37 research outputs found
Uma metodologia de apoio à seleção de softwares educativos para o ensino de matemática
En virtud del intenso desarrollo de productos de software educativos hoy, la selección de esos productos por los maestros ha se tornado una tarea cada vez más difícil. Argumentamos en este trabajo que mismo existiendo innúmeras estrategias de evaluación ellas no son efectivamente aplicadas para realizar una selección basada en la comparación de los rasgos de los productos de software evaluados. En este sentido, presentamos un nuevo abordaje para la evaluación de productos de software educativo. En este abordaje proponemos una metodología que tiene como objectivo principal permitir la selección de productos de software educativo que tengan rasgos funcionales semejantes, por medio del uso de métricas definidas por el propio evaluador y que son basadas en la teoría de los campos conceptuales y formalizadas utilizando la técnica de puntos de casos de uso.Em virtude ao intenso desenvolvimento de produtos de software educativo atualmente, a seleção desses produtos pelos professores tem se tornado uma tarefa cada vez mais difícil. Argumentamos nesse trabalho que mesmo existindo inúmeras estratégias de avaliação elas não são efetivamente aplicadas para realizar uma seleção baseada na comparação das características dos produtos de software avaliados. Nesse sentido, apresentamos uma nova abordagem para a avaliação de produtos de software educativo. Nessa abordagem propomos uma metodologia que tem como objetivo principal permitir a seleção de produtos de software educativo que possuam características funcionais semelhantes, através da utilização de métricas definidas pelo próprio avaliador e que são baseadas na teoria dos campos conceituais e formalizadas utilizando a técnica de pontos de casos de uso.Due to the intense product development educational software currently, the selection of these products by the teachers has become an increasingly difficult task. We argue in this paper that even though there are numerous assessment strategies they are not effectively applied to filter based on the comparison of the characteristics of software products evaluated. In this sense, we present a new approach for the evaluation of educational software products. In this approach we propose a methodology that aims to allow the selection of educational software products that have similar functional characteristics through the use of metrics defined by the evaluator itself and that are based on the theory of conceptual fields and formalized using the point technique use cases
Seminario-Taller: participación del pequeño agricultor en el mercado internacional
En este documentos que identifican los siguientes factores que tienen los pequeños agricultores:
-Características altamente exigentes y competitivas del mercados exterior.
-Situación actual de los pequeños agricultores, con bajos niveles tecnológicos, baja productividad y agudos problemas estructurales y organizativos de difícil solución.
-Mercadas limitaciones y carencias de los servicios oficiales de apoyo a la producción, en espacial el crédito agrícola, la asistencia técnica, la mecanización y el suministros de semillas seleccionadas y de insumos.
Estos factores en le desarrollo del trabajo se analizan, así como también a los componentes de un proceso de agroexportación y las posibles alternativas para los pequeños productores para que accedan al mercados eterno
Exploring the Gain of Function Contribution of AKT to Mammary Tumorigenesis in Mouse Models
Elevated expression of AKT has been noted in a significant percentage of primary human breast cancers, mainly as a consequence of the PTEN/PI3K pathway deregulation. To investigate the mechanistic basis of the AKT gain of function-dependent mechanisms of breast tumorigenesis, we explored the phenotype induced by activated AKT transgenes in a quantitative manner. We generated several transgenic mice lines expressing different levels of constitutively active AKT in the mammary gland. We thoroughly analyzed the preneoplastic and neoplastic mammary lesions of these mice and correlated the process of tumorigenesis to AKT levels. Finally, we analyzed the impact that a possible senescent checkpoint might have in the tumor promotion inhibition observed, crossing these lines to mammary specific p53(R172H) mutant expression, and to p27 knock-out mice. We analyzed the benign, premalignant and malignant lesions extensively by pathology and at molecular level analysing the expression of proteins involved in the PI3K/AKT pathway and in cellular senescence. Our findings revealed an increased preneoplastic phenotype depending upon AKT signaling which was not altered by p27 or p53 loss. However, p53 inactivation by R172H point mutation combined with myrAKT transgenic expression significantly increased the percentage and size of mammary carcinoma observed, but was not sufficient to promote full penetrance of the tumorigenic phenotype. Molecular analysis suggest that tumors from double myrAKT;p53(R172H) mice result from acceleration of initiated p53(R172H) tumors and not from bypass of AKT-induced oncogenic senescence. Our work suggests that tumors are not the consequence of the bypass of senescence in MIN. We also show that AKT-induced oncogenic senescence is dependent of pRb but not of p53. Finally, our work also suggests that the cooperation observed between mutant p53 and activated AKT is due to AKT-induced acceleration of mutant p53-induced tumors. Finally, our work shows that levels of activated AKT are not essential in the induction of benign or premalignant tumors, or in the cooperation of AKT with other tumorigenic signal such as mutant p53, once AKT pathway is activated, the relative level of activity seems not to determine the phenotype
Building Adaptive Capacity in Changing Social-Ecological Systems: Integrating Knowledge in Communal Land-Use Planning in the Peruvian Amazon
Building resilient sustainable social-ecological systems (SES) requires communities to enhance their adaptive capacities. Communal participative land-use planning (Zonificación Participativa Comunal—ZPC) is a tool designed for communities to integrating local and scientific knowledge to sustainably organize and manage their SES. Between 2006 and 2011, a ZPC was developed with communities in the buffer zone of Cordillera Azul National Park (Peru), where rapid demographic changes are converting pre-montane seasonally dry forest into agricultural land. Herein, we analyse how the ZPC enhanced adaptive capacity, enabling the SES to cope with environmental, political and economic changes. Based on qualitative, semi-structured interviews, communities are analysed along their capacities in the dimensions social capital, learning, adaptive management and governance. An analysis of yearly high-resolution forest cover data supports our findings. Deforestation activities in biologically sensitive zones decreased rapidly during the time of the ZPC implementation. We find that particularly the long-term presence of the bridging institution and the continuous testing and reflection of the integrated “hybrid knowledge” enabled communities to develop adaptive capacities. The analysis of ZPC our results reveals the enabling conditions for promoting the learning process to develop a sustainable land-use management in the context of migration and rapid changes
Una especie de Clupeiformes que ha sido habitual en las capturas de la flota pesquera artesanal que opera en el mar interior de Chiloé, Chile, ha sido confundida con la sardina común (Strangomera bentincki) y la sardina española (Sardinops sagax musica), cuyas distribuciones geográficas en esta área marcan su límite austral. Mediante un análisis de morfometría y recuentos de estructuras duras de siete ejemplares capturados en julio de 2005 y provenientes del área de pesca de Quicaví, Chiloé (42º17'S-73º22'W), se determinó, que correspondían a seis Sprattus fuegensis (Jenyns 1842) (sardina fueguina), y que ella estaría presente hegemónicamente en las capturas del mar interior de Chiloé; en la X Región administrativa de Chile. Basado en la captura de especímenes de S. fuegensis obtenidos en las cercanías de la Isla Guar, al norte de Calbuco en octubre de 2005, se realizó una breve descripción de otolitos y una comparación del diámetro longitudinal del primer anillo hialino entre ambas sardinas, mediante el uso del test no paramétrico de Mann-Withney; del mismo modo, se comparó la relación longitud del pez con el diámetro del otolito para ambas sardinas utilizando un ANCOVA. El presente estudio confirma la presencia de S. fuegensis en el océano Pacífico y señala el límite norte de su distribución en el área del Seno de Reloncaví. Este redescubrimiento revela que durante el período de marzo a diciembre de 2005 esta especie sostuvo una actividad extractiva, que viene ocurriendo desde hace algunos años, y que no se ha reflejado oficialmente en las estadísticas de pesca, con desembarques artesanales del orden de las 18 mil toneladas/año. Esto significa que la única pesquería de clupeidos de aguas interiores es sostenida mayoritariamente por S. fuegensis y pone en perspectiva la necesidad de evaluar con cautela los trabajos técnicos y recopilación de información en las aguas interiores de Chiloé.<br>A specie of Clupeiform which appears in the catch of the artisanal fishing fleet, operating in the inner sea of the southern fjord area of Chiloé, Chile, has been confused with common sardine (Strangomera bentincki) and spanish sardine (Sardinops sagax music) whose geographical distributions in this area delimited its southernmost limit. A morfometric analysis and count of hard structures of six specimens captured on july 2005, coming from the fishing area of Quicaví, Chiloé (42º17'S - 73º22'W) was determined that as Sprattus fuegensis (Jenyns 1842) (fuegian sprat) and this specie would be the only one present hegemonicaly in the catches of the inland sea of Chiloé, in the X administrative Region of Chile. Based on 33 specimens of S. fuegensis catch near the Isla Guar north of Calbuco in October 2005, a brief description of the otoliths was carried out, also a comparison of the longitudinal diameter of the first hyaline ring, among both sardines using the Mann -Withney non parametric test, in the same way the fish length was compared with the otolith diameter of both sardines, using ANCOVA. The present study confirms the presence of S. fuegensis in southern area of the eastern south Pacific with its northern limit of its distribution in the area of the "Seno de Reloncaví". This rediscovery reveals that during the period from march to december 2005, also S. fuegensis sustained an extractive activity for many years ago to date, and has not been reflected officially on the fishery statistics, with artisanal landings about 18,000 ton/year. The fishery of clupeids in inland waters, it is sustained mainly by S. fuegensis, which turns out in an exhaustive evaluation, of the technical works and summary of information of inland waters of Chiloé
Time-of-Flight study of molecular beams extracted from the ISOLDE RFQ cooler and buncher
Molecular beams injected into the ISOLDE Radio-Frequency Quadrupole cooler and buncher (RFQcb), ISCOOL, have been studied under varying conditions using a new Time-of-Flight (ToF) detector. When a beam of molecules is injected into the RFQcb and interacts with the buffer gas, collisional dissociation processes may occur. In this study, two different beams of molecules, CO and N, were separately injected into ISCOOL, and two different buffer gases (pure helium or a 90:10 mixture of helium and neon) were used. The radio-frequency of the RFQcb was varied as the molecules, along with the fragments from the dissociation processes, were extracted from ISCOOL and studied using the new Time-of-Flight detector. The main finding of this work is that the rates for molecular dissociation within ISCOOL were very small for both CO and N, with the largest rates found for CO