723 research outputs found

    Histological Studies of Snails at Different Periods of Their Life Activity

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    Large species of terrestrial mollusks are used for human consumption and are bred for this purpose. They have become a part of national cuisine in many countries. Histology is used in many fields of humane and veterinary medicine. Its main essence is that this method can diagnose the presence of formations and inclusions. It is used to determine this process's structure and stage of development. Samples of different tissues can be used as material for histological examination. The specialist analyzes and describes the histological preparations obtained after processing the material. Thus, we proposed a histological method of studying snails. This method can provide the data of snails’ state as a whole. Snails of the species Helix aspersa maxima, Helix aspersa muller, and Helix pomatia were the material for the study. Ten snails of each species were selected for the experiment at different periods: immediately after hibernation, five days after wakening, 14 days after wakening, and at the time of their active life – in July. First, we conducted histological studies of snails during their active life, i.e., in the summer months. Therefore, for this purpose, snails for the experiment were taken in July. It was determined that if the snail eats and has an everyday life, its digestive gland generally consists of digestive tubules separated by intertubular connective tissue containing hemolymphatic sinuses and hemocytes. Thus, in our research, we studied the structure of the digestive gland. A circular muscle layer surrounds each tubule. There are three different cell types in the epithelium lining the tubules of the digestive glands, which differentiate into digestive cells, calcium cells, and excretory cells. Digestive cells are the most numerous cellular component of the tubular epithelium of the digestive gland. Basally located nuclei of digestive cells have a round or oval shape. During the rest period, the digestive gland of snails is characterized by a complete loss of digestive function and the transformation of digestive cells into excretory ones. Metabolic products are not excreted into the environment. When they accumulate, they fill all cavities in the body of snails, namely the lumens of glandular tubules, excretory ducts, stomach, and intestines. Food intake in snails increases the level of metabolism. It stimulates the differentiation of digestive cells, the functional activity of excretory cells, and the volume of excretory products. It leads to the complete liberation of the digestive tract from accumulated excretion products during the rest period. The structure of the digestive gland is completely restored

    Features of snail expertise

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    Snails are a delicacy that people have been eating for centuries. Products made from this meat contain few calories per 100 grams and fill the human body with useful elements. They can be prepared by cooking, namely escargot with various fillings (Burgundy snails, Catalan snails, Asian snails, snails with porcini mushrooms), and also, now a new type of product containing m gastropod mollusks – puffs with snails. If determining the quality and nutritional value of meat, it is necessary to determine indicators, if there is doubt about its suitability, which characterize the chemical composition, freshness, as well as the determination of microbiological contamination. The purpose of this work was to determine the features and practical aspects of examination of gastropod molluscs – snails. The studies highlighted in the scientific publications of Ukrainian scientists are significant, but they relate to the determination of the degree of freshness of snail meat by various methods and the organization of snail farming in various ways. Snails are a delicacy, dietary product of high commercial value and belong to the few types of food products. They are subject to mandatory veterinary and sanitary examination. A special feature of examination of snails is microbiological and bacteriological types of control to establish their general safety. In the course of research, first of all, the organoleptic indicators of molluscs, which reflect their freshness, are determined. Next, they conduct research on the presence of pathogenic microflora, determine the presence of radionuclides, conduct bacteriological research. In addition to the mollusk itself, the water with which they are irrigated, as well as the soil – the permanent habitat of snails – are also examined for the presence of helminth eggs. It was established that it is necessary to carry out laboratory control of each batch of snail meat for the content of microorganisms, such as MAFAnM, BGKP (coliforms), coagulase-positive staphylococcus (S. aureus), bacteria of the genus Proteus, pathogenic microorganisms, including salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes, radionuclides – Cs-137 and Sr-90 and helminths (nematodes)

    Ветеринарно-санітарні вимоги до господарств із вирощування равликів

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    Heliceculture (breeding of snails) has been practiced in Europe for a long time, and here, in Ukraine, the first snail farms appeared literally 10 years ago. Ukrainians quickly realized that among all areas of animal husbandry, heliceculture is the most profitable. At the same time, you can start a business almost from scratch, and the risks are minimized. This is how the snail boom spread throughout the territory, and now molluscs are grown in almost all cities of Ukraine. It should be remembered veterinary and sanitary requirements on snail farms must be given important attention, because if they are violated, it can lead to the death of molluscs and cause great losses. Taking into account the importance of growing snails in farms and the lack of regulatory and technical documentation in our country, the purpose of this work was to clarify the main veterinary and sanitary requirements for such farms. In this work, the general veterinary and sanitary rules for snail breeding farms, requirements for water and feed, preparation for transportation, vehicles, types of containers, packaging materials and requirements for keeping snails in the field in the summer are carefully considered. Owners of snail farming farms are obliged to implement economic and veterinary-sanitary measures that ensure the prevention of the death of molluscs, maintain premises and facilities for storing feed and processing snail-farming products in proper condition, prevent environmental pollution with waste, comply with zoohygienic and veterinary-sanitary requirements for placement, construction, commissioning of objects related to keeping snails. Compliance with these requirements in the farm plays a big role in the cultivation and maintenance of snails. This will make it possible to grow snails, avoiding any diseases that are inherent to them and death, which will make it possible to obtain snail farming products of high quality and safety. Therefore, in order to prevent invasive diseases, snail poisoning, etc., managers and specialists of these farms (farms) are obliged to ensure the implementation of a set of general veterinary and sanitary measures, as well as the implementation of veterinary and sanitary requirements for the construction, equipment, operation of snail farms and their compliance sanitary regime.Геліцекультурою (розведенням равликів) в Європі займаються вже давно, а у нас, в Україні, перші равликові ферми з’явилися років 10 тому. Українці швидко зрозуміли, що серед усіх сфер тваринництва геліцекультура – найприбутковіша. При цьому почати бізнес можна практично з нуля, а ризики зведені до мінімуму. Так равликовий бум поширився по всій території, і тепер молюсків вирощують майже в усіх містах України. Але не всі фермери приділяють належну увагу ветеринарно-санітарним вимогам на фермах. Варто пам’ятати, що їх порушення може призвести до загибелі молюсків та завдати великих збитків. Враховуючи значущість вирощування равликів у господарствах та за відсутності нормативно-технічної документації в нашій країні, мета даної роботи полягала в уточненні основних ветеринарно-санітарних вимог до таких ферм. В даній роботі ретельно розглянуті деякі загальні ветеринарно-санітарні правила стосовно ферм із розведення равликів, вимоги до води, кормів, до підготовки для транспортування, транспортних засобів, видів тари, пакувальних матеріалів та вимоги утримання равликів на полі в літній період року. Власники ферм із вирощування равликів зобов’язані здійснювати господарські та ветеринарно-санітарні заходи, що забезпечують запобігання загибелі молюсків, утримувати в належному стані приміщення та споруди для зберігання кормів і переробки продукції равликівництва, не допускати забруднення навколишнього середовища відходами, дотримуватися зоогігієнічних та ветеринарно-санітарних вимог при розміщенні, будівництві, введенні в експлуатацію об’єктів, пов’язаних із утриманням равликів. Дотримання даних вимог у господарстві відіграє велику роль у вирощуванні та утриманні равликів. Це дасть змогу виростити равликів, уникаючи будь-яких захворювань, які їм притаманні та загибелі, що дасть можливість отримати продукцію равликівництва високої якості та безпеки. Отже, з метою профілактики хвороб, отруєння равликів тощо керівники та фахівці даних господарств (ферм) зобов’язані забезпечити проведення комплексу загальних ветеринарно-санітарних заходів, а також виконання ветеринарно-санітарних вимог щодо будівництва, обладнання, експлуатації равликових господарств та дотримання в них санітарного режиму

    Antibodies to myofibril antigens in cosmonauts after spaceflights

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    Serum samples obtained from 15 astronauts before and after spaceflights were studied with the use of the indirect immunofluorescent method. In seven astronauts antibodies to different elements of the human heart muscle appeared after flights. Strong and very strong luminescence of the elements of heart muscle tissue was detected in the astronauts after the third space flight. In a study of the sera on sections of bovine heart muscle tissue the reactions of the sera taken before and after flight were found to show no essential differences

    Influence of hadronic interaction models and the cosmic ray spectrum on the high energy atmospheric muon and neutrino flux

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    The recent observations of muon charge ratio up to about 10 TeV and of atmospheric neutrinos up to energies of about 400 TeV has triggered a renewed interest into the high-energy interaction models and cosmic ray primary composition. A reviewed calculation of lepton spectra produced in cosmic-ray induced extensive air showers is carried out with a primary cosmic-ray spectrum that fits the latest direct measurements below the knee. In order to achieve this, we used a full Monte Carlo method to derive the inclusive differential spectra (yields) of muons, muon neutrinos and electron neutrinos at the surface for energies between 80 GeV and hundreds of PeV. The air shower simulator {\sc corsika} 6.990 was used for showering and propagation of the secondary particles through the atmosphere, employing the established high-energy hadronic interaction models {\sc sibyll} 2.1, {\sc qgsjet-01} and {\sc qgsjet-ii 03}. We show that the performance of the interaction models allows makes it possible to predict the spectra within experimental uncertainties, while {\sc sibyll} generally yields a higher flux at the surface than the qgsjet models. The calculation of the flavor and charge ratios has lead to inconsistent results, mainly influenced by the different representations of the K/π\pi ratio within the models. Furthermore, we could quantify systematic uncertainties of atmospheric muon- and neutrino fluxes, associated to the models of the primary cosmic-ray spectrum and the interaction models. For most recent parametrizations of the cosmic-ray primary spectrum, atmospheric muons can be determined with an uncertainty smaller than 13+15^{+15}_{-13}% of the average flux. Uncertainties of the muon- and electron neutrino fluxes can be calculated within an average error of 22+32^{+32}_{-22}% and 19+25^{+25}_{-19}%, respectively.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, version 2 includes analytic approximatio

    Russian sport economy: challenges and contradictions

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    The article shows that development of sport tends to be a factor of country competitiveness. Nowadays, there is a need to find new forms and methods of promotion and popularization of physical culture and sport, to create a single sports information space and to provide sports area with more effective management decisions. There were revealed the main challenges in sports area such as the difference of sports facilities in various regions of Russia, the creation of low-budget sports facilities, the development of qualitative modern material and technical base in educational institutions and another issue is qualified personnel training. Methods of achievement of the goals of strategy 2020 are also illustrated in the paper, that is getting large and medium-sized business involved in construction and operation of sports facilities as social one, creation of a single sports information space in order to control the workload of all the sports venues despite the fact of department affiliation

    Development of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)'s Shadow Economy Assessment Methodology

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    The purpose of the article is to study the shadow economy assessment methodology. This article presents a comprehensive study of the parameters of a shadow economy, considers its essence, and defines its terminology. This study outlines the historical approach to the development of the shadow economy, both in Russia and worldwide, and gives a brief analysis of the economy of the Republic of Sakha. The authors examined the specifics of the statistical methods applied in assessing various structural elements of a shadow economy and measured and assessed the shadow economy in this region. The research conducted enabled the authors to formulate the main measures required to reduce the shadow economy. The scientific novelty is justified by the research results, which included studying and summarizing a wide range of published and unpublished materials, the examination of the initial and transitional periods of the shadow economy development in Yakutia. The article reveals the main causes and conditions that lead to the formation of the shadow economy in various sectors of the Yakutia economy. The solutions and suggestions proposed in the article are aimed at reducing the shadow economy parameters. The scientific research results are of theoretical and applied importance for public administration and authorities to improve the effectiveness of the fight against the shadow economy manifestations


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    The Baikal ledge rock formations in the Siberian craton structure are included in the Akitkan mobile belt which is considered as the Late Paleoproterozoic independent island arc system moved up to the ancient basement during the terrains amalgamation 1.91–2.00 Ga ago (Fig. 1) [Rosen, 2003; Gladkochub et al., 2009; Didenko et al., 2013].The Baikal ledge rock formations in the Siberian craton structure are included in the Akitkan mobile belt which is considered as the Late Paleoproterozoic independent island arc system moved up to the ancient basement during the terrains amalgamation 1.91–2.00 Ga ago (Fig. 1) [Rosen, 2003; Gladkochub et al., 2009; Didenko et al., 2013]

    Gfra1 Underexpression Causes Hirschsprung's Disease and Associated Enterocolitis in Mice

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: RET, the receptor for the glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) family ligands, is the most frequently mutated gene in congenital aganglionic megacolon or Hirschsprung's disease (HSCR). The leading cause of mortality in HSCR is HSCR-associated enterocolitis (HAEC), which is characterized by altered mucin composition, mucin retention, bacterial adhesion to enterocytes, and epithelial damage, although the order of these events is obscure. In mice, loss of GDNF signaling leads to a severely underdeveloped enteric nervous system and neonatally fatal kidney agenesis, thereby precluding the use of these mice for modeling postnatal HSCR and HAEC. Our aim was to generate a postnatally viable mouse model for HSCR/HAEC and analyze HAEC etiology. METHODS: GDNF family receptor alpha-1 (GFRa1) hypomorphic mice were generated by placing a selectable marker gene in the sixth intron of the Gfra1 locus using gene targeting in mouse embryonic stem cells. RESULTS: We report that 70%-80% reduction in GDNF co-receptor GFRa1 expression levels in mice results in HSCR and HAEC, leading to death within the first 25 postnatal days. These mice mirror the disease progression and histopathologic findings in children with untreated HSCR/HAEC. CONCLUSIONS: In GFRa1 hypomorphic mice, HAEC proceeds from goblet cell dysplasia, with abnormal mucin production and retention, to epithelial damage. Microbial enterocyte adherence and tissue invasion are late events and therefore unlikely to be the primary cause of HAEC. These results suggest that goblet cells may be a potential target for preventative treatment and that reduced expression of GFRa1 may contribute to HSCR susceptibility.Peer reviewe