29 research outputs found

    Environmental literacy – as a way of dealing with greenwashing

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    Статья посвящена проблеме повышения экологической грамотности поселения России. Представлена информация о наиболее авторитетных экологических знаках, описана возможность оценить экологическую маркировку продукции с помощью мобильного приложения «Ecolabel Guide».The article is devoted to the problem of increasing ecological literacy of the Russian settlement. Presents information on the most reputable environmental marks, described the ability to assess the environmental labeling of products using a mobile app «Ecolabel Guide»

    Efficiency Assessment of Using Flammable Compounds from Water Treatment and Methanol Production Waste for Plasma Synthesis of Iron-Containing Pigments

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    This article describes the possibility of applying the low-temperature plasma for obtaining iron-containing pigments from water purification and flammable methanol production waste. In this paper were calculated combustion parameters of water-saltorganic compositions (WSOC) with different consists. Authors determined the modes of energy- efficient processing of the previously mentioned waste in an air plasma. Having considered the obtained results there were carried out experiments with flammable dispersed water-saltorganic compositions on laboratory plasma stand. All the experimental results are confirmed by calculations

    Structure of the Nucleotide Radical Formed during Reaction of CDP/TTP with the E441Q-α2β2 of E. coli Ribonucleotide Reductase

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    The Escherichia coli ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) catalyzes the conversion of nucleoside diphosphates to deoxynucleotides and requires a diferric-tyrosyl radical cofactor for catalysis. RNR is composed of a 1:1 complex of two homodimeric subunits: α and β. Incubation of the E441Q-α mutant RNR with substrate CDP and allosteric effector TTP results in loss of the tyrosyl radical and formation of two new radicals on the 200 ms to min time scale. The first radical was previously established by stopped flow UV/vis spectroscopy and pulsed high field EPR spectroscopy to be a disulfide radical anion. The second radical was proposed to be a 4′-radical of a 3′-keto-2′-deoxycytidine 5′-diphosphate. To identify the structure of the nucleotide radical [1′-[superscript 2]H], [2′-[superscript 2]H], [4′-[superscript 2]H], [5′-[superscript 2]H], [U−[superscript 13]C, [superscript 15]N], [U−[superscript 15]N], and [5,6 -[superscript 2]H] CDP and [β-[superscript 2]H] cysteine-α were synthesized and incubated with E441Q-α2β2 and TTP. The nucleotide radical was examined by 9 GHz and 140 GHz pulsed EPR spectroscopy and 35 GHz ENDOR spectroscopy. Substitution of [superscript 2]H at C4′ and C1′ altered the observed hyperfine interactions of the nucleotide radical and established that the observed structure was not that predicted. DFT calculations (B3LYP/IGLO-III/B3LYP/TZVP) were carried out in an effort to recapitulate the spectroscopic observations and lead to a new structure consistent with all of the experimental data. The results indicate, unexpectedly, that the radical is a semidione nucleotide radical of cytidine 5′-diphosphate. The relationship of this radical to the disulfide radical anion is discussed.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (GM29595)(EB002804)(EB002026


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    In our study, we evaluate the accuracy of joint unsupervised learning for segmentation problems in a wide area of biomedical applications


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    Conversion of the incurable disease in the chronic form and improvement of the life quality parameters on the background of appearance of new drugs is of specific importance for patients with NSCLC with activating mutations. “ESMO thinks that treatment of patients with wide-spread and incurable cancer forms a greater share of the oncologists work… and for these patients the quality of life is of chief importance irrespective of its duration. Use of high-precision targeted anti- EGFR therapy allows considerably improving the quality of life of oncologic patients with non-small pulmonary carcinoma with activating mutations