53 research outputs found

    Addressing the needs of international students: a case from a russian university

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    Introduction The study addresses the needs of university educators in alternative, more efficient teaching techniques supported by the psychological approach.Method The introduced method of fairy tale writing, based on the potential of Russian traditional fairy tales, encourages critical thinking, and enhances the problem solving process in the context of international students’ identification with an imaginary personality. The defense mechanisms unconsciously applied in the frame of an individual’s narration assist in interpreting their emotional state and psychological adaptation levels at a certain point in time.Results The complexity of the adjustment process should be scrupulously considered, as the nature of individually applied defense mechanisms is dependent on the culture and contextually relevant. Fairy tale therapy gives international students a chance to negotiate identity in writing and acquire positive feelings of attachment and belonging. Instructors benefit from “hearing out” and learning about the students who, in the traditional educational setting, would reveal shyness associated with some cultural predisposition (China, Japan, and Korea).Discussion The timely changed class instruction style and more person-centered approach can modify the situational adaptation outcomes, and long-duration observation can provide aclearer picture of identity transition. Arrangements should be made to adequately shift emotional discontent at the critical point, and this is a task for both the local university administration and the national legislative body. The theoretical prerequisite of universalism of human emotions enables the educators to perceive the coded message in the narrators’ ‘voices’ and become mediators between international students and university administration.Keywords: defense mechanisms, emotional state, psychological adaptation, Russian fairy tales, universal semantic primitive

    Formation of personality pathology in servicemen participating in local warfare and military conflicts at time of peace

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    Studies of the specifics of conditions and mechanisms of formation of personality pathology in servicemen participating in local warfare and military conflicts at the time of peace are based on the material of modern transformations of traditional military discourse, social psychological and personality estimations of “victory" and "defeat" in military campaigns. In particular, a pathological loss of temporal perspective and real time, psychotization of behavior in personal and family relations can be assessed as manifestation of personality pathology of Afghanistan and Chechnya veterans whose terms of service ended from 10 to 20 years ago.На материале современных трансформаций традиционного военного дискурса, социально-психологической и личностной оценки «победы» и «поражения» в военных кампаниях, исследуется специфика условий и механизмы формирования личностной патологии у военнослужащих, участвующих в локальных войнах и боевых конфликтах в мирное время. В частности, выявлена патологическая утрата временной перспективы и реального времени, психотизация поведения в межличностных коммуникациях и в семье, которые можно расценивать как проявление личностной патологии у ветеранов Афганистана и Чечни, закончивших службу в армии 10-20 лет назад

    Improved reference genome for the domestic horse increases assembly contiguity and composition

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    Recent advances in genomic sequencing technology and computational assembly methods have allowed scientists to improve reference genome assemblies in terms of contiguity and composition. EquCab2, a reference genome for the domestic horse, was released in 2007. Although of equal or better quality compared to other first-generation Sanger assemblies, it had many of the shortcomings common to them. In 2014, the equine genomics research community began a project to improve the reference sequence for the horse, building upon the solid foundation of EquCab2 and incorporating new short-read data, long-read data, and proximity ligation data. Here, we present EquCab3. The count of non-N bases in the incorporated chromosomes is improved from 2.33 Gb in EquCab2 to 2.41 Gb in EquCab3. Contiguity has also been improved nearly 40-fold with a contig N50 of 4.5 Mb and scaffold contiguity enhanced to where all but one of the 32 chromosomes is comprised of a single scaffold

    Isostatic Hot Pressed W–Cu Composites with Nanosized Grain Boundaries: Microstructure, Structure and Radiation Shielding Efficiency against Gamma Rays

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    Abstract: The W–Cu composites with nanosized grain boundaries and high effective density were fabricated using a new fast isostatic hot pressing method. A significantly faster method was proposed for the formation of W–Cu composites in comparison to the traditional ones. The influence of both the high temperature and pressure conditions on the microstructure, structure, chemical composition, and density values were observed. It has been shown that W–Cu samples have a polycrystalline well-packed microstructure. The copper performs the function of a matrix that surrounds the tungsten grains. The W–Cu composites have mixed bcc-W (sp. gr. Im 3 m) and fcc-Cu (sp. gr. Fm 3 m) phases. The W crystallite sizes vary from 107 to 175 nm depending on the sintering conditions. The optimal sintering regimes of the W–Cu composites with the highest density value of 16.37 g/cm3 were determined. Tungsten–copper composites with thicknesses of 0.06–0.27 cm have been fabricated for the radiation protection efficiency investigation against gamma rays. It has been shown that W–Cu samples have a high shielding efficiency from gamma radiation in the 0.276–1.25 MeV range of energies, which makes them excellent candidates as materials for radiation protection. © 2022 by the authorsLicensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka: 075-15-2020-926Funding: M.V.S. acknowledges financial support from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation within the framework of state support for the creation and development of World-Class Research Centers “Digital Biodesign and Personalized Healthcare” No. 075-15-2020-926


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    The materials of the long-studies among the employees working in the aircraft industry, of both the patients with occupational diseases and the practically healthy persons are discussed in the paper. Using the method of the biological feedback for the vibration-induced disease prevention has been grounded. The preliminary results of the experimental studies using the animals are presented in this paper


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    In experiments on rats (290 animals ) exposed to chronic γ-radiation in the total dose of 10.0 Gy it was detected that prescription of synthetic pharmaceutical of the dihydropyridine class-glutapyrone-together with drinking water during 6 months reduced the rate of malignant neoplasms from 26,5% in the control group to 13% in the treated animals. In radiation-exposed rats that received glutapyrone there was a narrowing of spectrum of the emerged neoplasms (connectively-tissual tumors only) as compared to the animals of the radiated control group, where blastomas of epithelium and lymphoid origin were also revealed. Low toxicity of glutapyrone and its anticarcinogenic action show the possibility of practical application of preparation for prevention radiation carcinogenesis.  В опыте на 290 крысах линии Вистар, подвергнутых хроническому гамма-облучению в дозе 10 Гр, показано, что назначение животным с питьевой водой препарата из класса дигидропиридинов глутапирона в течение 6 мес. снижает выход злокачественных новообразований с 26,5% в контроле до 13% в опыте. У облученных крыс, получавших глутапирон, были диагностированы только соединительнотканные опухоли, у контрольных животных – также и опухоли эпителиального и лимфоидного происхождения. Антиканцерогенная активность глутапирона и его низкая токсичность свидетельствуют о возможности практического применения препарата для профилактики радиационного канцерогенеза

    Компьютерная томография высокого разрешения в диагностике патологии легких при дисплазии соединительной ткани

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    Summary. This article presents results of examination of 50 young patients with connective tissue dysplasia not having any acute or chronic respiratory disease. All patients underwent inspiratory and expiratory helical CT with density gradient determination in different parts of the lungs. Typical CT findings were subpleural apical bullae and bleby (16 %), peribronchial fibrosis (40 %), local fibrosis (18 %), plevroapikal spikes (62 %), emphysema (4 %), air traps (18 %). The density gradient between exhalation and inhalation was reduced in the upper and lower lobes of the lungs.Резюме. В статье представлены результаты обследования 50 лиц молодого возраста с признаками дисплазии соединительной ткани, не имеющих острой или хронической бронхолегочной патологии. Всем пациентам выполнена инспираторно-экспираторная мультиспиральная компьютерная томография (КТ) органов грудной клетки с определением градиента денситометрических показателей в различных отделах легких. Типичными КТ-находками явились субплевральные апикальные буллы и блебы (16 %), перибронхиальный фиброз (40 %), локальный фиброз (18 %), плевроапикальные спайки (62 %), участки центриацинарной эмфиземы (4 %), воздушные ловушки (18 %). Выявлены особенности изменения градиента плотности легочной ткани в виде относительного снижения в верхних и нижних отделах легких