3,238 research outputs found

    The effect of chine tires on nose gear water-spray characteristics of a twin engine airplane

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    An experimental investigation was performed to evaluate the effectiveness of nose gear chine tires in eliminating or minimizing the engine spray ingestion problem encountered on several occasions by the Merlin 4, a twin-engine propjet airplane. A study of the photographic and television coverage indicated that under similar test conditions the spray from the chine tires presented less of a potential engine spray ingestion problem than the conventional tires. Neither tire configuration appeared to pose any ingestion problem at aircraft speeds in excess of the hydroplaning speed for each tire, however, significant differences were noted in the spray patterns of the two sets of tires at sub-hydroplaning speeds. At sub-hydroplaning speeds, the conventional tires produced substantial spray above the wing which approached the general area of the engine air inlet at lower test speeds. The chine tires produced two distinct spray plumes at sub-hydroplaning speeds: one low-level plume which presented no apparent threat of ingestion, and one which at most test speeds was observed to be below the wing leading edge and thus displaced from the intakes on the engine nacelle

    Charging and Subsequent Dissipation of a Rover Wheel in the Lunar Polar Regions

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    As a roving vehicle moves along the lunar surface, electric charge will build up through tribo-charging. This charge collected by the roving object will have a dissipative path to either the surface or the ambient plasma, depending upon which path is most conductive. At the lunar terminator region and into nightside regions, the surface is very cold and becomes a very poor conductor. leaving the plasma as the dominant remediating current for dissipation. However, within lunar craters, even plasma currents become substantially reduced which then greatly increases electric 'dissipation times, This work will involve the advancement of the stepping astronaut charge model, by considering the charging and plasma dissipation of a rolling rover wheel, The objective of this work is to determine the nature of charging and discharging for a rover wheel as it rolls along the cold, plasma-starved lunar polar regions. The rotating wheel accumulates charge via contact electrification (tribo-charging) with the lunar regolith. This tribo-charging is dependent on the composition of the objects in contact, with insulators and conductors charging differently. Given the environmental plasma in the region, we then determine the dissipation time for the wheel to bleed off its excess charge into the surrounding plasma. A model of the rover wheel rotating continuously over a surface regolith within a polar crater has been applied. The environmental plasma has been described previously. We define a new tribo-charging term specifically for the rotating system, with charge levels defined as a function of the wheel size, area in contact with the regolith, regolith particle size distribution, as well as the velocity at which the wheel is turning. We recognize that as charged dust accumulates and sticks to the wheel, this behaves effectively as a new current. Hence, the overall charging of the system should no longer vary linearly. and begin to show signs of saturation, We are devising a dust current term to model this charge-limiting effect, and will present the results in discussion

    Deep dielectric charging of regolith within the Moon\u27s permanently shadowed regions

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    Abstract Energetic charged particles, such as galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) and solar energetic particles (SEPs), can penetrate deep within the lunar surface, resulting in deep dielectric charging. This charging process depends on the GCR and SEP currents, as well as on the regolith\u27s electrical conductivity and permittivity. In permanently shadowed regions (PSRs) near the lunar poles, the discharging timescales are on the order of a lunation (∼20 days). We present the first predictions for deep dielectric charging of lunar regolith. To estimate the resulting subsurface electric fields, we develop a data-driven, one-dimensional, time-dependent model. For model inputs, we use GCR data from the Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation on board the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and SEP data from the Electron, Proton, and Alpha Monitor on the Advanced Composition Explorer. We find that during the recent solar minimum, GCRs create persistent electric fields up to ∼700 V/m. We also find that large SEP events create transient but strong electric fields (≥106 V/m) that may induce dielectric breakdown. Such breakdown would likely result in significant modifications to the physical and chemical properties of the lunar regolith within PSRs. Key Points Energetic charged particles deep dielectrically charge the lunar regolithWe model the resulting subsurface electric fieldsThe electric fields may be great enough to induce dielectric breakdown


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    Ringing After a High-Energy Collision: Ambipolar Oscillations During Impact Plasma Expansion

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    High-velocity impacts on the Moon and other airless bodies deliver energy and material to the lunar surface and exosphere. The target and i mpactor material may become vaporized and ionized to form a collision al plasma that expands outward and eventually becomes collisionless. In the present work, kinetic simulations of the later collision less stage of impact plasma expansion are performed. Attention is paid to characterizing "ambipolar oscillations" in which thermodynamic distur bances propagate outward to generate "ringing" within the expanding e lectron cloud, which could radiate an electromagnetic signature of lo cal plasma conditions. The process is not unlike a beam-plasma intera ction, with the perturbing electron population in the present case ac ting as a highly thermal "beam" that resonates along the expanding de nsity gradient. Understanding the electromagnetic aspects of impact p lasma expansion could provide insight into the lasting effects of nat ural, impact-generated currents on airless surfaces and charging haza rds to human exploration infrastructure and instrumentation

    Lunar Surface Potential Changes Possible Associated with Traversals of the Bow Shock

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    We report an analysis of seven Apollo 14 Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP) Suprathermal Ion Detector Experiment (SIDE) "resonance" events from January 1972 through January 1973. The events appear to be associated with traversals of the Moon through the terrestrial bow shock

    Lunar Crater Mini-Wakes: Structure, Variability, and Volatiles

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    Within a permanently shadowed lunar crater the horizontal flow of solar wind is obstructed by upstream topography, forming a regional plasma mini-wake. In the present work kinetic simulations are utilized to investigate how the most prominent structural aspects of a crater mini-wake are modulated during passage of a solar storm. In addition, the simulated particle fluxes are coupled into an equivalent-circuit model of a roving astronaut,. including triboelectric charging due to frictional contact with the lunar regolith, to characterize charging of the astronaut suit during the various stages of the storm. In some cases, triboelectric charging of the astronaut suit becomes effectively perpetual, representing a critical engineering concern for roving within shadowed lunar regions. Finally, the present results suggest that wake structure plays a critical role in modulating the spatial distribution of volatiles at the lunar poles

    The Enigma of Lunar Dust Transport

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    We will review the highly contrasting points of view regarding the ability of fine dust grains to become transported in the near-space lunar environment. While Surveyor and Apollo camera images suggest the presence of a horizon glow that has been provocatively interpreted as levitated and/or lofted dust, there is contrasting geological evidence to indicate that surface regolith has not been moved in a substantial way. While electric forces have been suggested as a driver for grain dynamics, recent detailed modeling of near-surface non-monotonic potentials would suggest grains could not get to large heights. While lofting models require submicron grains to hold/contain 100's of elementary charges, it can be shown analytical1y that a grain residing on a flat surface would have an extremely low probability of having even a single electron on its surface, Can these diametrically opposing viewpoints be reconciled? We will review the pros and cons on both sides. and suggest that the UVS and LDEX instrument on LADEE will provide key new insights on dust transport at the Moon

    Plasma Wake Simulations and Object Charging in a Shadowed Lunar Crater During a Solar Storm

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    Within a permanently shadowed lunar crater the horizontal flow of solar wind is obstructed by upstream topography, forming a plasma wake that electrostatically diverts ions toward the crater floor and generates a surface potential that can reach kilovolts. In the present work kinetic plasma simulations are employed to investigate the morphology of a lunar crater wake during passage of a solar storm. Results are cast in terms of leading dimensionless ratios including the ion Mach number, ratio of crater depth to plasma Debye length, peak secondary electron yield, and electron temperature vs. electron impact energy at peak secondary yield. This small set of ratios allows generalization to a much wider range of scenarios. The kinetic simulation results are fed forward into an equivalent-circuit model of a roving astronaut. In very low-plasma-current environments triboelectric charging of the astronaut suit becomes effectively perpetual, representing a critical engineering concern for roving within shadowed lunar regions. Finally, simulated ion fluxes are used to explore sputtering and implantation processes within an idealized crater. It is suggested that the physics of plasma mini-wakes formed in the vicinity of permanently shadowed topography may play a critical role in modulating the enigmatic spatial distribution of volatiles at the lunar poles
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