143 research outputs found

    Basket-Method as One of the Ways to Form the Functional Literacy of the Pupils at the English Lessons

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    Представлена практика применения баскет-метода в процессе обучению английскому языку.The article describes the way how to use basket-method in the process of teaching of the English language

    Ground Beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) Assemblages Features Formation in Large and Medium Industrial Cities of Russia (The Case Study in Kazan, Kemerovo and Grozny)

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    The article presents the results of the analysis of the Carabid fauna of three cities: Grozny, Kemerovo, Kazan. It was established that communities of ground beetles clearly respond to varying degrees of recreation by changing the biotopic distribution and ecological structure: the emergence of super dominant species, a decrease in the abundance of zoophages, an increase in the share of stratobionts, and the presence of indicator species

    Spotted fever group rickettsiae in ticks collected from wild animals in Israel

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    We report molecular evidence for the presence of spotted fever group rickettsiae (SFGR) in ticks collected from roe deer, addax, red foxes, and wild boars in Israel. Rickettsia aeschlimannii was detected in Hyalomma marginatum and Hyalomma detritum while Rickettsia massiliae was present in Rhipicephalus turanicus ticks. Furthermore, a novel uncultured SFGR was detected in Haemaphysalis adleri and Haemaphysalis parva ticks from golden jackals. The pathogenicity of the novel SFGR for humans is unknown; however, the presence of multiple SFGR agents should be considered when serological surveillance data from Israel are interpreted because of significant antigenic cross-reactivity among Rickettsia. The epidemiology and ecology of SFGR in Israel appear to be more complicated than was previously believed. Copyright © 2011 by The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene


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    The article reveals the features of sports training in Sambo, taking into account the gender characteristics of athletes. Issues of gender approach in training athletes in Sambo are relevant and require immediate solutions.В статье раскрываются особенности спортивной подготовки в самбо с учетом гендерных особенностей спортсменов. Вопросы гендерного подхода в подготовке спортсменов в самбо являются актуальными и требуют незамедлительного решения

    Preserving the Memory of the Great Patriotic War: Regional Practices (1941–1945)

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    Поступила в редакцию: 11.06.2020. Принята к печати: 22.01.2021.Submitted: 11.06.2020. Accepted: 22.01.2021.Увековечивание подвига советского народа в годы Великой Отечественной войны посредством памятников, музейных экспозиций, художественных произведений насчитывает три четверти века. Стратегии увековечивания на различных этапах определялись устанавливаемыми «сверху» интерпретациями событий и явлений, коммеморативными практиками. В статье на основе анализа ситуации в Краснодарском крае реконструируется начальный этап мемориализации войны, механизмы формирования исторической памяти синхронно происходившим событиям. В качестве источников выступают делопроизводственная документация центральных и местных советских и партийных органов, творческих союзов, учреждений культуры, периодическая печать, мемуары, художественные тексты. Основные направления мемориализации войны соответствовали общесоюзным рекомендациям с учетом региональных особенностей. Эта работа в большей степени развернулась после освобождения края в 1943 г. Актуализировались боевые и трудовые подвиги кубанцев. Специально выделялись заслуги казачьих формирований. Информация о фактах коллаборационизма минимизировалась. Сопротивление фашизму в период оккупации Кубани было представлено партизанской темой. «Визитной карточкой» региона выступали оперативно изданные и тиражируемые в стране и за рубежом книги командира партизанского отряда П. К. Игнатова. Подвиги его погибших сыновей, Героев Советского Союза, стали хрестоматийным примером. Формировались мемориальные пространства, система учета военных памятников, картинная галерея героев, художественная летопись войны, основу которой должны были составлять победные сюжеты. Тема текущей войны пополняла репертуар профессиональных и самодеятельных художественных коллективов, экспозиции местных музеев. В календарь праздничных дат включались годовщины освобождения территорий от фашистов. Память о войне отражалась в местной топонимике.The perpetuation of the feat of the Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War through monuments, museum displays, and artistic texts has been going on for three-quarters of a century now. Perpetuation strategies at various stages have been determined by official interpretations of events, processes, and commemorative practices. Referring to the analysis of the situation in Krasnodar Krai, this article reconstructs the initial stage of war commemoration and the mechanisms of historical memory production that were formed synchronously with the events of 1941–1945. The sources for the reconstruction are various documents of central and local Soviet bodies and the Communist party, creative unions, cultural institutions, periodicals, memoirs, and artistic texts. The main directions of the war commemoration were the combination of all-Union recommendations as well as regional peculiarities. The work was developed mainly after the liberation of the region in 1943. Military and labour exploits of the Kuban population were actualised. The merits of the Cossack formations were specially highlighted, while information about the facts of collaboration was minimised. Resistance to fascism during the occupation of Kuban was represented by the partisan theme. The main print source of the partisan movement in the region was the books by P. K. Ignatov, commander of the partisan detachment, that were promptly published and replicated in the USSR and abroad. The exploits of his dead sons, Heroes of the Soviet Union, became a classic example. Memorial spaces, a system for recording military monuments were formed. The artistic chronicle of the war was created as a set of victorious stories. The theme of the ongoing war was added to the repertoire of professional and amateur art groups, as well as exhibitions of local museums. The calendar of holiday dates included anniversaries of the liberation of territories from the Nazis. The memory of the war was reflected in the local toponyms.Статья подготовлена в рамках выполнения государственного задания Южного филиала ФГБНИУ «Российский научно-исследовательский институт культурного и природного наследия имени Д. С. Лихачева» по теме «Монументальная политика как инструмент сохранения культурной памяти», номер государственной регистрации: АААА-А19-119050790070-1.This article was prepared as part of the state assignment by the Southern Branch of the Russian Research Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage, research topic “Monumental Politics as a Tool for Preserving Cultural Memory”, state registration number: АААА-А19-119050790070-1

    Acute febrile illness is associated with Rickettsia spp infection in dogs

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    BACKGROUND: Rickettsia conorii is transmitted by Rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks and causes Mediterranean Spotted Fever (MSF) in humans. Although dogs are considered the natural host of the vector, the clinical and epidemiological significance of R. conorii infection in dogs remains unclear. The aim of this prospective study was to investigate whether Rickettsia infection causes febrile illness in dogs living in areas endemic for human MSF. METHODS: Dogs from southern Italy with acute fever (n = 99) were compared with case–control dogs with normal body temperatures (n = 72). Serology and real-time PCR were performed for Rickettsia spp., Ehrlichia canis, Anaplasma phagocytophilum/A. platys and Leishmania infantum. Conventional PCR was performed for Babesia spp. and Hepatozoon spp. Acute and convalescent antibodies to R. conorii, E. canis and A. phagocytophilum were determined. RESULTS: The seroprevalence rates at first visit for R. conorii, E. canis, A. phagocytophilum and L. infantum were 44.8%, 48.5%, 37.8% and 17.6%, respectively. The seroconversion rates for R. conorii, E. canis and A. phagocytophilum were 20.7%, 14.3% and 8.8%, respectively. The molecular positive rates at first visit for Rickettsia spp., E. canis, A. phagocytophilum, A. platys, L. infantum, Babesia spp. and Hepatozoon spp. were 1.8%, 4.1%, 0%, 2.3%, 11.1%, 2.3% and 0.6%, respectively. Positive PCR for E. canis (7%), Rickettsia spp. (3%), Babesia spp. (4.0%) and Hepatozoon spp. (1.0%) were found only in febrile dogs. The DNA sequences obtained from Rickettsia and Babesia PCRs positive samples were 100% identical to the R. conorii and Babesia vogeli sequences in GenBank®, respectively. Febrile illness was statistically associated with acute and convalescent positive R. conorii antibodies, seroconversion to R. conorii, E. canis positive PCR, and positivity to any tick pathogen PCRs. Fourteen febrile dogs (31.8%) were diagnosed with Rickettsia spp. infection based on seroconversion and/or PCR while only six afebrile dogs (12.5%) seroconverted (P = 0.0248). The most common clinical findings of dogs with Rickettsia infection diagnosed by seroconversion and/or PCR were fever, myalgia, lameness, elevation of C-reactive protein, thrombocytopenia and hypoalbuminemia. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates acute febrile illness associated with Rickettsia infection in dogs living in endemic areas of human MSF based on seroconversion alone or in combination with PCR


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    The article analyzes the results of using TB-Test technology (Biochip-IMB, Russia) within the diagnostic procedure for testing clinical specimens with the purpose of tuberculosis diagnostics and drug susceptibility testing in Ural Research Institute of Phthisiopulmonology. The use of this test system is feasible if there are at least 102 cells of tuberculous mycobacteria in 1 ml of the specimen, and there is a high level of multiple drug resistance in the region; and within 2-4 days one test allows detecting mutations associated with resistance to main first and second line TB drugs and performing intraspecific typing of mycobacteria, which is needed for epidemiological monitoring and detection of cases with nosocomial superinfection.Проанализированы результаты включения технологии «ТБ-ТЕСТ» («БИОЧИП-ИМБ», Россия) в алгоритм исследования клинического материала для диагностики туберкулеза и определения лекарственной устойчивости возбудителя в Уральском НИИ фтизиопульмонологии. Использование данной тест-системы целесообразно при наличии не менее 102 клеток микобактерий туберкулеза (МБТ) в 1 мл диагностического материала и высоком уровне множественной лекарственной устойчивости возбудителей в регионе и позволяет за один тест в течение 2-4 дней выявить мутации, ассоциированные с устойчивостью МБТ к основным препаратам 1-го и 2-го рядов, а также провести внутривидовое типирование возбудителя, что необходимо в целях эпидемиологического мониторинга и установления случаев нозокомиальной суперинфекции

    Effect of particle properties of powders on the generation and transmission of raman scattering

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    Transmission Raman measurements of a 1 mm thick sulfur-containing disk were made at different positions as it was moved through 4 mm of aspirin (150-212 mu m) or microcrystalline cellulose (Avicel) of different size ranges (<38, 53-106, and 150-212 mu m). The transmission Raman intensity of the sulfur interlayer at 218 cm(-1) was lower when the disk was placed at the top or bottom of the powder bed, compared to positions within the bed and the difference between the sulfur intensity at the outer and inner positions increased with Avicel particle size. Also, the positional intensity difference was smaller for needle-shaped aspirin than for granular Avicel of the same size. The attenuation coefficients for the propagation of the exciting laser and transmitted Raman photons through the individual powders were the same but decreased as the particle size of Avicel increased; also, the attenuation coefficients for propagation through 150-212 mu m aspirin were almost half of those through similar sized Avicel particles. The study has demonstrated that particulate size and type affect transmitted Raman intensities and, consequently, such factors need to be considered in the analysis of powders, especially if particle properties vary between the samples