353 research outputs found

    Sentinel lymph node biopsies in early stage oral and oropharyngeal carcinoma : a retrospective single-centre experience

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    The aim of this retrospective study was to analyse a consecutive series of patients with oral and oropharyngeal carcinoma who had had sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) at our hospital during 2008-2017. A total of 70 patients with clinically and radiologically confirmed primary oral (n = 67) or oropharyngeal (n = 3) carcinoma, with no signs of metastatic lymph nodes preoperatively (clinically N0) were included. Patients' clinical and personal data, characteristics of the tumours, sentinel lymph node (SLN) status and outcomes were recorded. Eight patients had invaded SLN. Two patients with clear sentinel lymph node biopsies had recurrences in the cervical lymph nodes with no new primary tumour as origin. The negative predictive value (NPV) and sensitivity for SLNB were 97% and 80%, respectively. The depth of invasion was an individual predictor for cervical lymph node metastasis (p = 0.043). Single photo emission computed tomography (SPECT) detected fewer SLN in patients with invaded lymph nodes than in patients with clear lymph nodes (p = 0.018). Our data support the use of SLNB as a minimally invasive method for staging the cervical lymph nodes among patients with cN0 oral and oropharyngeal carcinoma. Our results further confirm that greater depth of invasion is associated with cervical lymph node metastases. (c) 2020 The British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    High-throughput method for detection and quantification of lesions on leaf scale based on trypan blue staining and digital image analysis

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    Background: Field-grown leafy vegetables can be damaged by biotic and abiotic factors, or mechanically damaged by farming practices. Available methods to evaluate leaf tissue damage mainly rely on colour diferentiation between healthy and damaged tissues. Alternatively, sophisticated equipment such as microscopy and hyperspectral cameras can be employed. Depending on the causal factor, colour change in the wounded area is not always induced and, by the time symptoms become visible, a plant can already be severely afected. To accurately detect and quantify damage on leaf scale, including microlesions, reliable diferentiation between healthy and damaged tissue is essential. We stained whole leaves with trypan blue dye, which traverses compromised cell membranes but is not absorbed in viable cells, followed by automated quantifcation of damage on leaf scale. Results: We present a robust, fast and sensitive method for leaf-scale visualisation, accurate automated extraction and measurement of damaged area on leaves of leafy vegetables. The image analysis pipeline we developed automatically identifes leaf area and individual stained (lesion) areas down to cell level. As proof of principle, we tested the methodology for damage detection and quantifcation on two feld-grown leafy vegetable species, spinach and Swiss chard. Conclusions: Our novel lesion quantifcation method can be used for detection of large (macro) or single-cell (micro) lesions on leaf scale, enabling quantifcation of lesions at any stage and without requiring symptoms to be in the visible spectrum. Quantifying the wounded area on leaf scale is necessary for generating prediction models for economic losses and produce shelf-life. In addition, risk assessments are based on accurate prediction of the relationship between leaf damage and infection rates by opportunistic pathogens and our method helps determine the sevn.erity of leaf damage at fne resoluti

    Understanding variability in root zone storage capacity in boreal regions

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    The root zone storage capacity (Sr) of vegetation is an important parameter in the hydrological behaviour of a catchment. Traditionally, Sr is derived from soil and vegetation data. However, more recently a new method has been developed that uses climate data to estimate Sr based on the assumption that vegetation adapts its root zone storage capacity to overcome dry periods. This method also enables one to take into account temporal variability of derived Sr values resulting from changes in climate or land cover. The current study applies this new method in 64 catchments in Finland to investigate the reasons for variability in Sr in boreal regions. Relations were assessed between climate-derived Sr values and climate variables (precipitation-potential evaporation rate, mean annual temperature, max snow water equivalent, snow-off date), detailed vegetation characteristics (leaf cover, tree length, root biomass), and vegetation types. The results show that in particular the phase difference between snow-off date and onset of potential evaporation has a large influence on the derived Sr values. Further to this it is found that (non-)coincidence of snow melt and potential evaporation could cause a division between catchments with a high and a low Sr value. It is concluded that the climate-derived root zone storage capacity leads to plausible Sr values in boreal areas and that, apart from climate variables, catchment vegetation characteristics can also be directly linked to the derived Sr values. As the climate-derived Sr enables incorporating climatic and vegetation conditions in a hydrological parameter, it could be beneficial to assess the effects of changing climate and environmental conditions in boreal regions.</p

    Polydopamine Nanoparticles Prepared Using Redox-Active Transition Metals

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    Autoxidation of dopamine to polydopamine by dissolved oxygen is a slow process that requires highly alkaline conditions. Polydopamine can be formed rapidly also in mildly acidic and neutral solutions by using redox-active transition-metal ions. We present a comparative study of polydopamine nanoparticles formed by autoxidation and aerobic or anaerobic oxidation in the presence of Ce(IV), Fe(III), Cu(II), and Mn(VII). The UV-vis spectra of the purified nanoparticles are similar, and dopaminechrome is an early intermediate species. At low pH, Cu(II) requires the presence of oxygen and chloride ions to produce polydopamine at a reasonable rate. The changes in dispersibility and surface charge take place at around pH 4, which indicates the presence of ionizable groups, especially carboxylic acids, on their surface. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy shows the presence of three different classes of carbons, and the carbonyl/carboxylate carbons amount to 5-15 atom %. The N 1s spectra show the presence of protonated free amino groups, suggesting that these groups may interact with the pi-electrons of the intact aromatic dihydroxyindole moieties, especially in the metal-induced samples. The autoxidized and Mn(VII)-induced samples do not contain metals, but the metal content is 1-2 atom % in samples prepared with Ce(IV) or Cu(II), and ca. 20 atom % in polydopamine prepared in the presence of Fe(III). These differences in the metal content can be explained by the oxidation and complexation properties of the metals using the general model developed. In addition, the nitrogen content is lower in the metal-induced samples. All of the metal oxidants studied can be used to rapidly prepare polydopamine at room temperature, but the possible influence of the metal content and nitrogen loss should be taken into account

    Living on social assistance with chronic illness: Buffering and undermining features to well-being

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In Sweden, the social security and sickness insurance systems are comprehensive and aim to provide people whose illness prevents them from earning their own living, with either sickness benefits or disability pension. Some, however, are not entitled to these benefits or receive social insurance benefits at a level too low for subsistence, and are referred to social assistance. The purpose of this study was to explore in depth how social assistance recipients with chronic illness perceive and respond to the experience of living on social assistance.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Seventeen in-depth interviews were carried out with chronically ill people who had received social assistance for several years. Grounded theory informed the design of the study.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The study showed that different strategies (living one day at a time, taking steps forwards and backwards and making attempts to find ways out of the situation) were employed by social assistance recipients to maintain or improve their well-being. Contextual features like the prevailing welfare system, public services and the local neighbourhood could buffer or undermine these strategies and their overall well-being. These features together influenced how interviewees perceived their situation, the possible ways out of the situation and the consequences for their well-being.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>From this study it is evident that the way in which individuals on social assistance interact with services and how they are treated by professionals plays an important role in their well-being, in combination with what kind of help and support is available for recipients through the welfare system. In this respect, persons living on social assistance with chronic illness are particularly vulnerable. This study suggests that more effort should be made to find long term solutions concerning income support, rehabilitation and other services provided to this group.</p

    Obesity accelerates epigenetic aging in middle-aged but not in elderly individuals

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    Background: Human aging is associated with profound changes in one of the major epigenetic mechanisms, DNA methylation. Some of these changes occur in a clock-like fashion, i.e., correlating with the calendar age of an individual, thus providing a new aging biomarker. Some reports have identified factors associated with the acceleration of the epigenetic age. However, it is also important to analyze the temporal changes in the epigenetic age, i.e., the duration of the observed acceleration, and the effects of the possible therapeutic and lifestyle modifications.Methods: To address this issue, we determined the epigenetic age for a cohort of 183 healthy individuals using blood samples derived from two time points that were 25 years apart (between 15-24 and 40-49 years of age). Additionally, we also determined the epigenetic ages of 119 individuals in a cohort consisting of 90-year-old participants (nonagenarians). These were determined by using the Horvath algorithm based on the methylation level of 353 CpG sites. The data are indicated as the deviation of the epigenetic age from the calendar age (calendar age minus epigenetic age = delta age, Delta AGE). As obesity is often associated with accelerating aging and degenerative phenotypes, the correlation of the body mass index (BMI) with the Delta AGE was analyzed in the following three age groups: young adults, middle-aged, and nonagenarian.Results: The data showed that BMI is associated with decreased Delta AGE, i.e., increased epigenetic age, in middle-aged individuals. This effect is also seen during the 25-year period from early adulthood to middle age, in which an increase in the BMI is significantly associated with a decrease in the Delta AGE. We also analyzed the association between BMI and epigenetic age in young and elderly individuals, but these associations were not significant.Conclusion: Taken together, the main finding on this report suggests that association between increased BMI and accelerated epigenetic aging in the blood cells of middle-aged individuals can be observed, and this effect is also detectable if the BMI has increased in adulthood. The fact that the association between BMI and epigenetic age can only be observed in the middle-aged group does not exclude the possibility that this association could be present throughout the human lifespan; it might just be masked by confounding factors in young adults and nonagenarian individuals

    Symptoms and diagnostic delays in bladder cancer with high risk of recurrence: results from a prospective FinnBladder 9 trial

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    Purpose: To investigate the symptoms and delays in the clinical pathway of bladder cancer (BC).Methods: This is a substudy of a prospective, randomized, multicenter phase III study (FinnBladder 9, NCT01675219) where the efficacy of photodynamic diagnosis and 6 weekly optimized mitomycin C instillations are studied in pTa bladder cancer with high risk for recurrence. The data of presenting symptoms and critical time points were prospectively collected, and the effect of factors on delays was analyzed.Results: At the time of analysis, 245 patients were randomized. Analysis included 131 patients with primary bladder cancer and their complete data. Sixty-nine percent had smoking history and 67% presented with macroscopic hematuria. Median patient delay (from symptoms to health-care contact) was 7 days. The median general practice delay (from health-care contact to urology referral) was 8 days. Median time from urology referral to cystoscopy was 23 days and from cystoscopy to TUR-BT 21 days. Total time used in the clinical pathway (from symptom to TUR-BT) was 78 days. Current and former smokers had non-significantly shorter patient-related and general practice delays compared to never smokers. TUR-BT delay was significantly shorter in patients with malignant cytology (16 days) compared to patients with benign cytology (21 days, p = 0.03).Conclusions: Patient-derived delay was short and most of the delay occurred in the referral centers. The majority had macroscopic hematuria as the initial symptom. Surprisingly, current and past smokers were more prone to contact the health-care system compared to never smokers.</p

    Quantifying groundwater fluxes from an aapa mire to a riverside esker formation

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    Water flows in peatland margins is an under-researched topic. This study examines recharge from a peatland to an esker aquifer in an aapa mire complex of northern Finland. Our objective was to study how the aapa mire margin is hydrogeologically connected to the riverside aquifer and spatial and temporal variations in the recharge of peatland water to groundwater (GW). Following geophysical studies and monitoring of the saturated zone, a GW model (MODFLOW) was used in combination with stable isotopes to quantify GW flow volumes and directions. Peatland water recharge to the sandy aquifer indicated a strong connection at the peatland–aquifer boundary. Recharge volumes from peatland to esker were high and rather constant (873 m3 d−1) and dominated esker recharge at the study site. The peat water recharging the esker boundary was rich in dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Stable isotope studies on water (ή18O, ή2H, and d-excess) from GW wells verified the recharge of DOC-rich water from peatlands to mineral soil esker. Biogeochemical analysis revealed changes from DOC to dissolved inorganic carbon in the flow pathway from peatland margin to the river Kitinen. This study highlights the importance of careful investigation of aapa mire margin areas and their potential role in regional GW recharge patterns. HIGHLIGHTS Peatland water recharge to aquifer showed connection at the peatland–aquifer boundary.; Analysis revealed changes from dissolved organic carbon to dissolved inorganic carbon in groundwater flow pathway from peatland.; Connection between an aapa mire margin and riverside esker was documented.

    Self-reported psychopathic traits among non-referred Finnish adolescents : psychometric properties of the Youth Psychopathic traits Inventory and the Antisocial Process Screening Device

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    Background: In general psychiatric services, cost benefit screening instruments for psychopathic traits in adolescents are needed. The aim of the present study was to study the psychometric properties of the Finnish versions of the Youth Psychopathic traits Inventory (YPI) and the Antisocial Process Screening Device (APSD-SR) in community youth. As gender-specific differences exist in psychopathic traits, we analyzed the data separately in girls and boys. Methods: The YPI and the APSD-SR were administered to 372 9th graders (174 boys and 198 girls) with a mean age of 15.06 years (SD 0.28). Cronbach's alphas were used to study internal consistency. The factor structures of the self assessments were studied using both Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Results: In both self-assessments, boys scored significantly higher in the total scores, Interpersonal and Affective dimension scores as well as in most sub-dimensions. In the YPI, the alpha values for total and dimensional scores ranged from 0.55 to 0.91 in boys and from 0.74 to 0.89 in girls and, in the APSD-SR, respectively, from 0.38 to 0.78 and from 0.29 to 0.78. In CFA, the three-factor model produced poor fit for both self-assessments. For the ten sub-dimensions of the YPI, the PCA suggested two factors. Extending the model into three components showed sub-dimension loadings according to the original dimensions. For the APSD-SR, the PCA revealed a five-factor structure in the male sample and a six-factor one in the female group. When limiting the model to a three factor-model, we obtained a structure, which resembled the original dimensions. Conclusions: Both the YPI and the APSD-SR are promising tools of screening for psychopathic features in Finnish community youth. The YPI turned out to be slightly better than the APSD-SR in both reliability and factor structure. However, the original three-factor models did not find support. Both self-assessments were somewhat weak for tapping the callous-unemotional traits of the psychopathic character, but, again, the YPI worked better than the ASPD-SR. Both self assessments revealed significant gender differences in psychopathic character traits.Peer reviewe
