62 research outputs found

    “The paradox of plenty” or learning informal relations in the field of using natural resources

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    © 2016 Taylor & Francis Group, London.The experience of many countries shows that their mineral supply has an ambiguous effect on the level and dynamics of economic development and, ultimately, on its international competitiveness. This article discusses the relationship between the exploitation of natural resources and the presence of a corrupt economy through the example of some oil-rich countries—Nigeria, Iraq, and Venezuela

    Interactions between Aquatic Plants and Cyanobacterial Blooms in Freshwater Reservoir Ecosystems

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    Climate change and nutrient pollution are echoed by worldwide increasing trends in the frequency, duration, and toxicity of cyanobacterial (blue-green algal) blooms. Therefore, searching for the best options to mitigate blooms is relevant and timely. Aquatic vascular plants offer a promising solution through biological control. In this study, we use reservoirs regularly affected by intensive blooms (the Kyiv and Kaniv Reservoirs of the Dnipro River, Ukraine) to investigate whether macrophytes may inhibit or reduce the massive development of cyanobacteria. Special attention was paid to plants with floating leaves and free-floating plants since data on their effects on cyanobacteria are controversial. On the basis of field and satellite observations, the spatial distribution of cyanobacterial blooms and aquatic macrophyte patches was assessed. Multispectral images captured by satellites Sentinel-2a (S2A) and Sentinel-2b (S2B) were used. In addition, based on data from field observations, a comparative analysis of phytoplankton and physical and chemical parameters between areas of the reservoirs overgrown and not overgrown by macrophytes was carried out. The obtained results indicate that in macrophyte patches phytoplankton structure differed from that observed in open waters. However, in areas of reservoirs dominated by floating-leaf plants or free-floating plants, a significant decrease in phytoplanktic or cyanobacterial biomass was not observed. This is most likely due to the fact that these macrophytes did not reduce the concentration of biogenic substances to a level that would limit cyanobacterial growth. On the contrary, intensive overgrowth of floating-leaf plants (in particular, Trapa natans) along the river sections of the reservoirs, as well as other factors, contributed to nitrogen and phosphorus enrichment. Therefore, in the face of relevant nutrient supply, these ecological groups of macrophytes (floating-leaf plants and free-floating plants) have not shown statistically significant effectiveness in controlling the process of cyanobacterial blooms in reservoir ecosystems

    Modeling of genetic processes underlying the development of resistance to fipronil in the Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say)

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    The main method of pest control is by applying chemical insecticides. The efficacy of insecticides is reduced due to the development of resistance by pest populations. This is an especially important problem with the Colorado potato beetle. There are different strategies for the use of insecticides to slow the development of resistance. Based on long lasing research, we propose a hypothesis about delaying the development of resistance by applying insecticides at low doses. To test this hypothesis, we have built predictive discrete genetic models of resistance in Colorado potato beetle populations. The model based on the classical equations of population genetics has been supplemented by various factors. Calculations of the survival rates of Colorado potato beetle individuals were carried out taking into account the statistical regularities of the distribution of the toxic substance after treatment by insecticides. We have calculated the survival rates of different genotypes using a lognormal distribution after changing the insecticide dose two-fold or more. The factor of differentiated mortality during the winter was additionally introduced into the model. The use of phenetic markers of nonspecific resistance to environmental factors allowed us to compute the model with mediated intergenic interactions. Various hypotheses about strategies in overcoming resistance have been tested using this model. Calculations demonstrated that the use of insecticides at minimum effective doses (low dose) leads to a slower increase in the proportion of resistant individuals in populations of the Colorado potato beetle for two seasons. Resistance develops much more slowly following alternate treatment with insecticides from different chemical classes. The best strategy is through off-season treatment with insecticides of different chemical classes at lower doses


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    Modulatory effects of three probiotic bacterial strains (Lactobacillus rhamnosus K32 (L), Bifidobacterium longum GT15 (B, Enterococcus faecium L-3 (E) on expression level and contents of key cytokines were studied using PCR techniques with reverse transcription, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Both cell cultures and an experimental model of intestinal dysbiosis were used in this study.The genes encoding bacteriocins, surface membrane component, pili and exopolysaccharides involved in host immune system modulation were previously identified in the B and Ebacterial strains.Investigation of probiotic strains and effects of their supernatants expression of cytokines in cell cultures of promonocyte origin (HTP-1) showed increased expression of TNFα, due to E and L supernatants. Moreover, the Bl culture induced IL-8 and IL-10 expression.In a model of Wistar rats with ampicillinand metronidazole-induced intestinal dysbiosis corrected with probiotics we have shown that the dysbiosis was accompanied by sufficient alterations in microbiota composition (Klebsiella spp. overgrowth and low contents of Faecalobacterium prausnitzii) that were observed only in the animals untreated with probiotics (control), or after administration of L.In contrast to these results, the animals treated with E and B, the following changes were revealed: 1) low expression of proinflammatory cytokines IL-8, TNFα, MCP-1 inmesenteric lymph nodes and appropriate changes of their serum contents, 2) increased serum content of the anti-inflammatory TGFβ cytokine. Hence, the present study, having used two complementary models, has detected some individual features of immune modulation produced by the probiotictic strains of L. rhamnosus K32, B. longum GT15 и E. faecium L-3 which exert differential effects upon the intestinal microbiota

    Lifespan extension without fertility reduction following dietary addition of the autophagy activator Torin1 in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Autophagy is a highly conserved mechanism for cellular repair that becomes progressively down-regulated during normal ageing. Hence, manipulations that activate autophagy could increase lifespan. Previous reports show that manipulations to the autophagy pathway can result in longevity extension in yeast, flies, worms and mammals. Under standard nutrition, autophagy is inhibited by the nutrient sensing kinase Target of Rapamycin (TOR). Therefore, manipulations of TOR that increase autophagy may offer a mechanism for extending lifespan. Ideally, such manipulations should be specific and minimise off-target effects, and it is important to discover additional methods for ‘clean’ lifespan manipulation. Here we report an initial study into the effect of up-regulating autophagy on lifespan and fertility in Drosophila melanogaster by dietary addition of Torin1. Activation of autophagy using this selective TOR inhibitor was associated with significantly increased lifespan in both sexes. Torin1 induced a dose-dependent increase in lifespan in once-mated females. There was no evidence of a trade-off between longevity and fecundity or fertility. Torin1-fed females exhibited significantly elevated fecundity, but also elevated egg infertility, resulting in no net change in overall fertility. This supports the idea that lifespan can be extended without trade-offs in fertility and suggest that Torin1 may be a useful tool with which to pursue anti-ageing research


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    Radon from natural and anthropogenic radiation sources contributes significantly to the public exposure. For that reason, systematic radon monitoring is carried out in Belarus. The main source of radon in the air of premises is its emanation from the geological space under the buildings. The results of radon monitoring in 665 premises in 21 settlements of Vitebsk region are presented. The parameters investigated were: radon volumetric activity in the air of home accommodations and industrial premises (ОАRn), radon equivalent equilibrium volumetric activity and annual effective dose of public exposure due to radon-222 and its progenies (ERn). The excess values of radon volumetric activity in relation to the statutory criteria (200 Bq/m3 ) have been detected for 18 premises (2.7 %). Among them 16 are living accommodation and 2 are industrial premises. The weighted average annual effective dose of public exposure due to radon and its progenies in Vitebsk region is 4.5 mSv per year. Its value for Polatsk district is 2 mSv per year and 7.6 mSv per year – for Glubokae district. Maximum of the weighted average annual effective dose is reported for Garadok dictrict and it makes 32.4 mSv per year. The population exposure to radon and its progenies is the main dose forming factor in comparison with other natural and anthropogenic radiation sources, including exposure from Chernobyl radionuclides.Проведение систематических радонометрических исследований на территории Беларуси обусловлено значительным вкладом радона в облучение населения от природных и техногенных источников ионизирующего излучения. При этом основным источником поступления радона в воздух зданий является геологическое пространство под зданиями. Представлены данные, полученные при проведении мониторинга на территории 21 административного района Витебской области: объемная активность радона в воздухе жилых и административных зданий (ОАRn), эквивалентная равновесная объемная активность радона и годовая эффективная доза облучения населения (ERn), обусловленная радоном и дочерними продуктами его распада (ДПР). Общее количество обследованных помещений составило 665. Превышение нормируемого законодательством Республики Беларусь значения ЭРОАRn (200 Бк/м3 ) наблюдалось в 18 помещениях (2,7%), среди которых 16 – жилые дома, 2 – административные здания. Средневзвешенная годовая эффективная доза облучения населения Витебской области, обусловленная радоном и его ДПР, составляет 4,5 мЗв/год, при вариации в отдельных районах от 2 (Полоцкий район) до 7,6 мЗв/год (Глубокский район). Наибольшее значение ЕRn, равное 32,4 мЗв/год, наблюдается в административном помещении Городокского района. Показано, что облучение населения Витебской области радоном и его ДПР является основным дозообразующим фактором по сравнению со всеми остальными компонентами природного и техногенного радиоактивных излучений, включая облучение от чернобыльских радионуклидов.


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    Presented are the order and features of organization of operative diagnostic and monitoring studies of the material during the anthrax outbreak in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District in 2016. Characterized are the main directions of the laboratory base work. Represented are the results of laboratory studies of various materials (clinical samples, material from animals, samples of environmental objects) for the presence of Bacillus anthracis

    Combined changes in Wnt signalling response and contact inhibition induce altered proliferation in radiation treated intestinal crypts

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    Curative intervention is possible if colorectal cancer is identified early, underscoring the need to detect the earliest stages of malignant transformation. A candidate biomarker is the expanded proliferative zone observed in crypts before adenoma formation, also found in irradiated crypts. However, the underlying driving mechanism for this is not known. Wnt signaling is a key regulator of proliferation, and elevated Wnt signaling is implicated in cancer. Nonetheless, how cells differentiate Wnt signals of varying strengths is not understood. We use computational modeling to compare alternative hypotheses about how Wnt signaling and contact inhibition affect proliferation. Direct comparison of simulations with published experimental data revealed that the model that best reproduces proliferation patterns in normal crypts stipulates that proliferative fate and cell cycle duration are set by the Wnt stimulus experienced at birth. The model also showed that the broadened proliferation zone induced by tumorigenic radiation can be attributed to cells responding to lower Wnt concentrations and dividing at smaller volumes. Application of the model to data from irradiated crypts after an extended recovery period permitted deductions about the extent of the initial insult. Application of computational modeling to experimental data revealed how mechanisms that control cell dynamics are altered at the earliest stages of carcinogenesis

    Концентрация радона в воздухе помещений Витебской, Могилевской и Гомельской областей Беларуси и оценка дозы облучения населения радоном

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    The summarized data on indoor radon concentrations and estimated effective radon doses in the Vitebsk, Mogilev and Gomel regions of Belarus are presented. The passive track detector method was used to carry out the indoor radon monitoring. The measurement results are summarized in the geoinformation database. The map of the annual radon equivalent equilibrium concentrations distribution in administrative districts was created. The analysis of the results revealed that in 2.3, 1.3 and 0.4 % of dwelling of the Vitebsk, Mogilev and Gomel region correspondingly, the indoor radon equivalent equilibrium concentration exceeded the regulatory established limit of 200 Bq/m3. For effective planning of further radon monitoring, maps of absolute and relative number of measurements per administrative district were built. The calculated effective radon doses for the population and comparison to those from the “Chernobyl” radionuclides showed that radon is the main contributor to the public exposure.В работе представлены систематизированные данные о концентрации радона в воздухе помещений на территории Витебской, Могилевской и Гомельской областей Беларуси и проведена оценка вклада радона в годовую эффективную дозу облучения населения данных областей. Исследования проводились с использованием интегрального метода пассивной трековой радиометрии c применением твердотельных трековых детекторов альфа-частиц. По результатам измерений объемной активности радона актуализирована геоинформационная база данных и построена карта распределения значений среднегодовой эквивалентной равновесной объемной активности радона в воздухе помещений на территории Витебской, Могилевской и Гомельской областей. Анализ полученных результатов выявил 2,3, 1,3 и 0,4 % зданий соответственно в Витебской, Могилевской и Гомельской областях, в которых превышен нормируемый в Республике Беларусь уровень среднегодовой эквивалентной равновесной объемной активности радона в 200 Бк/м3. Для эффективного планирования дальнейших исследований построены карты распределения количества измерений по административным районам исследуемых областей. Анализ значений средних эффективных доз облучения населения «чернобыльскими» радионуклидами и радоном показал, что основной вклад в облучение населения Витебской, Могилевской и Гомельской областей вносит радон

    Resistance to cancer chemotherapy: failure in drug response from ADME to P-gp

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