1,097 research outputs found

    Optical, magnetic and dielectric properties of non-liquid crystalline elastomers doped with magnetic colloids

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    Magnetic nanoparticles from magnetic colloidal suspensions were incorporated in the urethane/urea elastomer (PU/PBDO) by swelling fully crosslinked elastomer samples with a toluene and ferrofluid mixture. It is shown that ferrofluid grains can be efficiently incorporated into the matrix of elastomers. The dependence of the birefringence of both the pure and ferrofluid-doped elastomer samples on strain is linear. The ratio of birefringence to strain of the ferrofluid-doped samples is greater than that of the pure elastomer samples, indicating that ferrofluid grains are oriented by the strained polymer network. We propose that this strain-induced orientation is due to the shape anisotropy of the nanoparticles.publishersversionpublishe

    Microdamage generation by tapered and cylindrical mini-screw implants after pilot drilling

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    Objective:  To investigate the relationship between mini-screw implant (MSI) diameter (1.6 vs 2.0 mm) and shape (tapered vs cylindrical) and the amount of microdamage generated during insertion. Materials and Methods:  Thirty-six cylindrical and 36 tapered MSIs, 6 mm long, were used in this study. Half of each shape was 1.6 mm in diameter, while the other half was 2.0 mm. After pilot drilling, four and five MSIs were inserted, respectively, into fresh cadaveric maxillae and mandibles of dogs. Bone blocks containing the MSIs were sectioned and ground parallel to the MSI axis. Epifluorescent microscopy was used to measure overall cortical thickness, crack length, and crack number adjacent to the MSI. Crack density and total microdamage burden per surface length were calculated. Three-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test the effects of jaw, and MSI shape and diameter. Pairwise comparisons were made to control the overall significance level at 5%. Results:  The larger (2.0 vs 1.6 mm) cylindrical MSIs increased the numbers, lengths, and densities of microcracks, and the total microdamage burden. The same diameter cylindrical and tapered MSIs generated a similar number of cracks and crack lengths. More total microdamage burden was created by the 2.0-mm cylindrical than the 2.0-mm tapered MSIs. Although higher crack densities were produced by the insertion of 1.6-mm tapered MSIs, there was no difference in total microdamage burden induced by 1.6-mm tapered and 1.6-mm cylindrical MSIs. Conclusions:  Pilot drilling is effective in reducing microdamage during insertion of tapered MSIs. To prevent excessive microdamage, large diameter and cylindrical MSIs should be avoided

    Regular dendritic patterns induced by non-local time-periodic forcing

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    The dynamic response of dendritic solidification to spatially homogeneous time-periodic forcing has been studied. Phase-field calculations performed in two dimensions (2D) and experiments on thin (quasi 2D) liquid crystal layers show that the frequency of dendritic side-branching can be tuned by oscillatory pressure or heating. The sensitivity of this phenomenon to the relevant parameters, the frequency and amplitude of the modulation, the initial undercooling and the anisotropies of the interfacial free energy and molecule attachment kinetics, has been explored. It has been demonstrated that besides the side-branching mode synchronous with external forcing as emerging from the linear Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin analysis, modes that oscillate with higher harmonic frequencies are also present with perceptible amplitudes.Comment: 15 pages, 23 figures, Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Small ball probability, Inverse theorems, and applications

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    Let ξ\xi be a real random variable with mean zero and variance one and A=a1,...,anA={a_1,...,a_n} be a multi-set in Rd\R^d. The random sum SA:=a1ξ1+...+anξnS_A := a_1 \xi_1 + ... + a_n \xi_n where ξi\xi_i are iid copies of ξ\xi is of fundamental importance in probability and its applications. We discuss the small ball problem, the aim of which is to estimate the maximum probability that SAS_A belongs to a ball with given small radius, following the discovery made by Littlewood-Offord and Erdos almost 70 years ago. We will mainly focus on recent developments that characterize the structure of those sets AA where the small ball probability is relatively large. Applications of these results include full solutions or significant progresses of many open problems in different areas.Comment: 47 page

    Preliminary finite element analysis of the stainless-steel liner of the maintainable test cell concept of IFMIF-DONES

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    The main purpose of IFMIF-DONES facility is to provide a neutron source for irradiating small specimens and producing experimental data of material properties for the construction of DEMO fusion power plant. The Test Cell (TC) of the DONES is a confined and well-shielded room, where the strong irradiation environment is created. The biological shielding of the TC mainly consists of several meters thick concrete walls and shielding plugs, and a stainless-steel liner. The TC liner and the concrete walls are actively cooled by water because of the high volumetric heating coming from nuclear reactions. Although, the TC is designed to be fully functional for the complete life span of the facility, still there is a very low probability of defect of the TC biological shielding due to their exposure of intense neutron and gamma irradiation. Therefore, the original TC configuration, which was a monolithic approach, had to be revised. Due to this reason, at the end of 2019 the project team has changed the TC concept from the monolithic design to the so-called Maintainable TC Concept (MTCC) design, which allows a maintenance possibility in case of unexpected damage

    Optical, magnetic and dielectric properties of non-liquid crystalline elastomers doped with magnetic colloids

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    Magnetic nanoparticles from magnetic colloidal suspensions were incorporated in the urethane/urea elastomer (PU/PBDO) by swelling fully crosslinked elastomer samples with a toluene and ferro ‡uid mixture. It is shown that ferro ‡uid grains can be e¢ ciently incorporated into the matrix of elastomers. The dependence of the birefringence of both the pure and ferro ‡uid-doped elastomer samples on strain is linear. The ratio of birefringence to strain of the ferro ‡uid-doped samples is greater than that of the pure elastomer samples, indicating that ferro ‡uid grains are oriented by the strained polymer network. We propose that this is strain-induced orientation is due to the shape anisotropy of the nanoparticles