testing has become increasingly widespread. However, there remains a need to bridge the gap between test results and providers lacking the expertise required to interpret these results. The Indiana Genomics Implementation trial is underway at our institution to examine total healthcare cost and patient outcomes after genotyping in a safety-net healthcare system. As part of the study, trial investigators and clinical pharmacology fellows interpret genotype results, review patient histories and medication lists and evaluate potential drug-drug interactions. We present a case series of patients in whom pharmacogenomic consultations aided providers in appropriately applying pharmacogenomic results within the clinical context. Formal consultations not only provide valuable patient care information but educational opportunities for the fellows to cement pharmacogenomic concepts
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