441 research outputs found

    The Development of Spontaneous Sound-Shape Matching in Monolingual and Bilingual Infants During the First Year

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    Online First November 17, 2016Supplemental materials: http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/dev0000237.suppRecently it has been proposed that sensitivity to nonarbitrary relationships between speech sounds and objects potentially bootstraps lexical acquisition. However, it is currently unclear whether preverbal infants (e.g., before 6 months of age) with different linguistic profiles are sensitive to such nonarbitrary relationships. Here, the authors assessed 4- and 12-month-old Basque monolingual and Spanish-Basque bilingual infants’ sensitivity to cross-modal correspondences between sound symbolic nonwords without syllable repetition (buba, kike) and drawings of rounded and angular shapes. The findings demonstrate that sensitivity to sound-shape correspondences emerge by 12 months of age in both monolinguals and bilinguals. This finding suggests that spontaneous sound-shape matching is likely to be the product of language learning and development and may not be readily available prior to the onset of word learning

    The frequency of human papilloma virus types 16, 18 in upper genital tract of women at high risk of developing ovarian cancer

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    Aim: To investigate the incidence of human papilloma virus (HPV) types 16, 18 in upper genital tract of women considered at a high risk (HR) of developing epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC). Methods: HPV 16 and 18 E6 ORF specific semiquantitative PCR was used to screen the incidence of HPV in 20 women at HR of developing EOC and 10 women with no ovarian disease (control). Results: The HR subset of fallopian tubes and ovarian tissues showed greater positivity for HPV E6 ORF (40%) as compared to control (10%) tissues. Of all the samples, two (10%) were positive for HPV 16, two (10%) were positive for HPV 18, and four (20%) showed positivity for mixed HPV 16/18 infection. The presence of HPV E6 ORF was found both in the fallopian tubes and ovarian DNA from 6 (30%) patients. In two cases (10%) we detected HPV ORF only in the fallopian tube derived genomic DNA. Conclusion: It has been shown the presence of HPV in the upper genital tract in women at HR of developing EOC in close proximity of HPV susceptible tissue cervix. Key Words: HPV, high risk of ovarian cancer

    Estimating the costs for the airport operator and airlines of a drone-related shutdown:An application to Frankfurt International Airport

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    Commercially-acquired drones threaten airport operations due to limited knowledge of airspace safety regulations or deliberate action by drone operators. This study aims to determine whether the investment cost of a drone-defence system can be justified in relation to the financial cost of a drone-related shutdown. To that end, a case study of Frankfurt Airport is carried out with simulations of different disruptions during a peak-activity period similar to the 2018 Gatwick drone incident. With data on passenger traffic and airline schedules, we developed a passenger recovery algorithm to determine the amount of delays caused by the disruptions and the costs for the airport operator and the airlines. Results show that the investment in a drone-defence system is offset by the costs of a 48-h continued closure or several smaller closures, but since the largest share of costs is borne by the airlines, investments should be shared between both stakeholder

    Natural language processing for aviation safety: Extracting knowledge from publicly-available loss of separation reports

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    Background: The air traffic management (ATM) system has historically coped with a global increase in traffic demand ultimately leading to increased operational complexity. When dealing with the impact of this increasing complexity on system safety it is crucial to automatically analyse the losses of separation (LoSs) using tools able to extract meaningful and actionable information from safety reports. Current research in this field mainly exploits natural language processing (NLP) to categorise the reports,with the limitations that the considered categories need to be manually annotated by experts and that general taxonomies are seldom exploited. Methods: To address the current gaps,authors propose to perform exploratory data analysis on safety reports combining state-of-the-art techniques like topic modelling and clustering and then to develop an algorithm able to extract the Toolkit for ATM Occurrence Investigation (TOKAI) taxonomy factors from the free-text safety reports based on syntactic analysis. TOKAI is a tool for investigation developed by EUROCONTROL and its taxonomy is intended to become a standard and harmonised approach to future investigations. Results: Leveraging on the LoS events reported in the public databases of the Comisión de Estudio y Análisis de Notificaciones de Incidentes de Tránsito Aéreo and the United Kingdom Airprox Board,authors show how their proposal is able to automatically extract meaningful and actionable information from safety reports,other than to classify their content according to the TOKAI taxonomy. The quality of the approach is also indirectly validated by checking the connection between the identified factors and the main contributor of the incidents. Conclusions: Authors' results are a promising first step toward the full automation of a general analysis of LoS reports supported by results on real-world data coming from two different sources. In the future,authors' proposal could be extended to other taxonomies or tailored to identify factors to be included in the safety taxonomies

    Targeting Src in endometriosis-associated ovarian cancer

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    The SRC proto-oncogene is commonly overexpressed or activated during cancer development. Src family kinase inhibitors are approved for the treatment of certain leukemias, and are in clinical trials for the treatment of solid tumors. Src signaling is activated in endometriosis, a precursor of clear cell and endometrioid subtypes of epithelial ovarian cancers (OCs). We examined the expression of phosphorylated Src (Src-pY416) in 381 primary OC tissues. Thirty-six percent of OCs expressed Src-pY416. Src-pY416 expression was most common in endometriosis-associated OCs (EAOCs) (P=0.011), particularly in clear cell OCs where 58.5% of cases expressed Src-pY416. Src-pY416 expression was associated with shorter overall survival (log rank P=0.002). In vitro inhibition of Src signaling using 4-amino-5-(4-chlorophenyl)-7-(dimethylethyl)pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidine (PP2) resulted in reduced anchorage-independent and -dependent growth, and in three-dimensional cell culture models PP2 disrupted aggregate formation in Src-pY416-positive but not in Src-pY416-negative cell lines. These data suggest that targeting active Src signaling could be a novel therapeutic opportunity for EAOCs, and support the further pre-clinical investigation of Src family kinase inhibitors for treating OCs expressing Src-pY416

    ABCB1 (MDR1) polymorphisms and ovarian cancer progression and survival: A comprehensive analysis from the Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium and The Cancer Genome Atlas

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    <b>Objective</b> <i>ABCB1</i> encodes the multi-drug efflux pump P-glycoprotein (P-gp) and has been implicated in multi-drug resistance. We comprehensively evaluated this gene and flanking regions for an association with clinical outcome in epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC).<p></p> <b>Methods</b> The best candidates from fine-mapping analysis of 21 <i>ABCB1</i> SNPs tagging C1236T (rs1128503), G2677T/A (rs2032582), and C3435T (rs1045642) were analysed in 4616 European invasive EOC patients from thirteen Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium (OCAC) studies and The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). Additionally we analysed 1,562 imputed SNPs around ABCB1 in patients receiving cytoreductive surgery and either ‘standard’ first-line paclitaxel–carboplatin chemotherapy (n = 1158) or any first-line chemotherapy regimen (n = 2867). We also evaluated ABCB1 expression in primary tumours from 143 EOC patients.<p></p> <b>Result</b> Fine-mapping revealed that rs1128503, rs2032582, and rs1045642 were the best candidates in optimally debulked patients. However, we observed no significant association between any SNP and either progression-free survival or overall survival in analysis of data from 14 studies. There was a marginal association between rs1128503 and overall survival in patients with nil residual disease (HR 0.88, 95% CI 0.77–1.01; p = 0.07). In contrast, <i>ABCB1</i> expression in the primary tumour may confer worse prognosis in patients with sub-optimally debulked tumours.<p></p> <b>Conclusion</b> Our study represents the largest analysis of <i>ABCB1</i> SNPs and EOC progression and survival to date, but has not identified additional signals, or validated reported associations with progression-free survival for rs1128503, rs2032582, and rs1045642. However, we cannot rule out the possibility of a subtle effect of rs1128503, or other SNPs linked to it, on overall survival.<p></p&gt

    BRCAness Profile of Sporadic Ovarian Cancer Predicts Disease Recurrence

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    BACKGROUND:The consequences of defective homologous recombination (HR) are not understood in sporadic ovarian cancer, nor have the potential role of HR proteins other than BRCA1 and BRCA2 been clearly defined. However, it is clear that defects in HR and other DNA repair pathways are important to the effectiveness of current therapies. We hypothesize that a subset of sporadic ovarian carcinomas may harbor anomalies in HR pathways, and that a BRCAness profile (defects in HR or other DNA repair pathways) could influence response rate and survival after treatment with platinum drugs. Clinical availability of a BRCAness profile in patients and/or tumors should improve treatment outcomes. OBJECTIVE:To define the BRCAness profile of sporadic ovarian carcinoma and determine whether BRCA1, PARP, FANCD2, PTEN, H2AX, ATM, and P53 protein expression correlates with response to treatment, disease recurrence, and recurrence-free survival. MATERIALS AND METHODS:Protein microarray analysis of ovarian cancer tissue was used to determine protein expression levels for defined DNA repair proteins. Correlation with clinical and pathologic parameters in 186 patients with advanced stage III-IV and grade 3 ovarian cancer was analyzed using Chi square, Kaplan-Meier method, Cox proportional hazard model, and cumulative incidence function. RESULTS:High PARP, FANCD2 and BRCA1 expressions were significantly correlated with each other; however, elevated p53 expression was associated only with high PARP and FANCD2. Of all patients, 9% recurred within the first year. Among early recurring patients, 41% had high levels of PARP, FANCD2 and P53, compared to 19.5% of patients without early recurrence (p = 0.04). Women with high levels of PARP, FANCD2 and/or P53 had first year cumulative cancer incidence of 17% compared with 7% for the other groups (P = 0.03). CONCLUSIONS:Patients with concomitantly high levels of PARP, FANCD2 and P53 protein expression are at increased risk of early ovarian cancer recurrence and platinum resistance